Codeunit 5147549 M365 License Management

Codeunit 5147549 M365 License Management



procedure IsLicensed(appInfo: ModuleInfo; featureCode: Code[40]): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appId: Guid; featureCode: Code[40]): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appInfo: ModuleInfo; featureCode: Code[40]; incrementUsedLicense: Boolean): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • incrementUsedLicense Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to increment the number of used licenses

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; raiseError: Boolean): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • raiseError Boolean

    Boolean - Specifes whether errors should be raised.

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; raiseError: Boolean; incrementUsedLicense: Boolean): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • raiseError Boolean

    Boolean - Specifes whether errors should be raised.

  • incrementUsedLicense Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to increment the number of used licenses

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appInfo: ModuleInfo; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; raiseError: Boolean): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • raiseError Boolean

    Boolean - Specifes whether errors should be raised.

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appId: Guid; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; raiseError: Boolean): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • raiseError Boolean

    Boolean - Specifes whether errors should be raised.

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appInfo: ModuleInfo; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; raiseError: Boolean; incrementUsedLicense: Boolean): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • raiseError Boolean

    Boolean - Specifes whether errors should be raised.

  • incrementUsedLicense Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to increment the number of used licenses

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appId: Guid; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; raiseError: Boolean; incrementUsedLicense: Boolean): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • raiseError Boolean

    Boolean - Specifes whether errors should be raised.

  • incrementUsedLicense Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to increment the number of used licenses

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appId: Guid; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; errorStyle: Enum "M365 License Error Style"): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • errorStyle Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style” - Defines how errors should be raised

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appId: Guid; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; errorStyle: Enum "M365 License Error Style"; incrementUsedLicense: Boolean): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • errorStyle Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style” - Defines how errors should be raised

  • incrementUsedLicense Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to increment the number of used licenses

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appInfo: ModuleInfo; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; errorStyle: Enum "M365 License Error Style"; additionalMessage: Text): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • errorStyle Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style” - Defines how errors should be raised

  • additionalMessage Text

    Text - Will be appended to licensing messages

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appId: Guid; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; errorStyle: Enum "M365 License Error Style"; additionalMessage: Text): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • errorStyle Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style” - Defines how errors should be raised

  • additionalMessage Text

    Text - Will be appended to licensing messages

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appInfo: ModuleInfo; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; errorStyle: Enum "M365 License Error Style"; incrementUsedLicense: Boolean; additionalMessage: Text): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • errorStyle Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style” - Defines how errors should be raised

  • incrementUsedLicense Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to increment the number of used licenses

  • additionalMessage Text

    Text - Will be appended to licensing messages

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appId: Guid; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; errorStyle: Enum "M365 License Error Style"; incrementUsedLicense: Boolean; additionalMessage: Text): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • errorStyle Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style” - Defines how errors should be raised

  • incrementUsedLicense Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to increment the number of used licenses

  • additionalMessage Text

    Text - Will be appended to licensing messages

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appInfo: ModuleInfo; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; errorStyle: Enum "M365 License Error Style"; additionalMessage: Text; actionCaption: Text; codeunitId: Integer; functionName: Text): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • errorStyle Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style” - Defines how errors should be raised

  • additionalMessage Text

    Text - Will be appended to licensing messages

  • actionCaption Text

    Text - Caption for action in notifications

  • codeunitId Integer

  • functionName Text

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appId: Guid; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; errorStyle: Enum "M365 License Error Style"; additionalMessage: Text; actionCaption: Text; codeunitId: Integer; functionName: Text): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • errorStyle Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style” - Defines how errors should be raised

  • additionalMessage Text

    Text - Will be appended to licensing messages

  • actionCaption Text

    Text - Caption for action in notifications

  • codeunitId Integer

  • functionName Text

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appInfo: ModuleInfo; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; errorStyle: Enum "M365 License Error Style"; incrementUsedLicense: Boolean; additionalMessage: Text; actionCaption: Text; codeunitId: Integer; functionName: Text): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • errorStyle Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style” - Defines how errors should be raised

  • incrementUsedLicense Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to increment the number of used licenses

  • additionalMessage Text

    Text - Will be appended to licensing messages

  • actionCaption Text

    Text - Caption for action in notifications

  • codeunitId Integer

  • functionName Text

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appId: Guid; featureCode: Code[40]; showInteraction: Boolean; errorStyle: Enum "M365 License Error Style"; incrementUsedLicense: Boolean; additionalMessage: Text; actionCaption: Text; codeunitId: Integer; functionName: Text): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • showInteraction Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to display informations and warnings.

  • errorStyle Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style” - Defines how errors should be raised

  • incrementUsedLicense Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to increment the number of used licenses

  • additionalMessage Text

    Text - Will be appended to licensing messages

  • actionCaption Text

    Text - Caption for action in notifications

  • codeunitId Integer

  • functionName Text

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appInfo: ModuleInfo; featureCode: Code[40]; var entryType: Enum "M365 License Message Type"; var licenseMessage: Text[2048]): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • entryType Enum "M365 License Message Type"

    Enum “M365 License Message Type” - Type of message in license log.

  • licenseMessage Text[2048]

    Text[2048] - Message in license log

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appId: Guid; featureCode: Code[40]; var entryType: Enum "M365 License Message Type"; var licenseMessage: Text[2048]): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • entryType Enum "M365 License Message Type"

    Enum “M365 License Message Type” - Type of message in license log.

  • licenseMessage Text[2048]

    Text[2048] - Message in license log

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appInfo: ModuleInfo; featureCode: Code[40]; incrementUsedLicense: Boolean; var entryType: Enum "M365 License Message Type"; var licenseMessage: Text[2048]): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appInfo ModuleInfo

    ModuleInfo - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • incrementUsedLicense Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to increment the number of used licenses

  • entryType Enum "M365 License Message Type"

    Enum “M365 License Message Type” - Type of message in license log.

  • licenseMessage Text[2048]

    Text[2048] - Message in license log

  • Returns Boolean



procedure IsLicensed(appId: Guid; featureCode: Code[40]; incrementUsedLicense: Boolean; var entryType: Enum "M365 License Message Type"; var licenseMessage: Text[2048]): Boolean

Checks whether a feature of an app is licenced.

Parameters / Return Value

  • appId Guid

    Guid - The app containing the feature.

  • featureCode Code[40]

    Code[40] - The feature to check.

  • incrementUsedLicense Boolean

    Boolean - Specifies whether to increment the number of used licenses

  • entryType Enum "M365 License Message Type"

    Enum “M365 License Message Type” - Type of message in license log.

  • licenseMessage Text[2048]

    Text[2048] - Message in license log

  • Returns Boolean



procedure ErrorStyleNone(): Enum "M365 License Error Style"

Returns the errorstyle none.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style”


procedure ErrorStyleNotification(): Enum "M365 License Error Style"

Returns the errorstyle notification.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style”


procedure ErrorStyleMessage(): Enum "M365 License Error Style"

Returns the errorstyle message.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style”


procedure ErrorStyleError(): Enum "M365 License Error Style"

Returns the errorstyle error.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Enum "M365 License Error Style"

    Enum “M365 License Error Style”


procedure OpenLicenseRegisterPage(licenseNotification: Notification)

Function to use in notification action. Opens the license register page.

Parameters / Return Value

  • licenseNotification Notification


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