EX063 Electronic Invoice for Italy

Electronic Invoice for Italy

Electronic Invoice for Italy

Dependency graph

graph TD; Main(Electronic Invoice for Italy) --> Dep0(EOS Administration Library); click Dep0 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/8bb96677-5112-4566-b742-12eebbb9a058.html" Main(Electronic Invoice for Italy) --> Dep1(Common Data Layer); click Dep1 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/4e2a89a2-9049-496c-8b3a-f4eee6399b0e.html" Main(Electronic Invoice for Italy) --> Dep2(Common Data Layer Italy); click Dep2 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/a9f543e6-a9d3-4eed-8f29-26b2e5632d82.html"

Dependencies from



18123000EOS FE Migrate Data
18123001EOS EDoc. Rel. Doc. Lines Mgt.
18123002EOS063 UpgradeProvides functions related to data upgrade.
18123003EOS063 InstallProvides functions related to data upgrade.
18123004EOS063 Outb. Purch. EDoc. Mgt.Gather all functions related to purchase outbound documents
18123005EOS063 Outb. Purch. EDoc. Wrt.
18123006EOS Ecobonus Mgt.
18123007EOS063 Debug Handler
18123008EOS063 Debug Import
18123009EOS063 File Storage Mgt.
18123011EOS Reten. Pol. Deleting Mgt.
18123015EOS063 FE FileSystem Mgt.
18123016EOS063 Inb. EDoc. FS
18123017EOS063 Outb. EDoc. FS
18123040EOS Outb. EDoc. Hook HandlerGather all functions that handles specific hook code (i.e. GDO) specified in group setup
18123041EOS EDoc. Page HandlerGather all functions that handles user request from pages
18123042EOS EDoc. Setup ManagementGather all functions that handles setup table/pages functionalities
18123043EOS FE DataCodeunit use only by the codeunit FE Writer. Gather all the data for the XML
18123044EOS EDoc. UtilitiesGather all utility functions used in electr. document management
18123045EOS Outb. EDoc. Mgt.Gather all functions related to transliteration feature
18123046EOS EDoc. Event Mgt.
18123047EOS Transliteration ManagmentGather all functions related to translitteration feature
18123048EOS IXFE Management
18123049EOS FE Reader
18123050EOS Inb. Electr. Doc. Mgt.
18123051EOS Inb. Electr. Doc. ExecUsed as a dispatcher to run the execution of: Import, ProcessXML, Validate, Create
18123052EOS FE Writer
18123053EOS IXFE Interface
18123054EOS IXFE Routines
18123055EOS Inb. EDoc. Log Mgt.
18123056EOS IXFE Logs
18123057EOS IXFE Job Queue
18123058EOS IXFE Inb. EDoc. Int.
18123059EOS IXFE Integration
18123060EOS IXFE Utilities
18123061EOS IXFE Constants
18123062EOS IXFE Proxy
18123063EOS IXFE Execution
18123064EOS INV Split Payment Mgt.
18123065EOS Duty Stamp Mgt.
18123066EOS EX063 FTE Tests
18123067EOS EX063 SubscriptionProvides functions related to extension specific subscription management.


18123000EOS063 ScontoMaggiorazione legislationCalculation setup piority values
18123001EOS EDoc. Cust. Setup Type
18123002EOS Line Disc. Export Method


