Codeunit 18008380 EOS011 Contr. Event Publisher

Codeunit 18008380 EOS011 Contr. Event Publisher

Gathers all published events



procedure Raise_OnBeforeConfirmRelatedVendors(Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var Hidedialog: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

  • xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

  • Hidedialog Boolean



procedure OnBeforeOnNavigateFindRecords(DocNoFilter: Text; PostingDateFilter: Text; var DocumentEntry: Record "Document Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when contribution module consumes standard navigate event to show contributions records related to a document

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocNoFilter Text

    Document filter in navigate page

  • PostingDateFilter Text

    Posting date filter in navigate page

  • DocumentEntry Record "Document Entry"

    Standard buffer show in navigate page

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterOnNavigateFindRecords(DocNoFilter: Text; PostingDateFilter: Text; var DocumentEntry: Record "Document Entry")

Raised when commission module consumes standard navigate event to show commission records related to a document

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocNoFilter Text

    Document filter in navigate page

  • PostingDateFilter Text

    Posting date filter in navigate page

  • DocumentEntry Record "Document Entry"

    Standard buffer show in navigate page


procedure OnBeforeCalculateEnasarcoSocSecWithheld(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; DocumentAmount: Decimal;var ByAgent: Decimal; var ByCompany: Decimal; var IntegrationAmount: Decimal; var BaseAmount: Decimal;StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; var WithheldPercAgent: Decimal; var WithheldPercCompany: Decimal;var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before Enasarco are calculated for a purchase document. Filling byVar variables you can use your custom routine

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Document document header you’re processing

  • DocumentAmount Decimal

    Amount in LCY, if credit memo is a negative value

  • ByAgent Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to vendor/salesperson

  • ByCompany Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to company

  • IntegrationAmount Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to integration

  • BaseAmount Decimal

    Return parameter that contains base amount LCY used to calculate contributions amounts

  • StartingDate Date

    Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • EndingDate Date

    End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • WithheldPercAgent Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution % related to vendor/salesperson

  • WithheldPercCompany Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution % related to company

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterCalculateEnasarcoSocSecWithheld(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; DocumentAmount: Decimal;var ByAgent: Decimal; var ByCompany: Decimal; var IntegrationAmount: Decimal; var BaseAmount: Decimal;StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; var WithheldPercAgent: Decimal; var WithheldPercCompany: Decimal)

Raised after Enasarco are calculated for a purchase document. Filling byVar variables you can use your custom routine

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Document document header you’re processing

  • DocumentAmount Decimal

    Amount in LCY, if credit memo is a negative value

  • ByAgent Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to vendor/salesperson

  • ByCompany Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to company

  • IntegrationAmount Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to integration

  • BaseAmount Decimal

    Return parameter that contains base amount LCY used to calculate contributions amounts

  • StartingDate Date

    Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • EndingDate Date

    End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • WithheldPercAgent Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution % related to vendor/salesperson

  • WithheldPercCompany Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution % related to company


procedure OnAfterGetContrMaxAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; ReferenceDate: Date; var EOS011EnasSocSecSetup: Record "EOS011 Enas. Soc. Sec. Setup"; var Result: Decimal)

Raised after retrieving max amount for Enasarco calculation. You can modify result parameter to change calculated value

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • ReferenceDate Date

    Date used when seeking setup line

  • EOS011EnasSocSecSetup Record "EOS011 Enas. Soc. Sec. Setup"

    Social security setup record filtered

  • Result Decimal

    Return value calculated. Force this value to apply your calculation


procedure OnAfterGetEnasarcoSocSecBracket(ReferenceDate: Date; var EOS011EnasSocSecSetup: Record "EOS011 Enas. Soc. Sec. Setup")

Raised after retrieving setup line to use in calculation

Parameters / Return Value

  • ReferenceDate Date

    Date used when seeking setup line

  • EOS011EnasSocSecSetup Record "EOS011 Enas. Soc. Sec. Setup"

    Social security setup record filtered


procedure OnBeforeGetIntegrationAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CurrWithheld: Decimal; var StartingDate: Date; var EndingDate: Date; var DocumentDate: Date; var Result: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before retrieving integration amount for a document

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CurrWithheld Decimal

    Total contribution amount (vendor plus company) calculated for the document

  • StartingDate Date

    Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • EndingDate Date

    End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • DocumentDate Date

    Document date of document you’re processing

  • Result Decimal

    Return value calculated. Force this value to apply your calculation

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterGetIntegrationAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; CurrWithheld: Decimal; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; DocumentDate: Date; var Result: Decimal)

Raised after integration amount for a document is calculated

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CurrWithheld Decimal

    Total contribution amount (vendor plus company) calculated for the document

  • StartingDate Date

    Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • EndingDate Date

    End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • DocumentDate Date

    Document date of document you’re processing

  • Result Decimal

    Return value calculated. Force this value to apply your calculation


procedure OnAfterGetTotalShelvedSocSecAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; var ShelvedFormContr: Decimal; StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date)

Raised after calculating shelved amount from contributions entries for a vendor in a specific date range

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • ShelvedFormContr Decimal

    Return parameter containing shelved amount calculated. Force this value to apply your custom

  • StartingDate Date

    Start of period to consider

  • EndingDate Date

    End of period to consider


procedure OnAfterGetMinimal(VendorNo: Code[20]; QuarterNo: Integer; Year: Integer; var Result: Decimal)

Raised after retrieving minimal amount for Enasarco calculation. You can modify result parameter to change calculated value

