Table 18123049 EOS IXFE Outb. Document
Table 18123049 EOS IXFE Outb. Document
Language | Caption |
de-AT | IX-FE Ausgehender Beleg |
de-CH | IX-FE Ausgehender Beleg |
de-DE | IX-FE Ausgehender Beleg |
en-AU | IX-FE Outbound Document |
en-CA | IX-FE Outbound Document |
en-GB | IX-FE Outbound Document |
en-NZ | IX-FE Outbound Document |
en-US | IX-FE Outbound Document |
it-CH | IX-FE Documento in uscita |
it-IT | IX-FE Documento in uscita |
EOS Entry No. (1
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Lfd. Nr. |
de-CH | Lfd. Nr. |
de-DE | Lfd. Nr. |
en-AU | Entry No. |
en-CA | Entry No. |
en-GB | Entry No. |
en-NZ | Entry No. |
en-US | Entry No. |
it-CH | Nr. movimento |
it-IT | Nr. movimento |
EOS Table ID (10
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Tabellen-ID |
de-CH | Tabellen-ID |
de-DE | Tabellen-ID |
en-AU | Table ID |
en-CA | Table ID |
en-GB | Table ID |
en-NZ | Table ID |
en-US | Table ID |
it-CH | ID tabella |
it-IT | ID tabella |
EOS Document Type (11
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Belegart |
de-CH | Belegart |
de-DE | Belegart |
en-AU | Document Type |
en-CA | Document Type |
en-GB | Document Type |
en-NZ | Document Type |
en-US | Document Type |
it-CH | Tipo di documento |
it-IT | Tipo di documento |
EOS Document No. (12
TableRelation: IF ("EOS Table ID" = CONST(112)) "Sales Invoice Header" ELSE IF ("EOS Table ID" = CONST(114)) "Sales Cr.Memo Header" ELSE IF ("EOS Table ID" = CONST(5992)) "Service Invoice Header" ELSE IF ("EOS Table ID" = CONST(5994)) "Service Cr.Memo Header"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Belegnr. |
de-CH | Belegnr. |
de-DE | Belegnr. |
en-AU | Document No. |
en-CA | Document No. |
en-GB | Document No. |
en-NZ | Document No. |
en-US | Document No. |
it-CH | Nr. documento |
it-IT | Nr. documento |
EOS Document Record ID (13
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Belegdatensatz-ID |
de-CH | Belegdatensatz-ID |
de-DE | Belegdatensatz-ID |
en-AU | Document Record ID |
en-CA | Document Record ID |
en-GB | Document Record ID |
en-NZ | Document Record ID |
en-US | Document Record ID |
it-CH | ID record documento |
it-IT | ID record documento |
EOS Posting Date (14
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Buchungsdatum |
de-CH | Buchungsdatum |
de-DE | Buchungsdatum |
en-AU | Posting Date |
en-CA | Posting Date |
en-GB | Posting Date |
en-NZ | Posting Date |
en-US | Posting Date |
it-CH | Data di registrazione |
it-IT | Data di registrazione |
EOS Table Caption (15
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Lookup(AllObjWithCaption."Object Caption" WHERE("Object Type" = CONST(Table), "Object ID" = FIELD("EOS Table ID")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Tabellencaption |
de-CH | Tabellencaption |
de-DE | Tabellencaption |
en-AU | Table Caption |
en-CA | Table Caption |
en-GB | Table Caption |
en-NZ | Table Caption |
en-US | Table Caption |
it-CH | Didascalia tabella |
it-IT | Didascalia tabella |
EOS Country/Region Code (16
TableRelation: "Country/Region"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Länder-/Regionscode |
de-CH | Länder-/Regionscode |
de-DE | Länder-/Regionscode |
en-AU | Country/Region Code |
en-CA | Country/Region Code |
