Report 18008259 EOS Calc. and Post VAT Settl.

Report 18008259 EOS Calc. and Post VAT Settl.

de-DEMwSt. abrechnen und buchen (VMI)
en-USCalc. and Post VAT Settlement (VMI)
it-ITCalcola e registra liquidazione IVA (VMI)



procedure InitializeRequest(NewStartDate: Date; NewEndDate: Date; NewPostingDate: Date; NewDocNo: Code[20]; NewSettlementAcc: Code[20]; NewPosRoundAcc: Code[20]; NewNegRoundAcc: Code[20]; ShowVATEntries: Boolean; Post: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewStartDate Date

  • NewEndDate Date

  • NewPostingDate Date

  • NewDocNo Code[20]

  • NewSettlementAcc Code[20]

  • NewPosRoundAcc Code[20]

  • NewNegRoundAcc Code[20]

  • ShowVATEntries Boolean

  • Post Boolean


procedure InitializeRequest2(NewUseAmtsInAddCurr: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewUseAmtsInAddCurr Boolean


procedure GetCurrency(): Code[10]

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Code[10]


procedure SetInitialized(Initialize: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Initialize Boolean


procedure FiscalRoundAmount(AmountToRound: Decimal) Amount: Decimal

Parameters / Return Value

  • AmountToRound Decimal

  • Returns Decimal


procedure CalculateEndDate()


procedure GetGLSetup()



local procedure OnBeforePostGenJnlLine(VatPostSetup: Record "VAT Posting Setup";VATEntryType: Option;var GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";var GenJnlPostLine: Codeunit "Gen. Jnl.-Post Line";var Handled: Boolean)

Raised just before a gen. journal line is posted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VatPostSetup Record "VAT Posting Setup"

    The VAT Posting setup this line is being posted for. Note that this record will be undefined for end-of-report and rounding postings.

  • VATEntryType Option

    The VAT Entry Type for which this line is posted.

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    The journal line about to be posted.

  • GenJnlPostLine Codeunit "Gen. Jnl.-Post Line"

    The instance of the posting codeunit used for posting.

  • Handled Boolean

    Set this to true to handle posting yourself and bypass default posting.


local procedure OnAfterPostGenJnlLine(VatPostSetup: Record "VAT Posting Setup";VATEntryType: Option;var GenJnlLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";var GenJnlPostLine: Codeunit "Gen. Jnl.-Post Line")

Raised after a gen. journal line has been posted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VatPostSetup Record "VAT Posting Setup"

    The VAT Posting setup this line awas posted for. Note that this record will be undefined for end-of-report and rounding postings.

  • VATEntryType Option

    The VAT Entry Type for which this line has been posted.

  • GenJnlLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    The journal line that has been posted.

  • GenJnlPostLine Codeunit "Gen. Jnl.-Post Line"

    The instance of the posting codeunit that was used for posting.


local procedure OnBeforePostSettlementChecks(var VATPostingSetup: Record "VAT Posting Setup"; PostSettlement: Boolean; EndingDate: date; StartingDate: date; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATPostingSetup Record "VAT Posting Setup"

  • PostSettlement Boolean

  • EndingDate date

  • StartingDate date

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnFilterPriorPeriodVATEntry(var PriorPeriodVATEntry: Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry"; var VATPostingSetup: Record "VAT Posting Setup"; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; var VATPeriod: Code[10])

Parameters / Return Value

  • PriorPeriodVATEntry Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry"

  • VATPostingSetup Record "VAT Posting Setup"

  • StartingDate Date

  • EndingDate Date

  • VATPeriod Code[10]


local procedure OnFilterClosingVATEntry(var VATEntry: Record "VAT Entry"; var VATPostingSetup: Record "VAT Posting Setup")

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATEntry Record "VAT Entry"

  • VATPostingSetup Record "VAT Posting Setup"


local procedure OnGetPriorPeriodVATEntry(var PriorPeriodVATEntry: Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry"; EndingDate: Date; var VATPostingSetup: Record "VAT Posting Setup"; var PriorPeriodVATEntryFound: boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • PriorPeriodVATEntry Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry"

  • EndingDate Date

  • VATPostingSetup Record "VAT Posting Setup"

  • PriorPeriodVATEntryFound boolean

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforePriorPeriodVATEntryModify(var PriorPeriodVATEntry: Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry"; var VATPostingSetup: Record "VAT Posting Setup")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PriorPeriodVATEntry Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry"

  • VATPostingSetup Record "VAT Posting Setup"


local procedure OnBeforePriorPeriodVATEntryInsert(var PriorPeriodVATEntry: Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry"; var VATPostingSetup: Record "VAT Posting Setup"; EndingDate: date)

Parameters / Return Value

  • PriorPeriodVATEntry Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry"

  • VATPostingSetup Record "VAT Posting Setup"

  • EndingDate date


local procedure OnBeforePriorPeriodVATEntry2Insert(var PriorPeriodVATEntry: Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry"; var VATPostingSetup: Record "VAT Posting Setup"; EndingDate: date)

Parameters / Return Value

  • PriorPeriodVATEntry Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry"

  • VATPostingSetup Record "VAT Posting Setup"

  • EndingDate date


local procedure OnBeforeSetLastSettlementDateOnGLSetup(var GLSetup: Record "General Ledger Setup"; var VATPostingSetup: Record "VAT Posting Setup"; EndingDate: Date; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • GLSetup Record "General Ledger Setup"

  • VATPostingSetup Record "VAT Posting Setup"

  • EndingDate Date

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeStartingDateValidate(Reprint: Boolean; GLSetup: Record "General Ledger Setup"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Reprint Boolean

  • GLSetup Record "General Ledger Setup"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeCalculateEndDate(GLSetup: Record "General Ledger Setup"; var EndingDate: date; var PostingDate: date; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • GLSetup Record "General Ledger Setup"

  • EndingDate date

  • PostingDate date

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforePriorPeriodVATEntry2Modify(CreditNextPeriod: Decimal; DebitNextPeriod: Decimal; var PeriodicSettlementVATEntry: Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • CreditNextPeriod Decimal

  • DebitNextPeriod Decimal

  • PeriodicSettlementVATEntry Record "Periodic Settlement VAT Entry"


local procedure OnBeforeApplyFiltersOnVATEntry(var VATEntry: Record "VAT Entry")

Raised before applying filters to the dataitem

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATEntry Record "VAT Entry"

    The variable from which the filters will be taken and applied to the dataitem


local procedure OnBeforeSetAllowPostingFromOnVATPostingSetup(EndingDate: Date; var VATPostSetupDataItem: Record "VAT Posting Setup"; var VATPostingSetupToFilter: Record "VAT Posting Setup")

Raised before setting the “Allow Posting From” field on all VATPostingSetup records. This event should be used to apply filters to the VATPostingSetup to choose which records should have the “Allow Posting From” modified

Parameters / Return Value

  • EndingDate Date

    The value that will be applied to the “Allow Posting From”

  • VATPostSetupDataItem Record "VAT Posting Setup"

    The “VAT Posting Setup” Dataitem

  • VATPostingSetupToFilter Record "VAT Posting Setup"

    The set of records that will be modified


local procedure OnBeforeCloseVatEntry(var UseLegacyClosingMethod: Boolean)

Raised Before Closing VAT Entries. LegacyMethod (default) uses 3 modifyall (like standard MS report). New method use one repeat- until and 1 modify

Parameters / Return Value

  • UseLegacyClosingMethod Boolean

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