Table 70094427 EOS083 SIAN Subject Line
Table 70094427 EOS083 SIAN Subject Line
Table “EOS083 SIAN Subject Line” .
Language | Caption |
en-GB | SIAN Subject Line |
en-US | SIAN Subject Line |
it-IT | Righe Soggetti SIAN |
Entry No. (1
“Entry No.” compose part of primary key
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Lfd. Nr. |
en-GB | Entry No. |
en-US | Entry No. |
it-IT | Nr. movimento |
Line No. (2
“Line No.” specifies line number, compose part of primary key
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Zeilennr. |
en-GB | Line No. |
en-US | Line No. |
it-IT | Nr. riga |
SIAN Item Attribute Code (3
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"."Primary Code"
“SIAN Item Attribute Code” contains code of SIAN Item attribute
Language | Caption |
de-DE | SIAN Artikeleigenschaftencode |
en-GB | SIAN Item Attribute Code |
en-US | SIAN Item Attribute Code |
it-IT | Codice attributi articoli SIAN |
Subject Code (4
“Subject Code” specifies code of SIAN Subject
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Subjektcode |
en-GB | Subject Code |
en-US | Subject Code |
it-IT | Codice soggetto |
Physical Person (5
“Physical Person” specifies Physical Person to which it refers
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Physical Person |
en-US | Physical Person |
it-IT | Persona fisica |
Legal Person (6
“Legal Person” specifies Legal Person to which it refers
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Legal Person |
en-US | Legal Person |
it-IT | Persona legale |
Subject Type (7
enum "EOS083 Subject Type Line"
“Subject Type” specifies line Subject Type
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Subjekttyp |
en-GB | Subject Type |
en-US | Subject Type |
it-IT | Tipo Soggetto |
Firstname (8
Firstname contains the first name of Subject
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Firstname |
en-US | Firstname |
it-IT | Nome |
Surname (9
Surname contains the surname of Subject
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Nachname |
en-GB | Surname |
en-US | Surname |
it-IT | Cognome |
Company Name (10
“Company Name” contains name of company
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Mandantenname |
en-GB | Company Name |
en-US | Company Name |
it-IT | Nome società |
Postal Code (11
“Postal Code” contains postal code of the subject residence
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Postal Code |
en-US | Postal Code |
it-IT | CAP |
Address (12
Address specifies the address of the subject residence
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Adresse |
en-GB | Address |
en-US | Address |
it-IT | Indirizzo |
Province (13
Province specifies the province of the subject residence
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Province |
en-US | Province |
it-IT | Provincia |
City (14
City specifies the province of the subject residence
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Ort |
en-GB | City |
en-US | City |
it-IT | Città |
Country (15
Country specifies the Country of the subject residence
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Land |
en-GB | Country |
en-US | Country |
it-IT | Paese |
Vase Code (16
“Vase Code” specifies the code of SIAN vase
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Vase Code |
en-US | Vase Code |
it-IT | Codice Vasca |
Vase Type (17
“Vase Type” specifies the type of SIAN vase
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Vase Type |
en-US | Vase Type |
it-IT | Tipo Vasca |
Vase Description (18
“Vase Description” specifies the description of SIAN vase
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Vase Description |
en-US | Vase Description |
it-IT | Descrizione Vasca |
Vase Volume (19
“Vase Volume” specifies the volume of SIAN vase
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Vase Volume |
en-US | Vase Volume |
it-IT | Volume HL Vasca |
Vineyard Code (20
“Vineyard Code” specifies code of SIAN vineyard
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Vineyard Code |
en-US | Vineyard Code |
it-IT | Codice vigna |
Vineyard Description (21
“Vineyard Description” specifies description of SIAN vineyard
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Vineyard Description |
en-US | Vineyard Description |
it-IT | Descrizione vigna |
Item Attribute Code (22
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Item Attributes"
“Item Attribute Code” specifies code of Item Attribute
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Artikeleigenschaftencode |
en-GB | Item Attribute Code |
en-US | Item Attribute Code |
it-IT | Codice attributi articolo |
Category (23
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const(Category))
Category specifies the category of item attribute
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Kategorie |
en-GB | Category |
en-US | Category |
it-IT | Categoria |
Act Certification (24
“Act certification” specifies the act certification
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Act Certification |
en-US | Act Certification |
it-IT | Atto/certificato |
Classification (25
Classification specifies the classification of item attribute
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Klassifizierung |
en-GB | Classification |
en-US | Classification |
it-IT | Classificazione |
TableRelation: "EOS083 SIAN Tables".Code where("Table Type" = const(DOPIGP))
DOPIGP specifies code of DOP IGP
Language | Caption |
en-GB | DOPIGP |
en-US | DOPIGP |
it-IT | DOPIGP |
E-Bacchus (27
E-Bacchus specifies code of E-Bacchus
Language | Caption |
en-GB | E-Bacchus |
en-US | E-Bacchus |
it-IT | E-Bacchus |
Origin (28
Origin specifies the origin of item attribute
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Herkunft |
en-GB | Origin |
en-US | Origin |
