Codeunit 18122272 EOS Ext Export Receiv/Payable

Codeunit 18122272 EOS Ext Export Receiv/Payable



procedure VLE_GetWithhTaxAmount(VendLedgEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry") WithhTaxAmount: Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

  • Returns Decimal


procedure VLE_GetSocialSecurity(VendLedgEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry") FreeLanceAmount: Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

  • Returns Decimal


procedure VLE_GetCompanyAmount(VendLedgEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry") CompanyAmount: Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendLedgEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

  • Returns Decimal



local procedure OnBeforeExportPurchWithhContrNotes(var PurchWithhContrNote: Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"; BatchID: Guid; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the beginning of the process of all the PurchWithhContrNote

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchWithhContrNote Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"

    All the GL accounts that will be processed already filtered

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation

  • Handled Boolean

    To avoid the execution of the export


local procedure OnAfterExportPurchWithhContrNotes(var PurchWithhContrNote: Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised when the export of the PurchWithhContrNotes has been completed

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchWithhContrNote Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"

    All the GL accounts that will be processed already filtered

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The master data inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnBeforeExportCurrPurchWithhContrNote(PurchWithhContrNote: Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"; BatchID: Guid; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before the beginning of the process of a single PurchWithhContrNote

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchWithhContrNote Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"

    The current PurchWithhContrNote

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation

  • Handled Boolean

    Parameter to change if the export has been already handled


local procedure OnBeforeInsertCurrPurchWithhContrNote(PurchWithhContrNote: Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised before the insert of the PurchWithhContrNote in the DocFinanceReceivPayable, all W1 fields has been handled

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchWithhContrNote Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"

    The current PurchWithhContrNote

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable before has been inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterInsertCurrPurchWithhContrNote(PurchWithhContrNote: Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"; var DocFinanceReceivPayable: Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"; BatchID: Guid)

Event raised after the PurchWithhContrNote has been inserted in the DocFinanceReceivPayable

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchWithhContrNote Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"

    The current PurchWithhContrNote

  • DocFinanceReceivPayable Record "EOS DCF Receiv/Payable"

    The DocFinanceReceivPayable after has been inserted

  • BatchID Guid

    The ID of the exportation


local procedure OnAfterManage_PWCN_PaymentRelatedFields(PurchWithhContrNote: Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"; var PaymentCode: Code[10]; var PaymentType: Code[2]; var "Rating/Deliverability": Code[2])

Event raised after the PurchWithhContrNote PaymentRelatedFields has been managed

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchWithhContrNote Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"

    The current PurchWithhContrNote

  • PaymentCode Code[10]

    The Payment code evalued

  • PaymentType Code[2]

    The Payment Type evalued

  • Rating/Deliverability Code[2]

    The Rating/Deliverability evalued if set to empty will be evalued with Vendor, DFSetup default Waiver or “Expired Installments Rating” if expired


local procedure PWCN_OnAfterEvaluateVendorBankAccountFields(PurchWithhContrNote: Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"; CustBankAcc: Record "Vendor Bank Account"; var ABI: Code[5]; var CAB: Code[5]; var IBAN: Code[34]; var IbanCountry: Code[2]; var CountryCheckDigit: Code[2]; var BIC: Code[11]; var CIN: Code[1]; var CCNo: Code[12])

Event raised after the management of W1 fields using the VendorBankAccount

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchWithhContrNote Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"

    The current PurchWithhContrNote

  • CustBankAcc Record "Vendor Bank Account"

    The current CustBankAcc

  • ABI Code[5]


  • CAB Code[5]


  • IBAN Code[34]


  • IbanCountry Code[2]


  • CountryCheckDigit Code[2]


  • BIC Code[11]


  • CIN Code[1]


  • CCNo Code[12]



local procedure PWCN_OnBeforeFilterVendorBankAccount(PurchWithhContrNote: Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"; var VendBankAcc: Record "Vendor Bank Account")

Event raised during filtering of Vendor Bank Account to evaluate PurchWithhContrNote fields

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchWithhContrNote Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"

    The Purch. Withh. Contr. Note

  • VendBankAcc Record "Vendor Bank Account"

    The VendBankAcc with filters


local procedure PWCN_OnCalculateTotalAmount(PurchWithhContrNote: Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"; var Amount: Decimal)

Event raised when calculate the VAT Total amount during PurchWithhContrNote calculation

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchWithhContrNote Record "EOS Purch. Withh. Contr. Note"

    The current PurchWithhContrNote

  • Amount Decimal

    The amount calculated


local procedure OnBefore_CalcDueDateFromOrder(var DocFExportRecPayBuffer: Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"; SourceType: Option "Company","Customer","Vendor"; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised before executing the CalcDueDateFromOrder to update the DueDates on DocFExportRecPayBuffer. CalcDueDateFromOrder must be avoided when the lines on the DocFExportRecPayBuffer are inserted from a custom that has already calculated the due date and doesn’t want to update it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocFExportRecPayBuffer Record "EOS DCF Export RecPay Buffer"

    The Buffer of all the lines.

  • SourceType Option

    "Company" (0) , "Customer" (1) , "Vendor" (2)

    Shows the source of the procedure execution: 1->Customer, 2->Vendor.

  • Handled Boolean

    Is Handled parameter.

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