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • QuarterNo Integer

    Reference quarter

  • Year Integer

    Reference year

  • Result Decimal

    Return value calculated. Force this value to apply your calculation


procedure OnAfterReadFIRRSetup(CalcDate: Date; var EOS011FIRRSetup: Record "EOS011 FIRR Setup")

Raised after retrieving valid FIRR setup line

Parameters / Return Value

  • CalcDate Date

    Reference date to seek FIRR setup line

  • EOS011FIRRSetup Record "EOS011 FIRR Setup"

    Filtered FIRR setup record identified


procedure OnBeforeCalcFIRRbySalesperson(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalcDate: Date; var OnlyPreview: Boolean; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when calculating FIRR entries for a specific vendor

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalcDate Date

    Reference date to seek FIRR setup line

  • OnlyPreview Boolean

    Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterCalcFIRRbySalesperson(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalcDate: Date; OnlyPreview: Boolean; DocumentNo: Code[20])

Raised after calculating FIRR entries for a specific vendor

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalcDate Date

    Reference date to seek FIRR setup line

  • OnlyPreview Boolean

    Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)


procedure OnBeforeInitBracketArrayFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalcDate: Date;var FromDate: Date;var ToDate: Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketAmount: array[3] of Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when calculating FIRR brackets used in contribution calculation

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalcDate Date

    Reference date to seek FIRR setup line

  • FromDate Date

    Return value that specifies starting date for calculation

  • ToDate Date

    Return value that specifies ending date for calculation

  • BracketRate Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets

  • BracketAmount Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies amount for brackets

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterInitBracketArrayFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalcDate: Date;var FromDate: Date;var ToDate: Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketAmount: array[3] of Decimal)

Raised after calculating FIRR brackets used in contribution calculation

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalcDate Date

    Reference date to seek FIRR setup line

  • FromDate Date

    Return value that specifies starting date for calculation

  • ToDate Date

    Return value that specifies ending date for calculation

  • BracketRate Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets

  • BracketAmount Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies amount for brackets


procedure OnBeforeProcessBracketsFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20];var FromDate: Date;var ToDate: Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketAmount: array[3] of Decimal;var TotalFIRRAmount: Decimal;var TotalShelvedFormContr: Decimal;var TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when calculating FIRR entries. This procedure fills

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • FromDate Date

    Return value that specifies starting date for calculation

  • ToDate Date

    Return value that specifies ending date for calculation

  • BracketRate Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets

  • BracketAmount Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies amount for brackets

  • TotalFIRRAmount Decimal

    Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated

  • TotalShelvedFormContr Decimal

    Contains total shelved FIRR contribution amount calculated

  • TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary recordset that contains contributions entries calculated and that will be posted

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterProcessBracketsFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20];FromDate: Date;ToDate: Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketAmount: array[3] of Decimal;var TotalFIRRAmount: Decimal;var TotalShelvedFormContr: Decimal;var TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary)

Raised after calculating FIRR entries. This procedure fills

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • FromDate Date

    Return value that specifies starting date for calculation

  • ToDate Date

    Return value that specifies ending date for calculation

  • BracketRate Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets

  • BracketAmount Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies amount for brackets

  • TotalFIRRAmount Decimal

    Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated

  • TotalShelvedFormContr Decimal

    Contains total shelved FIRR contribution amount calculated

  • TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary recordset that contains contributions entries calculated and that will be posted


procedure OnBeforeWriteCOGEJnlFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalculationDate: Date;var TotalFIRRAmount: Decimal; var OnlyPreview: Boolean; var ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; var DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when writing journal lines for FIRR contributions

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalculationDate Date

    Reference date for calculation

  • TotalFIRRAmount Decimal

    Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated

  • OnlyPreview Boolean

    Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted

  • ContrRegEntryNo Integer

    Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterWriteCOGEJnlFIRR(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalculationDate: Date;TotalFIRRAmount: Decimal; OnlyPreview: Boolean; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20])

Raised when writing journal lines for FIRR contributions

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalculationDate Date

    Reference date for calculation

  • TotalFIRRAmount Decimal

    Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated

  • OnlyPreview Boolean

    Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted

  • ContrRegEntryNo Integer

    Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)


procedure OnBeforeWriteJnlLineFIRR(var RefDate: Date; var JnlLineDescr: Text; var JnlLineAmount: Decimal; var NextLineNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20];var GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch"; AccNo: Code[20]; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when writing single journal lines for FIRR contributions

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefDate Date

    Posting/Document date of journal line

  • JnlLineDescr Text

    Description of journal line

  • JnlLineAmount Decimal

    Amount of journal line

  • NextLineNo Integer

    Line no. of journal line

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"

    Refrence journal batch

  • AccNo Code[20]

    Account no. of journal line

  • ContrRegEntryNo Integer

    Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. of journal line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterWriteJnlLineFIRR(RefDate: Date; JnlLineDescr: Text; JnlLineAmount: Decimal; NextLineNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20];GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch"; AccNo: Code[20]; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")

Raised after writing single journal lines for FIRR contributions

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefDate Date

    Posting/Document date of journal line

  • JnlLineDescr Text

    Description of journal line

  • JnlLineAmount Decimal

    Amount of journal line

  • NextLineNo Integer

    Line no. of journal line

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"

    Refrence journal batch

  • AccNo Code[20]

    Account no. of journal line

  • ContrRegEntryNo Integer

    Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. of journal line

  • GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Journal line processed


procedure OnAfterGetTotalShelvedFIRRAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; var ShelvedFormContr: Decimal; var ShelvedFormDoc: Decimal; FromDate: Date; ToDate: Date)

