EX053 Inventory Valuation and Costing

Inventory Valuation and Costing

Inventory Valuation and Costing

Dependency graph

graph TD; Main(Inventory Valuation and Costing) --> Dep0(EOS Administration Library); click Dep0 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/8bb96677-5112-4566-b742-12eebbb9a058.html" Main(Inventory Valuation and Costing) --> Dep1(Common Data Layer); click Dep1 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/4e2a89a2-9049-496c-8b3a-f4eee6399b0e.html" Main(Inventory Valuation and Costing) --> Dep2(Manufacturing Data Layer); click Dep2 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/4cd45ea8-7d4c-4d5a-9677-5ff196cb9550.html"

Dependencies from



18123470EOS History UoM Mgt.Codeunit EOS History UoM Mgt. (ID 18123470).
18123471EOS History Calc. Cost Mgt.Codeunit EOS History Calc. Cost Mgt. (ID 18123471).
18123472EOS Delete History Period DataCodeunit EOS Delete History Period Data (ID 18123472).
18123473EOS Calc. Low-Level Code Hist.Codeunit EOS Calc. Low-Level Code Hist. (ID 18123473).
18123474EOS AdditCostForRollupCostTypeCodeunit EOS AdditCostForRollupCostType (ID 18123474).
18123475EOS Standard Cost CalculationCodeunit EOS Standard Cost Calculation (ID 18123475).
18123476EOS Costing Wip ManagementCodeunit EOS Costing Wip Management (ID 18123476).
18123477EOS Item Cost ManagementCodeunit EOS Item Cost Management (ID 18123477).
18123478EOS History Cost LogCodeunit EOS History Cost Log (ID 18123478).
18123479EOS Update CostsCodeunit EOS Update Costs (ID 18123479).
18123480EOS Test Costing
18123481EOS EX053 SubscriptionCodeunit EOS EX053 Subscription (ID 18123481).
18123482EOS Produ.Center-Overhead RateCodeunit EOS Produ.Center-Overhead Rate (ID 18123482).
18123483EOS Industrial Additional CostCodeunit EOS Industrial Additional Cost (ID 18123483).
18123484EOS IVC UpgradeCodeunit EOS IVC Upgrade (ID 18123484).
18123485EOS IVC InstallCodeunit EOS IVC Install (ID 18123485).
18123486EOS Item Cost Card Mgmt.
18123487EOS IVC Telemetry


18123470EOS Weighed Average Cost Calc. MethodEnum EOS Weighed Average Cost Calc. Method (ID 18123470).
18123471EOS Subcontracting Cost PriorityEnum EOS Subcontracting Cost Priority (ID 18123471).
18123472EOS Cost Management TypeEnum EOS Cost Management Type (ID 18123472).
18123473EOS Weighed Average Cost MethodEnum EOS Weighed Average Cost Method (ID 18123473).
18123474EOS Inventory ValuationEnum EOS Inventory Valuation (ID 18123474).
18123475EOS Buffer Line Type
18123476EOS Fiscal CostEnum EOS Fiscal Cost (ID 18123476).
18123477EOS Material Cost Nature Type


