Report 18122008 EOS Invoice Document

Report 18122008 EOS Invoice Document

da-DKEOS-fakturadokument (ADR)
de-ATEOS-Rechnungsdokument (ADR)
de-CHEOS-Rechnungsdokument (ADR)
de-DEEOS-Rechnungsdokument (ADR)
en-CAEOS Invoice Document (ADR)
es-ESDocumento de factura eOS (ADR)
es-MXDocumento de factura eOS (ADR)
fr-BEDocument de facture EOS (ADR)
fr-CADocument de facture EOS (ADR)
fr-CHDocument de facture EOS (ADR)
fr-FRDocument de facture EOS (ADR)
en-USEOS Invoice Document (ADR)
it-CHDocumento Fattura (ADR)
it-ITDocumento Fattura (ADR)
nl-BEEOS factuur document (ADR)
nl-NLEOS factuur document (ADR)



procedure SetForcedLanguageID(LangID: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • LangID Integer


procedure GetPrintValues(var ReportRBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header" temporary;var ReportRBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line" temporary;var ReportReportSetupCode: Code[10];var ReportNoOfCopies: Integer;var ReportLogInteraction: Boolean;var ReportPrintVAT: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • ReportRBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

  • ReportRBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

  • ReportReportSetupCode Code[10]

  • ReportNoOfCopies Integer

  • ReportLogInteraction Boolean

  • ReportPrintVAT Boolean



local procedure OnBeforePrintingReport(var RBHeader: Record "EOS Report Buffer Header" temporary;var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line" temporary;var NoOfCopies: Integer;var LogInteraction: Boolean;var PrintVAT: Boolean;var StopExecution: Boolean)

This event is reaised after building Header and line buffer but before sending data to Report Viewer

Parameters / Return Value

  • RBHeader Record "EOS Report Buffer Header"

    Document header

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"

    Document Lines

  • NoOfCopies Integer

    Current No. of Copies

  • LogInteraction Boolean

    Log interaction flag

  • PrintVAT Boolean

    Print VAT Flag

  • StopExecution Boolean

    Returning true will be executed CurrReport.Quit method

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