Codeunit 18126560 EOS055 Packing List - Suggest

Codeunit 18126560 EOS055 Packing List - Suggest



procedure SuggestPackingListYesNo(SourceDoc: Variant): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

  • Returns Boolean


procedure CollectSuggestionMethods(SourceDoc: Variant; var TempNvb: Record "Name/Value Buffer"): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

  • TempNvb Record "Name/Value Buffer"

  • Returns Integer


procedure SuggestPackingList(SourceDoc: Variant; Method: Enum "EOS055 Packing List Suggestion Method")

Calculates the packing list for a given source document and then immediately saves it to the source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

    The source document for which to calculate the packing list.

  • Method Enum "EOS055 Packing List Suggestion Method"

    The suggestion method to use.


procedure SuggestPackingList(SourceDoc: Variant; Method: Enum "EOS055 Packing List Suggestion Method"; var TempHuBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer")

Calculates the packing list for a given source document and returns it to the provided buffer. This overload does not save the packing list to the source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

    The source document for which to calculate the packing list.

  • Method Enum "EOS055 Packing List Suggestion Method"

    The suggestion method to use.

  • TempHuBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    A buffer into which the calculated packing list will be written.


procedure WritePackingList(SourceDoc: Variant; var TempPackingListEntry: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer")

Writes a calculated packing list to the source document creating all HUs and assignments in the process.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

    The source document where the packing list should be written to.

  • TempPackingListEntry Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The packing list entries to be written.


procedure CalculatePackingList(SourceDoc: Variant;Method: Enum "EOS055 Packing List Suggestion Method";var TempSourceItem: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer";var TempPackingListEntry: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

  • Method Enum "EOS055 Packing List Suggestion Method"

  • TempSourceItem Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

  • TempPackingListEntry Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"


procedure IsAllowed(SourceDoc: Variant): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

  • Returns Boolean


procedure CreateHandlingUnitEntry(var TempTargetBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer";PackInstructionNo: Code[20];PackMaterialNo: Code[20];ParentEntryNo: Integer): Integer

Creates a handling unit entry in the packing list buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempTargetBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The packing list buffer where the entry will be created.

  • PackInstructionNo Code[20]

  • PackMaterialNo Code[20]

    The packaging material for the handling unit.

  • ParentEntryNo Integer

    The entry no. of the parent (if there is one).

  • Returns Integer

    The entry no. of the created buffer entry, if the entry was created. 0 otherwise.


procedure CreateContentEntry(var TempTargetBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer";TempSourceItem: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer";QtyBaseToHandle: Decimal;ParentEntryNo: Integer): Integer

Creates a content entry in the packing list buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempTargetBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The packing list buffer where the entry will be created.

  • TempSourceItem Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The source item buffer for which the content should be created.

  • QtyBaseToHandle Decimal

    The base quantity to be created for this entry.

  • ParentEntryNo Integer

    The entry no. of the parent (if there is one).

  • Returns Integer

    The entry no. of the created buffer entry, if the entry was created. 0 otherwise.



local procedure OnAfterIsLineValid(TempSourceItem: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; var IsValid: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempSourceItem Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

  • IsValid Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeInsertHandlingUnitEntry(TempHandlingUnitEntry: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer" temporary;TempParentEntry: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer" temporary;var CanInsert: Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempHandlingUnitEntry Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

  • TempParentEntry Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

  • CanInsert Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean"


local procedure OnCreateHandlingUnitEntryOnBeforeInsert(var TempHandlingUnitEntry: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer" temporary;TempParentEntry: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer" temporary;var CanInsert: Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean")

Raised before a handling unit entry is created in the packing list buffer. Use this to transfer any additional fields to the buffer and/or control if the line can be created.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempHandlingUnitEntry Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The entry about to be inserted.

  • TempParentEntry Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The parent of this entry (if any).

  • CanInsert Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean"

    If you set this to False, the entry will not be created.


local procedure OnBeforeInsertContentEntry(TempHandlingUnitEntry: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer" temporary;TempParentEntry: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer" temporary;var CanInsert: Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempHandlingUnitEntry Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

  • TempParentEntry Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

  • CanInsert Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean"


local procedure OnCreateContentEntryOnBeforeInsert(var TempHandlingUnitEntry: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer" temporary;TempParentEntry: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer" temporary;var CanInsert: Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean")

Raised before a content entry is created in the packing list buffer. Use this to transfer any additional fields to the buffer and/or control if the line can be created.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempHandlingUnitEntry Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The entry about to be inserted.

  • TempParentEntry Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The parent of this entry (if any).

  • CanInsert Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean"

    If you set this to False, the entry will not be created.


local procedure OnAfterCalcQtyToHandle_CalculatePackList(SourceDoc: Variant; var TempSourceItem: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; TempTrackingSpec: Record "Tracking Specification" temporary; var RemQtyToHandleBase: Decimal)

Raised in the procedure CalculatePackingList. Use this event to modify the “Qty to Handle” for the calculation of packing list.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

    The source document.

  • TempSourceItem Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The item for which the packing list should be calculated.

  • TempTrackingSpec Record "Tracking Specification"

  • RemQtyToHandleBase Decimal

    Qty to modify


local procedure OnAfterRoundToItemRndPrecision(Qty: Decimal; ItemRndPrecision: Decimal; RndDirection: Integer; var Result: Decimal)

Raised in the Suggest Packing List, after rounding the Quantity calculated from Packaging Instruction.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Qty Decimal

    Qty to round

  • ItemRndPrecision Decimal

    Rounding Precision of Item

  • RndDirection Integer

    Rounding Direction on Setup

  • Result Decimal

    Result to return


local procedure OnCalcPackingListOnBeforeCheckRemQtyToHandle(SourceDoc: Variant; var TempSourceItem: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; var CanCreateLcs: Boolean; var CanCreatePms: Boolean; var QtyBasePerPM: Decimal; var MaxNoOfPmPerLc: Decimal)

Raised in procedure CalculatePackingList, before distributing any remaining quantities.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

    The source document.

  • TempSourceItem Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The item for which the packing list should be calculated.

  • CanCreateLcs Boolean

    Specifies whether load carriers can be created.

  • CanCreatePms Boolean

    Specifies whether packages can be created.

  • QtyBasePerPM Decimal

    The quantity (base) that can be assigned to a package.

  • MaxNoOfPmPerLc Decimal

    The maximum number of packages that can be assigned to a load carrier.


local procedure OnAfterCalculatePackingList(SourceDoc: Variant;Method: Enum "EOS055 Packing List Suggestion Method";var TempSourceItem: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer";var TempPackingListEntry: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer")

Raised at the end of the procedure CalculatePackingList.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

    The source document.

  • Method Enum "EOS055 Packing List Suggestion Method"

    The packing list suggestion method.

  • TempSourceItem Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The item for which the packing list should be calculated.

  • TempPackingListEntry Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The resulting packing list.

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