Page 18126887 EOS055 Avail. Handling Units

Page 18126887 EOS055 Avail. Handling Units

de-DEVerfügbare Ladeeinheiten
en-USAvailable Handling Units
it-ITUnità di carico disponibili



local procedure OnBeforeFindHuList_OnLoadData(var HuList: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit"; SourceType: Integer; SourceSubtype: Option; SourceID: Code[20])

Raised before find the list of Handling Units that could be assigned. Use it to filter the list with custom filters.

Parameters / Return Value

  • HuList Record "EOS055 Handling Unit"

    Handling Unit list to filter

  • SourceType Integer

    the Source Type

  • SourceSubtype Option

    the Source Subtype

  • SourceID Code[20]

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