Page 18123330 EOS ABI/CAB List

Page 18123330 EOS ABI/CAB List

de-DEImportieren von ABI/CAB
en-USImport ABI/CAB
it-ITImportazione ABI/CAB



procedure unzip(ZipIs: InStream; var NameValueBufferOut: Record "Name/Value Buffer")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ZipIs InStream

  • NameValueBufferOut Record "Name/Value Buffer"


procedure checkCurrLine(currLine: Text) Correct: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • currLine Text

  • Returns Boolean


procedure insertLine(currLine: Text; var ABICABCodes: Record "ABI/CAB Codes" temporary)

Parameters / Return Value

  • currLine Text

  • ABICABCodes Record "ABI/CAB Codes"



local procedure OnBeforeInsertABICABCodeLine(currLine: Text; var ABICABCodes: Record "ABI/CAB Codes" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Event executed before processing a single file line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • currLine Text

    The file line.

  • ABICABCodes Record "ABI/CAB Codes"

    The array of ABICABCodes temp, only insert in this array.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Is Handled to skip insert/modify of relate ABI/CAB line.


local procedure OnAfterInsertABICABCodeLine(currLine: Text; var ABICABCodes: Record "ABI/CAB Codes" temporary)

Event executed after inserting a new ABI/CAB Code.

Parameters / Return Value

  • currLine Text

    The file line.

  • ABICABCodes Record "ABI/CAB Codes"

    The new ABI/CAB record.


local procedure OnAfterModifyABICABCodeLine(currLine: Text; var ABICABCodes: Record "ABI/CAB Codes" temporary)

Event executed after modifying existing ABI/CAB Code.

Parameters / Return Value

  • currLine Text

    The file line.

  • ABICABCodes Record "ABI/CAB Codes"

    The modified ABI/CAB record.


local procedure OnBeforeUploadABICABFile(var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Event executed before uploading a file. Can be used to upload a custom file, silently from Server (on-premise).

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

    TempBlob codeunit to store the file content.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Parameter to skip standard Upload File dialog.

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