Table 18122311 EOS BlobSpec
A general purpose BlobSpec to reference binary data from various sources.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | BlobSpec |
de-DE | BlobSpec |
es-ES | BlobSpec |
fr-FR | BlobSpec |
en-US | BlobSpec |
it-IT | BlobSpec |
nl-NL | BlobSpec |
A generic primary key.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | # Nr |
de-DE | Lfd.-Nr. |
es-ES | Entrada Nº |
fr-FR | No. d’entrée |
en-US | Entry No. |
it-IT | Nr. movimento |
nl-NL | Entry No. |
(0) , Url
Specifies the content type of the BlobSpec.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Indholds type |
de-DE | Content Type |
es-ES | Tipo de contenido |
fr-FR | Type de contenu |
en-US | Content Type |
it-IT | Content Type |
nl-NL | Content Type |
Contains a string representation of a binary object. The format of the data depends on Content Type
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Indhold |
de-DE | Content |
es-ES | Contenido |
fr-FR | Contenu |
en-US | Content |
it-IT | Content |
nl-NL | Inhoud |
procedure Serialize(): JsonObject
Serializes this instance to JSON.
Returns JsonObject
The JSON representation of this instance.
procedure Deserialize(jt: JsonToken)
Deserializes an instance from a JSON representation.
jt JsonToken
A JSON representation of a BlobSpec. This will be interpreted as a JSON object.
procedure Deserialize(jo: JsonObject)
Deserializes an instance from a JSON representation.
jo JsonObject
A JSON representation of a BlobSpec.
procedure FromStream(is: InStream)
Creates an instance of a BlobSpec from a stream.
is InStream
The data stream where to read data from.
procedure FromBlob(var TmpBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob")
Creates an instance of a BlobSpec from a TmpBlob.
TmpBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"
The blob where to read data from.
procedure FromUrl(Url: Text)
Creates an instance of a BlobSpec as a link to an external binary object.
Url Text[]
The URL to a binary object. The object itself is not downloaded and stored, only a link to it will be stored.
procedure ToBlob(var TmpBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob")
Creates a TempBlob from the BlobSpec containing the decoded original binary data. This only works if Content Type
is Base64String.
TmpBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"
The TmpBlob where the resulting binary data will be written to.
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