EX006 Combine Warehouse Shipment

Extended Shipment Management (CWS),Warehouse Combine Shipment and Receipt

Extended Shipment Management (CWS),Warehouse Combine Shipment and Receipt

Dependency graph

graph TD; Main(Combine Warehouse Shipment) --> Dep0(EOS Administration Library); click Dep0 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/8bb96677-5112-4566-b742-12eebbb9a058.html" Main(Combine Warehouse Shipment) --> Dep1(Common Data Layer); click Dep1 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/4e2a89a2-9049-496c-8b3a-f4eee6399b0e.html" Main(Combine Warehouse Shipment) --> Dep2(Logistic Common Data Layer); click Dep2 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/7b5948a7-baa0-46fa-981d-cc17cab84143.html"

Dependencies from



18122365EOS CWS Management
18122366EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Mgmt
18122367EOS CWS Event Handler
18122368EOS CWS CaptionClass Mgmt
18122369EOS CWS Initialize
18122370EOS CWS Shipment Mgmt
18122371EOS CWS Shipment Event Handler
18122372EOS CWS Shipment Header - Edit
18122373EOS CWS Shpt.-Printed
18122374EOS CWS Sales Mgmt
18122375EOS CWS Sales Event Handler
18122376EOS CWS Return Mgmt
18122377EOS CWS Return Event Handler
18122378EOS CWS Transfer Mgmt
18122379EOS CWS Transfer Event Handler
18122380EOS CWS Service Mgmt
18122381EOS CWS Service Event Handler
18122382EOS CWS Receipt Mgmt
18122383EOS CWS Receipt Event Handler
18122384EOS CWS Purchase Mgmt
18122385EOS CWS Purchase Event Handler
18122386EOS CWS EX050 ECS Integration
18122387EOS006 Job Handler
18122388EOS006 CWS Job Tests
18122389EOS038 CWS Param Calc.
18122406EOS CWS Shipment Data Migr.
18122408EOS006 Upgrade
18122409EOS CWS Management Test
70491955EOS CWS Comb. Criteria Mgmt.
70491956EOS CWS Comb. Calc. Mgmt.
70491960EOS CWS Enum Mgmt.
70491961EOS CWS Invoicing Setup Mgmt.
70491962EOS CWS Inv. Setup Calc. Mgmt.
70491974EOS EX006 Subscription


18122365EOS CWS Destination Type
18122366EOS CWS Source Document
18122367EOS CWS Posted Source Document
18122368EOS006 CWS Sales Order Line Description
18122369EOS006 CWS Purchase Order Line Description
18122370EOS006 CWS Service Order Line Description


77Report Selection Usage
18122726EOS038 Calculate Params Source
18122727EOS066 EX038 Ship. Price Doc Type


18122365EOS CWS Setup
18122366EOS CWS Shipments
18122367EOS CWS Shipment
18122368EOS CWS Shipment Subform
18122369EOS CWS Shipment Statistics
18122370EOS CWS Shipment - Update
18122371EOS CWS Comment List
18122372EOS CWS Comment Sheet
18122373EOS006 CWS Report Selection
18122374EOS CWS Shipment Line List
18122375EOS CWS Entry Relation
18122376EOS CWS Whse. Address Factbox
18122377EOS CWS Document Groups List
18122378EOS CWS Document Groups
18122379EOS CWS Get Source Doc. Lines
18122380EOS CWS Source Document Info
18122381EOS CWS Document Groups Info
18122382EOS CWS Entry Relation Temp
70491955EOS CWS Combination Criteria
70491956EOS CWS Comb. Criteria Setup
70491957EOS CWS Comb. Criteria Editor
70491959EOS CWS Shipment Invoices
70491960EOS CWS Enum Lookup List
70491961EOS CWS Invoicing Code
70491962EOS CWS Invoicing Setup


