Codeunit 70491759 EOS066.02 EX051 DUM

Codeunit 70491759 EOS066.02 EX051 DUM



internal procedure OnValidate_JournalLine_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Item Journal Line"; xRec: Record "Item Journal Line")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Item Journal Line field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature

  • Rec Record "Item Journal Line"

    Standard signature

  • xRec Record "Item Journal Line"

    Standard signature


internal procedure OnValidate_TrackingSpec_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Tracking Specification"; xRec: Record "Tracking Specification")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Tracking Specification field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Tracking Specification"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Tracking Specification"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnValidate_WhseShipmentLine_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"; xRec: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Warehouse Shipment Line field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnValidate_WhseReceiptLine_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"; xRec: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Warehouse Receipt Line field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnValidate_WhseJournalLine_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Warehouse Journal Line"; xRec: Record "Warehouse Journal Line")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Warehouse Journal Line field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Warehouse Journal Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Warehouse Journal Line"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnValidate_WhseActivityLine_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Warehouse Activity Line"; xRec: Record "Warehouse Activity Line")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Warehouse Activity Line field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Warehouse Activity Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Warehouse Activity Line"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnValidate_WhseItemTrkgLine_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Whse. Item Tracking Line"; xRec: Record "Whse. Item Tracking Line")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Whse. Item Tracking Line field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Whse. Item Tracking Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Whse. Item Tracking Line"

    Standard signature.


internal procedure OnValidate_WhseWorksheetLine_DUM_Fields(RefFieldNo: Integer; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var Rec: Record "Whse. Worksheet Line"; xRec: Record "Whse. Worksheet Line")

Allows DUM app to fire standard validation code

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefFieldNo Integer

    Whse. Worksheet Line field no. that has been validated.

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Standard signature.

  • Rec Record "Whse. Worksheet Line"

    Standard signature.

  • xRec Record "Whse. Worksheet Line"

    Standard signature.

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