Codeunit 18126888 EOS055.01 SDH - Whse. Receipt

Codeunit 18126888 EOS055.01 SDH - Whse. Receipt



procedure AddItemLinesToBuffer(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocumentLineFilter: Text;ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10];var TempSourceBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • DocumentLineFilter Text

  • ItemNo Code[20]

  • VariantCode Code[10]

  • TempSourceBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"


procedure IsInbound(SourceSubtype: Integer): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceSubtype Integer

  • Returns Boolean


procedure IsPostedDoc(): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean


procedure ShowPage(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; LineNo: Integer; SublineNo: Integer): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • LineNo Integer

  • SublineNo Integer

  • Returns Boolean


procedure FillEmptyJnlLine(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var EmptyJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • EmptyJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"


procedure GetAssignmentTargets(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; var TmpAssignmentTarget: Record "EOS055.01 HU Assignment Target")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • TmpAssignmentTarget Record "EOS055.01 HU Assignment Target"


procedure LineSourceType(): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Integer


procedure HeaderSourceType(): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Integer


procedure HandleHuAssignment(Hu: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit";SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20];Removed: Boolean;var AssignmentBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer")

Parameters / Return Value

  • Hu Record "EOS055 Handling Unit"

  • SourceSubtype Integer

  • SourceNo Code[20]

  • Removed Boolean

  • AssignmentBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"


procedure DeleteEmptyItem(DocEmptyItem: Record "EOS029 Document Container")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocEmptyItem Record "EOS029 Document Container"


procedure CreateEmptyItem(var DocEmptyItem: Record "EOS029 Document Container")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocEmptyItem Record "EOS029 Document Container"



local procedure OnHandleHuAssignmentOnBeforeUpdateQty(WhseRcptLine: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before updating the assigned quantity on the warehouse receipt line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseRcptLine Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    Record “Warehouse Receipt Line”.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, skips the app logic.


local procedure OnUpdateAssignedQtyOnBeforeWhseRcptModify(var WhseRcptLine: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line")

Raised before modifying the warehouse receipt line, after updating the assigned quantity.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseRcptLine Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    Record “Warehouse Receipt Line”.


local procedure OnBeforeInsert_AddItemLinesToBuffer(WhseRcptLine: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"; TempWhseRcptLine: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"; var TempSourceBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer")

Raised before insert line to the handling unit buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseRcptLine Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    The source Whse receipt line.

  • TempWhseRcptLine Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    Split Temporary Whse receipt line.

  • TempSourceBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The target handling unit buffer.

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