EX011 Enasarco FIRR and FISC

Enasarco FIRR and FISC

Enasarco FIRR and FISC

Dependency graph

graph LR; Main(Enasarco FIRR and FISC) --> Dep0(EOS Administration Library); click Dep0 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/8bb96677-5112-4566-b742-12eebbb9a058.html" Main(Enasarco FIRR and FISC) --> Dep1(Commissions); click Dep1 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/fe26f18b-0f61-44e0-b065-11c6c60cd591.html" Main(Enasarco FIRR and FISC) --> Dep2(Commissions for Italy); click Dep2 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/00c0e4f3-5497-4a0c-9275-b8330ba8148b.html" Main(Enasarco FIRR and FISC) --> Dep3(Finance Common Data Layer); click Dep3 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/0961643d-d357-43ac-b8ee-0097e9be07c1.html" Main(Enasarco FIRR and FISC) --> Dep4(Common Data Layer); click Dep4 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/4e2a89a2-9049-496c-8b3a-f4eee6399b0e.html" Main(Enasarco FIRR and FISC) --> Dep5(Common Data Layer Italy); click Dep5 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/a9f543e6-a9d3-4eed-8f29-26b2e5632d82.html"



18008360EOS011 Upgrade
18008361EOS011 Manual Event Subscriber
18008380EOS011 Contr. Event PublisherGathers all published events
18008382EOS011 Enasarco Soc. Calc.Gathers all functions used to handle Enasarco soc. security calculation
18008383EOS011 FIRR Calc.Gathers all functions used to handle FIRR calculation
18008384EOS011 FISC Calc.Gathers all functions used to handle FISC calculation
18008385EOS011 Contr. Event Sub.Gathers all functions used to handle subscriber events
18008386EOS011 Contributions UtilitiesGathers all functions used to handle generic needs
18008387EOS011 Enasarco Ass. Calc.Gathers all functions used to handle Enasarco assistance calculation
18008388EOS011 Enasarco Calc.Gathers all functions used to handle Enasarco calculation
18008389EOS011 SubscriptionProvides functions related to extension specific subscription management.
18008390EOS011 Bill Mgt.Provides functions related to contributions bill management.
18008391EOS011 Contr.Ledg.Entry.Mgt.
18008392EOS011 Contr. Application Mgt.Gathers all functions used to handle contribution application
18008393EOS011 Comm. Event SubscriberGathers all published events
18008394EOS011 Posting Preview Mgt.Gathers all functions used to handle commission in posting preview function
18008395EOS011 CDL integration


18008360EOS011 Post Contr. Close Per.
18008380EOS011 Contr. Bill Header TypeContr. Bill Header Type values
18008381EOS011 Contribution Bill StatusContribution Bill Status values
18008383EOS011 Contribution TypeContributions Type values
18008384EOS011 Contribution Document TypeContribution Document Type values


18008360EOS011 Enas. Facilit. SetupEnasarco Soc. Sec. Facilitation Setup
18008361EOS011 Enas. Facilitation CardEnasarco Soc. Sec. Facilitation Setup Card
18008380EOS011 Enas. Soc. Sec. SetupEnasarco Soc. Sec. Setup
18008381EOS011 FIRR SetupF.I.R.R. Setup
18008382EOS011 FISC SetupF.I.S.C. Setup
18008383EOS011 Enas. Assistance SetupEnasarco Assistance Setup
18008384EOS011 FISC Setup CardF.I.S.C. Setup Card
18008385EOS011 Contr. Ledger EntryList of contribution ledger entries
18008386EOS011 FIRR Setup CardF.I.R.R. Setup Card
18008387EOS011 Enas. Soc. Sec. CardEnasarco Soc. Sec. Setup Card
18008388EOS011 Contributions RegistersList of contributions register
18008389EOS011 Det. Contr. Ldg. EntryList of detailed contribution register
18008390EOS011 Import Contr. Ldg EntryList of imported contribution ledger entries
18008391EOS011 Contributions Bill ListList of contributions bill
18008392EOS011 Contributions Bill CardCard of contributions bill
18008393EOS011 Contributions Bill SubSubPage of contributions bill lines
18008394EOS011 Apply Contr. EntryUtility page to apply contributions entries to posted documents
18008395EOS011 Contr. Entry FactBoxFactBox of document entries to apply on apply entries page
18008398EOS011 Vendor Entry FactBoxFactBox of document entries to apply on apply entries page


