Codeunit 5130119 M365 Job Copy Management

Codeunit 5130119 M365 Job Copy Management



procedure JobStructToClipboard(var jobStructLine: Record "M365 Job Structure Line"; cut: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • jobStructLine Record "M365 Job Structure Line"

  • cut Boolean


procedure JobStructArchiveToClipboard(var jobStructLineArchive: Record "M365 Job Struct. Line Archive")

Parameters / Return Value

  • jobStructLineArchive Record "M365 Job Struct. Line Archive"


procedure ClipboardToJobStruct(var jobStructLine: Record "M365 Job Structure Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • jobStructLine Record "M365 Job Structure Line"


procedure CalcAttachedLine(var attachedJobStructLine: Record "M365 Job Structure Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • attachedJobStructLine Record "M365 Job Structure Line"


procedure GetTmpRec(var jobStructLine: Record "M365 Job Structure Line"; var cutStatus: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • jobStructLine Record "M365 Job Structure Line"

  • cutStatus Boolean


procedure GetTmpForUpdate(var jobStructLine: Record "M365 Job Structure Line Buffer")

Parameters / Return Value

  • jobStructLine Record "M365 Job Structure Line Buffer"


procedure GenVariantCode(oldNo: Code[20]; oldDescription: Text[100]; oldDescriptionTwo: Text[50]) retValue: Code[10]

Generates a Variant Code according to the entry in engineering setup

Parameters / Return Value

  • oldNo Code[20]

  • oldDescription Text[100]

  • oldDescriptionTwo Text[50]

  • Returns Code[10]



local procedure OnBeforModifyJobStructLine(var jobStructLine: Record "M365 Job Structure Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • jobStructLine Record "M365 Job Structure Line"


local procedure OnBeforInsertJobStructLine(var firstJobStructLine: Record "M365 Job Structure Line"; var secondJobStructLine: Record "M365 Job Structure Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • firstJobStructLine Record "M365 Job Structure Line"

  • secondJobStructLine Record "M365 Job Structure Line"


local procedure OnAfterInsertTempJobStructLine(var tempJobStructLineInsert: Record "M365 Job Structure Line"; jobStructLine: Record "M365 Job Structure Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • tempJobStructLineInsert Record "M365 Job Structure Line"

  • jobStructLine Record "M365 Job Structure Line"


local procedure OnAfterInsertBeforeTempJobStructLine(var tempJobStructLineInsert: Record "M365 Job Structure Line"; jobStructLine: Record "M365 Job Structure Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • tempJobStructLineInsert Record "M365 Job Structure Line"

  • jobStructLine Record "M365 Job Structure Line"


local procedure OnAfterInsertAppendTempJobStructLine(var tempJobStructLineInsert: Record "M365 Job Structure Line"; jobStructLine: Record "M365 Job Structure Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • tempJobStructLineInsert Record "M365 Job Structure Line"

  • jobStructLine Record "M365 Job Structure Line"

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