Codeunit 70491913 EOS029 Container-Post

Codeunit 70491913 EOS029 Container-Post



procedure PostContainerJnlBatch(ContainerJnlBatch: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Batch")

Post all journal lines of the given container journal batch.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlBatch Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Batch"

    The container journal batch.


procedure PostContainerJnlBatch(var ContainerJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line")

Post all given journal lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"


procedure PostContainerJnlBatchYesNo(ContainerJnlBatch: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Batch"): Boolean

Post all journal lines of the given container journal batch, requesting user confirmation to do so.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlBatch Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Batch"

    The container journal batch.

  • Returns Boolean

    true if the journal lines were posted, false otherwise.


procedure PostContainerJnlBatchYesNo(var ContainerJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"): Boolean

Post all given journal lines, requesting user confirmation to do so.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"

    The journal lines to be posted. All lines in the filter are posted.

  • Returns Boolean

    true if the journal lines were posted, false otherwise.


procedure PostDocumentContainers(Document: Variant; PostedDocument: Variant)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Document Variant

  • PostedDocument Variant


procedure PostContainerJnlLine(ContainerJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line")

Post a single container journal line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"

    The container journal line.


procedure PostContainerJnlLine(ContainerJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"; var ContainerEntry: Record "EOS029 Container Entry")

Post a single container journal line and returns the container entry that has been created.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"

    The container journal line.

  • ContainerEntry Record "EOS029 Container Entry"

    The container entry that was created by posting.


procedure SynchWhseQtyToHandle(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SynchWhseQtyToHandle(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SynchWhseQtyToHandle(var TransferLine: Record "Transfer Line"; Receive: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferLine Record "Transfer Line"

  • Receive Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure IsEmptiesLine(SourceDocLine: Variant): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDocLine Variant

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TransferDocEmptyItem(FromSourceDoc: Variant; ToSourceDoc: Variant)

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromSourceDoc Variant

  • ToSourceDoc Variant


procedure TestNoEmptyLine(DocLineVariant: Variant)

Tests that a given source document line is not an empty item line. If it is, a runtime error is thrown.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocLineVariant Variant

    The source document line.


procedure TestNoEmptyLine(DocLineVariant: Variant; WithError: Boolean): Boolean

Tests that a given source document line is not an empty item line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocLineVariant Variant

    The source document line.

  • WithError Boolean

    Specifies if a runtime error should be thrown if the test fails.

  • Returns Boolean

    true if the test passed, false if it failed.



local procedure OnAfterCheckJnlLine(ContainerJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line")

Raised after checks and verifications before posting of a journal line have completed. You can use this event to apply custom checks to the journal line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"

    The container journal line.


local procedure OnBeforeInsertContainerEntry(ContainerJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"; var ContainerEntry: Record "EOS029 Container Entry")

Raised before a container entry is inserted from posting of a container journal line. You can use this event to copy custom fields or data from the journal to the entry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"

    The container journal line.

  • ContainerEntry Record "EOS029 Container Entry"

    The container entry.


local procedure OnAfterInsertContainerEntry(ContainerJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"; ContainerEntry: Record "EOS029 Container Entry")

Raised after a container entry has been inserted from posting of a container journal line. You can use this event to copy custom fields or data from the journal to the entry.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"

    The container journal line.

  • ContainerEntry Record "EOS029 Container Entry"

    The container entry.


local procedure OnAfterPrepareContainerJnlLine(var ContainerJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"; ContainerTrkgLine: Record "EOS029 Container Trkg. Line")

Raised after a container journal lines has been prepared for being posted, but before it is checked and verified. You can use this event to apply changes to the journal line before it is checked and posted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"

    The journal line.

  • ContainerTrkgLine Record "EOS029 Container Trkg. Line"

    The container tracking line about to be posted.


local procedure OnBeforePostItemJnlLine(ContainerJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"; ContainerEntry: Record "EOS029 Container Entry"; var ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line")

Raised before an item journal line is posted from a container journal line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"

    The container journal line being posted.

  • ContainerEntry Record "EOS029 Container Entry"

    The container entry that has been posted.

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    The target item journal line about to be posted.


local procedure OnAfterPostItemJnlLine(ContainerJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"; ContainerEntry: Record "EOS029 Container Entry"; ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line")

Raised after an item journal line has been posted from a container journal line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"

    The container journal line.

  • ContainerEntry Record "EOS029 Container Entry"

    The container entry that has been posted.

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    The item journal line that has been posted.


local procedure OnBeforeGetContainerWhseShptLine(SourceWhseShptLine: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"; var TempContainerWhseShptLine: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before the container warehouse shipment lines are retrieved for a given warehouse shipment lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceWhseShptLine Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    The original warehouse shipment line.

  • TempContainerWhseShptLine Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    The found container warehouse shipment lines.

  • Handled Boolean

    Gets or sets if this event has been completely handled.


local procedure OnAfterGetContainerWhseShptLine(SourceWhseShptLine: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"; var TempContainerWhseShptLine: Record "Warehouse Shipment Line")

Raised after the container warehouse shipment lines have been retrieved for a given warehouse shipment lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceWhseShptLine Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    The original warehouse shipment line.

  • TempContainerWhseShptLine Record "Warehouse Shipment Line"

    The found container warehouse shipment lines.


local procedure OnBeforeGetContainerWhseRcptLine(SourceWhseRcptLine: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"; var TempContainerWhseRcptLine: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before the container warehouse receipt lines are retrieved for a given warehouse receipt lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceWhseRcptLine Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    The original warehouse receipt line.

  • TempContainerWhseRcptLine Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    The found container warehouse receipt lines.

  • Handled Boolean

    Gets or sets if this event has been completely handled.


local procedure OnAfterGetContainerWhseRcptLine(SourceWhseRcptLine: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"; var TempContainerWhseRcptLine: Record "Warehouse Receipt Line")

Raised after the container warehouse receipt lines have been retrieved for a given warehouse receipt lines.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceWhseRcptLine Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    The original warehouse receipt line.

  • TempContainerWhseRcptLine Record "Warehouse Receipt Line"

    The found container warehouse receipt lines.


local procedure OnBeforeValidateQtyOnTransfLine_SynchWhseQtyToHandle(var TransferLine: Record "Transfer Line"; Receive: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean; var ReturnValue: Boolean; var QtyToHandle: Decimal)

Raised in the procedure SynchWhseQtyToHandle, before validate Qty to Receive/to Ship on Transfer Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferLine Record "Transfer Line"

    Transfer Line to modify

  • Receive Boolean

    Specifies if the transfer is a receipt

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the validate on Transfer Line and exit the “Return Value”

  • ReturnValue Boolean

    Return Value of procedure

  • QtyToHandle Decimal

    Qty to validate


local procedure OnBeforeTestFieldQuantityBaseOnPostContainerJnlLine(var ContainerJnlLine: Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before check if Quantity (Base) is zero.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ContainerJnlLine Record "EOS029 Container Jnl. Line"

    The container journal line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the check

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