Codeunit 18122140 EOS DS Management

Codeunit 18122140 EOS DS Management



procedure GetDSEnabled(RecRef: RecordRef): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SetFirstStatus(var RecRef: RecordRef): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SetRecordFields(RecRef: RecordRef; var DataSecurityRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status")

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • DataSecurityRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"


procedure UpdateStatusOnRecord(var RecRef: RecordRef; NewStatus: Code[10]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • NewStatus Code[10]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetRecordStatus(RecRef: RecordRef): Code[10]

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Code[10]


procedure GetRecordStatusMessage(RecVariant: Variant): Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecVariant Variant

  • Returns Text


procedure GetRecordPKOptionField(RecordVariant: Variant; ShowError: Boolean) OptionFieldNo: Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • ShowError Boolean

  • Returns Integer


procedure GetRecordPKOptionFieldCount(RecordVariant: Variant) OptionFieldNo: Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • Returns Integer


procedure GetRecordPKOptionValue(RecRef: RecordRef): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Integer


procedure GetRecordSystemId(RecRef: RecordRef): Guid

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Guid


procedure GetRecordPKNoField(RecordVariant: Variant; CodeFieldPosition: Integer): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • CodeFieldPosition Integer

  • Returns Integer


procedure GetRecordPKLineNoField(RecordVariant: Variant): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • Returns Integer


procedure GetValidDSTransactionStatus(RecVar: Variant; TableID: Integer; OptionType: Integer; ChangePathCode: Code[10]; CurrentStatus: Code[10]; var TempDataSecurityStatus: Record "EOS DS Status")

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecVar Variant

  • TableID Integer

  • OptionType Integer

  • ChangePathCode Code[10]

  • CurrentStatus Code[10]

  • TempDataSecurityStatus Record "EOS DS Status"


procedure GetValidDSTransactionStatus(TableID: Integer; OptionType: Integer; ChangePathCode: Code[10]; CurrentStatus: Code[10]; var TempDataSecurityStatus: Record "EOS DS Status")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

  • OptionType Integer

  • ChangePathCode Code[10]

  • CurrentStatus Code[10]

  • TempDataSecurityStatus Record "EOS DS Status"


procedure GetUserNewStatus(RecRef: RecordRef; var NewStatusCount: Integer; var NewStatusCode: Code[10]; ChangePathCode: Code[10])

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • NewStatusCount Integer

  • NewStatusCode Code[10]

  • ChangePathCode Code[10]


procedure ChangeDirectStatus(RecRef: RecordRef; OldStatus: Code[10]; NewStatus: Code[10]; PathCode: Code[10])

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • OldStatus Code[10]

  • NewStatus Code[10]

  • PathCode Code[10]


procedure ChangeStatusRequest(RecRef: RecordRef): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Boolean


procedure NextStatus(RecRef: RecordRef)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef


procedure GetCurrentPathCode(RecRef: RecordRef) CurrentPathCode: Code[10]

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Code[10]


procedure GetPossiblePathCodes(RecRef: RecordRef; var Paths: Record "EOS DS Tables Change Path" temporary)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Paths Record "EOS DS Tables Change Path"


procedure TestMandatoryFields(RecRef: RecordRef; iCodOldStatus: Code[10]; iCodNewStatus: Code[10]; iCodPathCode: Code[10])

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • iCodOldStatus Code[10]

  • iCodNewStatus Code[10]

  • iCodPathCode Code[10]


procedure TestPreconditionFields(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; iCodChangePath: Code[20]; iCodFromStatus: Code[10]; iCodToStatus: Code[10]; iIntFieldNo: Integer; iIntFieldOccurence: Integer; iTxtIF_FieldName: Text[250]; iTxtIF_FieldValue1: Text[250]; iTxtIF_FieldValue2: Text[250]; iOptIF_Condition: Option " ",equal,maior,"maior or equal",minor,"minor or equal","between (extreme included)","between (extreme excluded)","not equal"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • iCodChangePath Code[20]

  • iCodFromStatus Code[10]

  • iCodToStatus Code[10]

  • iIntFieldNo Integer

  • iIntFieldOccurence Integer

  • iTxtIF_FieldName Text[250]

  • iTxtIF_FieldValue1 Text[250]

  • iTxtIF_FieldValue2 Text[250]

  • iOptIF_Condition Option

    " " (0) , equal (1) , maior (2) , "maior or equal" (3) , minor (4) , "minor or equal" (5) , "between (extreme included)" (6) , "between (extreme excluded)" (7) , "not equal" (8)

