Codeunit 70491901 EOS055 Packaging Management

Codeunit 70491901 EOS055 Packaging Management



procedure GetHandler(var PackInstrCalculation: Interface "EOS055 Packaging Calculation"): Boolean

returns the handler for the packaging calculation.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PackInstrCalculation Interface "EOS055 Packaging Calculation"

    interface of the packaging calculation

  • Returns Boolean

    true if a handler was found


procedure IsPackagingMaterial(ItemNo: Code[20]): Boolean

returns true if the item is a packaging material. item numbertrue if the item is a packaging material

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure ContentIsEditable(OrderType: Enum "EOS055 Content Order Type"): Boolean

returns true if the content can be modified/deleted, f.e. a handling unit created manually for the packing list.

Parameters / Return Value

  • OrderType Enum "EOS055 Content Order Type"

  • Returns Boolean

    true if the content can be modified


procedure LookupPackagingInstruction(SourceDoc: Variant; var LookupText: Text): Boolean

Lookup a packaging instruction for a given source document line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

    The source document line.

  • LookupText Text[]

    The lookup value.

  • Returns Boolean

    true if the lookup was confirmed.



local procedure OnPostHandlingUnitContentsBeforeChangeStatus(var HandlingUnit: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit";SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20];var NewStatus: Enum "EOS055.01 Handling Unit Status";var ChangeStatus: Boolean)

Raised before the status of a handling unit is changed during posting of document. You can use this to apply a custom status or change the way the new status is calculated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • HandlingUnit Record "EOS055 Handling Unit"

    The handling unit.

  • SourceType Integer

    The document source type being posted.

  • SourceSubtype Integer

    The document source subtype being posted.

  • SourceNo Code[20]

    The document source no. being posted.

  • NewStatus Enum "EOS055.01 Handling Unit Status"

    The new status. This value is already pre-set by the default logic with the status that would be applied to the handling unit.

  • ChangeStatus Boolean

    Specifies if the status should actually be changed. Set this to true to cause the status to change. Set this to false if you do not want the status to change. This value is already pre-set by the default logic and will be true if the status would be changed.


local procedure OnPostDocumentBeforeCreateHandlingUnitContents(SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Integer; SourceNo: Code[20]; var TempHuBufferToPost: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer" temporary; TempHandlingUnit: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit" temporary; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised on posting document before insert the Handling Unit Content.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

    The Source Type

  • SourceSubtype Integer

    The Source Subtype

  • SourceNo Code[20]

    The Source No.

  • TempHuBufferToPost Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    Handling Unit Buffer with lines to insert in the Handling Unit Content

  • TempHandlingUnit Record "EOS055 Handling Unit"

    Current Handling Unit

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, doesn’t insert the Handling Unit Content

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