Page 18122628 EOS060 Post Activity

Page 18122628 EOS060 Post Activity

de-ATPost-Aktivität (PMM)
de-CHPost-Aktivität (PMM)
de-DEPost-Aktivität (PMM)
en-USPost Activity (PMM)
it-CHRegistra attività (PMM)
it-ITRegistra attività (PMM)



procedure InitRequest(var NewWorkRequest: record "EOS060 Work Request")

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewWorkRequest record "EOS060 Work Request"


procedure PopulateJournal()


procedure SetActivityDescription(NewDescription: Text[250])

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewDescription Text[250]


procedure GetJournalLines(var TempWorkJournalLine: Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempWorkJournalLine Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line"



local procedure OnBeforePostActivity(WorkRequest: Record "EOS060 Work Request";var ActivityDescription: Text;var PostingDate: Date;var CloseRequest: Boolean)

Raised before calling the PostActivity procedure

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkRequest Record "EOS060 Work Request"

    The work request currently being posted

  • ActivityDescription Text

    The activity description inserted by the user

  • PostingDate Date

    The posting date

  • CloseRequest Boolean

    Specifies whether the work request should be closed after posting


local procedure OnAfterPostActivity_StatusFinished(WorkRequest: Record "EOS060 Work Request";var ActivityDescription: Text;var PostingDate: Date;var CloseRequest: Boolean)

Raised after calling the PostActivity procedure and after changing status to “Finished”.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkRequest Record "EOS060 Work Request"

    The work request posted

  • ActivityDescription Text

    The activity description inserted by the user

  • PostingDate Date

    The posting date

  • CloseRequest Boolean

    Specifies whether the work request should be closed after posting


local procedure OnBeforeInsertResourceLine(var Rec: Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line"; WorkRequest: Record "EOS060 Work Request")

Raised before inserting the journal line for the resource.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line"

    The work journal line record.

  • WorkRequest Record "EOS060 Work Request"

    The work request record.


local procedure OnBeforeInsertSparePartLine(var Rec: Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line"; WorkRequest: Record "EOS060 Work Request"; SparePart: Record "EOS060 Spare Part")

Raised before inserting the journal line for a spare part.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "EOS060 Work Journal Line"

    The work journal line record.

  • WorkRequest Record "EOS060 Work Request"

    The work request record.

  • SparePart Record "EOS060 Spare Part"

    The spare part record.

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