3904Reten. Pol. Deleting


18123000EOS Posted Sales Inv. Data
18123001EOS Posted Sales CM Data
18123002EOS Posted Serv. Inv. Data
18123003EOS Posted Serv. CM Data
18123004EOS Inb. EDoc. Error Msg.
18123005EOS EDoc. Rel. Doc. Lines
18123006EOS EDoc. Rel. Doc. L. Card
18123007EOS EDoc. CatalogsList of catalog records of specific electr. doc. lists
18123008EOS IXFE Auth. Data
18123009EOS Posted Purch. Inv. Data
18123010EOS Posted Purch. CM Data
18123011EOS Inb. ED. P. L. OMD Factbox
18123012EOS Inb. ED. P. L. OMD List
18123040EOS Outb. Electr. Doc. Setup
18123041EOS Outb. EDoc. Group Setup
18123042EOS Outb. EDoc. Cust. Setup
18123043EOS Outb. EDoc. Satus Log
18123044EOS Electr. Doc. Recipients
18123045EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs.
18123046EOS Outb. Rel. EDocs. Card
18123047EOS Transliteration List
18123048EOS IXFE Setup
18123049EOS IXFE Outb. Documents
18123050EOS Inb. Electr. Doc. Setup
18123051EOS Inb. EDoc. Field Map
18123052EOS IXFE Outb. Document Lots
18123053EOS Inb. Electr. Doc. Checks
18123054EOS Inb. EDoc. Rec. Ratings
18123055EOS Inb. EDoc. Setup Card
18123056EOS Inb. EDoc. Setup List
18123057EOS Inb. EDoc. Vendor Setup
18123058EOS Inb. Electr. Doc. UM
18123059EOS Inb. Electr. Doc. Log
18123060EOS Inb. EDoc. Log Detailed
18123061EOS Inb. Electr. Document List
18123062EOS Inb. EDoc Lines
18123063EOS Inb. EDoc. Subpage
18123064EOS Inb. EDoc. List Refused
18123065EOS Inb. EDoc. Attachments
18123066EOS Inb. EDoc. Att. FactBox
18123067EOS Inb. EDoc. Line Detail
18123068EOS Inb. EDoc. Preview Card
18123069EOS Inb. EDoc. Preview Sub
18123070EOS Inb. EDoc. Preview List
18123071EOS Inb. EDoc. Prev. Sub Sim.
18123072EOS Inb. EDoc. Preview Lines
18123073EOS Inb. EDoc. Preview Rec.
18123074EOS Inb. EDoc. Rec. Posted Sub
18123075EOS Inb. EDoc. Recon. Detail
18123077EOS Inb. EDoc. Cash Type Setup
18123078EOS IXFE Outb. Doc. Notif.
18123079EOS IXFE Inb. Document Lots
18123080EOS IXFE Inb. Documents
18123081EOS IXFE Inb. Doc. Notif.
18123082EOS IXFE Log
18123083EOS IXFE v3 Outb. Doc. Notif.
18123084EOS IXFE v3 Outb. Doc. N. Det.
18123085EOS IXFE v3 Inb. Doc. Notif.
18123086EOS IXFE Inb. Doc. N. Det.
18123087EOS Duty Stamp Setup


21Customer Card
26Vendor Card
42Sales Order
43Sales Invoice
44Sales Credit Memo
46Sales Order Subform
47Sales Invoice Subform
50Purchase Order
51Purchase Invoice
52Purchase Credit Memo
55Purch. Invoice Subform
95Sales Quote Subform
96Sales Cr. Memo Subform
132Posted Sales Invoice
133Posted Sales Invoice Subform
134Posted Sales Credit Memo
135Posted Sales Cr. Memo Subform
138Posted Purchase Invoice
139Posted Purch. Invoice Subform
140Posted Purchase Credit Memo
141Posted Purch. Cr. Memo Subform
143Posted Sales Invoices
144Posted Sales Credit Memos
146Posted Purchase Invoices
147Posted Purchase Credit Memos
259Reason Codes
313Gen. Product Posting Groups
456No. Series
470VAT Business Posting Groups
472VAT Posting Setup
473VAT Posting Setup Card
508Blanket Sales Order Subform
5900Service Order
5902Service Order Subform
5933Service Invoice
5934Service Invoice Subform
5935Service Credit Memo
5936Service Credit Memo Subform
5971Posted Service Credit Memos
5972Posted Service Credit Memo
5973Posted Serv. Cr. Memo Subform
5977Posted Service Invoices
5978Posted Service Invoice
5979Posted Service Invoice Subform
6630Sales Return Order
6631Sales Return Order Subform
9308Purchase Invoices
9309Purchase Credit Memos
12169Company Types
12200Fattura Codes
12202VAT Transaction Nature