38Item Ledger Entries
42Sales Order
119User Setup
131Posted Sales Shpt. Subform
142Posted Sales Shipments
202Resource Ledger Entries
461Inventory Setup
508Blanket Sales Order Subform
525Posted Sales Shipment Lines
780Certificates of Supply
5703Location Card
5708Get Shipment Lines
5740Transfer Order
5742Transfer Orders
5744Posted Transfer Shpt. Subform
5752Posted Transfer Shipments
5758Posted Transfer Shipment Lines
5768Warehouse Receipt
5802Value Entries
5824Sales Shipment Lines
5851Get Post.Doc - S.ShptLn Sbfrm
5900Service Order
5912Service Ledger Entries
5913Warranty Ledger Entries
5920Service Document Log
5950Posted Shpt. Item Line List
5970Posted Service Shipment Lines
5974Posted Service Shipments
5976Posted Service Shpt. Subform
5994Get Service Shipment Lines
6640Purchase Return Order
6648Get Return Shipment Lines
6651Posted Return Shipment Subform
6652Posted Return Shipments
6653Posted Return Shipment Lines
7318Warehouse Entries
7330Posted Whse. Receipt
7335Warehouse Shipment
7336Whse. Shipment Subform
7337Posted Whse. Shipment
7338Posted Whse. Shipment Subform
7339Warehouse Shipment List
8909Warehouse Manager Role Center
9000Whse. WMS Role Center
9006Order Processor Role Center
9008Whse. Basic Role Center
9305Sales Order List
9311Purchase Return Order List
9318Service Orders
18123707EOS Sales Posted Ship Summary


18122365EOS CWS - Shipment
18122366EOS CWS Certificate of Supply
18122367EOS CWS Comb. Sales Shipments
18122368EOS Calc. CWS Transport Costs
18122406EOS CWS Create Shipment


18122365EOS CWS Setup
18122366EOS CWS Shipment Header
18122367EOS CWS Shipment Line
18122368EOS CWS Comment Line
18122369EOS006 Last Group Entry No.
18122370EOS CWS Entry Relation
18122371EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Entry
18122372EOS CWS Whse. Doc. Line Buffer
18122382EOS CWS Receipt Posting Buffer
70491955EOS CWS Combination Criteria
70491956EOS CWS Comb. Criteria Setup
70491960EOS CWS Enum Lookup Buffer
70491961EOS CWS Invoicing Code
70491962EOS CWS Invoicing Setup
70491963EOS CWS Invoicing Code Buffer


18122365EOS006 CWS Active Whse Request
18122366EOS006 CWS Entry Relation Info


36Sales Header
38Purchase Header
91User Setup
110Sales Shipment Header
111Sales Shipment Line
112Sales Invoice Header
780Certificate of Supply
5740Transfer Header
5744Transfer Shipment Header
5745Transfer Shipment Line
5900Service Header
5989Service Shipment Item Line
5990Service Shipment Header
5991Service Shipment Line
6650Return Shipment Header
6651Return Shipment Line
7316Warehouse Receipt Header
7318Posted Whse. Receipt Header
7320Warehouse Shipment Header
7321Warehouse Shipment Line
7322Posted Whse. Shipment Header
7323Posted Whse. Shipment Line

Build environment


Obsolete Items

24.0Table 18122366 EOS CWS Shipment HeaderFieldPackage Tracking No.Field length will be increased to 50.
24.0Table 18122371 EOS CWS Doc. Grouping EntryFieldPackage Tracking No. InfoField length will be increased to 50.
23.0Table 18122371 EOS CWS Doc. Grouping EntryMethodDeclarationGetGroupInfoFromLinesUse overload with UseWhseQuantity parameter
21.0Codeunit 18122374 EOS CWS Sales MgmtMethodDeclarationHandleSalesNotItemLineUse overload
21.0Codeunit 18122374 EOS CWS Sales MgmtMethodDeclarationOnBeforePostNotItemLinesCheckSubscribe to ‘OnBeforePostNotInventoryLinesCheck’
21.0Codeunit 18122374 EOS CWS Sales MgmtMethodDeclarationOnBeforePostNotItemLineSubscribe to ‘OnBeforePostNotInventoryLine’
21.0Codeunit 18122376 EOS CWS Return MgmtMethodDeclarationHandleReturnNotItemLineCall “HandlePurchNotInventoryLine” procedure in codeunit 18122384 “EOS CWS Purchase Mgmt”
21.0Codeunit 18122384 EOS CWS Purchase MgmtMethodDeclarationHandlePurchNotItemLineUse overload
20.0Table 18122367 EOS CWS Shipment LineFieldCross-Reference No.Cross-Reference replaced by Item Reference feature.
20.0Table 18122367 EOS CWS Shipment LineFieldUnit of Measure (Cross Ref.)Cross-Reference replaced by Item Reference feature.
20.0Table 18122367 EOS CWS Shipment LineFieldCross-Reference TypeCross-Reference replaced by Item Reference feature.
20.0Table 18122367 EOS CWS Shipment LineFieldCross-Reference Type No.Cross-Reference replaced by Item Reference feature.
16.0Table 18122365 EOS CWS SetupFieldReport ID S.Order Shpt.Use standard report selection. This warning will become an error in a future release.
16.0Table 18122365 EOS CWS SetupFieldReport ID P.Ret.Order Shpt.Use standard report selection. This warning will become an error in a future release.
16.0Table 18122365 EOS CWS SetupFieldReport ID Out.Transfer Shpt.Use standard report selection. This warning will become an error in a future release.
16.0Table 18122365 EOS CWS SetupFieldReport ID Serv.Order Shpt.Use standard report selection. This warning will become an error in a future release.