18123470EOS Product FamilyPage EOS Product Family (ID 18123470).
18123471EOS Inventory Value CardPage EOS Inventory Value Card (ID 18123471).
18123472EOS Inventory Value SubformPage EOS Inventory Value Subform (ID 18123472).
18123473EOS Inventory Value ListPage EOS Inventory Value List (ID 18123473).
18123475EOS Costing Period ManagementPage EOS Costing Period Management (ID 18123475).
18123476EOS Costing Period ListPage EOS Costing Period List (ID 18123476).
18123477EOS Item Costing Setup CardPage EOS Item Costing Setup Card (ID 18123477).
18123478EOS Item Cost History ListPage EOS Item Cost History List (ID 18123478).
18123479EOS Item Cost History CardPage EOS Item Cost History Card (ID 18123479).
18123480EOS Item Fixed CostsPage EOS Item Fixed Costs (ID 18123480).
18123482EOS Production BOM Hist. ListPage EOS Production BOM Hist. List (ID 18123482).
18123483EOS Routing History ListPage EOS Routing History List (ID 18123483).
18123484EOS Work Center History ListPage EOS Work Center History List (ID 18123484).
18123485EOS Machine Center Hist. ListPage EOS Machine Center Hist. List (ID 18123485).
18123486EOS Item Variant Cost Hist.Page EOS Item Variant Cost Hist. (ID 18123486).
18123488EOS Prod. Order Line WIP CardPage EOS Prod. Order Line WIP Card (ID 18123488).
18123489EOS Additional Cost TypesPage EOS Additional Cost Types (ID 18123489).
18123490EOS Item History Addit. CostsPage EOS Item History Addit. Costs (ID 18123490).
18123491EOS Resource History ListPage EOS Resource History List (ID 18123491).
18123492EOS Prod.Ord.Comp. WIP Subp.Page EOS Prod.Ord.Comp. WIP Subp. (ID 18123492).
18123493EOS Prod. Order Line WIPPage EOS Prod. Order Line WIP (ID 18123493).
18123494EOS Prod. Order Component WIPPage EOS Prod. Order Component WIP (ID 18123494).
18123496EOS Item Var. Cost Hist. CardPage EOS Item Var. Cost Hist. Card (ID 18123496).
18123497EOS Work Center PricesPage EOS Work Center Prices (ID 18123497).
18123498EOS Excluded BinsPage EOS Excluded Bins (ID 18123498).
18123499EOS Item Costing Setup ListPage EOS Item Costing Setup List (ID 18123499).
18123500EOS Industrial CostPage EOS Industrial Cost (ID 18123500).
18123502EOS Routing Personnel HistoryPage EOS Routing Personnel History (ID 18123502).
18123503EOS Production Area Cost TypesPage EOS Production Area Cost Types (ID 18123503).
18123504EOS Prod. Area Cost Type ListPage EOS Prod. Area Cost Type List (ID 18123504).
70624545EOS Prod. Ord. Routing WIPPage EOS Prod. Ord. Routing WIP (ID 70624545).
70624546EOS Prod. Ord. Rtng. WIP Subp.Page EOS Prod. Ord. Rtng. WIP Subp. (ID 70624546).
70624547EOS Specific Cost ListPage EOS Specific Cost List (ID 70624547).
70624548EOS Specific Additional CostPage EOS Specific Additional Cost (ID 70624548).
70624549EOS Before Start Specific CostPage EOS Before Start Specific Cost (ID 70624549).
70624550EOS Item Cost Shares
70624553EOS Item Cost Compare
70624554EOS Item Cost Shares Part
70624555EOS Setup IVC
70624556EOS Hist. Cost Natur.Prod.AreaPage EOS Production Area Cost Types (ID 18123503).


30Item CardPageExtension EOS 18123470 (ID 18123470) extends Record Item Card //30.
99000754Work Center CardPageExtension EOS Work Center Card EXT (ID 18123471) extends Record Work Center Card //99000754.
99000755Work Center ListPageExtension EOS Work Center List EXT (ID 18123473) extends Record Work Center List //99000755.
99000760Machine Center CardPageExtension EOS Machine Center Card EXT (ID 18123472) extends Record Machine Center Card //99000760.
99000761Machine Center ListPageExtension EOS Machine Center List EXT (ID 18123474) extends Record Machine Center List //99000761.


18123470EOS Lot No. ListQuery EOS Lot No. List (ID 18123470).
18123471EOS Serial No. ListQuery EOS Serial No. List (ID 18123471).
18123472EOS Component ListQuery EOS Component List (ID 18123472).
18123473EOS Item Ledger Entry


18123470EOS Inventory ValueReport EOS Inventory Value (ID 18123470).
18123471EOS Calculate Inv. Value LinesReport EOS Calculate Inv. Value Lines (ID 18123471).
18123472EOS Calculate Actual CostReport EOS Calculate Actual Cost (ID 18123472).
18123473EOS Fiscal Inventory ValuationReport EOS Fiscal Inventory Valuation (ID 18123473).
18123474EOS Item Cost DetailReport EOS Item Cost Detail (ID 18123474).
18123475EOS Inventory Cost AnalysisReport EOS Inventory Cost Analysis (ID 18123475).
18123476EOS Archive Period DataReport EOS Archive Period Data (ID 18123476).
18123477EOS Item Costing CardReport EOS Item Costing Card (ID 18123477).
18123478EOS Copy Cost History PeriodReport EOS Copy Cost History Period (ID 18123478).
18123479EOS Update Item CostsReport EOS Update Item Costs (ID 18123479).
18123480EOS Item Specific CostReport EOS Item Specific Cost (ID 18123480).
18123481EOS Item Specific Cost DetailReport EOS Item Specific Cost Detail (ID 18123481).
18123482EOS Cost DeviationReport EOS Cost Deviation (ID 18123482).
18123483EOS Variant Cost DetailReport EOS Variant Cost Detail (ID 18123483).
18123484EOS Wip PreviewReport EOS Wip Preview (ID 18123484).
18123485EOS Wip HistoryReport EOS Wip History (ID 18123485).
18123486EOS Check Prod. BOM LineReport EOS Check Prod. BOM Line (ID 18123486).
18123487EOS Update Item EntriesReport EOS Update Item Entries (ID 18123487).
18123488EOS Update Capacity EntriesReport EOS Update Capacity Entries (ID 18123488).
18123489EOS Rolled-up Cost Share CostReport EOS Rolled-up Cost Share Cost (ID 18123489).
18123490EOS New Wip History
18123491EOS IVC Job Queue


