Codeunit 18123052 EOS FE Writer

Codeunit 18123052 EOS FE Writer



procedure CreateFEfor(Document: Variant; var FE: Codeunit "Temp Blob")

Start the creation of the XML for the document given

Parameters / Return Value

  • Document Variant

    The document: Handle Only Sales/Service Invoice/Cr. Memo Header

  • FE Codeunit "Temp Blob"

    The XML is saved to a Blob


procedure GetLastProgressiveID(): Code[20]

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Code[20]



local procedure OnBeforeCreateXML(var Document: Variant; var tempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; var handled: Boolean)

If you want to modify something before creating the XML or if you want to generate your own XML use this

Parameters / Return Value

  • Document Variant

    the Document that need the XML

  • tempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"

    The XML need to be saved to a BLOB

  • handled Boolean

    If True then bypass the standard code (no XML generated)


local procedure OnBeforeAddStartTag(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var elementName: Text[250]; id: Text; var insert: Boolean; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On Before Add Start Tag <start>

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

    RecordFor Tag
    “EOS RifLineNo Buffer” here will be populated with order dataName ‘DatiOrdineAcquisto’ ID ‘2.1.2’
    “EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs.” will be populated by related docsName ‘DatiContratto’,‘DatiConvenzione’,‘DatiFattureCollegate’,‘DatiOrdineAcquisto’,‘DatiRicezione’,‘DatiSAL’,‘DatiDDT’ ID ‘2.1.3’,‘2.1.4’,‘2.1.6’,‘2.1.2’,‘2.1.5’,‘2.1.7’,‘2.1.8’
    “EOS RifLineNo Buffer” here will be populated with shipment dataName ‘DatiDDT’ ID ‘2.1.8’
    Invoice Line (it is inside repeat) It will be used also for the roundig line (Discount and VatLine)Name ‘DettaglioLinee’ ID ‘2.2.1’-‘2.2.1.X’
    VAT Entry (it is inside repeat)Name ‘DatiRiepilogo’ ID ‘2.2.2’ - ‘2.2.2.X’
    “Cust. Ledger Entry”Name ‘DettaglioPagamento’ ID ‘2.4.2’
  • elementName Text[250]

    the name of the element

  • id Text[]

    The id given by “Tracciato Tabellare”

  • insert Boolean

    If true it will be added

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    If needed you can add other fields


local procedure OnAfterAddStartTag(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; elementName: Text[250]; id: Text; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After Add Start Tag

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    same as OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • line RecordRef

    same as OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • elementName Text[250]

    same as OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • id Text[]

    same as OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    same as OnBeforeAddStartTag


local procedure OnBeforeAddElementText(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var elementName: Text[250]; id: Text; var Value: Text; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On Before Add Element Text <elementName>Value</elementName>

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    same as OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • line RecordRef

    same as OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • elementName Text[250]

    same as OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • id Text[]

    same as OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • Value Text[]

    The Value of element. If empty it won’t be added

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    same as OnBeforeAddStartTag


local procedure OnBeforeAddElementBigText(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var elementName: Text[250]; id: Text; var Value: BigText; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On Before Add Element Big Text - it used only by the tag ‘Attachment’ with ID ‘2.5.5’.

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    same of OnBeforeAddElementText

  • line RecordRef

    same of OnBeforeAddElementText

  • elementName Text[250]

    same of OnBeforeAddElementText

  • id Text[]

    same of OnBeforeAddElementText

  • Value BigText

    same of OnBeforeAddElementText, this time it is BigText

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    same of OnBeforeAddElementText


local procedure OnAfterAddElement(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; elementName: Text[250]; id: Text; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After Add Element

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • line RecordRef

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • elementName Text[250]

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • id Text[]

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag


local procedure OnBeforeWriteEndTag(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var elementName: Text[250]; id: Text; var insert: Boolean; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On Before Write End Tag </elementName>

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • line RecordRef

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • elementName Text[250]

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • id Text[]

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • insert Boolean

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag


local procedure OnAfterWriteEndTag(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; elementName: Text[250]; id: Text; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After Write End Tag

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • line RecordRef

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • elementName Text[250]

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • id Text[]

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    same of OnBeforeAddStartTag


local procedure OnAddTaxRepresentative_1_3(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

Needed if you want to add Tax Representative Tags (ID 1.3.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnAddDatiTrasporto_2_1_9(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

Needed if you want to add Dati Trasporto (ID 2.1.9.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnAddFatturaPrincipale_2_1_10(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

Needed if you want to add Fattura Principale (ID 2.1.10.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnAddDatiVeicoli_2_3(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

Needed if you want to add Dati Veicoli (ID 2.3.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnAddStabileOrganizzazione_1_2_3(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

Needed if you want to add Stabile Organizzazione (ID 1.2.3.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnAddStabileOrganizzazione_1_4_3(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Needed if you want to add Stabile Organizzazione (ID 1.4.3.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAddDatiCassaPrevidenziale_2_1_1_7(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

Needed if you want to add Dati Cassa Previdenziale (ID

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnAddScontoMaggiorazione_2_1_1_8(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