Raised after calculating total sheved FIRR amount from contribution entries in a period

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • ShelvedFormContr Decimal

    Return parameter containing shelved contribution amount calculated. Force this value to apply your custom

  • ShelvedFormDoc Decimal

    Return parameter containing shelved base amount calculated. Force this value to apply your custom

  • FromDate Date

    Start of period to consider

  • ToDate Date

    End of period to consider


procedure OnAfterRetrieveBufferToPrintFIRR(var TempEOSContrLedgEntryPrint: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary)

Raised after calculating total sheved FIRR amount from contribution entries in a period

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempEOSContrLedgEntryPrint Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Dataset of contributins entries that will be used as print report source


procedure OnAfterReadFISCSetup(CalcDate: Date; var EOSFISCSetup: Record "EOS011 FISC Setup")

Raised after retrieving valid FISC setup line

Parameters / Return Value

  • CalcDate Date

    Reference date to seek FISC setup line

  • EOSFISCSetup Record "EOS011 FISC Setup"

    Filtered FISC setup record identified


procedure OnBeforeCalcFISCbySalesperson(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalcDate: Date; var OnlyPreview: Boolean; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when calculating FISC entries for a specific vendor

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalcDate Date

    Reference date to seek FIRR setup line

  • OnlyPreview Boolean

    Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterCalcFISCbySalesperson(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalcDate: Date; OnlyPreview: Boolean; DocumentNo: Code[20])

Raised after calculating FISC entries for a specific vendor

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalcDate Date

    Reference date to seek FIRR setup line

  • OnlyPreview Boolean

    Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)


procedure OnBeforeInitBracketArrayFISC(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalcDate: Date;var BracketFromDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketToDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketMaxAmount: array[3] of Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when calculating FISC brackets used in contribution calculation

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalcDate Date

    Reference date to seek FIRR setup line

  • BracketFromDate Date

    Array of 3 that specifies starting date for calculation for bracket

  • BracketToDate Date

    rray of 3 that specifies ending date for calculation for bracket

  • BracketRate Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets

  • BracketMaxAmount Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies max amount for brackets

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterInitBracketArrayFISC(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalcDate: Date;var BracketFromDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketToDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketMaxAmount: array[3] of Decimal)

Raised after calculating FISC brackets used in contribution calculation

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalcDate Date

    Reference date to seek FIRR setup line

  • BracketFromDate Date

    Array of 3 that specifies starting date for calculation for bracket

  • BracketToDate Date

    rray of 3 that specifies ending date for calculation for bracket

  • BracketRate Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets

  • BracketMaxAmount Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies max amount for brackets


procedure OnBeforeProcessBracketsFISC(VendorNo: Code[20];var BracketFromDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketToDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketAmount: array[3] of Decimal;var TotalFISCAmount: Decimal;var TotalShelvedFormContr: Decimal;var TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when calculating FISC entries. This procedure fills

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • BracketFromDate Date

    Array of 3 that specifies starting date for calculation for bracket

  • BracketToDate Date

    rray of 3 that specifies ending date for calculation for bracket

  • BracketRate Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets

  • BracketAmount Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies max amount for brackets

  • TotalFISCAmount Decimal

    Contains total FISC contribution amount calculated

  • TotalShelvedFormContr Decimal

    Contains total shelved FIRR contribution amount calculated

  • TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary recordset that contains contributions entries calculated and that will be posted

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterProcessBracketsFISC(VendorNo: Code[20];var BracketFromDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketToDate: array[3] of Date;var BracketRate: array[3] of Decimal;var BracketMaxAmount: array[3] of Decimal;var TotalFISCAmount: Decimal;var TotalShelvedFormContr: Decimal;var TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary)

Raised after calculating FIRR entries. This procedure fills

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • BracketFromDate Date

    Array of 3 that specifies starting date for calculation for bracket

  • BracketToDate Date

    rray of 3 that specifies ending date for calculation for bracket

  • BracketRate Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies rate for brackets

  • BracketMaxAmount Decimal

    Array of 3 that specifies max amount for brackets

  • TotalFISCAmount Decimal

    Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated

  • TotalShelvedFormContr Decimal

    Contains total shelved FIRR contribution amount calculated

  • TmpEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary recordset that contains contributions entries calculated and that will be posted


procedure OnBeforeWriteCOGEJnlFISC(VendorNo: Code[20]; var CalculationDate: Date;var TotalFISCAmount: Decimal; var OnlyPreview: Boolean; var ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; var DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when writing journal lines for FIRR contributions

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalculationDate Date

    Reference date for calculation

  • TotalFISCAmount Decimal

    Contains total FISC contribution amount calculated

  • OnlyPreview Boolean

    Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted

  • ContrRegEntryNo Integer

    Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterWriteCOGEJnlFISC(VendorNo: Code[20]; CalculationDate: Date;TotalFISCAmount: Decimal; OnlyPreview: Boolean; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20])

Raised when writing journal lines for FIRR contributions

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • CalculationDate Date

    Reference date for calculation

  • TotalFISCAmount Decimal

    Contains total FIRR contribution amount calculated

  • OnlyPreview Boolean

    Specifies if you’re processing a preview calculation or entries will be posted

  • ContrRegEntryNo Integer

    Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. to use when generating journal lines (not mandatory)


procedure OnBeforeWriteJnlLineFISC(var RefDate: Date; var JnlLineDescr: Text; var JnlLineAmount: Decimal; var NextLineNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20];var GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch"; AccNo: Code[20]; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised when writing single journal lines for FISC contributions