18123470EOS Product FamilyTable EOS Product Family (ID 18123470).
18123471EOS Inventory ValueTable EOS Inventory Value (ID 18123471).
18123472EOS Inventory Value LineTable EOS Inventory Value Line (ID 18123472).
18123473EOS Item Specific Addit. CostTable EOS Item Specific Addit. Cost (ID 18123473).
18123474EOS Item Costing SetupTable EOS Item Costing Setup (ID 18123474).
18123475EOS Before Start Item CostTable EOS Before Start Item Cost (ID 18123475).
18123476EOS Item Cost HistoryTable EOS Item Cost History (ID 18123476).
18123477EOS Item Specific CostTable EOS Item Specific Cost (ID 18123477).
18123478EOS Costing PeriodTable EOS Costing Period (ID 18123478).
18123479EOS Production BOM HistoryTable EOS Production BOM History (ID 18123479).
18123480EOS Routing HistoryTable EOS Routing History (ID 18123480).
18123481EOS Work Center HistoryTable EOS Work Center History (ID 18123481).
18123482EOS Machine Center HistoryTable EOS Machine Center History (ID 18123482).
18123483EOS Item Variant Cost HistoryTable EOS Item Variant Cost History (ID 18123483).
18123484EOS Item History Addit. CostTable EOS Item History Addit. Cost (ID 18123484).
18123485EOS Resource HistoryTable EOS Resource History (ID 18123485).
18123486EOS Work Center PriceTable EOS Work Center Price (ID 18123486).
18123487EOS Item Fixed CostTable EOS Item Fixed Cost (ID 18123487).
18123488EOS Prod. Order Line WIPTable EOS Prod. Order Line WIP (ID 18123488).
18123489EOS Prod. Order Component WIPTable EOS Prod. Order Component WIP (ID 18123489).
18123490EOS Prod. Order Rtng. Line WIPTable EOS Prod. Order Rtng. Line WIP (ID 18123490).
18123491EOS Additional Cost TypeTable EOS Additional Cost Type (ID 18123491).
18123492EOS Excluded BinTable EOS Excluded Bin (ID 18123492).
18123493EOS Industrial CostTable EOS Industrial Cost (ID 18123493).
18123494EOS Routing Personnel HistoryTable EOS Routing Personnel History (ID 18123494).
18123495EOS Product. Center Cost TypeTable EOS Product. Center Cost Type (ID 18123495).
18123496EOS Prod. Ord. Rtng. Line WIPTable EOS Prod. Ord. Rtng. Line WIP (ID 18123496).
18123497EOS Specific CostTable EOS Specific Cost (ID 18123497).
18123498EOS Specific Additional CostTable EOS Item Specific Addit. Cost (ID 18123473).
18123499EOS Before Start Specific CostTable EOS Before Start Specific Cost (ID 18123499).
18123500EOS Item History Cost Buffer
18123501EOS Setup IVC
18123502EOS Hist. Cost Natur.Prod.Area


27ItemTableExtension EOS TableExt18123470 (ID 18123470) extends Record Item //27.
99000754Work CenterTableExtension EOS Work Center Ovh. EXT (ID 18123471) extends Record Work Center //99000754.
99000758Machine CenterTableExtension EOS Machine Center Ovh. EXT (ID 18123472) extends Record Machine Center //99000758.

