
Codeunit 70094419 EOS083 Events Handler

Codeunit “EOS083 Events Handler” contains all subscriber events

Codeunit 70094420 EOS083 SIAN Management

Codeunit “EOS083 SIAN Management” contains all utility functions to manage SIAN features

Codeunit 70094421 EOS083 SIAN WebService Mng

Codeunit “EOS083 SIAN WebService Mng” contains functions to manage Web Services features.

Codeunit 70094422 EOS083 Utility Tables Mngt

Codeunit EOS EX083 Utility Tables Mngt (ID 70094422) used for fill Setup and Utility tables

Codeunit 70094423 EOS083 Events Publisher

Codeunit EOS EX083 Events Publisher (ID 70094423) Contains integration Events for MVV

Codeunit 70094424 EOS083 SIAN MVV Helper

Codeunit 70094425 EOS083 Subscriptions

Codeunit 70094426 EOS083 SIAN Test

Codeunit 70094427 EOS083 CodeunitUpgrade

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