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefDate Date

    Posting/Document date of journal line

  • JnlLineDescr Text

    Description of journal line

  • JnlLineAmount Decimal

    Amount of journal line

  • NextLineNo Integer

    Line no. of journal line

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"

    Refrence journal batch

  • AccNo Code[20]

    Account no. of journal line

  • ContrRegEntryNo Integer

    Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. of journal line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterWriteJnlLineFISC(RefDate: Date; JnlLineDescr: Text; JnlLineAmount: Decimal; NextLineNo: Integer; VendorNo: Code[20];GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch"; AccNo: Code[20]; ContrRegEntryNo: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")

Raised after writing single journal lines for FISC contributions

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefDate Date

    Posting/Document date of journal line

  • JnlLineDescr Text

    Description of journal line

  • JnlLineAmount Decimal

    Amount of journal line

  • NextLineNo Integer

    Line no. of journal line

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"

    Refrence journal batch

  • AccNo Code[20]

    Account no. of journal line

  • ContrRegEntryNo Integer

    Contributions register entry no. that will identify this transaction

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. of journal line

  • GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Journal line processed


procedure OnAfterGetTotalShelvedFISCAmount(VendorNo: Code[20]; var ShelvedFormContr: Decimal; var ShelvedFormDoc: Decimal; BracketNo: Integer)

Raised after calculating total sheved FIRR amount from contribution entries in a period

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorNo Code[20]

    Vendor you’re processing

  • ShelvedFormContr Decimal

    Return parameter containing shelved contribution amount calculated. Force this value to apply your custom

  • ShelvedFormDoc Decimal

    Return parameter containing shelved base amount calculated. Force this value to apply your custom

  • BracketNo Integer

    Reference brackets


procedure OnAfterRetrieveBufferToPrintFISC(var TempEOSContrLedgEntryPrint: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary)

Raised after calculating total sheved FIRR amount from contribution entries in a period

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempEOSContrLedgEntryPrint Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Dataset of contributins entries that will be used as print report source


procedure OnBefore_T13_OnAfterValidateEventVendorNo(var Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; CurrFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before executing app code when validating EOS Vendor No. field on Salesperson/Purchaser

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"


  • xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

    Salesperson/Purchaser xRec

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Field no. that triggers event

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_T13_OnAfterValidateEventVendorNo(var Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; CurrFieldNo: Integer)

Raised after executing app code when validating EOS Vendor No. field on Salesperson/Purchaser

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"


  • xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

    Salesperson/Purchaser xRec

  • CurrFieldNo Integer

    Field no. that triggers event


procedure OnBefore_T39_OnBeforeModifyEvent(var Rec: Record "Purchase Line"; var xRec: Record "Purchase Line"; RunTrigger: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before executing app code when a purchase line in modified

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Purchase Line"

    Purchase Line

  • xRec Record "Purchase Line"

    Purchase Line xRec

  • RunTrigger Boolean

    Specifies if trigger has to be fired

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_T39_OnBeforeModifyEvent(var Rec: Record "Purchase Line"; var xRec: Record "Purchase Line"; RunTrigger: Boolean)

Raised after executing app code when a purchase line in modified

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Purchase Line"

    Purchase Line

  • xRec Record "Purchase Line"

    Purchase Line xRec

  • RunTrigger Boolean

    Specifies if trigger has to be fired


procedure OnBefore_T38_OnAfterValidateEventDocumentDate(var Rec: Record "Purchase Header"; xRec: Record "Purchase Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before executing app code when Document Date field on purchase header. Used to validate Integration flag

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Purchase Header"

    Purchase Header

  • xRec Record "Purchase Header"

    Purchase Header xRec

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_T38_OnAfterValidateEventDocumentDate(var Rec: Record "Purchase Header"; xRec: Record "Purchase Header")

Raised after executing app code when Document Date field on purchase header. Used to validate Integration flag

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Purchase Header"

    Purchase Header

  • xRec Record "Purchase Header"

    Purchase Header xRec


procedure OnBefore_CU415_OnAfterReleasePurchaseDoc(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; PreviewMode: Boolean; var LinesWereModified: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before executing app code when a purchase document is released and enasarco for document calculated

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Purchase Header

  • PreviewMode Boolean

    Standard param

  • LinesWereModified Boolean

    Stanadard param

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CU415_OnAfterReleasePurchaseDoc(var PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; PreviewMode: Boolean; var LinesWereModified: Boolean)

Raised after executing app code when a purchase document is released and enasarco for document calculated

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Purchase Header

  • PreviewMode Boolean

    Standard param

  • LinesWereModified Boolean

    Stanadard param


procedure OnBefore_CU90_OnAfterPurchInvHeaderInsert(var PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; var PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before executing app code when a purchase document is posted. Updates document references on contributions entries

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"

    New Purch. Inv. Header

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Purchase Header posted

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CU90_OnAfterPurchInvHeaderInsert(var PurchInvHeader: Record "Purch. Inv. Header"; var PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header")

Raised after executing app code when a purchase document is posted. Updates document references on contributions entries

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchInvHeader Record "Purch. Inv. Header"

    New Purch. Inv. Header

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Purchase Header posted


procedure OnBefore_CU90_OnAfterPurchCrMemoHeaderInsert(var PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.";var PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; CommitIsSupressed: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before executing app code when a purchase document is posted. Updates document references on contributions entries

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMemoHdr Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."