Released: On Premise: 20. September 2024 | SaaS: 20. September 2024

  • 16051: EX006 CWS Remove obsolete objects for BC25


Released: On Premise: 21. August 2024 | SaaS: 21. August 2024

  • 15772: EX006 CWS Add event for change destination filters on “EOS CWS Get Source Doc. Lines” page


Released: On Premise: 06. August 2024 | SaaS: 06. August 2024

  • 15713: EX006 CWS Add, in pages ‘CWS posted shipment’ and ‘Posted shipment (CWS)', management of standard attachments


Released: On Premise: 10. July 2024 | SaaS: 11. July 2024

  • 15530: EX006 CWS Add parameter SalesShipmentLine to event OnBeforeInsertAdditionalInvTextLines


Released: On Premise: 09. July 2024 | SaaS: 09. July 2024

  • 15514: EX038 ETC Launching report ‘Calc. CWS Shpt. Trasp. Cost (ETC)’ returns error ‘Customer doesn’t exist. Fields and identification values: No.=(number).’


Released: On Premise: 27. June 2024 | SaaS: 28. June 2024

  • 15410: EX006 CWS Add event, to skip creation of CWS shipment


Released: On Premise: 25. June 2024 | SaaS: 25. June 2024

  • 15410: EX006 CWS Add event, to skip creation of CWS shipment


Released: On Premise: 24. May 2024 | SaaS: 24. May 2024

  • 15268: EX006 CWS Add parameter to event OnBeforeInsertShipmentDescLine, in function InsertShipmentDescLine of table ‘EOS CWS Shipment Line’, to personalize descriptive CWS line with order fields


Released: On Premise: 20. May 2024

  • 15230: EX006 CWS In page ‘CWS posted shipment’, with ‘Destination type’ = ‘Location’ the function ‘Undo Shipment’ doesn’t set field ‘Correction’ on lines


Released: On Premise: 08. May 2024

  • 15107: EX006 CWS Add event, to skip error obtained trying to add a field in a grouping code, when this last is already in the wharehouse shipment


Released: On Premise: 19. April 2024

  • 14493: EX092.01 DRP+CWS Add possibility to calculate trasport costs for Warehouse shipment groups from Tour Plan
  • 14391: EX006 CWS Integration between CWS and P365
  • 14685: EX038 ETC Impossibile to calculate transport costs for sales return orders
  • 14639: EX006 CWS Enlarged fields management, warning AS0086
  • 14525: EX006 CWS Remove Obsolete NoSeriesManagement BC24
  • 14604: EX006 CWS Add setup to load different source documents in page “CWS Get Source Doc. Lines”
  • 14397: EX038 ETC Add possibility to calculate trasport costs on Warehouse shipment groups


Released: On Premise: 29. February 2024 | SaaS: 01. March 2024

  • 14319: EX006 CWS Add filter field ‘Responsibility center’ in page ‘User setup’