Needed if you want to add Sconto Maggiorazione (ID

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnAddAltriDatiGestionali_2_2_1_16(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

Needed if you want to add Altri Dati Gestionali (ID

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteAttachments(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

If you want to modify the standard logic of Attachments section

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the default


local procedure OnAfterWriteAttachments(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

If you want to Add custom logic to the Attachments section

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWritePaymentData(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

If you want to modify the standard logic to the Payment Data section

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    If true then skip standard logics


local procedure OnAfterWritePaymentData(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

If you want to Add custom logic to the Payment Data section

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeAddCausaleTags(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

If you want to modify the standard logic to the Causale section

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    If true then skip standard logics


local procedure OnAfterAddCausaleTags(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

If you want to Add custom logic to the Causale section

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteLineVATData(header: RecordRef; CurrVatEntryLine: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

If you want to modify the standard logic to then Line VAT Data section

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • CurrVatEntryLine RecordRef

    The current Vat Entry

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    If true then skip standard logics


local procedure OnAfterWriteLineVATData(header: RecordRef; CurrVatEntryLine: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

If you want to add custom logics to then Line VAT Data section

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • CurrVatEntryLine RecordRef

    The current Vat Entry

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteRoundingLineDisc(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before Write Rounding Line Discount

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

    This contains data for rounding

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip standard logic


local procedure OnAfterWriteRoundingLineDisc(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

If you want to add custom logic to the Rounding Line Discount section

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    same as OnBeforeWriteRoundingLineDisc

  • line RecordRef

    same as OnBeforeWriteRoundingLineDisc

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteRoundingVATLines(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before Write Rounding VAT Lines

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

    This contains data for rounding

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip standard logic


local procedure OnAfterWriteRoundingVATLines(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

If you want to add custom logic to the Rounding VAT Lines section

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    same as OnBeforeWriteRoundingLineDisc

  • line RecordRef

    same as OnBeforeWriteRoundingLineDisc

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteLineDataWithLineNo(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var LineNo: Integer; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

If you want to replace standard logics to Line Data

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

    The line of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • LineNo Integer

    Number that will be used in NumeroLinea tag

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterWriteLineDataWithVarLineNo(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var LineNo: Integer; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

If you want to add custom logics logics to Line Data

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

    The line of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • LineNo Integer

    Number that has been used in NumeroLinea tag. This parameter is now passed as reference (var) allowing better customizations and avoiding “NumeroLinea” duplicates

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteDatiDDT_2_1_8(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before Write DatiDDT (ID 2.1.8.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterWriteDatiDDT_2_1_8(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After Write DatiDDT (ID 2.1.8.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteElectrDocRelDocsTags(header: RecordRef; ElectrDocRelatedDocsTMP: Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs."; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before Write Electronic Document Related Documents Tags

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • ElectrDocRelatedDocsTMP Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs."

    A buffer table and it can be filled with: DatiOrdineAcquisto, DatiContratto, DatiConvenzione, DatiRicezione, DatiFattureCollegate, DatiSAL, DatiDDT, Causale

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnBeforeGroupingElectrDocRelDocsTags(header: RecordRef; var ElectrDocRelatedDocsTMP: Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs."; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before Grouping Electronic Document Related Documents Tags

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • ElectrDocRelatedDocsTMP Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs."

    A buffer table and it can be filled with: DatiOrdineAcquisto, DatiContratto, DatiConvenzione, DatiRicezione, DatiFattureCollegate, DatiSAL, DatiDDT, Causale

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the extraction of data in xml


local procedure OnAfterWriteElectrDocRelDocsTags(header: RecordRef; ElectrDocRelatedDocsTMP: Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs."; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After Write Electronic Document Related Documents Tags

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • ElectrDocRelatedDocsTMP Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs."

    A buffer table and it can be filled with: DatiOrdineAcquisto, DatiContratto, DatiConvenzione, DatiRicezione, DatiFattureCollegate, DatiSAL, DatiDDT, Causale

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforewriteDatiOrdineAcquisto_2_1_2(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before write Dati Ordine Acquisto (2.1.2.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterwriteDatiOrdineAcquisto_2_1_2(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After write Dati Ordine Acquisto (2.1.2.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforewriteDatiGenerali_2_1(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before write Dati Generali (2.1.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterwriteDatiGenerali_2_1(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After write Dati Generali (2.1.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeAddDatiRitenuta_2_1_1_5(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

Raised before writing the tag DatiRitenuta (

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterAddDatiRitenuta_2_1_1_5(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

Raised after writing the tag DatiRitenuta (

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteSoggettoEmittente_1_6(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before Write Soggetto Emittente (1.6.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterWriteSoggettoEmittente_1_6(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After Write Soggetto Emittente (1.6.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteThirdSubject_1_5(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before Write Third Subject (1.5.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterWriteThirdSubject_1_5(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After Write Third Subject (1.5.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteCessionarioCommittente_1_4(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before Write Cessionario Committente (1.4.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterWriteCessionarioCommittente_1_4(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After Write Cessionario Committente (1.4.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteCedentePrestatore_1_2(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before Write Cedente Prestatore (1.2.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterWriteCedentePrestatore_1_2(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After Write Cedente Prestatore (1.2.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteDatiTrasmissione_1_1(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

On Before Write Dati Trasmissione (1.1.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterWriteDatiTrasmissione_1_1(header: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

On After Write Dati Trasmissione (1.1.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnFillElectrDocRelatedDocsBuffer(header: RecordRef; var ElectrDocRelatedDocsTMP: Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs.")