    New Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Purchase Header posted

  • CommitIsSupressed Boolean

    Standard param

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CU90_OnAfterPurchCrMemoHeaderInsert(var PurchCrMemoHdr: Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.";var PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; CommitIsSupressed: Boolean)

Raised after executing app code when a purchase document is posted. Updates document references on contributions entries

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchCrMemoHdr Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr."

    New Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.

  • PurchHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Purchase Header posted

  • CommitIsSupressed Boolean

    Standard param


procedure OnBefore_CU13_OnAfterFinishPosting(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; GLRegister: Record "G/L Register"; GLRegNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before executing app code when a journal line is posted. Updates/created contributions registers

Parameters / Return Value

  • GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Gen. Journal Line posted

  • GLRegister Record "G/L Register"

    G/L Register inserted

  • GLRegNo Integer

    G/L Register No.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code code will be executed


procedure OnAfter_CU13_OnAfterFinishPosting(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; GLRegister: Record "G/L Register"; GLRegNo: Integer)

Raised after executing app code when a journal line is posted. Updates/created contributions registers

Parameters / Return Value

  • GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Gen. Journal Line posted

  • GLRegister Record "G/L Register"

    G/L Register inserted

  • GLRegNo Integer

    G/L Register No.


procedure OnAfterAddNewRegisterEntry(var EOS011ContributionsRegister: Record "EOS011 Contributions Register")

Raised after a new contributions register is created

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContributionsRegister Record "EOS011 Contributions Register"

    New record inserted


procedure OnAfterLinkRegisterEntry(var EOS011ContributionsRegister: Record "EOS011 Contributions Register"; GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")

Raised after a contributions register is linked to a general journal line

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContributionsRegister Record "EOS011 Contributions Register"

    Contributions entry record linked

  • GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Source journal line


procedure OnBeforeUpdateFieldsOnSaleperson(var Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; inFieldNo: Integer; var Hidedialog: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before check and automatic update are fired when a salesperson is modified

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

    Salesperson record modified

  • xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

    Salesperson xrecord

  • inFieldNo Integer

    Field no that starts modification

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    Specifies if UI is suppressed

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard app code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeConfirmRelatedVendors(Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; var Hidedialog: Boolean)

Raised before asking the user if they really want to update, given the warning that the vendor is already linked to another salesperson.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

    Salesperson/Purchaser record

  • xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

    Salesperson/Purchaser previous version of the record

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    If true, the confirm will be skipped


procedure OnAfterUpdateFieldsOnSaleperson(var Rec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; xRec: Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"; inFieldNo: Integer; Hidedialog: Boolean)

Raised after check and automatic update are fired when a salesperson is modified

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

    Salesperson record modified

  • xRec Record "Salesperson/Purchaser"

    Salesperson xrecord

  • inFieldNo Integer

    Field no that starts modification

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    Specifies if UI is suppressed


procedure OnBeforeCalculateEnasarcoAssWithheld(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; DocumentAmount: Decimal;var ByAgent: Decimal; var ByCompany: Decimal; var IntegrationAmount: Decimal; var BaseAmount: Decimal;StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; var WithheldPercAgent: Decimal; var WithheldPercCompany: Decimal;var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before Enasarco are calculated for a purchase document. Filling byVar variables you can use your custom routine

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Document document header you’re processing

  • DocumentAmount Decimal

    Amount in LCY, if credit memo is a negative value

  • ByAgent Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to vendor/salesperson

  • ByCompany Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to company

  • IntegrationAmount Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to integration

  • BaseAmount Decimal

    Return parameter that contains base amount LCY used to calculate contributions amounts

  • StartingDate Date

    Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • EndingDate Date

    End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • WithheldPercAgent Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution % related to vendor/salesperson

  • WithheldPercCompany Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution % related to company

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterCalculateEnasarcoAssWithheld(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; DocumentAmount: Decimal;var ByAgent: Decimal; var ByCompany: Decimal; var IntegrationAmount: Decimal; var BaseAmount: Decimal;StartingDate: Date; EndingDate: Date; var WithheldPercAgent: Decimal; var WithheldPercCompany: Decimal)

Raised after Enasarco are calculated for a purchase document. Filling byVar variables you can use your custom routine

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Document document header you’re processing

  • DocumentAmount Decimal

    Amount in LCY, if credit memo is a negative value

  • ByAgent Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to vendor/salesperson

  • ByCompany Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to company

  • IntegrationAmount Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution amount LCY related to integration

  • BaseAmount Decimal

    Return parameter that contains base amount LCY used to calculate contributions amounts

  • StartingDate Date

    Start of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • EndingDate Date

    End of period to consider, in standard is equal to the beginning of document date’s year

  • WithheldPercAgent Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution % related to vendor/salesperson

  • WithheldPercCompany Decimal

    Return parameter that contains contribution % related to company


procedure OnAfterGetEnasarcoAssBracket(ReferenceDate: Date; var EOS011EnasAssistanceSetup: Record "EOS011 Enas. Assistance Setup")

Raised after retrieving setup line to use in calculation

Parameters / Return Value

  • ReferenceDate Date

    Date used when seeking setup line

  • EOS011EnasAssistanceSetup Record "EOS011 Enas. Assistance Setup"

    Assistance setup record filtered


procedure OnBeforeCalcEnasarcoFromDocument(DocumentHeader: Variant; var WriteContrEntries: Boolean; var Recreate: Boolean; var Hidedialog: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before Enasarco are calculated from a single purchase document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentHeader Variant

    Document you’re calculating

  • WriteContrEntries Boolean

    Specifies entries should be written in db or is a preview process

  • Recreate Boolean

    Specifies existing contributions entries must be recreated. Entries posted to G/L cannot be recreated