Released: On Premise: 22. February 2024 | SaaS: 22. February 2024

  • 14135: EX006 CWS Add event, to filter CWS shipments by responsibility center
  • 14316: EX038 ETC Add event to get CWS transport costs from EMA


Released: On Premise: 08. February 2024 | SaaS: 09. February 2024

  • 14161: EX006 CWS Add event, in order to avoid inserting lines with order reference in invoice


Released: On Premise: 05. February 2024 | SaaS: 06. February 2024

  • 14161: EX006 CWS Add event, in order to avoid inserting lines with order reference in invoice


Released: On Premise: 05. February 2024 | SaaS: 05. February 2024

  • 14135: EX006 CWS Add event, to filter CWS shipments by responsibility center


Released: On Premise: 31. January 2024 | SaaS: 31. January 2024

  • 14135: EX006 CWS Add event, to filter CWS shipments by responsibility center


Released: On Premise: 24. January 2024 | SaaS: 24. January 2024

  • 14090: EX038 ETC In page ‘Tour shipping prices’, field ‘To area code’ is wrongly populed


Released: On Premise: 17. January 2024 | SaaS: 17. January 2024

  • 14014: EX006 CWS In ‘Posted sales invoice’ directly created from warehouse shipment and having order with ‘Ship-to’ equal to ‘Custom address’, this address type isn’t reported in ‘Ship-to’


Released: On Premise: 11. January 2024 | SaaS: 11. January 2024

  • 13969: EX006 CWS In ‘Warehouse shipment’, check “If TmpAddrBuffer.Name = ‘(multiple)’ then” in field ‘Ship-to’ works only in english language


Released: On Premise: 05. January 2024 | SaaS: 05. January 2024

  • 13926: EX006 CWS In page ‘Posted sales invoice’, selecting ‘Find entries’ returns error ‘No Posted warehouse shipment line in this filter. Filters: Posted source no: (number). Posting date: (date)’


Released: On Premise: 28. December 2023 | SaaS: 04. January 2024

  • 13885: Improve performance of action ‘Get source documents’, when field ‘Document Destination Type’ is set


Released: On Premise: 27. December 2023

  • 13876: EX006 CWS Populate, in page ‘Whse. - Get Source Doc. Lines’, field ‘Destination No.’ if field ‘Document destination no’ is populated in page ‘Warehouse shipment’
  • 13872: Add “Mileage” and “Trip Hours” fields in CWS header and groups, used in ETC calculation


Released: On Premise: 19. December 2023

  • 13854: EX006 CWS Add event, to communicate to external system synchronized with BC that a line of a CWS posted warehouse shipment has been deleted


Released: On Premise: 04. December 2023

  • 13724: EX092.01 DRP+CWS Fix posting whse shipments from ‘Route Plan’, using standard posting of CWS


Released: On Premise: 08. November 2023

  • 13580: EX006 CWS - Posting warehouse shipment with automatic creation of invoice, multiple invoices are created, one for each sales line


Released: On Premise: 31. October 2023

  • 13537: EX006 CWS Add event, to manage fields ‘Destination type’ e ‘Destination no.', in page ‘Get source documents’ in Warehouse receipt
  • 13522: EX006 CWS Fix calculation of transport costs for standard documents with ETC Setup CWS


Released: On Premise: 27. October 2023

  • 13501: EX006 CWS Add event in page ‘EOS CWS Get Source Doc. Lines’, to set custom field in buffer table
  • 13055: EX092.02 Add Delivery route planner for Transport costs management


Released: On Premise: 11. October 2023

  • 13376: EX006 CWS Fix Event OnGetOrderDescriptionForInvLineDescriptionFromShpt doesn’t work


Released: On Premise: 10. October 2023

  • 13365: EX006 CWS Add event, to set custom fields as mandatory for grouping criteria


Released: On Premise: 10. October 2023

  • 13329: EX006 CWS Fix creation of Invoice from CWS, when “Bill-to” and “Sell-to” are the same in posted shipment but customer has a different “Bill-to”
  • 13253: EX006 CWS Modify event, to return buffer of selected lines