it-IT | Provenienza |
Grape Origin (29
Grape Origin specifies the origin of grape
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Grape Origin |
en-US | Grape Origin |
it-IT | Origine Uve |
Has Country Origins (30
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: exist("EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val." where("Primary Code" = field("Primary Product Code"), "Secondary Code" = field("Secondary Product Code"), "SIAN Table Type" = const("Countries of Origin")))
“Has Country Origins” specifies if exists country origins for current primary and secondary product into SIAN Item Attribute values
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Has Country Origins |
en-US | Has Country Origins |
it-IT | Paese provenienza |
Wine Growing Zone (31
“Wine Growing Zone” specifies zone where wine was grown
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Wine Growing Zone |
en-US | Wine Growing Zone |
it-IT | Zona viticola |
Has Varieties (32
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: exist("EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val." where("Primary Code" = field("Primary Product Code"), "Secondary Code" = field("Secondary Product Code"), "SIAN Table Type" = const(Variety)))
“Has Varieties” specifies if exists varieties for current primary and secondary product into SIAN Item Attribute values
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Has Varieties |
en-US | Has Varieties |
it-IT | Varietà |
Other Varieties (33
“Other Varieties” specifies other different varieties different between variety
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Other Varieties |
en-US | Other Varieties |
it-IT | Altre varietà |
Subzone (34
Subzone specifies subzone of wine growing zone
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Subzone |
en-US | Subzone |
it-IT | Sottozona |
Vineyard (35
Vineyard specifies code of SIAN vineyard
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Vineyard |
en-US | Vineyard |
it-IT | Vigna |
Color (36
Color specifies color of wine
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Color |
en-US | Color |
it-IT | Colore |
Has Mentions (37
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: exist("EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val." where("Primary Code" = field("Primary Product Code"), "Secondary Code" = field("Secondary Product Code"), "SIAN Table Type" = const(Mention)))
“Has Mentions” specifies if exists mentions for current primary and secondary product into SIAN Item Attribute values
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Has Mentions |
en-US | Has Mentions |
it-IT | Menzioni Tradizionali |
Biological (38
Biological specifies if wine is biologic
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Biological |
en-US | Biological |
it-IT | Biologico |
Sugar Content (39
“Sugar Content” specifies sugar content of wine
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Sugar Content |
en-US | Sugar Content |
it-IT | Tenore zuccheri |
Has Enological Practices (40
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: exist("EOS083 SIAN Item Attr. Val." where("Primary Code" = field("Primary Product Code"), "Secondary Code" = field("Secondary Product Code"), "SIAN Table Type" = const("Enological Practices")))
“Has Enological Practices” specifies if exists Enological Practices for current primary and secondary product into SIAN Item Attribute values
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Has Enological Practices |
en-US | Has Enological Practices |
it-IT | Pratica enologica |
Enological Practices Method (41
“Enological Practices Method” specifies if exists Enological Practice method for current primary and secondary product into SIAN Item Attribute values
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Enological Practices Method |
en-US | Enological Practices Method |
it-IT | Metodo Pratiche Enologiche |
Year (42
Year specifies year of wine
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Jahrgang |
en-GB | Year |
en-US | Year |
it-IT | Annata |
Year Perc. (43
“Year Perc.” specifies which percent in year
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Year Perc. |
en-US | Year Perc. |
it-IT | % Annata |
Volumic Mass (44
“Volumic Mass” specifies volumic mass of wine
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Volumic Mass |
en-US | Volumic Mass |
it-IT | Massa volumica |
Physical State (45
“Physical State” specifies physical state of wine
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Physical State |
en-US | Physical State |
it-IT | Stato fisico |
DOP Cert. Date (46
“DOP Cert. Date” specifies date of DOP certificate
Language | Caption |
en-GB | DOP Cert. Date |
en-US | DOP Cert. Date |
it-IT | Data Certificato DOP |
DOP Cert. No. (47
“DOP Cert. No.” specifies number of DOP certificate
Language | Caption |
en-GB | DOP Cert. No. |
en-US | DOP Cert. No. |
it-IT | Numero Certificato DOP |
Delivery Code (48
“Delivery code” specifies code of delivery
Language | Caption |
en-GB | Delivery Code |
en-US | Delivery Code |
it-IT | Codice partita |
Primary Product Code (49
“Primary Product Code” is first identifier for SIAN Product
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Primärer Produktcode |
en-GB | Primary Product Code |
en-US | Primary Product Code |
it-IT | Codice prodotto primario |
Secondary Product Code (50
“Secondary Product Code” is second identifier for SIAN Product
Language | Caption |
de-DE | Sekundärer Produktcode |
en-GB | Secondary Product Code |
en-US | Secondary Product Code |
it-IT | Codice prodotto secondario |
DOP Due Date (51
Language | Caption |
en-GB | DOP Due Date |
en-US | DOP Due Date |
it-IT | Data scadenza DOP |
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