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    Specifies if UI is suppressed

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterCalcEnasarcoFromDocument(DocumentHeader: Variant; WrtiteContrEntries: Boolean; Recreate: Boolean; Hidedialog: Boolean)

Raised after Enasarco are calculated from a single purchase document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentHeader Variant

    Document you’re calculating

  • WrtiteContrEntries Boolean

    Specifies entries should be written in db or is a preview process

  • Recreate Boolean

    Specifies existing contributions entries must be recreated. Entries posted to G/L cannot be recreated

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    Specifies if UI is suppressed


procedure OnAfterDocHasEnasarco(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; OnlyPostedToGL: Boolean; var EOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry")

Raised after is checked if document has already contributions entries.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Document you’re calculating

  • OnlyPostedToGL Boolean

    Specifies if only posted entries should be checked

  • EOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Filtered record of contributions entries for specific document


procedure OnDocDeleteEnasarco(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; var Hidedialog: Boolean; var EOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry")

Raised when deleting contributions entries from a document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Document you’re calculating

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    Specifies if UI is suppressed

  • EOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Filtered record of contributions entries you’re deleting


procedure OnAfterInitTempDocHeaderFromVariant(Document: Variant; var TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary)

Raised after filling TempDocumentHeader that will be used for calculation with document data.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Document Variant

    Source document

  • TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Document you’re calculating


procedure OnBeforeSplitAmountsBySalespersons(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; var WriteContrEntries: Boolean;var DocumentAmountLCY: Decimal;var BaseAmount: Decimal;var WithheldPaidByAgent: Decimal;var WithheldPaidByCompany: Decimal;var IntegrationAmount: Decimal;var WithheldPercAgent: Decimal;var WithheldPercCompany: Decimal;var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before writing calculated data by vendor splitting entries in case of society.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Source document

  • WriteContrEntries Boolean

    Specifies entries should be written in db or is a preview process

  • DocumentAmountLCY Decimal

    Specifies document amount that will be used in contributions entries

  • BaseAmount Decimal

    Specifies base amount that will be used in contributions entries

  • WithheldPaidByAgent Decimal

    Specifies agent amount that will be used in contributions entries

  • WithheldPaidByCompany Decimal

    Specifies company amount that will be used in contributions entries

  • IntegrationAmount Decimal

    Specifies integration amount that will be used in contributions entries

  • WithheldPercAgent Decimal

    Specifies agent % that will be used in contributions entries

  • WithheldPercCompany Decimal

    Specifies company % that will be used in contributions entries

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterSplitAmountsBySalespersons(TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary; WriteContrEntries: Boolean;DocumentAmountLCY: Decimal;BaseAmount: Decimal;WithheldPaidByAgent: Decimal;WithheldPaidByCompany: Decimal;IntegrationAmount: Decimal;WithheldPercAgent: Decimal;WithheldPercCompany: Decimal)

Raised before writing calculated data by vendor splitting entries in case of society.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Source document

  • WriteContrEntries Boolean

    Specifies entries should be written in db or is a preview process

  • DocumentAmountLCY Decimal

    Specifies document amount that will be used in contributions entries

  • BaseAmount Decimal

    Specifies base amount that will be used in contributions entries

  • WithheldPaidByAgent Decimal

    Specifies agent amount that will be used in contributions entries

  • WithheldPaidByCompany Decimal

    Specifies company amount that will be used in contributions entries

  • IntegrationAmount Decimal

    Specifies integration amount that will be used in contributions entries

  • WithheldPercAgent Decimal

    Specifies agent % that will be used in contributions entries

  • WithheldPercCompany Decimal

    Specifies company % that will be used in contributions entries


procedure OnBeforeWrtiteTMPContrEntry(var TempEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; SalespersonPurchaserCode: Code[20];TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary;var BaseAmount: Decimal; var DocAmountLCY: Decimal; var ContrPerc: Decimal; var ContrAmount: Decimal; var Descr: Text; var RelatedTo: Option; var IsIntegration: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before writing temporary contributions entry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Record that will be filled

  • SalespersonPurchaserCode Code[20]

    Related salesperson

  • TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Source document

  • BaseAmount Decimal

    Specifies base amount that will be used in contributions entry

  • DocAmountLCY Decimal

    Specifies document amount that will be used in contributions entry

  • ContrPerc Decimal

    Specifies contribution % that will be used in contributions entry

  • ContrAmount Decimal

    Specifies contribution amount that will be used in contributions entry

  • Descr Text

    Specifies description that will be used in contributions entry

  • RelatedTo Option

    Specifies related to that will be used in contributions entry

  • IsIntegration Boolean

    Specifies integration (flag) that will be used in contributions entry

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterWrtiteTMPContrEntry(var TempEOSContributionsLedgEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; SalespersonPurchaserCode: Code[20];TempDocumentHeader: Record "Purchase Header" temporary;BaseAmount: Decimal; DocAmountLCY: Decimal; ContrPerc: Decimal; ContrAmount: Decimal; Descr: Text; RelatedTo: Option; IsIntegration: Boolean)

Raised after writing temporary contributions entry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempEOSContributionsLedgEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Record filled with values

  • SalespersonPurchaserCode Code[20]

    Related salesperson

  • TempDocumentHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    Source document

