EX051 Dual Unit of Measure

Dual Unit of Measure


Dependency graph

graph TD; Main(Dual Unit of Measure) --> Dep0(EOS Administration Library); click Dep0 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/8bb96677-5112-4566-b742-12eebbb9a058.html" Main(Dual Unit of Measure) --> Dep1(Common Data Layer); click Dep1 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/4e2a89a2-9049-496c-8b3a-f4eee6399b0e.html" Main(Dual Unit of Measure) --> Dep2(Logistic Common Data Layer); click Dep2 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/7b5948a7-baa0-46fa-981d-cc17cab84143.html" Main(Dual Unit of Measure) --> Dep3(Over- and Under-Delivery Quantities); click Dep3 href "/en/docs/apps-tech/9f4ce2e6-5bfa-4c10-a611-972207096156.html"

Dependencies from



70624430EOS051 Item Mgt.
70624431EOS051 Sales Mgt.
70624432EOS051 Purchase Mgt.
70624433EOS051 Calculation Mgt.
70624434EOS051 Journal Mgt.
70624435EOS051 Utilities
70624436EOS051 Single Instance Buffer
70624437EOS051 Copy Doc. Mgt.
70624438EOS051 Sales Post Mgt.
70624439EOS051 Purchase Post Mgt.
70624440EOS051 Journal Post Mgt.
70624441EOS051 Tracking Mgt.
70624442EOS051 Tracking Post Mgt.
70624443EOS051 Price List Mgt.
70624444EOS051 Warehouse Shipment Mgt.
70624445EOS051 Warehouse Post Mgt.
70624446EOS051 Warehouse Receipt Mgt.
70624447EOS051 Transfer Mgt.
70624448EOS051 Transfer Post Mgt.
70624449EOS051 Subscription
70624450EOS051 Whse. Entry Mgt.
70624451EOS051 Whse. Activity Mgt.
70624452EOS051 Whse. Tracking Mgt.
70624453EOS051 Whse. Worksheet Mgt.
70624454EOS051 Phys. Inventory Mgt.
70624455EOS051 Line Amounts
70624456EOS051 Prod. Order Mgt.
70624457EOS EX051 DUM Phys Inv Tests
70624458EOS EX051 DUM Prod Order Test
70624460EOS EX051 DUM Tests
70624461EOSEX051DUM Tests WhseBins
70624462EOS EX051 DUM LibraryTests
70624463EOS EX051 DUM Test Invoices
70624464EOS EX051 DUM Test Warehouse


70624430EOS051 Suggest Sec. Qty.