18008380EOS011 Calculate FISCCalculates FISC and posts realted entries. Called from menu
18008381EOS011 Calculate FIRRCalculates FIRR and posts realted entries. Called from menu
18008382EOS011 Suggest Contr. EntriesSuggest Enasarco contributions entries to add into a Contribution Bill
18008383EOS011 Export Enasarco FileCreates Enasarco Grandi Ditte file from a Contribution Bill
18008384EOS011 Calc.Contr.Ledg.Entr.
18008385EOS Annual Reporting FIRR-ENAS
18008386EOS011 Purch. ProForma Invoice
18008387EOS011 Calculate En. Integr.Calculates Integrations and posts realted entries. Called from menu


26Vendor CardAdded contributions module data, extends “Vendor Card”
51Purchase InvoiceAdded contributions module data, extends “Purchase Invoice”
52Purchase Credit MemoAdded contributions module data, extends “Purchase Credit Memo”
55Purch. Invoice SubformAdded commission module data, extends “Purch. Invoice Subform”
98Purch. Cr. Memo Subform
138Posted Purchase InvoiceAdded contributions module data, extends “Posted Purchase Invoice”
140Posted Purchase Credit MemoAdded contributions module data, extends “Posted Purchase Credit Memo”
5116Salesperson/Purchaser CardAdded contributions module data, extends “Salesperson/Purchaser Card”
12133Withh. Taxes-Contribution CardAdded contributions module data, extends “Withh. Taxes-Contribution Card”
18008295EOS Commissions SetupAdded contributions module data, extends “EOS Commissions Setup”
18008302EOS Commission Reason CodesAdded contributions module data, extends “EOS Commissions Setup”


18008380EOS011 Enas. Soc. Sec. SetupSetup table, contains enasarco social security records
18008381EOS011 FIRR SetupSetup table, contains FIRR records
18008382EOS011 FISC SetupSetup table, contains FISC records
18008383EOS011 Enas. Assistance SetupSetup table, contains enasarco assistance records
18008384EOS011 Contr. Ledger EntryLedger table, contains all posted contributions entries
18008385EOS011 Contributions RegisterGathers all informations related to contribution posting procedure
18008386EOS011 Detailed Contr. Reg.Gathers all informations related to contribution posting procedure
18008387EOS011 Contr. Bill HeaderGathers all informations related to contribution bill
18008388EOS011 Contr. Bill LineGathers all informations related to contribution bill
18008389EOS011 Enas. Facilit. SetupSetup table, contains enasarco social security facilitation records


13Salesperson/PurchaserAdded contribution module data, extends “Salesperson/Purchaser”
23VendorAdded contribution module data, extends “Vendor”
38Purchase HeaderAdded contribution module data, extends “Salesperson/Purchaser”
39Purchase Line
12137Purch. Withh. Contribution
18008293EOS Commissions SetupAdded contribution module data, extends “Commissions Setup”
18008300EOS Commission Reason CodeAdded contribution module data, extends “Commission Reason Code””

Build environment



(not released)

  • 16160: EX014 EBN Remove dependency from apps Enasarco FIRR and FISC and Withholding Tax Certificazioni Uniche for Italy
  • 16161: EX014 EBN Remove dependency from apps Enasarco FIRR and FISC and Withholding Tax Certificazioni Uniche for Italy: Development


Released: On Premise: 22. July 2024 | SaaS: 22. July 2024

  • 15604: EX011 ENA In print of report ‘Purchase ProForma Invoice’, when ‘Society type’ ie equal to ‘Partnership’ the value for ‘Contributive amount’ shows only a part of the amount


Released: On Premise: 09. July 2024 | SaaS: 10. July 2024

  • 9864: CHANGE: allow adding new non enasarco line when enasarco is calculated or posted
  • 9865: EX011 ENA Consider the possibility to allow the insertion of new lines on the purchase invoice with contributions already calculated in COGE: Development


Released: On Premise: 21. May 2024

  • 13206: FIX: fixed the contribution procedures during posting to avoid unnecessary error
  • 13207: EX011 ENA In ‘Purchase invoice’ with contributions, trying to post returns error ‘Impossible to delete contributions entries if included in contributions bill lines.': Development