  • BaseAmount Decimal

    Specifies base amount that will be used in contributions entry

  • DocAmountLCY Decimal

    Specifies document amount that will be used in contributions entry

  • ContrPerc Decimal

    Specifies contribution % that will be used in contributions entry

  • ContrAmount Decimal

    Specifies contribution amount that will be used in contributions entry

  • Descr Text

    Specifies description that will be used in contributions entry

  • RelatedTo Option

    Specifies related to that will be used in contributions entry

  • IsIntegration Boolean

    Specifies integration (flag) that will be used in contributions entry


procedure OnBeforeCreateJnlLinesFromContrEntries(var EOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"; var Post: Boolean; var Correction: Boolean; var Hidedialog: Boolean;var IsHandled: Boolean; var ProcessedRec: Integer)

Raised before creating journal line to post contributions entries to G/L.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Filtered recordset that will be processed

  • Post Boolean

    Specifies if journal lines will be posted

  • Correction Boolean

    Specifies if you’re postng a correction to G/L or it is an initial post

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    Specifies if UI is suppressed

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed

  • ProcessedRec Integer

    Return values that specifies no. of processed records that will displayed to user


procedure OnAfterCreateJnlLinesFromContrEntries(var EOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"; var Post: Boolean; var Correction: Boolean; var Hidedialog: Boolean;var ProcessedRec: Integer)

Raised after creating journal line to post contributions entries to G/L.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Filtered recordset that will be processed

  • Post Boolean

    Specifies if journal lines will be posted

  • Correction Boolean

    Specifies if you’re postng a correction to G/L or it is an initial post

  • Hidedialog Boolean

    Specifies if UI is suppressed

  • ProcessedRec Integer

    Return values that specifies no. of processed records that will displayed to user


procedure OnBeforeWriteJnlLine(var RefDate: Date;var JnlLineDescr: Text;var JnlLineAmount: Decimal;var NextLineNo: Integer;var Vendorno: Code[20];GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch";var AccType: Option;var AccNo: Code[20];var ContrRegEntryNo: Integer;var DocumentNo: Code[20];var BalAccNo: Code[20];var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before creating single journal line to post contributions entries to G/L.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefDate Date

    Posting date that will be used in journal line

  • JnlLineDescr Text

    Description that will be used in journal line

  • JnlLineAmount Decimal

    Amount that will be used in journal line

  • NextLineNo Integer

    Line No. that will be used in journal line

  • Vendorno Code[20]

    Vendor No. that will be used in journal line

  • GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"

    Related journal batch

  • AccType Option

    Account type that will be used in journal line

  • AccNo Code[20]

    Account no. that will be used in journal line

  • ContrRegEntryNo Integer

    Contribution register no. that will be used in journal line

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. that will be used in journal line

  • BalAccNo Code[20]

    Balance account no. that will be used in journal line

  • GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Return journal line filled

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterWriteJnlLine(var RefDate: Date;var JnlLineDescr: Text;var JnlLineAmount: Decimal;var NextLineNo: Integer;var Vendorno: Code[20];GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch";var AccType: Option;var AccNo: Code[20];var ContrRegEntryNo: Integer;var DocumentNo: Code[20];var BalAccNo: Code[20];var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")

Raised after creating single journal line to post contributions entries to G/L.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RefDate Date

    Posting date that will be used in journal line

  • JnlLineDescr Text

    Description that will be used in journal line

  • JnlLineAmount Decimal

    Amount that will be used in journal line

  • NextLineNo Integer

    Line No. that will be used in journal line

  • Vendorno Code[20]

    Vendor No. that will be used in journal line

  • GenJournalBatch Record "Gen. Journal Batch"

    Related journal batch

  • AccType Option

    Account type that will be used in journal line

  • AccNo Code[20]

    Account no. that will be used in journal line

  • ContrRegEntryNo Integer

    Contribution register no. that will be used in journal line

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    Document no. that will be used in journal line

  • BalAccNo Code[20]

    Balance account no. that will be used in journal line

  • GenJournalLine Record "Gen. Journal Line"

    Return journal line filled


procedure OnBeforeReleaseBill(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before releasing contribution build.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Contributions bill to release

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterReleaseBill(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header")

Raised after releasing contribution build.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Contributions bill to release


procedure OnBeforeReopenBill(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before reopening contribution build.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Contributions bill to open

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterReopenBill(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header")

Raised before reopening contribution build.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Contributions bill to open


procedure OnBeforeReleaseBillDataCheck(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before checking bill data when releasing.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Contributions bill to check

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterReleaseBillDataCheck(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header")

Raised after checking bill data when releasing.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Contributions bill to check


procedure OnBeforeCheckDatesAreQuarterYear(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; inFieldNo: Integer; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before checking dates on bill header.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Contributions bill to check

  • inFieldNo Integer

    Field no. that fires modification

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterCheckDatesAreQuarterYear(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; inFieldNo: Integer)

Raised after checking dates on bill header.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Contributions bill to check

  • inFieldNo Integer

    Field no. that fires modification


procedure OnBeforeCheckBillSamePeriod(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before checking existing bill header for same period.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Contributions bill to check

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterCheckBillSamePeriod(var EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header")

Raised after checking existing bill header for same period.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Contributions bill to check


procedure OnBeforeGetRecordType1(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";CompanyInformation: Record "Company Information";EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; var Result: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before record type 1 of grandi ditte file.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Source contributions bill

  • CompanyInformation Record "Company Information"

    Reference Company Information

  • EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"

    Reference commissions setup

  • Result Text

    Result text that will be added in file

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterGetRecordType1(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";CompanyInformation: Record "Company Information";EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; var Result: Text)

Raised after record type 1 of grandi ditte file.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Source contributions bill