18123000EOS Inb. EDoc. Error Msg.
18123001EOS EDoc. Rel. Doc. Lines
18123002EOS EDoc. CatalogsSetup table, contains catalog records of specific electr. doc. lists
18123003EOS063 Outb. P. EDoc. Data
18123004EOS Inb. EDoc. Preview L. OMD
18123005EOS063 VAT Amount Line
18123040EOS Outb. Electr. Doc. SetupGlobals setup that handles file export criteria.
18123041EOS Outb. EDoc. Group SetupGroup setup that allows to indicate detailed setup to use in file export.
18123042EOS Outb. EDoc. Cust. SetupIn this table Customer and created Group Setup can be linked to define for each customer which specific setup will be used in file export
18123043EOS Outb. EDoc. Status LogThis table collects all electronic document status change for the specific document
18123044EOS Electr. Document RecipientThis table collects all electronic document recipients available for the specific customer
18123045EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs.This table collects all electronic document recipients available for the specific customer
18123046EOS RifLineNo Buffer
18123047EOS TransliterationThis table collects transliteration setup data for characters decoding
18123048EOS IXFE Setup
18123049EOS IXFE Outb. Document
18123050EOS Inb. EDoc. SetupThis table collects all general setup data for inbound documents import
18123051EOS Inb. EDoc. Field MapThis table collects fields mapping from file tag to table fields
18123052EOS Inb. EDoc. ChecksThis table collects checks and severity that will be exected during validation process
18123053EOS Inb. EDoc. RatingThis table specifies how posted documents lines can be rated in order to automatically link inbound invoice lines
18123054EOS Inb. EDoc. Setup GroupThis table collects all inbound documents setup related to a specific vendor group
18123055EOS Inb. EDoc. Vendor SetupThis table indicates which setup group a vendor belongs to
18123056EOS Inb. EDoc. UMThis table collects Unit of measure decoding pattern
18123057EOS Inb. EDoc. LogThis table collects log data generated during inbound documents import
18123058EOS Inb. EDoc. Log DetailedThis table collects detailed log data generated during inbound documents import
18123059EOS Inb. EDoc. FileThis table collects file data generated during inbound documents import
18123060EOS Inb. EDoc. HeaderThis table collects document data generated during inbound documents import
18123061EOS Inb. EDoc. LineThis table collects documnent line data generated during inbound documents import
18123062EOS Inb. EDoc. AttachmentsThis table collects file attachment data generated during inbound documents import
18123063EOS Inb. EDoc. Line DetailThis table collects document line details data generated during inbound documents import
18123064EOS Inb. EDoc. Preview HeaderThis table collects preview header data generated from previous step
18123065EOS Inb. EDoc. Preview LineThis table collects preview line data generated from previous step
18123066EOS Inb. EDoc. Recon. BufferThis table collects data used in posted documents reconcile
18123067EOS Inb. EDoc. Recon. DetailThis table collects data used in posted documents reconcile
18123068EOS IXFE Outb. Document Lot
18123069EOS Inb. EDoc. Cash Type Setup
18123070EOS IXFE Inb. Doc. Notif.
18123071EOS IXFE Outb. Doc. Notif.
18123072EOS IXFE Inb. Document Lot
18123073EOS IXFE Inb. Document
18123074EOS IXFE Log
18123075EOS IXFE Auth. Data
18123076EOS IXFE AOOs
18123077EOS IXFE APIs
18123078EOS IXFE v3 Outb. Doc. N.
18123079EOS IXFE v3 Outb. Doc. N. Det.
18123080EOS IXFE v3 Inb. Doc. Notif.
18123081EOS IXFE v3 Inb. Doc. N. Det.
18123082EOS IXFE Execution ParamsSetup table, contains catalog records of specific electr. doc. lists
18123083EOS Duty Stamp Setup


18123000EOS063 Outb. P. EDoc. Crt/SndThis report can be scheduled in job queue to run electr. document creation and send
18123001EOS063 Debug HandlerThis report can be scheduled in job queue to run electr. document creation and send
18123040EOS Outb. EDoc. CreateSendThis report can be scheduled in job queue to run electr. document creation and send
18123041EOS VAT Register - Progr. No
18123042EOS IXFE Add Documents
18123043EOS Document Duty Stamp List


36Sales Header
37Sales Line
38Purchase Header
39Purchase Line
110Sales Shipment Header
111Sales Shipment Line
112Sales Invoice Header
113Sales Invoice Line
114Sales Cr.Memo Header
115Sales Cr.Memo Line
121Purch. Rcpt. Line
122Purch. Inv. Header
123Purch. Inv. Line
124Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.
125Purch. Cr. Memo Line
231Reason Code
251Gen. Product Posting Group
290VAT Amount Line
308No. Series
323VAT Business Posting Group
325VAT Posting Setup
5107Sales Header Archive
5717Item Cross Reference
5900Service Header
5901Service Item Line
5902Service Line
5990Service Shipment Header
5991Service Shipment Line
5992Service Invoice Header
5993Service Invoice Line
5994Service Cr.Memo Header
5995Service Cr.Memo Line
6660Return Receipt Header
12202VAT Transaction Nature

