Table 18122345 EOS Record Ident. Buffer
Provides easy conversions from and to a SourceType-SourceSubtype-SourceId-Pair to a RecorcRef. Also serves as a record identification buffer for function abstraction.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Record Identification Buffer |
de-DE | Record Identification Buffer |
es-ES | Registro de identificación de búfer |
fr-FR | Record Identification Buffer |
en-US | Record Identification Buffer |
it-IT | Record Identification Buffer |
nl-NL | Record Identification Buffer |
The primary key.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | # Nr |
de-DE | Lfd. Nr. |
es-ES | Entrada Nº |
fr-FR | No. d’entrée |
en-US | Entry No. |
it-IT | Nr. movimento |
nl-NL | Entry No. |
The Table ID of the record.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kilde Type |
de-DE | Herkunftsart |
es-ES | Tipo de fuente |
fr-FR | Type de Source |
en-US | Source Type |
it-IT | Tipo origine |
nl-NL | Bron Type |
(0) , "1"
(1) , "2"
(2) , "3"
(3) , "4"
(4) , "5"
(5) , "6"
(6) , "7"
(7) , "8"
(8) , "9"
(9) , "10"
The Document Type (if applicable) of the record.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kilde Undertype |
de-DE | Herkunftsunterart |
es-ES | Subtipo fuente |
fr-FR | Source Subtype |
en-US | Source Subtype |
it-IT | Sottotipo origine |
nl-NL | Source Subtype |
The ID / “No.” of the record. This contains the template name for journal line type records.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kilde-ID |
de-DE | Herkunfts-ID |
es-ES | ID de origen |
fr-FR | ID Source |
en-US | Source ID |
it-IT | ID origine |
nl-NL | Bron ID |
The batch name of the record. Only valid for journal line type records.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kilde Kladdenavn |
de-DE | Herkunftsbuch.-Blattname |
es-ES | Fuente Nombre del lote |
fr-FR | Lot Nom de la source |
en-US | Source Batch Name |
it-IT | Nome batch origine |
nl-NL | Bron batchnaam |
The prod. order line no..
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kilde Prod. Bestil Linje |
de-DE | Herkunfts-FA-Zeile |
es-ES | Prod fuente. Fila para ordenar |
fr-FR | Prod Source. Ligne de commande |
en-US | Source Prod. Order Line |
it-IT | Riga origine ord. produz. |
nl-NL | Bron Prod. Bestel Line |
The source ref. no.. This will mostly be the “Line No.". For entry tables, this will contain the entry no.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kilde Ref. Ingen. |
de-DE | Herkunftsref.-Nr. |
es-ES | Ref fuente. No. |
fr-FR | Ref Source. Non. |
en-US | Source Ref. No. |
it-IT | Nr. rif. origine |
nl-NL | Bron Ref. Nee. |
The version no., applicable only to sales / purchase archive tables.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Udgave nr |
de-DE | Versionsnr. |
es-ES | Versión no |
fr-FR | Version No. |
en-US | Version No. |
it-IT | Nr. versione |
nl-NL | Versie No. |
The doc. no. occurrence, applicable only to sales / purchase archive tables.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Dok. No. Forekomst |
de-DE | Belegnr.-Häufigkeit |
es-ES | Doc. Nº Ocurrencia |
fr-FR | Doc. Présence n ° |
en-US | Doc. No. Occurrence |
it-IT | Occorrenza nr. doc. |
nl-NL | Doc. Voorkomen No. |
The Source GUID, applicable to systemID field and other guid based field.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | Kilde-GUID |
de-DE | Quell-GUID |
es-ES | GUID de origen |
fr-FR | Source GUID |
en-US | Source GUID |
it-IT | GUID origine |
nl-NL | Bron-GUID |
An instance of a RecordId that represents the record.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | record ID |
de-DE | Datensatz-ID |
es-ES | Identificación del registro |
fr-FR | ID d’enregistrement |
en-US | Record ID |
it-IT | ID record |
nl-NL | Record ID |
The company name of the record.
Language | Caption |
da-DK | firmanavn |
de-DE | Mandantenname |
es-ES | Nombre de empresa |
fr-FR | Nom de la compagnie |
en-US | Company Name |
it-IT | Nome società |
nl-NL | Bedrijfsnaam |
procedure GetTable("Table": Variant): Boolean
Loads a given record into the buffer, decoding it into a SourceType-SourceSubtype-SourceId-Pair.
Table Variant
The record to load into the buffer. Must be a record or a recordref pointing to a table.
Returns Boolean
procedure DecodeRecord(RecordVariant: Variant): Boolean
RecordVariant Variant
Returns Boolean
procedure DecodeRecord(RecRef: RecordRef): Boolean
RecRef RecordRef
Returns Boolean
procedure CreateRecRef(var RecRef: RecordRef): Boolean
Creates an instance of a RecordRef by using the SourceType-SourceSubtype-SourceId-Pair fields on the record. Note: The targetted record must exist.
