Codeunit 18122026 EOS Adv Mail Sandbox

Codeunit 18122026 EOS Adv Mail Sandbox



procedure SetAdvDocRequestToProcess(Set: Record "EOS AdvDoc Request")

Parameters / Return Value

  • Set Record "EOS AdvDoc Request"


procedure SetAdvDocDocumentToProcess(Set: Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents")

Parameters / Return Value

  • Set Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents"


procedure GenerateSingleDocument(var AdvDocDocuments: Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents")

Parameters / Return Value

  • AdvDocDocuments Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents"


procedure GetReportADRCompliant(ReportID: integer) Result: Boolean

this method lets you know if a report is ADR compliant by also raising the OnGetReportSupportCustomReportDocument event

Parameters / Return Value

  • ReportID integer

    Report to analyze

  • Returns Boolean

    Return True if ReportID is ADR compatible Report.



local procedure OnOpenRecordRefToPrint(AdvDocDocuments: Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents";var TempReportSelection: Record "Report Selections";var DocumentToPrint: RecordRef;var Handled: Boolean)

This event allows you to print a different record than expected. For example, pass a “customer” record filtered appropriately in place of the document that you originally wanted to print

Parameters / Return Value

  • AdvDocDocuments Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents"

    Reference to the original record to be printed

  • TempReportSelection Record "Report Selections"

    Current Report Selection

  • DocumentToPrint RecordRef

    Open this recordref and apply filters. This record will be passed to the report.

  • Handled Boolean

    Return true to override default recordref and use instead returned DocumentToPrint recordref.


local procedure OnAfterSingleDocumentGeneration(var AdvDocFiles: Record "EOS AdvDoc Files";ReportSelections: Record "Report Selections";var SkipFile: Boolean)

This event is raised after every document (pdf,xml,docx,xmlx)

Parameters / Return Value

  • AdvDocFiles Record "EOS AdvDoc Files"

    Created file as blob with all references to request and document table.

  • ReportSelections Record "Report Selections"

    Current “Report Selections” source

  • SkipFile Boolean

    you can prevent this file from being added by setting skip to true.


local procedure OnAfterAddNewFile(AdvDocDocuments: Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents";var ReportSelections: Record "Report Selections";var DocumentToPrint: RecordRef)

This event is raised when a file is successfully added to processing. it is a wind of notification only..

Parameters / Return Value

  • AdvDocDocuments Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents"

    Record “EOS AdvDoc Documents”

  • ReportSelections Record "Report Selections"

    Current “Report Selections” source

  • DocumentToPrint RecordRef

    Current record source


local procedure OnAfterLoadingReportSelection(var AdvDocRequest: Record "EOS AdvDoc Request";AdvDocDocuments: Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents";var TempReportSelections: Record "Report Selections";var SkipDocumentPrinting: Boolean)

Thid event is raised when a report selection list is retrived. You can add, modify or delete records inside this TempReportSelections list customizing report printing/document generation behaviour.

Parameters / Return Value

  • AdvDocRequest Record "EOS AdvDoc Request"

    The current PDFQueue request

  • AdvDocDocuments Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents"

    Reference to the original record to be printed

  • TempReportSelections Record "Report Selections"

    Current Report Selection

  • SkipDocumentPrinting Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeSandboxProcessing(var AdvDocRequest: Record "EOS AdvDoc Request";var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised at the beginning of sandboxing execution. Every error raised inside this event is logged. You can use this event to handle custom -RequestType- processing returning Handled to true

Parameters / Return Value

  • AdvDocRequest Record "EOS AdvDoc Request"

    The current PDFQueue request

  • Handled Boolean

    Return true to skip standard sandbox processing


local procedure OnAfterSandboxProcessing(var AdvDocRequest: Record "EOS AdvDoc Request")

Event raised at the end of sandboxing execution. Every error raised inside this event is logged.

Parameters / Return Value

  • AdvDocRequest Record "EOS AdvDoc Request"

    The current PDFQueue request


local procedure OnGetReportSupportCustomReportDocument(ReportID: integer; var CustomReportSupported: boolean)

This event is raised when ADR need to know if a report supports “AdvRptSharedMemory.GetCustomReportDocument” pattern If you clone a standard ADR report to custom range you must subscribe this event.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ReportID integer

    Report ID Number.

  • CustomReportSupported boolean

    Return true if the report support CustomReportDocument method.


local procedure OnBeforePrintDocument(var AdvDocDocuments: Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents"; var AdvDocFiles: Record "EOS AdvDoc Files"; var TempReportSelections: Record "Report Selections"; DocumentRecRef: RecordRef; var Handled: Boolean)

OnBeforePrintDocument is reased before standard ADR file generation (pdf/word/excel). You can skip standard file creation or add custom logics.

Parameters / Return Value

  • AdvDocDocuments Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents"

    Reference to the original record to be printed

  • AdvDocFiles Record "EOS AdvDoc Files"

    Created file as blob with all references to request and document table.

  • TempReportSelections Record "Report Selections"

    Current Report Selection

  • DocumentRecRef RecordRef

    Current Document

  • Handled Boolean

    Return true to skip standard ADR printing


local procedure OnAfterPrintDocument(var AdvDocDocuments: Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents"; var AdvDocFiles: Record "EOS AdvDoc Files"; var TempReportSelections: Record "Report Selections"; DocumentRecRef: RecordRef)

OnBeforePrintDocument is reased after file generation by ADR or inside OnBeforePrintDocument.

Parameters / Return Value

  • AdvDocDocuments Record "EOS AdvDoc Documents"

    Reference to the original record to be printed

  • AdvDocFiles Record "EOS AdvDoc Files"

    Created file as blob with all references to request and document table. This record is not yet in the database

  • TempReportSelections Record "Report Selections"

    Current Report Selection

  • DocumentRecRef RecordRef

    Current Document


local procedure OnBeforeCustomReportSelectionFilter(var SourceType: Integer;var SourceNo: Code[20];DocumentRecRef: RecordRef;ReportID: Integer;var IsHandled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

  • SourceNo Code[20]

  • DocumentRecRef RecordRef

  • ReportID Integer

  • IsHandled Boolean

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