en-GB | Country/Region Code |
en-NZ | Country/Region Code |
en-US | Country/Region Code |
it-CH | Cod. paese |
it-IT | Cod. paese |
EOS Blocked (17
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Gesperrt |
de-CH | Gesperrt |
de-DE | Gesperrt |
en-AU | Blocked |
en-CA | Blocked |
en-GB | Blocked |
en-NZ | Blocked |
en-US | Blocked |
it-CH | Bloccato |
it-IT | Bloccato |
EOS VAT Register (18
TableRelation: "VAT Register"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | MwSt.-Journal |
de-CH | MwSt.-Journal |
de-DE | MwSt.-Journal |
en-AU | VAT Register |
en-CA | VAT Register |
en-GB | VAT Register |
en-NZ | VAT Register |
en-US | VAT Register |
it-CH | Registro IVA |
it-IT | Registro IVA |
EOS Source Type (20
" "
(0) , Customer
(1) , Vendor
(2) , "Bank Account"
(3) , "Fixed Asset"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Herkunftsart |
de-CH | Herkunftsart |
de-DE | Herkunftsart |
en-AU | Source Type |
en-CA | Source Type |
en-GB | Source Type |
en-NZ | Source Type |
en-US | Source Type |
it-CH | Tipo origine |
it-IT | Tipo origine |
EOS Source No. (21
TableRelation: IF ("EOS Source Type" = CONST(Customer)) Customer ELSE IF ("EOS Source Type" = CONST(Vendor)) Vendor ELSE IF ("EOS Source Type" = CONST("Bank Account")) "Bank Account" ELSE IF ("EOS Source Type" = CONST("Fixed Asset")) "Fixed Asset"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Herkunftsnr. |
de-CH | Herkunftsnr. |
de-DE | Herkunftsnr. |
en-AU | Source No. |
en-CA | Source No. |
en-GB | Source No. |
en-NZ | Source No. |
en-US | Source No. |
it-CH | Nr. origine |
it-IT | Nr. origine |
EOS Source Name (22
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Herkunftsname |
de-CH | Herkunftsname |
de-DE | Herkunftsname |
en-AU | Source Name |
en-CA | Source Name |
en-GB | Source Name |
en-NZ | Source Name |
en-US | Source Name |
it-CH | Nome origine |
it-IT | Nome origine |
EOS Electr. Document Filename (50
Language | Caption |
de-AT | PA-Dateiname Elektronisches Dokument |
de-CH | PA-Dateiname Elektronisches Dokument |
de-DE | PA-Dateiname Elektronisches Dokument |
en-AU | Electr. Document Filename |
en-CA | Electr. Document Filename |
en-GB | Electr. Document Filename |
en-NZ | Electr. Document Filename |
en-US | Electr. Document Filename |
it-CH | Nome file doc. elettronico |
it-IT | Nome file doc. elettronico |
EOS Lot ID (100
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Chargen-ID |
de-CH | Chargen-ID |
de-DE | Chargen-ID |
en-AU | Lot ID |
en-CA | Lot ID |
en-GB | Lot ID |
en-NZ | Lot ID |
en-US | Lot ID |
it-CH | ID Lotto |
it-IT | ID Lotto |
EOS Lot Index (101
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Chargen-Index |
de-CH | Chargen-Index |
de-DE | Chargen-Index |
en-AU | Lot Index |
en-CA | Lot Index |
en-GB | Lot Index |
en-NZ | Lot Index |
en-US | Lot Index |
it-CH | Indice lotto |
it-IT | Indice lotto |
EOS Lot Entry No. (102
TableRelation: "EOS IXFE Outb. Document Lot"
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Chargen-Lfd.-Nr. |
de-CH | Chargen-Lfd.-Nr. |
de-DE | Chargen-Lfd.-Nr. |
en-AU | Lot Entry No. |
en-CA | Lot Entry No. |
en-GB | Lot Entry No. |
en-NZ | Lot Entry No. |
en-US | Lot Entry No. |
it-CH | Nr. movimento lotto |
it-IT | Nr. movimento lotto |
EOS Last Upload Date (103