Released: On Premise: 13. September 2023

  • 13218: EX006 CWS Fix Error on posting Whse Shipment after changing “Shipping Agent Code” in CWS Group
  • 12886: EX006 CWS In page ‘Warehouse receipt’, trying to post for subcontracting order returns error ‘‘Quantity (base) must not be negative in Warehouse item tracking lines. Entry no.=’(number)'.’
  • 13055: EX092.02 Add Delivery route planner for Transport costs management


Released: On Premise: 01. September 2023

  • 13051: EX092.01 DRP+CWS Add Delivery route planner for Combined warehouse shipment management
  • 13055: EX092.02 Add Delivery route planner for Transport costs management


Released: On Premise: 04. August 2023 | SaaS: 04. September 2023

  • 13014: EX006 CWS Add, in page ‘Posted Whse. Receipt Header’ (7318), fields ‘EOS Document Destination Type’ and ‘EOS Document Destination No.’


Released: On Premise: 03. August 2023

  • 12886: EX006 CWS In page ‘Warehouse receipt’, trying to post for subcontracting order returns error ‘‘Quantity (base) must not be negative in Warehouse item tracking lines. Entry no.=’(number)'.’


Released: On Premise: 27. July 2023

  • 12886: EX006 CWS In page ‘Warehouse receipt’, trying to post for subcontracting order returns error ‘‘Quantity (base) must not be negative in Warehouse item tracking lines. Entry no.=’(number)'.’
  • 12920: EX006 CWS In page ‘CWS posted shipment’, selecting ‘Navigate’ returns error ‘No posted warehouse shipment line in this filter. Filters: Posted source no: (number), Posting date: (date)’


Released: On Premise: 17. July 2023 | SaaS: 18. July 2023

  • 12911: EX038 ETC - From ‘Posted purchase invoice’, in window ‘Document Shipping Prices Lines’ it isn’t possible to open the Page Card of CWS
  • 12816: EX038 ETC Tours implementation with DRP fields


Released: On Premise: 06. July 2023 | SaaS: 06. July 2023

  • 12865: EX006 CWS In Posted CWS Shipments the Invoices action shows the wrong Invoice No.


Released: On Premise: 06. July 2023

  • 12868: EX006 CWS Add event at the end of posting


Released: On Premise: 20. June 2023 | SaaS: 27. June 2023

  • 12714: EX006 CWS Add the possibility to ship, via warehouse, ‘Charge (item)’ lines linked to an ‘Not-inventory’ item


Released: On Premise: 16. June 2023 | SaaS: 16. June 2023

  • 12696: EX006 CWS Add event before open CWS groups from warehouse shipment


Released: On Premise: 13. June 2023 | SaaS: 13. June 2023

  • 12598: EX006 CWS Add event, to permit elimination of picks related to a posted shipment


Released: On Premise: 08. June 2023

  • 12598: EX006 CWS Add event, to permit elimination of picks related to a posted shipment


Released: On Premise: 31. May 2023 | SaaS: 31. May 2023

  • 12224: EX006 CWS Set fields ‘EOS Document Destination Type’ and ‘EOS Document Destination No’ in warehouse shipment/receipt from source document


Released: On Premise: 19. May 2023 | SaaS: 19. May 2023

  • 12445: EX006 CWS Fix create purchase invoice from ETC with CWS


Released: On Premise: 10. May 2023 | SaaS: 10. May 2023

  • 12342: EX038 ETC Add event to get the transport costs for CWS without shipping agent or transport price list


Released: On Premise: 08. May 2023 | SaaS: 08. May 2023

  • 12133: EX006 CWS Add Undo Shipment feature for CWS Transfer Shipment (BC22)


Released: On Premise: 28. April 2023

  • 12234: EX006 CWS Add event to set flags on request page in Report ‘EOS CWS Create Shipment’


Released: On Premise: 18. April 2023

  • 11673: EX006 CWS Remove warning messages
  • 12117: EX006 CWS In page ‘Navigate’, the ‘Posting warehouse shipment line’ entries are not showed
  • 11958: EX006 CWS Add event to manage function ‘Get source documents’, in page ‘Warehouse shipment’
  • 11620: EX006 CWS Remove obsolete objects (BC22)
  • 11714: EX006 CWS Fix TRIAL subscription check

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