Released: On Premise: 14. May 2024

  • 15191: EX010 CMS In page ‘Purchase invoice’, lauching report ‘Prints purchase proforma invoice report’ returns error ‘The length of the string is (value) but it must be less than or equal to (number) characters. Value: (value).’
  • 15101: FIX: fixed the applying procedures
  • 15102: EX011 ENA After amount adjustment on posted Enasarco entries in G/L, in ‘Vendor ledger entries’ for the addition is recorded only the last change; otherwise the line is not linkable: Development


Released: On Premise: 23. April 2024

  • 14986: EX011 ENA In ‘Purchase invoice’, releasing document provokes a loop in Enasarco entries calculation
  • 14987: EX011 ENA In ‘Purchase invoice’, releasing document provokes a loop in Enasarco entries calculation: Development
  • 14436: EX011 ENA If in ‘Commissions setup’ the flag ‘Automatically apply contribution vendor ledger entries on posting’ is abled, posting salesperson purchase invoice in page ‘Commission entry’ the flag ‘Open’ is still abled
  • 14543: EX011:EFFRemove Obsolete NoSeriesManagement BC24
  • 14454: FIX: fixed flag feature to correctly apply Contribution Entries on posting
  • 14455: EX011 ENA If in page ‘Commissions setup’ the flag ‘Automatically Apply Contribution Vendor Ledger Entries on posting’ is abled…(COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO): Development


Released: On Premise: 29. February 2024

  • 14363: FIX: fixed the procedure that calculates the report amounts to calculate salesp amount and company amount for assistance entries too
  • 14364: EX011 ENA In report ‘Annual Reporting FIRR-ENASARCO (CMS)', for Assistance lines the fields ‘Salesperson contributions’ and ‘Company contributions’ aren’t filled: Development


Released: On Premise: 09. February 2024

  • 13944: FIX: fixed the page to allow correctly exiting it
  • 13945: EX011 ENA In page ‘Imported contribution ledger entry’, adding a new line and trying to exit the page returns error ‘You cannot delete a contribution ledger entry because is included in contribution bill line.': Development


Released: On Premise: 30. November 2023 | SaaS: 01. February 2024

  • 13721: EX011 ENA Using Arxivar solution to create purchase headers, trying to create header returns error ‘Purchase header doesn’t exists. Fields and identification values: Document tipe=’(type)',No.=’(number)’’
  • 11707: EX011 ENA About generation of the g/l contributions entries: if ledger entry relating to Enasarco contributions…(COMPLETE TITLE IN DESCRIPTION)
  • 13600: EX011 ENA Fix table events subscribers
  • 13483: EX011 ENA In ‘Purchase invoice’, selecting ‘Release’ returns error ‘A dimension used in Gen. Journal Line (code), (code), (line number) has caused an error…(COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)


Released: On Premise: 19. September 2023 | SaaS: 19. September 2023

  • 13206: FIX: fixed the contribution procedures during posting to avoid unnecessary error


Released: On Premise: 08. September 2023 | SaaS: 08. September 2023

  • 13191: EX011 ENA Adjustments for BC23


Released: On Premise: 07. September 2023

  • 13181: EX011 ENA In page ‘Posting preview’, related to purchase invoice, are reported Enasarco contributions entries from the previous posted purchase invoice with Enasarco contributions entries


Released: On Premise: 08. August 2023 | SaaS: 08. August 2023

  • 13073: EX011 ENA Add event, to replace with an error the confirm message in ‘Salesperson/Purchaser Card’, obtained when vendor is set and it’s already linket to a salesperson


Released: On Premise: 27. June 2023 | SaaS: 27. June 2023

  • 12768: EX010 CMS - Proforma invoice substitution sometimes fails


Released: On Premise: 22. May 2023

  • 12433: FIX: fixed Enasarco calculation to allow the “Recalculation from document” function from Posted Invoices and Posted Credit Memos
  • 12434: EX011 ENA In a posted purchase invoice, in ‘Contributions Ledger Entry (CMS)’ if selected ‘Recalculate document values’ no action is executed: Development


Released: On Premise: 16. May 2023

  • 11707: EX011 ENA About generation of the g/l contributions entries: if ledger entry relating to Enasarco contributions…(COMPLETE TITLE IN DESCRIPTION)
  • 11783: EX010 CMS Remove warning messages


Released: On Premise: 20. April 2023

  • 12151: EX011 ENA Report for function ‘Prints purchase proforma invoice report’ gives an uncomplete line layout
  • 11783: EX010 CMS Remove warning messages

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