RecRef RecordRef
The resulting RecordRef.
Returns Boolean
if the value could be encoded and the record exists. false
procedure ShowCard()
Opens the default card page for the current record.
procedure IsPostedDocument(): Boolean
Indicates if the current record is a posted document.
Returns Boolean
if the current record points to a posted document.
procedure IsArchivedDocument(): Boolean
Indicates if the current record is an archived document.
Returns Boolean
if the current record points to an archived document.
procedure AddToBuffer(DocVariant: Variant)
Addes a record to the buffer. This is mostly the same as GetTable
, but this also inserts the resulting record.
DocVariant Variant
The record to load into the buffer. Must be a record or a recordref pointing to a table.
procedure AddToBufferByType(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceBatchName: Code[10]; SourceLineNo: Integer; SourceProdOrderLineNo: Integer)
Addes a record to the buffer. See also AddToBuffer
SourceType Integer
The SourceSubtype.
SourceSubtype Integer
SourceNo Code[20]
The Source No.
SourceBatchName Code[10]
The Source Batch Name.
SourceLineNo Integer
The Source Line No.
SourceProdOrderLineNo Integer
The Prod. Order Line No.
procedure DecodeCopyDocumentPurchDocType(Value: Integer): Boolean
Decodes the purchase DocumentType
that is used by Copy Document Mgt.
into a source-type/subtype/id pair.
Value Integer
The document type.
Returns Boolean
if the document type was decoded successfully.
procedure DecodeCopyDocumentPurchDocType(Value: Integer; WithError: Boolean): Boolean
Decodes the purchase DocumentType
that is used by Copy Document Mgt.
into a source-type/subtype/id pair.
Value Integer
The document type.
WithError Boolean
If true
, a runtime error is raised if the passed document type could not be decoded.
Returns Boolean
if the document type was decoded successfully.
procedure DecodeCopyDocumentSalesDocType(Value: Integer): Boolean
Decodes the sales DocumentType
that is used by Copy Document Mgt.
into a source-type/subtype/id pair.
Value Integer
The document type.
Returns Boolean
if the document type was decoded successfully.
procedure DecodeCopyDocumentSalesDocType(Value: Integer; WithError: Boolean): Boolean
Decodes the sales DocumentType
that is used by Copy Document Mgt.
into a source-type/subtype/id pair.
Value Integer
The document type.
WithError Boolean
If true
, a runtime error is raised if the passed document type could not be decoded.
Returns Boolean
if the document type was decoded successfully.
procedure GetTableType(DocVariant: Variant): Enum "EOS004 Table Type"
DocVariant Variant
Returns Enum "EOS004 Table Type"
procedure GetTableType(TableID: Integer): Enum "EOS004 Table Type"
TableID Integer
Returns Enum "EOS004 Table Type"
procedure GetSubtypeFieldNo(DocVariant: Variant): Integer
DocVariant Variant
Returns Integer
procedure GetSubtypeFieldNo(TableID: Integer): Integer
TableID Integer
Returns Integer
local procedure OnGetTableType(var IsPosted: Boolean; var IsArchived: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
An event that checks if a table is a posted document or an archived document. If this event is not handled, both values default to false. Most common NAV tables are already handled.
IsPosted Boolean
Set this to true, if the record is a posted document.
IsArchived Boolean
Set this to true, if the record is an archived document.
Handled Boolean
Set this to true if you handled the request.
local procedure OnBeforeGetSubtypeFieldNo(var RecRef: RecordRef; TableType: Enum "EOS004 Table Type"; var Result: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)
RecRef RecordRef
TableType Enum "EOS004 Table Type"
Result Integer
Handled Boolean
local procedure OnAfterGetSubtypeFieldNo(var RecRef: RecordRef; TableType: Enum "EOS004 Table Type"; var Result: Integer)
RecRef RecordRef
TableType Enum "EOS004 Table Type"
Result Integer
local procedure OnBeforeGetTableType(var RecRef: RecordRef; var CouldBeArchive: Boolean; var TableType: Enum "EOS004 Table Type"; var Handled: Boolean)
RecRef RecordRef
CouldBeArchive Boolean
TableType Enum "EOS004 Table Type"
Handled Boolean
local procedure OnAfterGetTableType(var RecRef: RecordRef; CouldBeArchive: Boolean; var TableType: Enum "EOS004 Table Type")
RecRef RecordRef
CouldBeArchive Boolean
TableType Enum "EOS004 Table Type"
local procedure OnBeforeDecodeRecord(var RecRef: RecordRef; var Success: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
RecRef RecordRef
Success Boolean
Handled Boolean
local procedure OnAfterDecodeRecord(var RecRef: RecordRef; var Success: Boolean)
RecRef RecordRef
Success Boolean
local procedure OnBeforeCreateRecRef(var RecRef: RecordRef; var Success: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
RecRef RecordRef
Success Boolean
IsHandled Boolean
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