Build environment


Obsolete Items

24.0Table 18123001 EOS EDoc. Rel. Doc. LinesMethodDeclarationDeleteDocumentDataNo longer in use.
24.0Table 18123064 EOS Inb. EDoc. Preview HeaderMethodDeclarationGetVATAmountLinesPublic method replaced with TmpVATAmountLine as a “EOS VAT Amount Line” record
24.0TableExtension 18123055 EOS TableExt18123055FieldEOS VAT Bus. Posting GroupProcedure replaced by using new table EOS Vat Amount Line
24.0TableExtension 18123055 EOS TableExt18123055FieldEOS VAT Prod. Posting GroupProcedure replaced by using new table EOS Vat Amount Line
24.0TableExtension 18123055 EOS TableExt18123055MethodDeclarationEOSInsertLineProcedure replaced by using new table EOS Vat Amount Line
24.0TableExtension 18123055 EOS TableExt18123055MethodDeclarationSetHandleZeroAmountRecordsProcedure replaced by using new table EOS Vat Amount Line
24.0TableExtension 18123055 EOS TableExt18123055MethodDeclarationSetIgnoreSignsProcedure replaced by using new table EOS Vat Amount Line
23.0Table 18123061 EOS Inb. EDoc. LineFieldCUS_EOS 2.2.2_Rif.NormativoField with wrong prefix. Use field 2220850
23.0Codeunit 18123015 EOS063 FE FileSystem Mgt.MethodDeclarationMoveFileUse MoveFile(Filename: Text; NewFilename: Text) instead
23.0Codeunit 18123015 EOS063 FE FileSystem Mgt.MethodDeclarationCopyFileUse CopyFile(Filename: Text; NewFilename: Text) instead
23.0Codeunit 18123015 EOS063 FE FileSystem Mgt.MethodDeclarationDeleteFileUse DeleteFile(FileName: Text) instead
23.0Codeunit 18123015 EOS063 FE FileSystem Mgt.MethodDeclarationFileExistsUse FileExists(FileName: Text) instead
23.0Codeunit 18123015 EOS063 FE FileSystem Mgt.MethodDeclarationImportXMLFolderUse ImportXMLFolder2 instead
23.0Codeunit 18123015 EOS063 FE FileSystem Mgt.MethodDeclarationconvertP7MUse convertP7M2 instead
23.0Codeunit 18123015 EOS063 FE FileSystem Mgt.MethodDeclarationConvertP7M2XMLUse ConvertP7M2XML2 instead
23.0Codeunit 18123043 EOS FE DataMethodDeclarationhasDirectOrderUse overload hasDirectOrder
21.0Codeunit 18123000 EOS FE Migrate DataCodeunitObjectEOS FE Migrate DataEOS JSON Import is no longer supported.
21.0Codeunit 18123042 EOS EDoc. Setup ManagementMethodDeclarationGetCustGroupSetupPublic method not used and supported
21.0Codeunit 18123064 EOS INV Split Payment Mgt.MethodDeclarationUpdatePaymentLinesPublic method not used and supported
21.0Page 18123040 EOS Outb. Electr. Doc. SetupPageActionMigrate DataEOS JSON Import is no longer supported.
21.0TableExtension 18123047 EOS TableExt18123047FieldEOS Electr. Document StatusUnused flowfield.
21.0TableExtension 18123047 EOS TableExt18123047FieldEOS Electr. Doc. Status Msg.Unused flowfield.
21.0TableExtension 18123048 EOS TableExt18123048FieldEOS Electr. Document StatusUnused flowfield.
21.0TableExtension 18123048 EOS TableExt18123048FieldEOS Electr. Doc. Status Msg.Unused flowfield.
21.0TableExtension 18123049 EOS TableExt18123049FieldEOS Electr. Document StatusUnused flowfield.
21.0TableExtension 18123049 EOS TableExt18123049FieldEOS Electr. Doc. Status Msg.Unused flowfield.
20.0Codeunit 18123052 EOS FE WriterMethodDeclarationOnAfterWriteLineDataWithLineNoSubstituted by OnAfterWriteLineDataWithVarLineNo
20.0TableExtension 18123010 EOS TableExt18123010FieldEOS AMZ Code TypeObsolete
19.0Table 18123040 EOS Outb. Electr. Doc. SetupFieldAdd StabileOrganizzazione - SStabileOrganizzazione managed by default if fields on cutomer are filled
19.0Table 18123040 EOS Outb. Electr. Doc. SetupFieldAdd StabileOrganizzazione - PStabileOrganizzazione not managed on purchase
19.0Codeunit 18123052 EOS FE WriterMethodDeclarationOnBeforeWriteLineDataSubstituted by OnBeforeWriteLineDataWithLineNo
19.0Codeunit 18123052 EOS FE WriterMethodDeclarationOnAfterWriteLineDataSubstituted by OnAfterWriteLineDataWithLineNo
19.0Page 18123040 EOS Outb. Electr. Doc. SetupPageFieldAdd StabileOrganizzazione - SStabileOrganizzazione managed by default if fields on cutomer are filled
19.0Page 18123040 EOS Outb. Electr. Doc. SetupPageFieldAdd StabileOrganizzazione - PStabileOrganizzazione not managed on purchase
19.0Page 18123061 EOS Inb. Electr. Document ListPageActionEOSImportFolderRenamed, use control EOSImportFolderAFS
18.0Codeunit 18123006 EOS Ecobonus Mgt.MethodDeclarationOnBefore_Ecobonus_GetBonusAmountDiscontinued in favor of OnBefore_Ecobonus_GetBonusAmountByOcc
18.0Codeunit 18123006 EOS Ecobonus Mgt.MethodDeclarationOnAfter_Ecobonus_GetBonusAmountDiscontinued in favor of OnAfter_Ecobonus_GetBonusAmountByOcc
18.0Codeunit 18123043 EOS FE DataMethodDeclarationOnBeforeGetRiferimentoNormativoDiscontinued in favor of OnBeforeGetRiferimentoNormativoWithHeader
18.0Codeunit 18123043 EOS FE DataMethodDeclarationOnAfterGetRiferimentoNormativoDiscontinued in favor of OnAfterGetRiferimentoNormativo