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TestDSField(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; iIntFieldNo: Integer; iCodCurrentStatus: Code[10]; iCodNewStatus: Code[10]; iTxtFieldValue1: Text[250]; iTxtFieldValue2: Text[250]; iOptCondition: Option " ",equal,maior,"maior or equal",minor,"minor or equal","between (extreme included)","between (extreme excluded)","not equal","filter"; iBlnShowError: Boolean; iTxtIF_FieldName: Text[250]; iTxtIF_FieldValue1: Text[250]; iTxtIF_FieldValue2: Text[250]; iOptIF_Condition: Option " ",equal,maior,"maior or equal",minor,"minor or equal","between (extreme included)","between (extreme excluded)","not equal","filter"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • iIntFieldNo Integer

  • iCodCurrentStatus Code[10]

  • iCodNewStatus Code[10]

  • iTxtFieldValue1 Text[250]

  • iTxtFieldValue2 Text[250]

  • iOptCondition Option

    " " (0) , equal (1) , maior (2) , "maior or equal" (3) , minor (4) , "minor or equal" (5) , "between (extreme included)" (6) , "between (extreme excluded)" (7) , "not equal" (8) , "filter" (9)

  • iBlnShowError Boolean

  • iTxtIF_FieldName Text[250]

  • iTxtIF_FieldValue1 Text[250]

  • iTxtIF_FieldValue2 Text[250]

  • iOptIF_Condition Option

    " " (0) , equal (1) , maior (2) , "maior or equal" (3) , minor (4) , "minor or equal" (5) , "between (extreme included)" (6) , "between (extreme excluded)" (7) , "not equal" (8) , "filter" (9)

  • Returns Boolean


procedure ValidateFieldValue(iIntTableID: Integer; iIntFieldNo: Integer; iTxtValue: Text[250]): Text[250]

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableID Integer

  • iIntFieldNo Integer

  • iTxtValue Text[250]

  • Returns Text[250]


procedure IsFirstStatus(iRrfRecord: RecordRef): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • Returns Boolean


procedure IsLastStatus(iRrfRecord: RecordRef): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TestCurrentRecordHasDSSetup(iRrfRecord: RecordRef)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef


procedure TestUserHasRights(RecRef: RecordRef)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef


procedure ExecuteDirectDSFunctions(var RecRef: RecordRef; OldStatus: Code[10]; NewStatus: Code[10]; Before: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • OldStatus Code[10]

  • NewStatus Code[10]

  • Before Boolean


procedure ExecuteEDSFunctions(var RecRef: RecordRef; OldStatus: Code[10]; NewStatus: Code[10]; Before: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • OldStatus Code[10]

  • NewStatus Code[10]

  • Before Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetDSFunctions(var TmpDSFunction: Record "EOS DS Functions")

Parameters / Return Value

  • TmpDSFunction Record "EOS DS Functions"


procedure GetAllUserPermission(iIntTableId: Integer; iOptTableOptionType: Option "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19"; iCodChangePath: Code[10]; iCodFromStatus: Code[10]; iCodToStatus: Code[10])

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableId Integer

  • iOptTableOptionType Option

    "0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10) , "11" (11) , "12" (12) , "13" (13) , "14" (14) , "15" (15) , "16" (16) , "17" (17) , "18" (18) , "19" (19)

  • iCodChangePath Code[10]

  • iCodFromStatus Code[10]

  • iCodToStatus Code[10]


procedure InitFirstStatus(iIntTableNo: Integer; iOptTableOptionType: Option "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19")

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableNo Integer

  • iOptTableOptionType Option

    "0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10) , "11" (11) , "12" (12) , "13" (13) , "14" (14) , "15" (15) , "16" (16) , "17" (17) , "18" (18) , "19" (19)


procedure ShowFirstStatusTransaction(iIntTableNo: Integer; iOptTableOptionType: Option "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19"; iBlnShowCard: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableNo Integer

  • iOptTableOptionType Option

    "0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10) , "11" (11) , "12" (12) , "13" (13) , "14" (14) , "15" (15) , "16" (16) , "17" (17) , "18" (18) , "19" (19)

  • iBlnShowCard Boolean


procedure GetDSTablesContext(iIntTableID: Integer; iOptTableOptionType: Option) Result: Text[250]

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableID Integer

  • iOptTableOptionType Option

  • Returns Text[250]


procedure TestRowTypeHasDS(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; DataSecurityTablesSetup: Record "EOS DS Tables Setup"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • DataSecurityTablesSetup Record "EOS DS Tables Setup"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetDSTableOptionCaption(iIntTableID: Integer; iIntTableOptionType: Integer): Text[30]

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableID Integer

  • iIntTableOptionType Integer

  • Returns Text[30]


procedure GetTableStatusColour(iIntTableId: Integer; iOptTableOptionType: Integer; iCodDSStatus: Code[10]): Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableId Integer

