Codeunit 18122008 EOS AdvRpt Std Layout Ext

Codeunit 18122008 EOS AdvRpt Std Layout Ext



procedure HandleDocumentCommentEvents(DocVariant: Variant;ExtensionCode: Code[20];ExtensionGuid: Guid;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

  • ExtensionCode Code[20]

  • ExtensionGuid Guid

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"



local procedure OnBeforeCrossReference(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";var Handled: Boolean)

This event is raised before standard CrossReference Comments routines. Is useful for adding custom logic/tables without adding a new report layout Section

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    Source Document Header

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Current Line

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Report Header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Report Line Buffer. Add new line comments to this buffer

  • Handled Boolean

    Return true to avoid standard logic


local procedure OnAfterCrossReference(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line")

This event is raised after standard CrossReference Comments routines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    Source Document Header

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Current Line

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Report Header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Report Line Buffer. Add new line comments to this buffer


local procedure OnBeforeComments(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";var Handled: Boolean)

This event is raised before standard Line Comments routines. Is useful for adding custom logic/tables without adding a new report layout section

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    Source Document Header

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Current Line

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Report Header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Report Line Buffer. Add new line comments to this buffer

  • Handled Boolean

    Return true to avoid standard logic


local procedure OnAfterApplyFiltersToInventoryCommentLine(RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";HeaderMode: Boolean;var InventoryCommentLine: Record "Inventory Comment Line";var Handled: Boolean)

This event is raised after apply all filters to Inventory Comment Line Table. You can add more filters if you changed the table structure allowing transfer orders comment lines

Parameters / Return Value

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Report Header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Report Line Buffer

  • HeaderMode Boolean

    This parameter is true when we are adding “Header rrcomments” and false if we are adding “Line Comments”

  • InventoryCommentLine Record "Inventory Comment Line"

    Filtered “Inventory Comment Line” table

  • Handled Boolean

    If HeaderMode is false, so we are searching line comments, returning true processing will continue.


local procedure OnBeforeAddCommentLine(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";SourceCommentLine: Variant;var SkipRecord: Boolean)

This event is raised before processing a line comment. You can check SourceCommentLine and set “skip” to true to exclude this comment line

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    Source Document Header

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Current Line

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Report Header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Report Line Buffer. Add new line comments to this buffer

  • SourceCommentLine Variant

    Source comment record.

  • SkipRecord Boolean

    Set to true to exclude this line


local procedure OnAfterParseCommentLine(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";SourceCommentLine: Variant)

This event is raised before appending. You can use it to update other custom fields from comment record to buffer line record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    Source Document Header

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Current Line

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Report Header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Report Line Buffer. Add new line comments to this buffer

  • SourceCommentLine Variant

    Source comment record.


local procedure OnAfterComments(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"


local procedure OnBeforeTrackingLine(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";var Handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeInsertCrossReferenceLine(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";var SkipLine: Boolean)

Raised before a cross-reference line is inserted into the buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    The actual source document that is being processed.

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    The actual document line that is being processed.

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    The buffer header.

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    The line that is about to be inserted. (see also: SkipLine).

  • SkipLine Boolean

    Indicates if this line should be skipped. Set this to true if you do not want this line to be inserted.


local procedure OnAfterInsertCrossReferenceLine(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";LineSkipped: Boolean)

Raised after a cross-reference line is inserted into the buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    The actual source document that is being processed.

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    The actual document line that is being processed.

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    The buffer header.

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    The line that might have been inserted (see also: LineSkipped).

  • LineSkipped Boolean

    Indicates if this line was skipped. If this is true, the RBLine record was not actually inserted to the buffer.


local procedure OnBeforeInsertSerialLotDescriptionLine(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";var SkipLine: Boolean)

This event is raised before tracking info line insert. Serial number and batch are fields of the row. With this event you can customize the description.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    Source Document Header

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Current Line

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Report Header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Report Line Buffer. Change this line description to customize tracking infos

  • SkipLine Boolean

    Set to true to skip this tracking detail line.


local procedure OnAfterInsertSerialLotDescriptionLine(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";LineSkipped: Boolean)

This event is raised before tracking info line insert. Serial number and batch are fields of the row. With this event you can customize the description.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    Source Document Header

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Current Line

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Report Header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Report Line Buffer. Change this line description to customize tracking infos

  • LineSkipped Boolean

    It’s the return value of previous OnBeforeInsertSerialLotDescriptionLine event.


local procedure OnAfterTrackingLine(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"


local procedure OnBeforeExtendedText(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";var Handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnAfterExtendedText(DocVariant: Variant;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"


local procedure OnBeforeHidePrices(DocVariant: Variant;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";var Handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnAfterHidePrices(DocVariant: Variant;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"


local procedure OnAfterGetItemTrackingLines(DocVariant: Variant; var LineRecRef: RecordRef; RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"; var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"; var TempItemLedgEntry: Record "Item Ledger Entry")

This event is raised after recovering tracking line info. You can override this behaviour changing the TempItemLedgEntry buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    Source Document Header

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Source Document Line

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Buffer Header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Buffer Line

  • TempItemLedgEntry Record "Item Ledger Entry"

    Temporary tracking line buffer


local procedure OnCustomCommentTable(DocVariant: Variant;ExtensionCode: Code[20];ExtensionGuid: Guid;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line";var Handled: Boolean)

This event is raised when ADR needs to retrieve comments from an unknown line table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    Source Document Header

  • ExtensionCode Code[20]

    This is the only ExtensionCode that needs to be done.

  • ExtensionGuid Guid

    This is the only ExtensionGuid that needs to be done.

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Source Document Line

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Buffer Header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Buffer Line

  • Handled Boolean

    This parameter is only for communication between subscribers.


local procedure OnBeforeCopyCustomExtendedTexts(DocVariant: Variant;ExtensionCode: Code[20];ExtensionGuid: Guid;var LineRecRef: RecordRef;var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header";var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line")

This event is raised after OnBeforeExtendedText and allows you to take comments from a different table / record than the buffer record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    Source Document Header

  • ExtensionCode Code[20]

    This is the only ExtensionCode that needs to be done.

  • ExtensionGuid Guid

    This is the only ExtensionGuid that needs to be done.

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    you can change the reference of this RecRef to take comments from another table. However, it is essential that the current record is populated.

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Buffer Header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Buffer Line


local procedure OnExecuteAfterLineProcessing_ExtendedText_OnBeforeAppendRBLine(DocVariant: Variant; var LineRecRef: RecordRef; var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"; var TempRBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line" temporary; LineRecRefTranslated: RecordRef; Handled: Boolean)

This event is raised after the line is processed and before it is appended to the buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    Source Document Header

  • LineRecRef RecordRef

    Source Document Line

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Current Buffer Header

  • TempRBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Current Buffer Line

  • LineRecRefTranslated RecordRef

    Source Document Line Translated

  • Handled Boolean

    if true will skip the RBLine Append

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