(not released)

  • 16218: EX063 FTE In invoice, deleting a line the related documents of this aren’t deleted, but a line of the related documents on header


Released: On Premise: 23. September 2024 | SaaS: 23. September 2024

  • 16072: EX063 FTE For posted sales invoice, if in ‘Duty Stamp Setup’ there is a ‘Duty VAT Bus. Posting Group’ different from ‘VAT business posting group’ on document lines, on Xml in there isn’t tag about duty stamp


Released: On Premise: 17. September 2024 | SaaS: 17. September 2024

  • 15940: EX063 FTE Sales electronic document rejected after application of transliteration, with error ‘RiferimentoTesto’ must be between 1 and 60 characters. You entered 61 characters.’
  • 12577: EX005 BNK Add management of fields CIG and CUP in customer RiBa and vendor bills
  • 12578: EX005 BNK Add management of fields CIG and CUP in customer RiBa and vendor bills: Development
  • 15919: EX063 FTE Obsolete tag descriptions are wrong


Released: On Premise: 07. August 2024 | SaaS: 07. August 2024

  • 15757: EX063 Add event, to exclude extraction of tab “CodiceFiscale”
  • 15748: EX063 FTE Trying creation of electronic document with hook code and format EOS_OTTIMAX, from order with ‘Ship and invoice’ return error ‘No sales headers in this filter.’ Filters: Nr.: “’


Released: On Premise: 07. August 2024

  • 15723: EX063 FTE Create new method in CDL, to retrieve the electronic invoice XML


Released: On Premise: 02. July 2024 | SaaS: 02. July 2024

  • 15452: EX063 FTE Add events, to allow the change of tag DatiContratto automatically generated, and automatically add code CodiceCommessaConvenzione


Released: On Premise: 27. June 2024 | SaaS: 28. June 2024

  • 15396: The check for duplicate filenames is now case-sensitive, and the search in the history is limited to the current year.