30Item CardAdded DUM module data, extends “Item Card”
31Item ListAdded DUM module data, extends “Item List”
38Item Ledger EntriesAdded DUM module data, extends “Item Ledger Entries”
40Item JournalAdded DUM module data, extends “Item Journal”
46Sales Order Subform
47Sales Invoice Subform
54Purchase Order Subform
55Purch. Invoice Subform
95Sales Quote Subform
96Sales Cr. Memo Subform
97Purchase Quote Subform
98Purch. Cr. Memo Subform
131Posted Sales Shpt. Subform
133Posted Sales Invoice Subform
135Posted Sales Cr. Memo Subform
137Posted Purchase Rcpt. Subform
139Posted Purch. Invoice Subform
141Posted Purch. Cr. Memo Subform
209Units of MeasureAdded DUM module data, extends “Unit of Measure Card”
390Phys. Inventory Ledger Entries
392Phys. Inventory JournalAdded DUM module data, extends “Phys. Inventory Journal”
393Item Reclass. JournalAdded DUM module data, extends “Item Reclass. Journal”
508Blanket Sales Order Subform
510Blanket Purchase Order Subform
5160Sales Order Archive Subform
5163Sales Quote Archive Subform
5165Purchase Quote Archive Subform
5168Purchase Order Archive Subform
5404Item Units of MeasureAdded DUM module data, extends “Item Unit of Measure List”
5510Production JournalAdded DUM module data, extends “Production Journal”
5708Get Shipment Lines
5709Get Receipt Lines
5741Transfer Order Subform
5744Posted Transfer Shpt. Subform
5746Posted Transfer Rcpt. Subform
5769Whse. Receipt Subform
5771Whse. Put-away Subform
5780Whse. Pick Subform
5785Warehouse Activity Lines
5796Registered Put-away Subform
5799Registered Pick Subform
6500Item Tracking SummaryAdded DUM module data, extends “Item Tracking Summary”
6501Item Tracking Entries
6503Avail. - Item Tracking LinesAdded DUM module data, extends “Avail. - Item Tracking Lines”
6510Item Tracking LinesAdded DUM module data, extends “Item Tracking Lines”
6511Posted Item Tracking LinesAdded DUM module data, extends “Item Tracking Lines”
6550Whse. Item Tracking Lines
6631Sales Return Order Subform
6638Get Return Receipt Lines
6641Purchase Return Order Subform
6648Get Return Shipment Lines
6651Posted Return Shipment Subform
6661Posted Return Receipt Subform
7304Bin Content
7305Bin Contents List
7316Warehouse Movement Subform
7318Warehouse Entries
7319Warehouse Journal Lines
7324Whse. Item Journal
7326Whse. Phys. Invt. Journal
7331Posted Whse. Receipt Subform
7336Whse. Shipment Subform
7338Posted Whse. Shipment Subform
7341Whse. Shipment Lines
7342Whse. Receipt Lines
7345Pick Worksheet
7351Movement Worksheet
7352Put-away Worksheet
7364Registered Whse. Act.-Lines
7365Whse. Reclassification Journal
7374Bin Contents
9126Lot Numbers by Bin FactBox
99000823Output JournalAdded DUM module data, extends “Phys. Inventory Journal”
99000846Consumption JournalAdded DUM module data, extends “Phys. Inventory Journal”


70624430EOS051 Dual UoM Setup
70624431EOS051 Items by Location
70624432EOS051 Items by Loc. Matrix
70624433EOS051 Item Avail. by Location
70624434EOS051 Item Avail.by Loc.Lines
70624435EOS051 Item Avail. by Lot No.
70624436EOS051 Item Avail.by Lot Lines


70624430EOS051 Lot Numbers by Bin 2


70624430EOS051 Calculate Inv SerialLot
70624431EOS051 Calc. Whse. Adjustment


7305Whse.-Source - Create Document


70624430EOS051 Dual UoM Setup


37Sales Line
281Phys. Inventory Ledger Entry

Build environment



(not released)

  • 16054: EX051 DUM In ‘Purchase order’, selecting ‘Create whse receipt’ linked to drop shipment returns error ‘Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (TableData 111 Sales Shipment Line Modify: Dual Unit of Measure)’


Released: On Premise: 25. September 2024 | SaaS: 25. September 2024

  • 16054: EX051 DUM In ‘Purchase order’, selecting ‘Create whse receipt’ linked to drop shipment returns error ‘Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (TableData 111 Sales Shipment Line Modify: Dual Unit of Measure)’


Released: On Premise: 23. September 2024 | SaaS: 23. September 2024

  • 16054: EX051 DUM In ‘Purchase order’, selecting ‘Create whse receipt’ linked to drop shipment returns error ‘Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (TableData 111 Sales Shipment Line Modify: Dual Unit of Measure)’


Released: On Premise: 23. September 2024 | SaaS: 23. September 2024

  • 16015: EX051 DUM Remove obsolete objects for BC25
  • 15986: EX051 DUM In ‘Sales return order’ e ‘Purchase return order’, with function ‘Get posted document lines to reverse’ the field ‘Sales price calc. method’ returns ‘Secondary unit of measure’ for items without secondary unit of measure


Released: On Premise: 10. September 2024 | SaaS: 10. September 2024

  • 15836: EX051 DUM Add event, to execute report ‘Calc. Whse. Adjustment (Sec. Qty.)’ (in page ‘Item journals), only if all interested lines are selected


