Table 18122649 EOS060 Activity Entry
Table 18122649 EOS060 Activity Entry
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Aktivitätserfassung (PMM) |
de-CH | Aktivitätserfassung (PMM) |
de-DE | Aktivitätserfassung (PMM) |
en-US | Activity Entry (PMM) |
it-CH | Movimento attività (PMM) |
it-IT | Movimento attività (PMM) |
Activity No. (1
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Aktivität Nr. |
de-CH | Aktivität Nr. |
de-DE | Aktivität Nr. |
en-US | Activity No. |
it-CH | Nr. attività |
it-IT | Nr. attività |
Activity Type (2
Enum "EOS060 Activity Type"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Art der Aktivität |
de-CH | Art der Aktivität |
de-DE | Art der Aktivität |
en-US | Activity Type |
it-CH | Tipo attività |
it-IT | Tipo attività |
Language Code (3
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(Language.Code where("Windows Language ID" = field("Language Id")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Sprachcode |
de-CH | Sprachcode |
de-DE | Sprachcode |
en-US | Language Code |
it-CH | Cod. lingua |
it-IT | Cod. lingua |
Execution Mode (6
Enum "EOS060 Execution Mode"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Ausführungsmodus |
de-CH | Ausführungsmodus |
de-DE | Ausführungsmodus |
en-US | Execution Mode |
it-CH | Modalità di esecuzione |
it-IT | Modalità di esecuzione |
Interface Action (7
Enum "EOS060 Interface Action"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Aktion der Benutzeroberfläche |
de-CH | Aktion der Benutzeroberfläche |
de-DE | Aktion der Benutzeroberfläche |
en-US | Interface Action |
it-CH | Azione interfaccia |
it-IT | Azione interfaccia |
Employee No. (9
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Mitarbeiter-Nr. |
de-CH | Mitarbeiter-Nr. |
de-DE | Mitarbeiter-Nr. |
en-US | Employee No. |
it-CH | Nr. dipendente |
it-IT | Nr. dipendente |
Source Type (10
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Quellentyp |
de-CH | Quellentyp |
de-DE | Quellentyp |
en-US | Source Type |
it-CH | Tipo origine |
it-IT | Tipo origine |
Source Subtype (11
Enum "EOS060 Source Subtype"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Quell-Subtype |
de-CH | Quell-Subtype |
de-DE | Quell-Subtype |
en-US | Source Subtype |
it-CH | Sottotipo origine |
it-IT | Sottotipo origine |
Source ID (12
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Quellen-ID |
de-CH | Quellen-ID |
de-DE | Quellen-ID |
en-US | Source ID |
it-CH | Id origine |
it-IT | Id origine |
External Document No. (17
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Externes Dokument Nr. |
de-CH | Externes Dokument Nr. |
de-DE | Externes Dokument Nr. |
en-US | External Document No. |
it-CH | Nr. documento esterno |
it-IT | Nr. documento esterno |
Payload (18
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Nutzlast |
de-CH | Nutzlast |
de-DE | Nutzlast |
en-US | Payload |
it-CH | Payload |
it-IT | Payload |
Notify On Success (19
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Bei Erfolg benachrichtigen |
de-CH | Bei Erfolg benachrichtigen |
de-DE | Bei Erfolg benachrichtigen |
en-US | Notify On Success |
it-CH | Notifica esecuzione corretta |
it-IT | Notifica esecuzione corretta |
Source Subtype As Int (20
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Quell-Subtype As Int |
de-CH | Quell-Subtype As Int |
de-DE | Quell-Subtype As Int |
en-US | Source Subtype As Int |
it-CH | Sottotipo origine (intero) |
it-IT | Sottotipo origine (intero) |
Posted Document No. (21
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Gebuchter Beleg Nr. |
de-CH | Gebuchter Beleg Nr. |
de-DE | Gebuchter Beleg Nr. |
en-US | Posted Document No. |
it-CH | Nr. documento registrato |
it-IT | Nr. documento registrato |
Language Id (22
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Sprach-ID |
de-CH | Sprach-ID |
de-DE | Sprach-ID |
en-US | Language Id |
it-CH | Id lingua |