Released: On Premise: 25. June 2024 | SaaS: 25. June 2024

  • 15396: The check for duplicate filenames is now case-sensitive, and the search in the history is limited to the current year.
  • 14824: EX063 FTE Add management of detailed discounts (EX037 DDD) in sales electronic document (Invoice/Credit memo)


Released: On Premise: 30. May 2024 | SaaS: 31. May 2024

  • 15294: EX063 FTE Add event, in order to assign or inhibit assignment of the field ‘Pay-to vendor no.', creating purchase invoice


Released: On Premise: 15. May 2024

  • 15094: CHANGE: changed the UoM Recognizing logic to avoid using the standard UoM during the recognizing process if there’s already an UoM linked to the Invoice recognized UoM in the recognize setup
  • 15095: EX063 FTE EOS Recognized UoM Code in EOS inb. edoc. preview line is not correctly populated: Development


Released: On Premise: 06. May 2024

  • 15052: FIX: fixed captions
  • 15053: EX063 FTE For some puchase credit memos, report ‘Outbound Purch. Electr. Doc. Create/Send’ (18123000) doesn’t create electonic document: Development
  • 14898: EX063 FTE In electronic document created from sales invoice including lines with quantity to 0, tag about 1 of these lines is wrongly added… (COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)
  • 14899: EX063 FTE In electronic document created from sales invoice including lines with quantity to 0, tag about 1 of these lines is wrongly added… (COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO): Development


Released: On Premise: 29. April 2024

  • 14898: EX063 FTE In electronic document created from sales invoice including lines with quantity to 0, tag about 1 of these lines is wrongly added… (COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)
  • 14899: EX063 FTE In electronic document created from sales invoice including lines with quantity to 0, tag about 1 of these lines is wrongly added… (COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO): Development
  • 15043: EX063 FTE For Sales credit memos, in page ‘Outbound Electronic Documents Status Log’ the field ‘Electr. document filename’ isn’t filled


Released: On Premise: 23. April 2024

  • 14898: EX063 FTE In electronic document created from sales invoice including lines with quantity to 0, tag about 1 of these lines is wrongly added… (COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)


Released: On Premise: 19. April 2024

  • 14877: CHANGE: added UpdateExistingVendor function to Inbound Electronic Document Preview Card
  • 14878: EX063 FTE Add possibility to update ‘Vendor card’ through data in received purchase electronic document: Development


Released: On Premise: 18. April 2024

  • 14857: EX063 FTE 1. In file Xml aren’t inserted related documents added in sales order, if in setup ‘Outbound Electr. Doc. Group Setup’ the flag ‘Export dati Ordine Acquisto’ is disabled. 2. (COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)
  • 14189: EX003 EDS Creating subcontracting order from ‘Planning worksheet’ with flag ‘Exclude subcontracting orders’ field ‘EOS DS status code’ hasn’t value and trying to change status returns error ‘EDS table…(COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)
  • 14848: EX063 FTE Check on univocal file entry no
  • 14190: EX063 FTE Add events, to manage tags DatiOrdineAcquisto in electronic documents
  • 14828: EX063 FTE In page ‘Posted sales invoice’, trying to create electronic document returns error ‘La tabella Dati dei documenti correlati è vuota.’
  • 14475: EX063 FTE Add checks “Rec.IsTemporary” in event subscriptions, if necessary
  • 14476: EX063 FTE Add checks “Rec.IsTemporary” in event subscriptions, if necessary: Development
  • 14448: FIX: fix service invoice related documents transfer during posting
  • 14449: EX063 FTE In page ‘Posted service invoice’, related documents inserted in ‘Service invoice’ aren’t reported: Development
  • 14734: EX063 FTE Add event, during the evaluation phase of the correspondence between posted documents of type receipt and purchase electronic document lines
  • 14673: EX063 FTE Trying to create electronic document in page ‘Posted sales credit memo’ returns error ‘The supplied field number ‘19’ cannot be found in the ‘Sales Cr.Memo Header’ table.’
  • 14496: EX063 FTE: Remove Obsolete NoSeriesManagement BC24


Released: On Premise: 29. February 2024 | SaaS: 01. March 2024

  • 14314: EX063 FTE Add, in page ‘Inbound Electronic Document Preview Card’, field ‘Riferimento normativo’: Development


Released: On Premise: 27. February 2024 | SaaS: 27. February 2024

  • 14313: EX063 FTE Add, in page ‘Inbound Electronic Document Preview Card’, field ‘Riferimento normativo’
  • 14314: EX063 FTE Add, in page ‘Inbound Electronic Document Preview Card’, field ‘Riferimento normativo’: Development


