Codeunit 18123234 EOS EX040 Subscriptions

Codeunit 18123234 EOS EX040 Subscriptions



procedure LoadSubscriptionInfo(ForceReload: Boolean)

Loads record with present subscription informations without executing necessary commit

Parameters / Return Value

  • ForceReload Boolean

    If true forces information to be read from EOS Endpoint


procedure LoadSubscriptionInfo()

Loads record with present subscription informations


procedure GetSubscriptionInfo(var TmpSubscrInfo: Record "EOS Subscription Information")

Reads present subscription informations

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpSubscrInfo Record "EOS Subscription Information"

    the record type with the found informations


procedure SendExpirationNotifications(): Boolean

Verfifies subscription status/dates and if necessary displays expiring related notification

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    True if notification has been displayed


procedure SendAllNotifications(): Boolean

Verfifies subscription status/dates and if necessary displays a notification

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    True if notification has been displayed


procedure SetupSubscription()

Launches subscription request wizard


procedure GetSubscriptionIsActive(): Boolean

Verfifies if the subscription is active

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    The subscription status


procedure GetSubscriptionIsTrial(): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetUsingAllowed(): Boolean

Returns if “full” using extension is allowed with actual subscription situation

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean



procedure GetMaxFreeDays(): Integer

Returns the maximal nr. of days allowed for using in trial mode

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Integer

    The number of total free days


procedure GetRemainingTrialDays(): Integer

Returns the remaining days for using in free trial mode

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Integer

    The number of remaining free days


procedure GetElapsedDays(): Integer

Returns the nr. of elapsed days in the trial period

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Integer

    The number of the trial day


procedure GetNotificationId(): Guid

Returns a unique GUID to use for extension specfic notifications

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Guid

    The ID


procedure SendNotification(Message: Text; ActionText: Text)

Displays an extension specific notification

Parameters / Return Value

  • Message Text

    The text to be displayes

  • ActionText Text

    The action text to be displayes


procedure ShowCustomMessage (MsgCode: Code[20]; Message: Text; AsError: Boolean; AsNotification: Boolean)

Displays a custom message as Notification and/or error

Parameters / Return Value

  • MsgCode Code[20]

    Code of message to be displayed

  • Message Text

    Custom message text instead of coded to be displayed

  • AsError Boolean

    Specify if message should be displayed as notification

  • AsNotification Boolean


procedure SendCustomNotification(NotifyCode: Code[20])

Displays an extension specific notification

Parameters / Return Value

  • NotifyCode Code[20]

    Code of notification to be displayed


procedure GetTrialText(): Text[50]

Generates a text with infos related to free version (i.e. for captions)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Text[50]

    The generated text


procedure GetLicenseText(): Text[50]

Generates a text with infos related to free version (i.e. for captions)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Text[50]

    The generated text


procedure DetCaption(Title: Text; Applcode: Text): Text

Defines the title/caption for pages/reports considering licensing (free version)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Title Text

    the base title/caption text

  • Applcode Text

    if present a short application code, if to remove from base title/caption

  • Returns Text

    then new caption


procedure CheckSubscriptionPage()


procedure CheckSubscriptionReport(ExitWithError: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ExitWithError Boolean


procedure CheckSubscriptionCU(ExitWithError: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ExitWithError Boolean

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