EX004 EOS Administration Library

Functions and utilities for administrative tasks regarding apps by EOS Solutions

Functions and utilities for administrative tasks regarding apps by EOS Solutions

Dependencies from



18122313EOS JSON Helper
18122315EOS Report Parameter HelperHelper functions for reading, handling and dealing with report parameter XML.
18122316EOS004 EAN128 Import/ExportImport / Export functions for EAN 128 application identifier setups
18122324EOS004 SysLog DispatcherA simple message bus that provides a common interface for sending and receiving generic SysLog messages. This codeunit does not process or store or i…
18122325EOS004 Upgrade TagsWrapper for upgrade tag management using the predefined EOS format.
18122326EOS004 AzFS StorageProvides access to an Azure FileShare storage to up- and download files.
18122327EOS004 Generic Helpers
18122328EOS004 REST ClientA general-purpose REST client to simplify making HTTP requests.
18122329EOS004 Web Request Log
18122330EOS004 Default ServConfig
18122331EOS004 File System
18122332EOS004 Convert
18122333EOS004 FunctionApi Impl.
18122334EOS004 Barcode API Client
18122335EOS004 P7M API Client
18122336EOS004 PDF API Client
18122337EOS004 AppInsights Client
18122338EOS004 DB API ClientProvides access to the DB API client of the EOS FunctionAPI.
18122339EOS004 DB ResultSetProvides access to a database reader for external databases over the EOS FunctionAPI. You cannot instantiate this class directly, it is returned from…
18122340EOS SOAP Management
18122341EOS004 AppData ReaderProvides a simple way to download public and default data from the AppData repository.
18122342EOS004 Handlebars Renderer
18122343EOS004 FunctionApi Status
18122344EOS004 Null FS
18122345EOS Library EXTContains a number of generic utility functions
18122346EOS Xml Writer
18122347EOS Advanced Dialog Management
18122348EOS004 FunctionApi FS
18122349EOS004 Azure FileShare FSProvides access to an Azure FileShare storage to up- and download files.
18122350EOS JSON Import Helper
18122351EOS JSON Import Service
18122352EOS004 Azure BLOB FS
18122353EOS004 IFileSystem WrapperProvides access to different types of file systems implemented via IFileSystem.
18122354EOS004 API AppStore Helper
18122355EOS004 EAL Tests
70623686EOS004 InMemoryFileSystemAn in-memory file system implementation for the EOS004 IFileSystem interface. This is a single instance codeunit and the file system is kept only for…
70623687EOS004 Telem. Payload BuilderProvides a builder for telemetry payloads.


0EOS004 IFileSystem
0EOS004 IServiceConnectionAn interface for implementing a service connection with a dynamic set of secret and non-secret configuration parameters.
0EOS004 iStorage v2
0EOS004 iStorage


18122312EOS004 FileSystem
18122313EOS004 EAN128


0EOS004 ReorderRows


18122310EOS004 SysLog Severity LevelRepresents all official syslog severity levels according to RFC5424
18122311EOS004 Table Type
18122312EOS004 Cache OptionSubscription cache access options.
18122313EOS004 AzFS Entry Type
18122314EOS004 Service Config. Type
18122315EOS004 Storage Response Status
18122316EOS004 iStorage Type
18122317EOS004 Barcode Output Format
18122318EOS004 FileSystem
18122319EOS004 CustomerId Type
70623670EOS004 BTA Query