Released: On Premise: 22. February 2024 | SaaS: 22. February 2024

  • 14248: EX063 FTE Manage new values for “Reason”, in the context of CU 2024
  • 14170: EX063 FTE In electronic document, in tag ‘DatiDDT’ CWS shipment number isn’t reported
  • 14167: EX063 FTE In ‘Purchase invoice’ created from preview on which for 1 line the VAT exemption has been removed, on mentioned line the VAT exemption is however added
  • 10998: EX063 FTE Implement retention policies for applicable tables


Released: On Premise: 02. February 2024 | SaaS: 02. February 2024

  • 13955: FIX: fixed Line discount in XML to allow up to 8 decimals in xml tags that are allowed to have them following SDI rules


Released: On Premise: 01. February 2024

  • 14142: EX063 FTE Add event to set tag Description of Dati Beni Servizi - Dettaglio linee (2.2.1.X) in electronic document


Released: On Premise: 24. January 2024

  • 14099: EX063 FTE Add event, to manage tag in electronic document
  • 14075: EX063 FTE Add event, to export reason codes in electronic document
  • 14041: EX063 FTE In page ‘Inbound setup’, in italian language there is caption not translated for field ‘Vendor Bank Account Nos.’


Released: On Premise: 23. January 2024 | SaaS: 23. January 2024

  • 13955: FIX: fixed Line discount in XML to allow up to 8 decimals in xml tags that are allowed to have them following SDI rules
  • 13956: EX063 FTE In ‘Posted sales invoice’, with ‘Line discount %’ equal to 0,001, trying to generate xml file returns error ‘Line type different from pure discount not yet supported.': Development


Released: On Premise: 19. January 2024

  • 13966: EX063 FTE In Xml file generated from posted sales invoice, tag in “macrotag” isn’t filled with order data but with the posted sales invoice one


Released: On Premise: 10. January 2024 | SaaS: 10. January 2024

  • 13955: FIX: fixed Line discount in XML to allow up to 8 decimals in xml tags that are allowed to have them following SDI rules
  • 13956: EX063 FTE In ‘Posted sales invoice’, with ‘Line discount %’ equal to 0,001, trying to generate xml file returns error ‘Line type different from pure discount not yet supported.': Development


Released: On Premise: 09. January 2024 | SaaS: 09. January 2024

  • 13947: EX063 FTE In electronic document generated from posted sales invoice, in tag ‘DatiOrdineAcquisto’ value from field ‘Your reference’ (in ‘Sales order’) is not reported


Released: On Premise: 19. December 2023

  • 13842: EX063 FTE Fix wrong setfilter for CIG/CUP


Released: On Premise: 22. November 2023

  • 13710: In page ‘IX-FE Setup’, changing value in field ‘AOO’ returns error ‘Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavHttpContent variable not initialised.’
  • 13662: EX063 FTE Extend permitted maximum length of xml file on inbound side


Released: On Premise: 10. November 2023

  • 13572: EX063 FTE In selfinvoice vendor information is retrieved from document and not vendor
  • 13575: EX063 FTE In ‘Sales invoice’ created from ECS, in page ‘Related documents data list’ related lines to CIG and CUP values are multiplied


Released: On Premise: 10. October 2023

  • 13345: EX063 FTE Add event, to bypass error obtained when electronic document hasn’t IBAN value
  • 13268: EX063 FTE Electronic document about invoice with detailed discounts is rejected by SDI with error ‘PrezzoTotale wrongly calculated. Tolerance of 1 cent not respected


Released: On Premise: 14. September 2023 | SaaS: 14. September 2023

  • 13127: EX063 FTE In ‘Purchase invoice’ with 2 item lines automatically reconciliated to 1 receipt, trying to post returns error ‘Line (number) of receipt (code) that you want to invoice, has already been invoiced.’
  • 13061: EX063 FTE Add creation of the vendor bank when creating vendor in ‘Inbound Electronic Document Preview Card’, if in xml file there is IBAN code
  • 13105: EX063 FTE Implementation of DatiContratto
  • 13155: EX063 FTE On a purchase invoice created from page ‘Inbound Electronic Document Preview Card’ in which value in field ‘VAT item posting group’ has been changed, is reported value before change
  • 11335: Added the export of fields ‘CIG’ ‘CUP’, in fields ‘Note’ of the DCF layout


