Codeunit 70491917 EOS029 ContainerCalc-Default

Codeunit 70491917 EOS029 ContainerCalc-Default



procedure Calculate(SourceDoc: Variant; var TmpItemBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; var TempEmptiesBuffer: Record "EOS029 Document Container")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

  • TmpItemBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

  • TempEmptiesBuffer Record "EOS029 Document Container"



local procedure OnBeforeInsertEmptiesBuffer(var TempContainerBuffer: Record "EOS029 Document Container" temporary; TempItemBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; PmNo: Code[20]; Quantity: Decimal)

Raised before a record is inserted to the TempContainerBuffer that is then used to create the empties lines on the source document. Use this to transfer any additional custom fields to the buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempContainerBuffer Record "EOS029 Document Container"

    The destination buffer that is about to be inserted.

  • TempItemBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The source document buffer that this buffer entry is calculated for.

  • PmNo Code[20]

    Indicates the packaging material that is being calculated.

  • Quantity Decimal

    The quantity.


local procedure OnAfterSetFiltersOnEmptiesBuffer(var TempContainerBuffer: Record "EOS029 Document Container" temporary; TempItemBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; PmNo: Code[20]; Quantity: Decimal)

Raised after filters on the TempContainerBuffer have been set. These filters are used to group the TempContainerBuffer. Use this event to modify these filters and/or apply additional filters.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempContainerBuffer Record "EOS029 Document Container"

    The destination buffer being filtered.

  • TempItemBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The source document buffer that the buffer is calculated for.

  • PmNo Code[20]

    Indicates the packaging material that is being calculated.

  • Quantity Decimal

    The quantity.


local procedure OnBeforeCalculateFromHandlingUnits(SourceDoc: Variant; var TempContainerBuffer: Record "EOS029 Document Container"; var HasCalculated: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before containers are being calculated from handling units assigned to this source document.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceDoc Variant

    The source document about to be calculated.

  • TempContainerBuffer Record "EOS029 Document Container"

    A buffer that holds all calculated containers.

  • HasCalculated Boolean

    Indicates if containers have been calculated. Use this to comunicate to the calling method that calcualtion has been done. If you return true, the contents you provide in TempContainerBuffer will be used to create the container lines and the source document’s packaging instruction will be disregarded. If you return false, the calculation is skipped and we’ll continue with calculating containers from the packaging instruction instead. This parameter is only relevant if you also set Handled to true.

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeAddContainerToBuffer(var Buffer: Record "EOS029 Document Container"; TempItemBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; PmNo: Code[20]; Quantity: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before adding container to buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Buffer Record "EOS029 Document Container"

    Record Document Container.

  • TempItemBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The source document buffer that this buffer entry is calculated for.

  • PmNo Code[20]

    Indicates the packaging material that is being calculated.

  • Quantity Decimal

    The quantity.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterAddContainerToBuffer(var Buffer: Record "EOS029 Document Container"; TempItemBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; PmNo: Code[20]; Quantity: Decimal; var TempContainerBuffer: Record "EOS029 Document Container" temporary)

This event is raised after adding container to buffer.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Buffer Record "EOS029 Document Container"

    Record Document Container.

  • TempItemBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The source document buffer that this buffer entry is calculated for.

  • PmNo Code[20]

    Indicates the packaging material that is being calculated.

  • Quantity Decimal

    The quantity.

  • TempContainerBuffer Record "EOS029 Document Container"

    Record Document Container added


local procedure OnBeforeModifyQuantityOnAddContainerToBuffer(var TempContainerBuffer: Record "EOS029 Document Container" temporary; TempItemBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; PmNo: Code[20]; var Quantity: Decimal)

Raised before assigning the quantity to the container buffer record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempContainerBuffer Record "EOS029 Document Container"

    Record Document Container to modify

  • TempItemBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The source document buffer that this buffer entry is calculated for.

  • PmNo Code[20]

    Indicates the packaging material that is being calculated.

  • Quantity Decimal

    The quantity to assign

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