18122310EOS004 Text Editor
18122311EOS004 Service Config.
18122312EOS004 Service Config. List
18122313EOS004 Service Config. Subpage
18122314EOS004 AzFileShare Browser
18122315EOS004 Setting Value Editor
18122316EOS004 New Directory Dialog
18122317EOS004 AzFS File Details
18122318EOS004 Web Request Log
18122319EOS004 AzFS Copy Dialog
18122320EOS004 Feature Management
18122321EOS004 PDF Protect Settings
18122322EOS004 Reorder Rows
18122323EOS004 Field History Factbox
18122324EOS004 Database Schema History
18122325EOS004 DB Connection Setups
18122326EOS004 DB Connections
18122327EOS004 Upload File Dialog
18122328EOS004 DB Open Readers
18122329EOS004 FileSystem Browser
18122330EOS004 FileSystem Copy Dialog
18122331EOS004 New Folder Dialog
18122333EOS004 EAN128 Appl. Ident.
18122334EOS004 Feature Flags
18122340EOS Subscription Plans
18122345EOS Subscr. Control Panel
18122350EOS JSON Import
18122351EOS Available Import Handlers
18122353EOS Environment Data
70623670EOS004 BTA Worksheets
70623671EOS004 BTA Slow AL Methods
70623672EOS004 BTA Report Execution
70623673EOS004 BTA App Lifecycle
70623674EOS004 BTA Page Execution
70623675EOS004 BTA Outbound WS Call
70623676EOS004 BTA Inbound WS Call
70623677EOS004 BTA Job Queue Status
70623678EOS004 BTA Index Lifecycle
70623679EOS004 BTA Errors
70623680EOS004 BTA Scheduled Tasks
70623681EOS004 BTA Messages
70623682EOS004 BTA Database Locks


18122310EOS004 Request Lic. Owner
18122311EOS004 Update Db Schema Hist.
70623670EOS004 BTA Load Data


18122310EOS Pdf BufferA buffer table that helps with handling PDF document operations.
18122311EOS BlobSpecA general purpose BlobSpec to reference binary data from various sources.
18122312EOS Chunk Import
18122314EOS004 AzFS EntryHolds information about a filesystem entry in a filehsare storage account.
18122315EOS004 Service Config.A generic service configuration.
18122316EOS004 Web Request Log
18122317EOS004 PDF Protect Settings
18122318EOS004 Feature Management
18122319EOS004 Database Schema History
18122320EOS004 DB Connection SetupAllows the configuration of a database connection.
18122321EOS004 App Buffer
18122322EOS004 MemoryFS Node
18122323EOS004 EAN128 Buffer
18122324EOS004 EAN128 Appl. Ident.An EAN128 Application Identifier and its properties.
18122326EOS004 PDF MetadataThis table is used to store the metadata of a PDF file. This is a temporary table.
18122327EOS004 PDF Page Metadata
18122328EOS004 Feature Flag State
18122329EOS004 Feature FlagProvides access to feature flags that can be used to enable or disable specific features in the application.
18122343EOS Subscription Plan
18122344EOS Subscr. Request Parameters
18122345EOS Record Ident. BufferProvides easy conversions from and to a SourceType-SourceSubtype-SourceId-Pair to a RecorcRef. Also serves as a record identification buffer for func…
18122350EOS JSON Import Buffer
70623670EOS004 BTA Worksheet
70623671EOS004 BTA Report Execution
70623672EOS004 BTA Page Execution
70623673EOS004 BTA App Lifecycle
70623674EOS004 BTA Slow AL Method
70623675EOS004 BTA WebServices Call
70623676EOS004 BTA Job Queue Status
70623677EOS004 BTA Index Lifecycle
70623678EOS004 BTA Error
70623679EOS004 BTA Scheduled Task
70623680EOS004 BTA Messages
70623681EOS004 BTA Database Locks