Released: On Premise: 27. July 2023 | SaaS: 31. July 2023

  • 12986: EX063 FTE - In ‘Posted sales invoice’ with Ecobonus, trying to create xml returns error ‘If you wish to specify an Ecobonus… (COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)
  • 12302: EX063 FTE In page ‘Inbound Electronic Document Preview Card’, trying to create a vendor with direct VAT identification is obtained error ‘Resident must be equal to “Resident” in ‘Vendor: No.=F00120. Current value is “Not resident”.’
  • 12883: EX063 FTE Add event, to change values in tag ‘ModalitàPagamento’


Released: On Premise: 10. July 2023 | SaaS: 10. July 2023

  • 12880: EX063 FTE In electronic document related to credit memo, amount is showed with positive sign


Released: On Premise: 04. July 2023 | SaaS: 05. July 2023

  • 12835: EX063 FTE in SelfInvoice from a PA 7 zeroes are inserted in CodiceDestinatario instead of 6


Released: On Premise: 29. June 2023 | SaaS: 29. June 2023

  • 12775: EX063 FTE In sales electronic document with tag ‘Nazione’ with different value from ‘IT’, tag ‘Provincia’ is exported


Released: On Premise: 26. June 2023 | SaaS: 27. June 2023

  • 12711: EX063 FTE In page ‘Inbound Electronic Document Preview Card’, for reconciliated lines with receipt with accruals dates, fields ‘Starting date’ and ‘Ending date’ aren’t filled


Released: On Premise: 21. June 2023 | SaaS: 22. June 2023

  • 12586: EX063 FTE For purchase invoice related to extracee services, with 2 different VAT transaction natures, whose 1 with negative sign, negativo, in electronic document all lines shows positive sign


Released: On Premise: 12. June 2023

  • 12522: EX063 FTE - Creating a sales invoice copying from a posted one having a VAT exemption, if in the new one the VAT exemption is changed, then in ‘Related Documents Data List’ remains data from the the previous invoice


Released: On Premise: 29. May 2023

  • 12452: EX063 FTE Add event, to change sign to the duty stamp line in sales invoice


Released: On Premise: 22. May 2023

  • 12130: EX063 FTE Add the possibility to avoid inserting lines with quantity = 0 in file xml


Released: On Premise: 17. May 2023

  • 12321: EX063 FTE - In page ‘Inbound Electronic Document Preview Card’, for invoice with VAT exemption and recurring lines setup the ‘VAT Prod. Posting Group’ is not filled


Released: On Premise: 09. May 2023

  • 12333: EX063 FTE Importing electronic documents from folder, when uploaded in BC these electronic documents are only copied in the archiviation folder and not transferred


Released: On Premise: 08. May 2023

  • 12269: EX063 FTE Add, in page ‘Inbound Electronic Document Preview Card’, option ‘Resource’ in field ‘Type’


Released: On Premise: 05. May 2023

  • 12290: EX063 FTE Add event, to modify xml before the “merge” with template when download is executed, in order to modify content without modify blob
  • 12284: EX063 FTE In page ‘Outbound setup (FTE)', add field ‘Integrations/self billing recipient code’


Released: On Premise: 20. April 2023

  • 12169: EX063 FTE Add event, to skip checks about mandatory reason code filled in setup FTE


Released: On Premise: 14. April 2023

  • 11536: EX063 FTE In electronic documents, tag isn’t filled with CWS posted shipment no. if it contains a ‘-’ character
  • 11823: EX063 FTE In case of order with partial “direct” shipments, xml file for invoices except the first reports in tag the number of the first shipment
  • 11297: EX063 FTE Convert Folder support for electronic invoice for Italy for EOS Function API. Move objects from EX063.03 to EX063
  • 11982: EX063 FTE Add event, to allow witholding tax export in sales electronic documents
  • 11952: EX063 FTE Add events eventi OnWriteLineDiscDataOnBeforeAddCodiceArticolo and OnWriteLineDiscDataOnAfterAddCodiceArticolo
  • 11940: EX063 FTE Ignore customer and vendor setups if the group code isn’t specified
  • 10894: EX063 FTE In an electronic document, generated from a sales invoice with a line having ‘Quantity’ = 0, is wrongly reported the mentioned line
  • 10968: Added setup in cash types to control the behavior of tax amounts in inbound XMLs
  • 11681: EX063 FTE Remove warning messages

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