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Letztes Upload-Datum |
de-CH | Letztes Upload-Datum |
de-DE | Letztes Upload-Datum |
en-AU | Last Upload Date |
en-CA | Last Upload Date |
en-GB | Last Upload Date |
en-NZ | Last Upload Date |
en-US | Last Upload Date |
it-CH | Data ultimo invio |
it-IT | Data ultimo invio |
EOS Last Upload UserID (104
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Benutzer-ID für den letzten Upload |
de-CH | Benutzer-ID für den letzten Upload |
de-DE | Benutzer-ID für den letzten Upload |
en-AU | Last Upload UserID |
en-CA | Last Upload UserID |
en-GB | Last Upload UserID |
en-NZ | Last Upload UserID |
en-US | Last Upload UserID |
it-CH | ID utente ultimo invio |
it-IT | ID utente ultimo invio |
EOS Sending Status (200
(0) , Sent
(2) , Failed
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Sende-Status |
de-CH | Sende-Status |
de-DE | Sende-Status |
en-AU | Sending Status |
en-CA | Sending Status |
en-GB | Sending Status |
en-NZ | Sending Status |
en-US | Sending Status |
it-CH | Stato invio |
it-IT | Stato invio |
EOS Synch Error (300
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Lookup("EOS IXFE Outb. Document Lot"."EOS Synch Error" WHERE("EOS Entry No." = FIELD("EOS Lot Entry No.")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Synch.-Fehler |
de-CH | Synch.-Fehler |
de-DE | Synch.-Fehler |
en-AU | Synch Error |
en-CA | Synch Error |
en-GB | Synch Error |
en-NZ | Synch Error |
en-US | Synch Error |
it-CH | Errore sincronizzazione |
it-IT | Errore sincronizzazione |
EOS Error Text 1 (301
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Lookup("EOS IXFE Outb. Document Lot"."EOS Error Text 1" WHERE("EOS Entry No." = FIELD("EOS Lot Entry No.")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Fehlertext 1 |
de-CH | Fehlertext 1 |
de-DE | Fehlertext 1 |
en-AU | Error Text 1 |
en-CA | Error Text 1 |
en-GB | Error Text 1 |
en-NZ | Error Text 1 |
en-US | Error Text 1 |
it-CH | Testo errore 1 |
it-IT | Testo errore 1 |
EOS Error Text 2 (302
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Lookup("EOS IXFE Outb. Document Lot"."EOS Error Text 2" WHERE("EOS Entry No." = FIELD("EOS Lot Entry No.")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Fehlertext 2 |
de-CH | Fehlertext 2 |
de-DE | Fehlertext 2 |
en-AU | Error Text 2 |
en-CA | Error Text 2 |
en-GB | Error Text 2 |
en-NZ | Error Text 2 |
en-US | Error Text 2 |
it-CH | Testo errore 2 |
it-IT | Testo errore 2 |
EOS Error Text 3 (303
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Lookup("EOS IXFE Outb. Document Lot"."EOS Error Text 3" WHERE("EOS Entry No." = FIELD("EOS Lot Entry No.")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Fehlertext 3 |
de-CH | Fehlertext 3 |
de-DE | Fehlertext 3 |
en-AU | Error Text 3 |
en-CA | Error Text 3 |
en-GB | Error Text 3 |
en-NZ | Error Text 3 |
en-US | Error Text 3 |
it-CH | Testo errore 3 |
it-IT | Testo errore 3 |
EOS Error Text 4 (304
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Lookup("EOS IXFE Outb. Document Lot"."EOS Error Text 4" WHERE("EOS Entry No." = FIELD("EOS Lot Entry No.")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Fehlertext 4 |
de-CH | Fehlertext 4 |
de-DE | Fehlertext 4 |
en-AU | Error Text 4 |