  • CompanyInformation Record "Company Information"

    Reference Company Information

  • EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"

    Reference commissions setup

  • Result Text

    Result text that will be added in file


procedure OnBeforeGetRecordType2(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";TempEOSContrBillLn: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Line" temporary;EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; LineNo: Integer; var Result: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before record type 2 of grandi ditte file.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Source contributions bill

  • TempEOSContrBillLn Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Line"

    Bill line processed

  • EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"

    Reference commissions setup

  • LineNo Integer

    Line no. to export in file

  • Result Text

    Result text that will be added in file

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterGetRecordType2(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";TempEOSContrBillLn: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Line" temporary;EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup"; LineNo: Integer; var Result: Text)

Raised after record type 2 of grandi ditte file.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Source contributions bill

  • TempEOSContrBillLn Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Line"

    Bill line processed

  • EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"

    Reference commissions setup

  • LineNo Integer

    Line no. to export in file

  • Result Text

    Result text that will be added in file


procedure OnBeforeGetRecordType9(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup";Q1: Decimal; Q2: Decimal; Q3: Decimal; Q4: Decimal; var Result: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before record type 9 of grandi ditte file.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Source contributions bill

  • EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"

    Reference commissions setup

  • Q1 Decimal

    Quarter 1 amount to export in file

  • Q2 Decimal

    Quarter 1 amount to export in file

  • Q3 Decimal

    Quarter 1 amount to export in file

  • Q4 Decimal

    Quarter 1 amount to export in file

  • Result Text

    Result text that will be added in file

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterGetRecordType9(EOS011ContrBillHeader: Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header";EOSCommissionsSetup: Record "EOS Commissions Setup";Q1: Decimal; Q2: Decimal; Q3: Decimal; Q4: Decimal; var Result: Text)

Raised after record type 9 of grandi ditte file.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EOS011ContrBillHeader Record "EOS011 Contr. Bill Header"

    Source contributions bill

  • EOSCommissionsSetup Record "EOS Commissions Setup"

    Reference commissions setup

  • Q1 Decimal

    Quarter 1 amount to export in file

  • Q2 Decimal

    Quarter 1 amount to export in file

  • Q3 Decimal

    Quarter 1 amount to export in file

  • Q4 Decimal

    Quarter 1 amount to export in file

  • Result Text

    Result text that will be added in file


procedure OnBeforeFilterEntriesToApply(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;var ToDateCE: Date; var ToDateVLE: Date; var VendorFilter: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before filtering vendor ledger entries related to entributions to apply to document entries.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Return dataset filtered. This is page source

  • TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry

  • ToDateCE Date

    If specified, indicates posting date limit of analisys for contributions entries

  • ToDateVLE Date

    If specified, indicates posting date limit of analisys for vendor entries

  • VendorFilter Text

    If specified, indicates vendors to process

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterFilterEntriesToApply(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;ToDateCE: Date; ToDateVLE: Date; VendorFilter: Text)

Raised after filtering vendor ledger entries related to entributions to apply to document entries.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Return dataset filtered. This is page source, record to show are marked

  • TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry

  • ToDateCE Date

    If specified, indicates posting date limit of analisys for contributions entries

  • ToDateVLE Date

    If specified, indicates posting date limit of analisys for vendor entries

  • VendorFilter Text

    If specified, indicates vendors to process


procedure OnBeforeSuggestApplications(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before seeking a document vendor ledger entry to apply to a contributions ledger entry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    This is page source

  • TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry

  • TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterSuggestApplications(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)

Raised after seeking a document vendor ledger entry to apply to a contributions ledger entry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    This is page source

  • TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry

  • TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry


procedure OnBeforeSuggestApplicationsSingle(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; var NextEntryNo: Integer;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before seeking a document vendor ledger entry to apply to a single contributions ledger entry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Record to process

  • TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry

  • NextEntryNo Integer

    Incremental entry no. of TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply

  • TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterSuggestApplicationsSingle(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary; var NextEntryNo: Integer;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)

Raised after seeking a document vendor ledger entry to apply to a single contributions ledger entry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Record to process

  • TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry

  • NextEntryNo Integer

    Incremental entry no. of TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply

  • TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry


procedure OnBeforeSetBestApplication(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before finding best application for a contribution entry within TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Record to process

  • TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry; “Applying Entry”: identified best application

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterSetBestApplication(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)

Raised after finding best application for a contribution entry within TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Record to process

  • TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry; “Applying Entry”: identified best application


procedure OnBeforePostApplications(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary;var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before posting found application.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    This is page source

  • TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry

  • TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterPostApplications(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";var TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry: Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry" temporary;var TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)

Raised after posting found application.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    This is page source

  • TempEOS011ContrLedgerEntry Record "EOS011 Contr. Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that keeps link between contribution and vendor entry. “Entry No.": assigned to vendor ledger entry; “Bracket No.": assigned to contribution entry

  • TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry


procedure OnBeforePostApplicationsSingle(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary;var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before posting single found application.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Record to process

  • TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry

  • IsHandled Boolean

    No following standard code will be executed


procedure OnAfterPostApplicationsSingle(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)

Raised after posting single found application.

Parameters / Return Value

  • VendorLedgerEntry Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Record to process

  • TempVendorLedgerEntry2Apply Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"

    Temporary record that contains vendor ledger entries found for a specific contribution vendor ledger entry. “Reversed Entry No.": contribution vendor ledger entry; “Reversed by Entry No.": document vendor ledger entry

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