Released: On Premise: 06. September 2024 | SaaS: 06. September 2024

  • 15857: EX051 DUM In page ‘Posted sales shipment’, on lines, after posting purchase receipt with drop shipment, value for field ‘Secondary quantity’ is uncorrect
  • 15871: EX051 DUM Fix posting of Warehouse Shipment with last line an item without DUM


Released: On Premise: 03. September 2024 | SaaS: 03. September 2024

  • 15811: EX051 DUM Implement dual unit of measure management in table ‘Phys. Inventory Ledger Entry’ (281)
  • 15836: EX051 DUM Add event, to execute report ‘Calc. Whse. Adjustment (Sec. Qty.)’ (in page ‘Item journals), only if all interested lines are selected


Released: On Premise: 30. August 2024 | SaaS: 30. August 2024

  • 15471: EX051 DUM Fix field ‘Secondary quantity’ on page ‘Item tracking lines’ in wharehouse shipment, after picking a lot with multiple item ledger entries


Released: On Premise: 28. August 2024 | SaaS: 28. August 2024

  • 15471: EX051 DUM Fix field ‘Secondary quantity’ on page ‘Item tracking lines’ in wharehouse shipment, after picking a lot with multiple item ledger entries


Released: On Premise: 27. August 2024 | SaaS: 27. August 2024

  • 15786: EX051 DUM Fix Sec. Quantity in transfer line after get receipt lines
  • 15777: EX051 DUM Fix Unit Price on Invoice after posting the invoice from order
  • 15760: EX051 DUM Item tracking after posting multiple output with reservation entries is wrong


Released: On Premise: 11. July 2024 | SaaS: 12. July 2024

  • 15508: EX051 DUM Disallignment between tables 32 and 7312, when consumption quantity is greater than the standard one


Released: On Premise: 24. June 2024 | SaaS: 24. June 2024

  • 15413: EX051 DUM Fix report “Calculate Inventory Serial Lot No. (DUM)” for items without Sec. UoM


Released: On Premise: 18. June 2024 | SaaS: 18. June 2024

  • 15387: EX051 DUM Sec. Quantity is filled incorrectly for partial pick on the same Lot in item tracking lines


Released: On Premise: 04. June 2024 | SaaS: 07. June 2024

  • 14568: EX051:DUMRemove Obsolete NoSeriesManagement BC24
  • 14989: EX051 DUM In ‘Sales order’, using function ‘Copy document’ selecting document with “charge (item)” line returns error ‘Type must be equal to “Item”…(COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)
  • 14841: EX056 ISL Lauching report ‘Calculate Inventory Serial Lot No.', for item with lot returns error ‘Item tracking lines must have a value in Item Journal Batches: Posting template name=(name), Name=(name) and it can’t be equal to zero or empty’
  • 14648: EX051 DUM In physical inventory, batch no. series is not compiled


Released: On Premise: 09. February 2024

  • 13984: EX051 DUM Test Codeunit for Production Order consumption
  • 13861: EX051 DUM Add Test codeunit for Phys. Inventory Journal


Released: On Premise: 03. January 2024 | SaaS: 04. January 2024

  • 13888: EX051 DUM Add change, to resolve JIT load error due to Setloadfields in Codeunit 70624440


Released: On Premise: 20. December 2023

  • 13857: EX051 DUM In page ‘Physical inventory journals’, trying to post on item with dual unit of measure and item tracking returns error… (COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)


Released: On Premise: 12. December 2023

  • 13790: EX051 DUM Codeunit 22 “ApplyItemLedgEntry” SetLoadFields raises JIT load Error


Released: On Premise: 24. October 2023

  • 13450: EX051 DUM Posting output entries through GOLD procedure, 2nd quantity on warehouse entries is not reported


Released: On Premise: 24. October 2023

  • 13450: EX051 DUM Posting output entries through GOLD procedure, 2nd quantity on warehouse entries is not reported


