Codeunit 18008265 EOS VAT Plafond Handler

Codeunit 18008265 EOS VAT Plafond Handler

Provides verification and utility functions for handling VAT platfond for documents.



procedure IsVATPlafond(VATBusPostingGroup: Code[20]; VATProdPostingGroup: Code[20]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATBusPostingGroup Code[20]

  • VATProdPostingGroup Code[20]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure IsVATPlafond(VATIdentifierCode: Code[20]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATIdentifierCode Code[20]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure CheckDocumentPlafond(Document: Variant; Year: Integer; AllowGui: Boolean)

Checks plafond validity for a given document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Document Variant

    The document to check for.

  • Year Integer

    The competence year of the document.

  • AllowGui Boolean

    Specifies whether GUI interactions (such as confirms) are allowed.


procedure GetDocumentPlafondAmount(VATPlafondPeriod: Record "EOS VAT Plafond Period"; Document: Variant): Decimal

Calculates the amound that applies to the VAT plafond for a given document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATPlafondPeriod Record "EOS VAT Plafond Period"

    The platfond period that the document is related to.

  • Document Variant

    The document.

  • Returns Decimal

    The amount.


procedure GenerateOldPlafondRecordsYesNo(VATIdentifier: Record "VAT Identifier"; ChangedFieldNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATIdentifier Record "VAT Identifier"

  • ChangedFieldNo Integer



local procedure OnAfterUpdateVATEntries(VATIdentifier: Record "VAT Identifier"; ChangedFieldNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATIdentifier Record "VAT Identifier"

  • ChangedFieldNo Integer


local procedure OnAfterShouldShowWarning(Document: Variant;VATPlatfondPeriod: Record "EOS VAT Plafond Period";NewAmount: Decimal;var ShowWarning: Boolean)

Raised to decide if a warning for a given document and a given platfon period should be raised.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Document Variant

    The document.

  • VATPlatfondPeriod Record "EOS VAT Plafond Period"

    The platfond period.

  • NewAmount Decimal

    The platfond amount for the document.

  • ShowWarning Boolean

    Specifies whether a warning should be issued.


local procedure OnAfterShouldShowError(Document: Variant;VATPlatfondPeriod: Record "EOS VAT Plafond Period";NewAmount: Decimal;var ShowWarning: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Document Variant

  • VATPlatfondPeriod Record "EOS VAT Plafond Period"

  • NewAmount Decimal

  • ShowWarning Boolean


local procedure OnGetDocumentPlafondAmount(VATPlafondPeriod: Record "EOS VAT Plafond Period"; Document: Variant; var NewPlafondAmount: Decimal)

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATPlafondPeriod Record "EOS VAT Plafond Period"

  • Document Variant

  • NewPlafondAmount Decimal

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