Codeunit 18008256 EOS VED Purchase Handlers

Codeunit 18008256 EOS VED Purchase Handlers

Purchase event handlers for VAT Exemption Declarations



procedure FindVATExemptions(var PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header")

Updates all VAT exemptions for the given purchase document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    The purchase header to update.


procedure UpdateDocumentLine(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"


procedure GetPurchRcptVatExemptions(PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var TmpVatExemption: Record "EOS VAT Exemption")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

  • TmpVatExemption Record "EOS VAT Exemption"


procedure GetPurchRcptVatExemptions(PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var TmpVatExemption: Record "EOS VAT Exemption")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

  • TmpVatExemption Record "EOS VAT Exemption"


procedure GetReturnRcptVatExemptions(PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var TmpVatExemption: Record "EOS VAT Exemption")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

  • TmpVatExemption Record "EOS VAT Exemption"


procedure GetReturnRcptVatExemptions(PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var TmpVatExemption: Record "EOS VAT Exemption")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

  • TmpVatExemption Record "EOS VAT Exemption"


procedure LookupVATExemption(PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var TextValue: Text): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

  • TextValue Text

  • Returns Boolean


procedure LookupVATExemption(PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var TextValue: Text): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

  • TextValue Text

  • Returns Boolean


procedure VerifyVatExemptionsUI(PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"


procedure VerifyVatExemptions(PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var ErrorMessage: Record "Error Message")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

  • ErrorMessage Record "Error Message"



local procedure OnBeforeValidateNoToGetDefaultVATProdPostingGroup(var NewPurchLine: Record "Purchase Line" temporary; PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewPurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"


local procedure OnBefore_OnBeforeInsertInvLineFromRcptLineVATExemption(PurchRcptLine: Record "Purch. Rcpt. Line"; PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var isHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised on the OnBeforeInsertInvLineFromRcptLine event subscriber and allows you to skip code in it

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchRcptLine Record "Purch. Rcpt. Line"

    Purchase Receipt Line to read

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    Purchase Line to write

  • isHandled Boolean

    if set to true skips OnBeforeInsertInvLineFromRcptLine code

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