
Codeunit 18008360 EOS011 Upgrade

Codeunit 18008361 EOS011 Manual Event Subscriber

Codeunit 18008380 EOS011 Contr. Event Publisher

Gathers all published events

Codeunit 18008382 EOS011 Enasarco Soc. Calc.

Gathers all functions used to handle Enasarco soc. security calculation

Codeunit 18008383 EOS011 FIRR Calc.

Gathers all functions used to handle FIRR calculation

Codeunit 18008384 EOS011 FISC Calc.

Gathers all functions used to handle FISC calculation

Codeunit 18008385 EOS011 Contr. Event Sub.

Gathers all functions used to handle subscriber events

Codeunit 18008386 EOS011 Contributions Utilities

Gathers all functions used to handle generic needs

Codeunit 18008387 EOS011 Enasarco Ass. Calc.

Gathers all functions used to handle Enasarco assistance calculation

Codeunit 18008388 EOS011 Enasarco Calc.

Gathers all functions used to handle Enasarco calculation

Codeunit 18008389 EOS011 Subscription

Provides functions related to extension specific subscription management.

Codeunit 18008390 EOS011 Bill Mgt.

Provides functions related to contributions bill management.

Codeunit 18008391 EOS011 Contr.Ledg.Entry.Mgt.

Codeunit 18008392 EOS011 Contr. Application Mgt.

Gathers all functions used to handle contribution application

Codeunit 18008393 EOS011 Comm. Event Subscriber

Gathers all published events

Codeunit 18008394 EOS011 Posting Preview Mgt.

Gathers all functions used to handle commission in posting preview function

Codeunit 18008395 EOS011 CDL integration

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