Codeunit 18122608 EOS060 Work Journal - Post

Codeunit 18122608 EOS060 Work Journal - Post



procedure PostActivity(var ActivityEntry: Record "EOS060 Machine Activity Entry";WorkRequest: Record "EOS060 Work Request";ActivityDescription: Text;PostingDate: Date;CloseRequest: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ActivityEntry Record "EOS060 Machine Activity Entry"

  • WorkRequest Record "EOS060 Work Request"

  • ActivityDescription Text

  • PostingDate Date

  • CloseRequest Boolean


procedure PostJnlLinesYesNo(WorkJnlBatch: Record "EOS060 Work Journal Batch"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkJnlBatch Record "EOS060 Work Journal Batch"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure PostJnlLinesYesNo(var WorkJnlLine: Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkJnlLine Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure PostJnlLines(WorkJnlBatch: Record "EOS060 Work Journal Batch")

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkJnlBatch Record "EOS060 Work Journal Batch"


procedure PostJnlLines(var WorkJnlLine: Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkJnlLine Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line"


procedure PostWorkJnlLine(var WorkJnlLine: Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkJnlLine Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line"



local procedure OnBeforePostWorkJnlLine(var WorkJnlLine: Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line")

Raised before posting the work journal line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkJnlLine Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line"

    The record that is going to be posted.


local procedure OnPostWorkJnlLineOnBeforeWorkLedgerEntryInsert(var WorkLedgerEntry: Record "EOS060 Work Ledger Entry")

Raised before inserting the ledger entry record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkLedgerEntry Record "EOS060 Work Ledger Entry"

    The record that is going to be inserted.


local procedure OnAfterPostWorkJnlLine(var WorkLedgerEntry: Record "EOS060 Work Ledger Entry")

Raised after posting the work journal line and the related job or item/resource entries.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkLedgerEntry Record "EOS060 Work Ledger Entry"

    The resulting work ledger entry.


local procedure OnAfterPostWorkJournalLine(var WorkLedgerEntry: Record "EOS060 Work Ledger Entry"; var WorkJnlLine: Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line")

Raised after posting the work journal line and the related job or item/resource entries.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkLedgerEntry Record "EOS060 Work Ledger Entry"

    The resulting work ledger entry.

  • WorkJnlLine Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line"

    The source work journal line.


local procedure OnBeforeActivityEntryInsert(var ActivityEntry: Record "EOS060 Machine Activity Entry";ActivityDescription: Text;PostingDate: Date;CloseRequest: Boolean)

Raised before the Machine Activity Entry record is inserted in the database.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ActivityEntry Record "EOS060 Machine Activity Entry"

    The current Machine Activity Entry record.

  • ActivityDescription Text

  • PostingDate Date

  • CloseRequest Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeInitResourceJnlLine(WorkLedgerEntry: Record "EOS060 Work Ledger Entry"; var ResourceJnlLine: Record "Res. Journal Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before init Resource Journal Line to insert

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkLedgerEntry Record "EOS060 Work Ledger Entry"

    Work Ledger Entry linked to Resource Journal Line

  • ResourceJnlLine Record "Res. Journal Line"

    Resource Journal Line to insert

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If enabled, skip standard code


local procedure OnBeforeRunWithCheck(WorkLedgerEntry: Record "EOS060 Work Ledger Entry"; var ResourceJnlLine: Record "Res. Journal Line")

Raised before check Resource Journal Line to insert

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkLedgerEntry Record "EOS060 Work Ledger Entry"

    Work Ledger Entry linked to Resource Journal Line

  • ResourceJnlLine Record "Res. Journal Line"

    Resource Journal Line to insert

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