823Name/Value Buffer

Build environment


Obsolete Items

24.0Table 18122318 EOS004 Feature ManagementTableObjectEOS004 Feature ManagementReplaced by table 18122329 “EOS004 Feature Flag”
24.0Codeunit 18122336 EOS004 PDF API ClientMethodDeclarationMetadataReplaced by “GetMetadata”
24.0Page 18122320 EOS004 Feature ManagementPageObjectEOS004 Feature ManagementReplaced by table 18122329 “EOS004 Feature Flag”
23.0Table 18122314 EOS004 AzFS EntryFieldPathUse “Parent Path” instead.
23.0Codeunit 18122326 EOS004 AzFS StorageCodeunitObjectEOS004 AzFS StorageReplaced by codeunit 18122349 “EOS004 Azure FileShare FS”
23.0Codeunit 18122331 EOS004 File SystemCodeunitObjectEOS004 File SystemReplaced by codeunit 18122348 “EOS004 FunctionApi FS”
23.0Page 18122314 EOS004 AzFileShare BrowserPageObjectEOS004 AzFileShare BrowserReplaced by page 18122329 “EOS004 FileSystem Browser”
23.0Page 18122316 EOS004 New Directory DialogPageObjectEOS004 New Directory DialogReplaced by page 18122331 “EOS004 New Folder Dialog”
23.0Page 18122319 EOS004 AzFS Copy DialogPageObjectEOS004 AzFS Copy DialogReplaced by page 18122330 “EOS004 FileSystem Copy Dialog”
23.0Page 18122329 EOS004 FileSystem BrowserMethodDeclarationInitRequestReplaced by a different overload
23.0Page 18122329 EOS004 FileSystem BrowserMethodDeclarationInitRequestReplaced by a different overload
23.0Page 18122330 EOS004 FileSystem Copy DialogMethodDeclarationInitRequestUse a different overload.
23.0Page 18122352 EOS Subscription SignUpPageObjectEOS Subscription SignUpReplaced by EOS004 Subscription SignUp page.
23.0Interface -1 EOS004 iStorage v2InterfaceEOS004 iStorage v2Replaced by the IFileSystem implementation.
23.0Enum 18122315 EOS004 Storage Response StatusEnumTypeEOS004 Storage Response StatusReplaced by the IFileSystem implementation.
23.0Enum 18122316 EOS004 iStorage TypeEnumTypeEOS004 iStorage TypeReplaced by the IFileSystem implementation.
22.0Report 70623670 EOS004 BTA Load DataMethodDeclarationOnGetQueryDateTimeNo longer used.
22.0Report 70623670 EOS004 BTA Load DataMethodDeclarationOnWriteCustomDataNo longer used.
22.0Codeunit 18122334 EOS004 Barcode API ClientMethodDeclarationTargetWidthInMmUse the decimal overload instead
22.0Codeunit 18122334 EOS004 Barcode API ClientMethodDeclarationTargetWidthInMmUse TargetWidthInMmDec instead
22.0Codeunit 18122334 EOS004 Barcode API ClientMethodDeclarationTargetHeightInMmUse TargetHeightInMmDec instead
22.0Codeunit 18122334 EOS004 Barcode API ClientMethodDeclarationFormatQualityUse FormatQualityDec instead
22.0Codeunit 18122334 EOS004 Barcode API ClientMethodDeclarationFormatQualityUse the decimal overload instead
22.0Codeunit 18122334 EOS004 Barcode API ClientMethodDeclarationTargetHeightInMmUse the decimal overload instead
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionCalculateReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionReportExecutionAnalysisReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionAppLifecycleAnalysisReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionPageExecutionAnalysisReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionSlowAlMethodsAnalysisReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionOutboudWsCallsAnalysisReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionInboundWsCallsAnalysisReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionJobQueueStatusAnalysisReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionIndexLifecycleAnalysisReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionErrorsAnalysisReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionScheduledTasksReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Page 70623670 EOS004 BTA WorksheetsPageActionMessagesReplaced by query selection page logic.
22.0Enum 18122317 EOS004 Barcode Output FormatEnumValueBmpBpm is no longer supported
22.0Enum 18122317 EOS004 Barcode Output FormatEnumValueGifGif is no longer supported
21.0Table 18122312 EOS Chunk ImportTableObjectEOS Chunk ImportThis is no longer supported.
21.0Table 18122341 EOS App TelemetryTableObjectEOS App TelemetryNo longer available.
21.0Table 18122341 EOS App TelemetryMethodDeclarationGetLastErrorNo longer available.
21.0Table 18122350 EOS JSON Import BufferTableObjectEOS JSON Import BufferThis is no longer supported.
21.0Table 70623677 EOS004 BTA Index LifecycleFieldExecution DateReplaced by ‘Execution Date/Time’
21.0Table 70623678 EOS004 BTA ErrorFieldExecution DateReplaced by ‘Execution Date/Time’
21.0Report 70623670 EOS004 BTA Load DataMethodDeclarationScrambleStringIfNo longer available
21.0Report 70623670 EOS004 BTA Load DataMethodDeclarationOnGetQueryReplaced by ‘OnGetQueryDateTime’
21.0Codeunit 18122320 EOS API ClientMethodDeclarationSendTelemetryNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122321 EOS App Telemetry HandlerMethodDeclarationRegisterTelemetryNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122321 EOS App Telemetry HandlerMethodDeclarationRegisterTelemetryNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122321 EOS App Telemetry HandlerMethodDeclarationSendTelemetryAllNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122321 EOS App Telemetry HandlerMethodDeclarationCleanUpTelemetryNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122321 EOS App Telemetry HandlerMethodDeclarationCleanUpTelemetryNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122321 EOS App Telemetry HandlerMethodDeclarationCleanUpTelemetryNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122321 EOS App Telemetry HandlerMethodDeclarationSendTelemetryAllNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122321 EOS App Telemetry HandlerMethodDeclarationSendTelemetryAllNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122321 EOS App Telemetry HandlerMethodDeclarationSendTelemetryNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122321 EOS App Telemetry HandlerMethodDeclarationOnAfterCollectTelemetryNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122321 EOS App Telemetry HandlerMethodDeclarationOnAfterBuildTelemetryObjectNo longer available.
21.0Codeunit 18122324 EOS004 SysLog DispatcherCodeunitObjectEOS004 SysLog DispatcherThis codeunit is no longer supported.
21.0Codeunit 18122345 EOS Library EXTMethodDeclarationSignUse Codeunit ‘Math’ instead.
21.0Codeunit 18122350 EOS JSON Import HelperCodeunitObjectEOS JSON Import HelperThis codeunit is no longer supported.
21.0Codeunit 18122351 EOS JSON Import ServiceCodeunitObjectEOS JSON Import ServiceThis codeunit is no longer supported.
21.0Page 18122345 EOS Subscr. Control PanelPageActionShowTelemetryNo longer available.
21.0Page 18122349 EOS App TelemetryPageObjectEOS App TelemetryNo longer available
21.0Page 18122350 EOS JSON ImportPageObjectEOS JSON ImportThis is no longer supported.
21.0Page 18122351 EOS Available Import HandlersPageObjectEOS Available Import HandlersThis is no longer supported.
21.0Page 70623678 EOS004 BTA Index LifecyclePageFieldExecution DateReplaced by ‘Execution Date/Time’
21.0Page 70623679 EOS004 BTA ErrorsPageFieldExecutione DateReplaced by ‘Execution Date/Time’
21.0Page 70623680 EOS004 BTA Scheduled TasksPageFieldError MessageDuplicated field
21.0Interface -1 EOS004 iStorageInterfaceEOS004 iStorageReplaced by “EOS004 iStorage v2”
21.0Enum 18122310 EOS004 SysLog Severity LevelEnumTypeEOS004 SysLog Severity LevelThis is no longer supported.
20.0Table 18122313 EOS Encrypted Key/Value BufferTableObjectEOS Encrypted Key/Value BufferThis table is no longer used.


