Report 18008261 EOS VAT Register

Report 18008261 EOS VAT Register

de-DEMwSt.-Journal - Drucken (VMI)
en-USVAT Register - Print (VMI)
it-ITRegistro fiscale IVA - Stampa (VMI)



procedure InitializeRequest(NewVATRegister: Record "VAT Register"; NewPrintingType: Option; NewStartDate: Date; NewEndDate: Date; NewUsePageLabel: Boolean; NewPageLabel: Text; NewPageLabelInitialNum: Integer; NewPrintTest: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewVATRegister Record "VAT Register"

  • NewPrintingType Option

  • NewStartDate Date

  • NewEndDate Date

  • NewUsePageLabel Boolean

  • NewPageLabel Text

  • NewPageLabelInitialNum Integer

  • NewPrintTest Boolean


procedure HadRecords(): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean


procedure UpdateBuffer(var VATBookEntry: Record "VAT Book Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATBookEntry Record "VAT Book Entry"



local procedure OnAfterInitMaxLenValues(var CustVendNo_Sales_Maxlen: integer;var CustVendNo_Purch_Maxlen: integer;var CustVendName_Sales_Maxlen: integer;var CustVendName_Purch_Maxlen: integer;var VATDescr_Sales_Maxlen: integer;var VATDescr_Purch_Maxlen: integer;var ExtDocNo_Purch_Maxlen: integer;var MaxNoOfRecordPerPage: integer)

This report is designed to be printed using Consolas 5pt in body section. Columns width if fixed and no. of characters of specific columns are pre-defined. Use this event if you want to modify defauls values

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustVendNo_Sales_Maxlen integer

    Max no. of characters for Customer/Vendor No. in Sales section.

  • CustVendNo_Purch_Maxlen integer

    Max no. of characters for Customer/Vendor No. in Purchase section.

  • CustVendName_Sales_Maxlen integer

    Max no. of characters for Customer/Vendor Name in Sales section.

  • CustVendName_Purch_Maxlen integer

    Max no. of characters for Customer/Vendor Name in Purchase section.

  • VATDescr_Sales_Maxlen integer

    Max no. of characters for VAT description in Sales section.

  • VATDescr_Purch_Maxlen integer

    Max no. of characters for VAT description in Purchase section.

  • ExtDocNo_Purch_Maxlen integer

    Max no. of characters for External document no. in Purchase section.

  • MaxNoOfRecordPerPage integer

    Max no. of record per page.


local procedure OnBeforeInsertVATReportBuffer(var VATReportBuffer: Record "EOS VAT Report Buffer"; VATBookEntry: Record "VAT Book Entry"; DataItemType: Option Normal,Unrealized)

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATReportBuffer Record "EOS VAT Report Buffer"

  • VATBookEntry Record "VAT Book Entry"

  • DataItemType Option

    Normal (0) , Unrealized (1)


local procedure OnAfterInsertVATReportBuffer(var VATReportBuffer: Record "EOS VAT Report Buffer"; VATBookEntry: Record "VAT Book Entry"; DataItemType: Option Normal,Unrealized)

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATReportBuffer Record "EOS VAT Report Buffer"

  • VATBookEntry Record "VAT Book Entry"

  • DataItemType Option

    Normal (0) , Unrealized (1)


local procedure OnBeforeOnAfterGetRecordVATBookEntry(VATBookEntry: Record "VAT Book Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean; PrintingType: Option Test,Final,Reprint; Preview: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATBookEntry Record "VAT Book Entry"

  • IsHandled Boolean

  • PrintingType Option

    Test (0) , Final (1) , Reprint (2)

  • Preview Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeOnAfterGetRecordUnrealizedVAT(VATBookEntry: Record "VAT Book Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATBookEntry Record "VAT Book Entry"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeOnAfterGetRecordNoSeries(NoSeries: record "No. Series"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • NoSeries record "No. Series"

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnAfterCopyVatBookEntryToFiscalBuffer(VATBookEntry: Record "VAT Book Entry"; var TempReportBufferRecRef: RecordRef)

Raised after transfering fields from VAT Book Entry to Temp EOS Fiscal Report Buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • VATBookEntry Record "VAT Book Entry"

    Dataitem that’s being cycled

  • TempReportBufferRecRef RecordRef

    Temporary EOS Fiscal Report Buffer that has just been filled


local procedure OnBeforeCreateTaxRepresentativeLine(TempEOSFiscalReportBuffer: Record "EOS VAT Report Buffer"; var TaxVATReg: Text)

Raised for each “EOS VAT Report Buffer”, before creating a line for the Tax Representative in the EOS Fiscal Report Buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempEOSFiscalReportBuffer Record "EOS VAT Report Buffer"

    The record that is being cycled

  • TaxVATReg Text

    The value that will be put in the Tax Representative line. If empty, the line will not be created

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