If you want to add something to the Related Tags section, fil this buffer

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • ElectrDocRelatedDocsTMP Record "EOS Outb. EDoc. Related Docs."

    The buffer to fill


local procedure OnBeforeAddCodiceArticolo(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

If you want to replace standard logic to the tags CodiceArticolo with id ‘’

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

    The current line of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true skip the standard logic


local procedure OnAfterAddCodiceArticolo(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

If you want to add something after the tag CodiceArticolo with id ‘’

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

    The current line of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnWriteLineDiscDataOnBeforeAddCodiceArticolo(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var handled: Boolean)

If you want to replace standard logic to the tags CodiceArticolo with id ‘’ in the discount line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

    The current line of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • handled Boolean

    if true skip the standard logic


local procedure OnWriteLineDiscDataOnAfterAddCodiceArticolo(header: RecordRef; line: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

If you want to add something after the tag CodiceArticolo with id ‘’ in the discount line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

    The current line of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnCheckOrderDataMandatory(Header: RecordRef)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Header RecordRef


local procedure OnCheckDatiGenerali(Header: RecordRef; var OrderNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer" temporary)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Header RecordRef

  • OrderNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"


local procedure OnCheckDatiBeniServizi(Header: RecordRef; Line: RecordRef)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Header RecordRef

  • Line RecordRef


local procedure OnAfterCreateXML(var Document: Variant; var tempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob")

Parameters / Return Value

  • Document Variant

  • tempBlob Codeunit "Temp Blob"


procedure OnBeforeWriteCodiceArticoloGroup(line: RecordRef; var CodiceTipoTxt: Text[35]; var CodiceValoreTxt: Text[35])

Parameters / Return Value

  • line RecordRef

  • CodiceTipoTxt Text[35]

  • CodiceValoreTxt Text[35]


procedure OnBeforeWriteRiferimentoNormativo(line: RecordRef; var CodiceTipoTxt: Text[35]; var CodiceValoreTxt: Text[35])

Parameters / Return Value

  • line RecordRef

  • CodiceTipoTxt Text[35]

  • CodiceValoreTxt Text[35]


local procedure OnBeforeLoopWriteLineData(header: RecordRef; var line: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before looping line recordref to write DettaglioLinee group

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

    Filtered line recordset”

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterLoopWriteLineData(header: RecordRef; var line: RecordRef; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

Raised after looping line recordref to write DettaglioLinee group

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • line RecordRef

    Filtered line recordset”

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeLoopWriteVATLineData(header: RecordRef; var TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry" temporary; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before looping TempVATEntry to write DatiRiepilogo group

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • TempVATEntry Record "VAT Entry"

    Filtered recordset to write”

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


local procedure OnAfterLoopWriteVATLineData(header: RecordRef; var TempVATEntry: Record "VAT Entry" temporary; var XmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer")

Raised after looping TempVATEntry to write DatiRiepilogo group

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • TempVATEntry Record "VAT Entry"

    Filtered recordset to write”

  • XmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”


local procedure OnBeforeWriteDatiOrdineAcquistoFromBufferLine_2_1_2(header: RecordRef; OrderNoBuffer: Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer" temporary; EOSXmlWriter: Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"; var Bufferhandled: Boolean)

Raised before writing the tag Dati Ordine Acquisto (2.1.2.X)

Parameters / Return Value

  • header RecordRef

    The header of the document (it can be Sales Order, Service Order, Sales Cr.Memo, Service Cr.Memo)

  • OrderNoBuffer Record "EOS RifLineNo Buffer"

    A buffer table to fill with order number

  • EOSXmlWriter Codeunit "EOS Xml Writer"

    Codeunit “EOS Xml Writer”

  • Bufferhandled Boolean

    if true then skip the standard logics


procedure OnBeforePopulateDettaglioLineeScontoMaggiorazione(line: RecordRef; writeSeparateDiscLines: Boolean; var DiscType: array[10] of Text; var DiscAmount: array[10] of Text; var Perc: array[10] of Text; var LastArrayIndex: Integer; var handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • line RecordRef

  • writeSeparateDiscLines Boolean

  • DiscType Text[]

  • DiscAmount Text[]

  • Perc Text[]

  • LastArrayIndex Integer

  • handled Boolean


procedure OnAfterPopulateDettaglioLineeScontoMaggiorazione(line: RecordRef; writeSeparateDiscLines: Boolean; var DiscType: array[10] of Text; var DiscAmount: array[10] of Text; var Perc: array[10] of Text; var LastArrayIndex: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • line RecordRef

  • writeSeparateDiscLines Boolean

  • DiscType Text[]

  • DiscAmount Text[]

  • Perc Text[]

  • LastArrayIndex Integer

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