(not released)

  • 15854: EX004 EAL add optional branch specification on GetApiRequestUri()


Released: On Premise: 20. August 2024 | SaaS: 20. August 2024

  • 15766: EX004 EAL: ‘CopyFile’ for Azure FileShare interprets destination as folder instead of path


Released: On Premise: 01. August 2024 | SaaS: 01. August 2024

  • 15659: EX004 EAL EOS Administration Library


Released: On Premise: 24. July 2024 | SaaS: 24. July 2024

  • 15651: EX004 EAL EOS Administration Library


Released: On Premise: 12. June 2024 | SaaS: 12. June 2024

  • 15324: CHANGE: added splitpayments line splitting in EOS VAT Print Grouped report aligning it from EOS VAT Print report
  • 15342: EX004 EAL: Add method to get PDF page metadata


Released: On Premise: 07. May 2024

  • 13130: EX004 EAL Add EAN128 string in barcode encoding library


Released: On Premise: 04. July 2023 | SaaS: 05. July 2023

  • 9091: EX037 DDD: To integrate sorting page


Released: On Premise: 24. May 2023 | SaaS: 24. May 2023

  • 12324: EX004 EAL: Filesystem FunctionAPI does not reset body between calls


Released: On Premise: 11. May 2023 | SaaS: 17. May 2023

  • 12360: EX004 EAL: REST-Client: Allow setting headers without validation


Released: On Premise: 10. May 2023 | SaaS: 10. May 2023

  • 12214: EX004 EAL: Do not show values for secret service configuration values

EOS Labs -