Build environment


Obsolete Items

22.0Table 18123500 EOS Item History Cost BufferMethodDeclarationTransferFromBOMHistoryFunction deprecated
22.0Table 18123500 EOS Item History Cost BufferMethodDeclarationTransferFromRoutingHistoryFunction deprecated
22.0Report 18123476 EOS Archive Period DataMethodDeclarationOnAfterItemTypeFilterFunction deprecated
22.0Report 18123476 EOS Archive Period DataMethodDeclarationOnBeforeCheckInsertItemHistoryFunction deprecated
22.0Report 18123485 EOS Wip HistoryReportObjectEOS Wip Historyreport deprecated, replaced by report 18123490
22.0Codeunit 18123477 EOS Item Cost ManagementMethodDeclarationOnCalcInventoryByItemOnAfterSetFilterSkipJobEntryOnItemLedgerEntryFunction deprecated
22.0Page 18123488 EOS Prod. Order Line WIP CardPageActionWIP HistoryReport replaced by 18123490
22.0Page 18123493 EOS Prod. Order Line WIPPageActionWIP HistoryReport replaced by 18123490
21.0Table 18123470 EOS Product FamilyFieldInventory ValuationField deprecated, replaced by field EOS Fiscal Cost
21.0Table 18123494 EOS Routing Personnel HistoryTableObjectEOS Routing Personnel Historytable deprecated
21.0Page 18123470 EOS Product FamilyPageFieldInventory ValuationField deprecated, replaced by field EOS Fiscal Cost
21.0Page 18123483 EOS Routing History ListPageActionPersonnelaction deprecated
21.0Page 18123502 EOS Routing Personnel HistoryPageObjectEOS Routing Personnel Historypage deprecated
21.0Enum 18123470 EOS Weighed Average Cost Calc. MethodEnumValueCivil Low MethodDeprecated
19.0Table 18123474 EOS Item Costing SetupFieldWAC Calc. Use Same SetupField deprecated
19.0Table 18123476 EOS Item Cost HistoryFieldConsumption QuantityField deprecated
19.0Page 18123477 EOS Item Costing Setup CardPageFieldWAC Calc. Use Same SetupField deprecated
19.0Page 18123479 EOS Item Cost History CardPageFieldConsumption QuantityField deprecated
17.0Table 18123473 EOS Item Specific Addit. CostTableObjectEOS Item Specific Addit. Costtable replaced by 18123498
17.0Table 18123475 EOS Before Start Item CostTableObjectEOS Before Start Item Costtable replaced by 18123499
17.0Table 18123477 EOS Item Specific CostTableObjectEOS Item Specific Costtable replaced by 18123497
17.0Table 18123488 EOS Prod. Order Line WIPFieldReserved Quantityfield deprecated
17.0Table 18123490 EOS Prod. Order Rtng. Line WIPTableObjectEOS Prod. Order Rtng. Line WIPtable replaced by 18003496
15.0Table 18123474 EOS Item Costing SetupFieldWeighed Average Cost Calc.Field Deprecated - not used
15.0Table 18123474 EOS Item Costing SetupFieldFiscal Inventory ValuationField Deprecated - already exist in extension for italy
15.0Table 18123474 EOS Item Costing SetupFieldCustom One Time Calc. CodeunitUse Event OnRunInitialCustomOneTimeCalcCost instead of Custom One Time Calc. Codeunit
15.0Table 18123474 EOS Item Costing SetupFieldCustom Item Add.Costs CodeunitUse Event OnRunCustomAdditionalCost instead of Custom Item Add.Costs Codeunit
15.0Table 18123474 EOS Item Costing SetupFieldAllow Additional CostField deprecated
15.0Table 18123474 EOS Item Costing SetupFieldDefaultField deprecated
15.0Table 18123474 EOS Item Costing SetupFieldCustom Cost Type CodeunitUse Event OnRunCustomRollupCostType instead of Custom Cost Type Codeunit
15.0Table 18123476 EOS Item Cost HistoryFieldProduct Group CodeProduct Groups became first level children of Item Categories.



Released: On Premise: 19. September 2024 | SaaS: 19. September 2024

  • 15595: EX053 IVC: verify parameter Capacity Cost Calculation for wip calculation : Development


Released: On Premise: 31. July 2024

  • 10649: EX053 IVC: page/stampa scheda costo del prodotto con esplosione sui diversi livelli di distinta/ciclo: Development


Released: On Premise: 12. July 2024

  • 10649: EX053 IVC: page/stampa scheda costo del prodotto con esplosione sui diversi livelli di distinta/ciclo: Development


Released: On Premise: 12. July 2024

  • 10649: EX053 IVC: page/stampa scheda costo del prodotto con esplosione sui diversi livelli di distinta/ciclo: Development