en-CA | Error Text 4 |
en-GB | Error Text 4 |
en-NZ | Error Text 4 |
en-US | Error Text 4 |
it-CH | Testo errore 4 |
it-IT | Testo errore 4 |
EOS Notification Entry No. (400
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Benachrichtigungs-Lfd.-Nr. |
de-CH | Benachrichtigungs-Lfd.-Nr. |
de-DE | Benachrichtigungs-Lfd.-Nr. |
en-AU | Notification Entry No. |
en-CA | Notification Entry No. |
en-GB | Notification Entry No. |
en-NZ | Notification Entry No. |
en-US | Notification Entry No. |
it-CH | Nr. movimento notifica |
it-IT | Nr. movimento notifica |
EOS Status Date/Time (401
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Lookup("EOS IXFE Outb. Doc. Notif."."EOS Status Date/Time" WHERE("EOS Lot ID" = FIELD("EOS Lot ID"), "EOS Entry No." = FIELD("EOS Notification Entry No.")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Status-Datum/Uhrzeit |
de-CH | Status-Datum/Uhrzeit |
de-DE | Status-Datum/Uhrzeit |
en-AU | Status Date/Time |
en-CA | Status Date/Time |
en-GB | Status Date/Time |
en-NZ | Status Date/Time |
en-US | Status Date/Time |
it-CH | Data/Ora stato |
it-IT | Data/Ora stato |
EOS Status Code (402
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Lookup("EOS IXFE Outb. Doc. Notif."."EOS Status Code" WHERE("EOS Lot ID" = FIELD("EOS Lot ID"), "EOS Entry No." = FIELD("EOS Notification Entry No.")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Statuscode |
de-CH | Statuscode |
de-DE | Statuscode |
en-AU | Status Code |
en-CA | Status Code |
en-GB | Status Code |
en-NZ | Status Code |
en-US | Status Code |
it-CH | Cod. Stato |
it-IT | Cod. Stato |
EOS Status Value (403
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Lookup("EOS IXFE Outb. Doc. Notif."."EOS Status Value" WHERE("EOS Lot ID" = FIELD("EOS Lot ID"), "EOS Entry No." = FIELD("EOS Notification Entry No.")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Statuswert |
de-CH | Statuswert |
de-DE | Statuswert |
en-AU | Status Value |
en-CA | Status Value |
en-GB | Status Value |
en-NZ | Status Value |
en-US | Status Value |
it-CH | Valore stato |
it-IT | Valore stato |
EOS Status Text (404
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Lookup("EOS IXFE Outb. Doc. Notif."."EOS Status Text" WHERE("EOS Lot ID" = FIELD("EOS Lot ID"), "EOS Entry No." = FIELD("EOS Notification Entry No.")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Statustext |
de-CH | Statustext |
de-DE | Statustext |
en-AU | Status Text |
en-CA | Status Text |
en-GB | Status Text |
en-NZ | Status Text |
en-US | Status Text |
it-CH | Testo stato |
it-IT | Testo stato |
EOS Error Text (405
FieldClass: FlowField
CalcFormula: Lookup("EOS IXFE Outb. Doc. Notif."."EOS Error Text" WHERE("EOS Lot ID" = FIELD("EOS Lot ID"), "EOS Entry No." = FIELD("EOS Notification Entry No.")))
Language | Caption |
de-AT | Fehlertext |
de-CH | Fehlertext |
de-DE | Fehlertext |
en-AU | Error Text |
en-CA | Error Text |
en-GB | Error Text |
en-NZ | Error Text |
en-US | Error Text |
it-CH | Testo errore |
it-IT | Testo errore |
procedure CheckValuesBeforeSend()
procedure GetErrorText(): Text
Parameters / Return Value
- Returns
procedure ShowLogs()
procedure ShowDocument()
procedure ExportDocumentToClient()
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