Codeunit 18008263 EOS VAT Register - Print

Codeunit 18008263 EOS VAT Register - Print



procedure SaveVATRegisters(var VATRegister: Record "VAT Register"; PrintingType: Option; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; UsePageLabel: Boolean; PageLabelText: Text; PageLabelStart: Integer; PrintTest: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATRegister Record "VAT Register"

  • PrintingType Option

  • StartingDate Date

  • EndingDate Date

  • UsePageLabel Boolean

  • PageLabelText Text

  • PageLabelStart Integer

  • PrintTest Boolean



procedure OnBeforeExecuteVATRegisterReportPrint(var VATRegister: Record "VAT Register"; PrintingType: Option; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; UsePageLabel: Boolean; PageLabelText: Text; PageLabelStart: Integer; PrintTest: Boolean; var Result: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; var isHandled: Boolean; var Headrecords: Boolean)

This event is raised once for each VATRegister, it adds the possibility to extract the VAT reports massively or to replace the standard underlying report with a custom one

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATRegister Record "VAT Register"

    VAT register record that’s used in the report

  • PrintingType Option

    States the report Printing type: Test, Definitive, Reprint

  • StartingDate Date

    report parameters

  • EndingDate Date

    report parameters

  • UsePageLabel Boolean

    report parameters

  • PageLabelText Text

    report parameters

  • PageLabelStart Integer

    report parameters

  • PrintTest Boolean

    report parameters

  • Result Codeunit "Temp Blob"

    Temp blob, should contain the report output as a PDF file

  • isHandled Boolean

    if true, standard report will not be executed

  • Headrecords Boolean

    Must be set to true if the report has produced an output


local procedure OnBeforeTempPdfBufferCount(var TempPdfBuffer: Record "EOS Pdf Buffer" temporary; PrintingType: Option; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date)

This event is raised before the TempPdfBuffer is counted and the zip file is created, it allowes to modify the TempPdfBuffer before the zip file is created

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempPdfBuffer Record "EOS Pdf Buffer"

    PDF buffer that will be zipped

  • PrintingType Option

    Printing Type of the report

  • StartingDate Date

    Starting Date parameter

  • EndingDate Date

    Ending Date parameter

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