Codeunit 70491930 EOS086 Planning Management

Codeunit 70491930 EOS086 Planning Management



procedure CalcProdMaterialStatus()

calculates the “Material Status” for all production order components [Firm Planned..Released].


procedure CalcProdMaterialStatusForSelection(var ProdOrderComp: Record "Prod. Order Component")

calculates the “Material Status” for selected production order components. filtered production order components for which calculate the “Material Status”

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderComp Record "Prod. Order Component"


procedure UpdateMaterialStatusOnPOL(var ProdOrderLine: Record "Prod. Order Line")

update the “Material Status” for a specific production order line. production order line

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderLine Record "Prod. Order Line"


procedure MoveOperation(var ProdOrderRtngLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line";CapacityType: Enum "Capacity Type"; CapacityNo: Code[20])

move the production routing operation to another work or machine center. production order routing linetype of the operation work or machine centernumber of the work or machine center

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderRtngLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

  • CapacityType Enum "Capacity Type"

  • CapacityNo Code[20]


procedure FindNextStartingDateTime(var ProdOrderRtngLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line") StartingDateTimeFound: Boolean

tries to find the next starting date-time, while finitely schedules forward from a given starting date-time, as starting date-time is used the current starting date and time of the production order routing line. production order routing linetrue if a starting date-time was found

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderRtngLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure FindVendorContract(var InventoryProfile: Record "Inventory Profile")

Parameters / Return Value

  • InventoryProfile Record "Inventory Profile"



local procedure OnAfterWorkCenterTransferFields(var ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"; WorkCenter: Record "Work Center")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderRoutingLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

  • WorkCenter Record "Work Center"


local procedure OnAfterMachineCtrTransferFields(var ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"; WorkCenter: Record "Work Center"; MachineCenter: Record "Machine Center")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderRoutingLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

  • WorkCenter Record "Work Center"

  • MachineCenter Record "Machine Center"


local procedure OnBeforeFindVendorAgreement(var InventoryProfile: Record "Inventory Profile"; var IsHandeld: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • InventoryProfile Record "Inventory Profile"

  • IsHandeld Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeFindSet_NextProdOrderCapNeed(var ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"; var NextProdOrderCapNeed: Record "Prod. Order Capacity Need")

Raised before NextProdOrderCapNeed.FindeSet() in FindNextStartingDateTime procedure

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderRoutingLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

    Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”

  • NextProdOrderCapNeed Record "Prod. Order Capacity Need"

    Record “Prod. Order Capacity Need”


local procedure OnBeforeCalcSums_ProdOrderCapNeed(var ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"; var ProdOrderCapNeed: Record "Prod. Order Capacity Need")

Raised before ProdOrderCapNeed.CalcSums() in CalculateDailyLoad procedure

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderRoutingLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

    Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”

  • ProdOrderCapNeed Record "Prod. Order Capacity Need"

    Record “Prod. Order Capacity Need”


local procedure OnBeforeCalcSums_SimultanProdOrderCapNeed(var ProdOrderRoutingLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"; var SimultanProdOrderCapNeed: Record "Prod. Order Capacity Need")

Raised before SimultanProdOrderCapNeed.CalcSums() in CheckFinitelyCapNeed procedure

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderRoutingLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

    Record “Prod. Order Routing Line”

  • SimultanProdOrderCapNeed Record "Prod. Order Capacity Need"

    Record “Prod. Order Capacity Need”


local procedure OnBeforeProdOrderCompFindSet(var ProdOrderComp: Record "Prod. Order Component")

This event is raised in the procedure CalcProdMaterialStatusForSelection(). Use it to filter production order components for which calculate the “Material Status”.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderComp Record "Prod. Order Component"

    Record “Prod. Order Component”

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