Report 18126885 EOS055 Handling Unit - Get

Report 18126885 EOS055 Handling Unit - Get

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en-USGet Handling Unit Content
it-ITPrendi contenuto unità di carico



procedure InitRequest(ItemJnlBatch: Record "Item Journal Batch"; NewParams: Record "Item Journal Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJnlBatch Record "Item Journal Batch"

  • NewParams Record "Item Journal Line"


procedure InitRequest(WhseJnlBatch: Record "Warehouse Journal Batch"; NewParams: Record "Item Journal Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseJnlBatch Record "Warehouse Journal Batch"

  • NewParams Record "Item Journal Line"


procedure InitRequest(WhseWkshName: Record "Whse. Worksheet Name"; NewParams: Record "Item Journal Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseWkshName Record "Whse. Worksheet Name"

  • NewParams Record "Item Journal Line"


procedure InitRequest(IntMovementHeader: Record "Internal Movement Header"; NewParams: Record "Item Journal Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntMovementHeader Record "Internal Movement Header"

  • NewParams Record "Item Journal Line"


procedure SetLocationFilter(var NewLocation: Record Location)

Sets the filtered location on which to run. This only applies when the report is run without a handling unit (from physical inventory). Otherwise the location is defined by the handling unit.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewLocation Record "Location"

    A location with filters that is used to determine non-HU quantities.


procedure SetBinFilter(var NewBinFilter: Text)

Sets the filtered Bin on which to run. This only applies when the report is run without a handling unit (from physical inventory). Otherwise the location is defined by the handling unit.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewBinFilter Text

    Bin Filters to determine non-HU quantities from Whse Entries.



local procedure OnAfterInitRequest(TableId: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; JnlBatchName: Code[10]; var IsTransfer: Boolean; var IsJournal: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableId Integer

  • SourceId Code[20]

  • JnlBatchName Code[10]

  • IsTransfer Boolean

  • IsJournal Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeCreateLines(var Buffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; TableId: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; JnlBatchName: Code[10]; var Handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Buffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

  • TableId Integer

  • SourceId Code[20]

  • JnlBatchName Code[10]

  • Handled Boolean


local procedure OnAfterCreateLines(var Buffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; TableId: Integer; SourceId: Code[20]; JnlBatchName: Code[10])

Parameters / Return Value

  • Buffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

  • TableId Integer

  • SourceId Code[20]

  • JnlBatchName Code[10]


local procedure OnIsBufferLineAllowed(Item: Record Item; TempHuBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; var IsAllowed: Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean")

Raised whenever a HU buffer line is checked if it’s allowed to be processed. By default, all blocked items are not allowed. Use this event to override the default checks or apply custom ones.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    The item to be processed.

  • TempHuBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The buffer line to be processed.

  • IsAllowed Enum "EOS066 TriState Boolean"

    Indicates if the buffer line is allowed. Set this to False to exclude this line from processing.


local procedure OnAfterInsertWhseWorksheetLine(TempHuBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"; var WhseWorksheetLine: Record "Whse. Worksheet Line")

Raised after insert the Record “Whse. Worksheet Line”.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempHuBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    The current buffer line

  • WhseWorksheetLine Record "Whse. Worksheet Line"

    Record “Whse. Worksheet Line” inserted


local procedure OnCreateItemJnlLinesOnBeforeInsert(var ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line"; TempHuBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer")

Raised before inserting the record in the item journal.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    Record “Item Journal Line”

  • TempHuBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    Temporary record “EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer”


local procedure OnCreateWhseJnlLinesOnBeforeInsert(var WhseJnlLine: Record "Warehouse Journal Line"; TempHuBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer")

Raised before inserting the record in the warehouse journal.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseJnlLine Record "Warehouse Journal Line"

    Record “Warehouse Journal Line”

  • TempHuBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    Temporary record “EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer”


local procedure OnCreateWhseWorksheetLinesOnBeforeInsert(var WhseWorksheetLine: Record "Whse. Worksheet Line"; TempHuBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer")

Raised before inserting the record in the warehouse worksheet.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WhseWorksheetLine Record "Whse. Worksheet Line"

    Record “Whse. Worksheet Line”

  • TempHuBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    Temporary record “EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer”


local procedure OnCreateIntMovementLinesOnBeforeInsert(var IntMovementLine: Record "Internal Movement Line"; TempHuBuffer: Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer")

Raised before inserting the record in the internal movements.

Parameters / Return Value

  • IntMovementLine Record "Internal Movement Line"

    Record “Internal Movement Line”;

  • TempHuBuffer Record "EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer"

    Temporary record “EOS055 Handling Unit Buffer”

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