Released: On Premise: 09. July 2024 | SaaS: 09. July 2024

  • 13933: EX053 IVC Storicizzare le Nature di costo che compongono la tariffa: Development
  • 15490: EX053 IVC: add getselectionfilter in item and location filter: Development
  • 10649: EX053 IVC: page/stampa scheda costo del prodotto con esplosione sui diversi livelli di distinta/ciclo: Development
  • 15319: EX053 IVC: Integrazioni a calcolo LIFO/FIFO : Development
  • 15356: EX053 IVC: estimated manuf cost for open prod order: Development


Released: On Premise: 27. May 2024

  • 14066: EX053 IVC: Create Automated Test: Development


Released: On Premise: 23. April 2024

  • 14950: EX053 IVC: add new setup table with field Material split by: Development
  • 14652: EX053 IVC: clear code for obsolete objects: Development
  • 12967: EX053 IVC: save Ledger last entry no. for limit calculation in report detail entry: Development


Released: On Premise: 26. February 2024 | SaaS: 26. February 2024

  • 12965: EX053 IVC: Add telemetry: Development
  • 12967: EX053 IVC: save Ledger last entry no. for limit calculation in report detail entry: Development


Released: On Premise: 09. February 2024

  • 10649: EX053 IVC: page/stampa scheda costo del prodotto con esplosione sui diversi livelli di distinta/ciclo: Development


Released: On Premise: 01. February 2024 | SaaS: 02. February 2024

  • 12932: EX053 IVC: report archive and calculate for job background: Development
  • 13077: EX053 IVC Add a check on selected fields, in page ‘Product Family (IVC)': Development


Released: On Premise: 25. January 2024

  • 12814: EX053 IVC: add weighting period to item cost hystory card: Development
  • 6694: EX053 IVC: add split subcontract additional cost: Development


Released: On Premise: 15. January 2024

  • 13981: EX053 IVC: creazione nuovo report Storico WIP (IVC)
  • 7949: EX053 IVC: Previous Period for WAC: Development


Released: On Premise: 30. October 2023

  • 13504: EX053 IVC In report ‘Item Specific Cost Detail’, column ‘Amount’ is not populed
  • 13508: EX053 IVC Item stock linked to ‘Adjust’ entries are not considered, creating wrong calculation between item stock and lot-item: Development
  • 13505: EX053 IVC In report ‘Item Specific Cost Detail’, column ‘Amount’ is not populed : Development


Released: On Premise: 03. August 2023 | SaaS: 03. August 2023

  • 7949: EX053 IVC: Previous Period for WAC: Development
  • 13027: EX053 IVC: set table Routing Personnel History obsolete: Development


Released: On Premise: 26. July 2023

  • 12800: EX053 IVC: Fix wip calculation when subcontracting invoice is missing: Development


Released: On Premise: 25. July 2023

  • 8750: EX053 IVC: page/stampa scheda costo del prodotto con esplosione sui diversi livelli di distinta/ciclo: Development


Released: On Premise: 05. July 2023 | SaaS: 05. July 2023

  • 12802: EX053 IVC: Set Style in History Card and List with forced cost: Development


Released: On Premise: 05. July 2023

  • 12802: EX053 IVC: Set Style in History Card and List with forced cost: Development
  • 12800: EX053 IVC: Fix wip calculation when subcontracting invoice is missing: Development
  • 12808: EX053 IVC: Fix Inventory Qty in report Fiscal Inventory Valuation: Development


Released: On Premise: 05. June 2023 | SaaS: 19. June 2023

  • 12497: EX053 IVC: Force WAC when average cost = additional cost
  • 12500: EX053 IVC: Fix print Item Specific Cost Detail with reprocessed quantity: Development


Released: On Premise: 17. May 2023

  • 12414: EX053 IVC Expand, in report ‘Fiscal inventory valuation’, field ‘Item No.': Development
  • 12313: EX053 IVC: add field Exclude Purchase in Standard BOM: Development


Released: On Premise: 11. May 2023

  • 12019: EX053: skip item with type=non-inventory: Development
  • 12313: EX053 IVC: add field Exclude Purchase in Standard BOM: Development


Released: On Premise: 02. May 2023

  • 12019: EX053: skip item with type=non-inventory: Development


Released: On Premise: 03. April 2023

  • 11760: EX053 IVC Fix TRIAL subscription check: Development
  • 11627: EX053 IVC: subcontracting priority not used in print entry detail: Development

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