it-IT | Id lingua |
Activity Action (23
TableRelation: "EOS060 Activity Action"."Code" where("Activity" = field("Activity Type"))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Aktion “Aktivität” |
de-CH | Aktion “Aktivität” |
de-DE | Aktion “Aktivität” |
en-US | Activity Action |
it-CH | Azione attività |
it-IT | Azione attività |
Source Line No. (24
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Quellzeilen-Nr. |
de-CH | Quellzeilen-Nr. |
de-DE | Quellzeilen-Nr. |
en-US | Source Line No. |
it-CH | Nr. riga origine |
it-IT | Nr. riga origine |
Source SystemId (25
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Quelle SystemId |
de-CH | Quelle SystemId |
de-DE | Quelle SystemId |
en-US | Source SystemId |
it-CH | SystemId origine |
it-IT | SystemId origine |
Status (100
Enum "EOS060 Activity Status"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Status der Aktivität |
de-CH | Status der Aktivität |
de-DE | Status der Aktivität |
en-US | Activity Status |
it-CH | Stato attività |
it-IT | Stato attività |
Result (101
Enum "EOS060 Activity Result"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Ergebnis der Aktivität |
de-CH | Ergebnis der Aktivität |
de-DE | Ergebnis der Aktivität |
en-US | Activity Result |
it-CH | Esito attività |
it-IT | Esito attività |
SystemCreatedByUserId (102
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(User."User Name" where("User Security ID" = field(SystemCreatedBy)))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Erstellt von |
de-CH | Erstellt von |
de-DE | Erstellt von |
en-US | Created by |
it-CH | Creato da |
it-IT | Creato da |
SystemModifiedByUserId (103
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: lookup(User."User Name" where("User Security ID" = field(SystemCreatedBy)))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Geändert von |
de-CH | Geändert von |
de-DE | Geändert von |
en-US | Modified by |
it-CH | Modificato da |
it-IT | Modificato da |
Activity Duration (104
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Dauer |
de-CH | Dauer |
de-DE | Dauer |
en-US | Duration |
it-CH | Durata |
it-IT | Durata |
Task (105
Enum "EOS060 Task Action"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Aufgabe |
de-CH | Aufgabe |
de-DE | Aufgabe |
en-US | Task |
it-CH | Task |
it-IT | Task |
Error Message (106
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Fehlermeldung |
de-CH | Fehlermeldung |
de-DE | Fehlermeldung |
en-US | Error Message |
it-CH | Messaggio di errore |
it-IT | Messaggio di errore |
Error Message Blob (107
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Fehlermeldung Blob |
de-CH | Fehlermeldung Blob |
de-DE | Fehlermeldung Blob |
en-US | Error Message Blob |
it-CH | Blob messaggio di errore |
it-IT | Blob messaggio di errore |
Call Stack (108
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Aufrufliste |
de-CH | Aufrufliste |
de-DE | Aufrufliste |
en-US | Call Stack |
it-CH | Call stack |
it-IT | Call stack |
Call Stack Blob (109
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Aufrufen von Stack Blob |
de-CH | Aufrufen von Stack Blob |
de-DE | Aufrufen von Stack Blob |
en-US | Call Stack Blob |
it-CH | Blob call stack |
it-IT | Blob call stack |
Processed By Job Queue (113
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Verarbeitet von Job-Warteschlange |
de-CH | Verarbeitet von Job-Warteschlange |
de-DE | Verarbeitet von Job-Warteschlange |
en-US | Processed By Job Queue |
it-CH | Eseguito da coda processi |
it-IT | Eseguito da coda processi |
Attached-To Entry No. (114
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Angehängt an Eintrags-Nr. |
de-CH | Angehängt an Eintrags-Nr. |
de-DE | Angehängt an Eintrags-Nr. |
en-US | Attached-To Entry No. |
it-CH | Collegato-a Nr. movimento |
it-IT | Collegato-a Nr. movimento |
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