Released: On Premise: 10. October 2023

  • 13259: EX051 DUM In page ‘Purchase invoice’, selecting function ‘Get receipt lines’ the values are taken from price list
  • 13282: EX051 DUM Fix warnings for BC23


Released: On Premise: 30. August 2023

  • 13116: EX051 DUM In ‘Warehouse shipment’, trying to post returns error ‘Secondary quantity to manage in item tracking assigned to line…(COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)


Released: On Premise: 07. July 2023 | SaaS: 07. July 2023

  • 12680: EX056 ISL In page ‘Physical Inventory Journals’ launching report ‘Calculate Inventory Serial Lot No.’ is obtained error ‘Impossible to modify Lot no. because perchè item tracking already exists for the posting journal line.’
  • 12639: EX051 DUM Error in posting item journal with Suggest Sec. Qty. to Handle set to Never


Released: On Premise: 05. July 2023

  • 12853: EX051 DUM Sec. Qty. to Invoice not calculated on purchase order lines when Line Closed flag is set
  • 12838: EX051 DUM Secondary quantity not calculated in purchase order


Released: On Premise: 30. June 2023 | SaaS: 30. June 2023

  • 12781: EX051 DUM Methods to clear variables in single instance codeunit should be public


Released: On Premise: 28. June 2023 | SaaS: 28. June 2023

  • 12781: EX051 DUM Methods to clear variables in single instance codeunit should be public
  • 12506: EX051.06 DUM+PQA Dual Unit of Measure for Product Quality Implementation (Purchase)


Released: On Premise: 23. June 2023

  • 12690: EX051.07 DUM+CDW Add dual unit of measure for close documents management
  • 12506: EX051.06 DUM+PQA Dual Unit of Measure for Product Quality Implementation (Purchase)


Released: On Premise: 06. June 2023 | SaaS: 06. June 2023

  • 12533: EX051 DUM For Warehouse receipt with packing list, in ‘Handling units assigned’ opening page ‘Item tracking lines’ the value ‘Secondary quantity’ is wrong
  • 12538: EX051 DUM if in ‘Handling units assigned’ quantity has been partially received with secondary q.ty exceeding the “original” one of the receipt, after posting is obtained negative secondary q.ty
  • 12544: EX051 DUM Add, in page ‘Item tracking entries’, fields ‘EOS051 sec. UoM code’ and ‘EOS051 Sec. quantity’
  • 12358: EX041 CDW In ‘Sales order’ obtained using function ‘Copy document’, trying to post returns error ‘Sales lines doesn’t exists’. Fields and identification values: Type of document=’(type)', Document No.=’(number)', Line no. =’(number)'.': Development


Released: On Premise: 01. June 2023 | SaaS: 01. June 2023

  • 11814: EX051 DUM Having 2 pallet with same lot no. but different weights, tryng to post a warehouse receipt occurs error…(COMPLETE TITLE IN SYSTEM INFO)


Released: On Premise: 29. May 2023

  • 12502: EX051 DUM Price is calculated incorrectly when the price list doesn’t specify the unit of measure


Released: On Premise: 22. May 2023 | SaaS: 23. May 2023

  • 12455: EX051 DUM Creating tracking via code unexpectedly assigns secondary quantities to non DUM items


Released: On Premise: 14. April 2023

  • 11967: EX051 DUM In ‘Warehouse picks’, field ‘Secondary UOM code’ is empty
  • 11979: EX051 DUM Add message Undo Transfer Shipment is not supported
  • 11792: EX051 DUM After posting in ‘Production journal’ in case of item without tracing, in ‘Item Ledger entries’ there is a wrong value in ‘Secondary quantity’
  • 11973: EX051 DUM BC22 Obsolete item bin contents and move to new page (BC22 only)
  • 11798: EX051 DUM For transfer orders, if in page ‘Item ledger entries’ value ‘Quantity’ is divided, value ‘Secondary quantity’ is not aligned

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