  • iOptTableOptionType Integer

  • iCodDSStatus Code[10]

  • Returns Text


procedure TestTableIDAllowDSMgmt(iIntTableID: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableID Integer


procedure TableCertification(DataSecurityTablesSetup: Record "EOS DS Tables Setup")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DataSecurityTablesSetup Record "EOS DS Tables Setup"


procedure TestTableNotCertified(TableNo: Integer; TableOptionType: Integer; AskForReopen: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableNo Integer

  • TableOptionType Integer

  • AskForReopen Boolean


procedure TestDSTableStatus(DataSecurityTablesSetup: Record "EOS DS Tables Setup")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DataSecurityTablesSetup Record "EOS DS Tables Setup"


procedure TestDSStatusTransaction(DataSecurityTablesSetup: Record "EOS DS Tables Setup")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DataSecurityTablesSetup Record "EOS DS Tables Setup"


procedure TestDeleteDSTable(iIntTableId: Integer; iOptTableOptionType: Option "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19"; StatusCode: Code[10]; ForceBlankStatusCode: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableId Integer

  • iOptTableOptionType Option

    "0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10) , "11" (11) , "12" (12) , "13" (13) , "14" (14) , "15" (15) , "16" (16) , "17" (17) , "18" (18) , "19" (19)

  • StatusCode Code[10]

  • ForceBlankStatusCode Boolean


procedure RaisePermissionError(DocVariant: Variant; PermissionType: Option; ErrorMsg: Text)

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

  • PermissionType Option

  • ErrorMsg Text


procedure GetRecordPKValues(RecRef: RecordRef) Result: Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Text


procedure HasPermission(RecordVariant: Variant; xRecordVariant: Variant; PermissionType: Option) Allowed: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • xRecordVariant Variant

  • PermissionType Option

  • Returns Boolean


procedure HasManualPermission(RecordVariant: Variant; xRecordVariant: Variant; PermissionType: Option) Allowed: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • xRecordVariant Variant

  • PermissionType Option

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetInsertPermission(RecordVariant: Variant; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • ShowError Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetModifyPermission(RecordVariant: Variant; xRecordVariant: Variant; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • xRecordVariant Variant

  • ShowError Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetRenamePermission(RecordVariant: Variant; xRecordVariant: Variant; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • xRecordVariant Variant

  • ShowError Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetDeletePermission(RecordVariant: Variant; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • ShowError Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetReleasePermission(RecordVariant: Variant; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • ShowError Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetManualReleasePermission(RecordVariant: Variant; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • ShowError Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetReopenPermission(RecordVariant: Variant; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • ShowError Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetManualReopenPermission(RecordVariant: Variant; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • ShowError Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetPostPermission(RecordVariant: Variant; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • ShowError Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetPrintPermission(RecordVariant: Variant; ShowError: Boolean): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecordVariant Variant

  • ShowError Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure CalculateUserToNotify(iCodUserID: Code[65])

Parameters / Return Value

  • iCodUserID Code[65]


procedure CalculateZeroLevelToNotify(iCodUserID: Code[65]; var vRecTmpDSRecordStatusInfo: Record "EOS003 Record Status Info" temporary): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • iCodUserID Code[65]

  • vRecTmpDSRecordStatusInfo Record "EOS003 Record Status Info"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure FilterDSRecordStatus(iIntTableID: Integer; iOptTableOptionType: Option; iCodStatus: Code[10]; var vRecDSRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status"; var vIntCountRecordStatus: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableID Integer

  • iOptTableOptionType Option

  • iCodStatus Code[10]

  • vRecDSRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"

  • vIntCountRecordStatus Integer


procedure InsertDSStatusInfoLevel(var vRecTmpDSRecordStatusInfo: Record "EOS003 Record Status Info" temporary; lRecDSRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status"; iIntLevel: Integer; iIntCount: Integer): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • vRecTmpDSRecordStatusInfo Record "EOS003 Record Status Info"

  • lRecDSRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"

  • iIntLevel Integer

  • iIntCount Integer

  • Returns Boolean


procedure ExpandDSRecordStatusInfo(var vRecTmpDSRecordStatusInfo: Record "EOS003 Record Status Info" temporary; iRecCurrDSRecordStatusInfo: Record "EOS003 Record Status Info"; iCodUserID: Code[65])

Parameters / Return Value

  • vRecTmpDSRecordStatusInfo Record "EOS003 Record Status Info"

  • iRecCurrDSRecordStatusInfo Record "EOS003 Record Status Info"

  • iCodUserID Code[65]


procedure ExpandAllDSRecordStatusInfo(iCodUserID: Code[65]; var vRecTmpDSRecordStatusInfo: Record "EOS003 Record Status Info" temporary)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iCodUserID Code[65]

  • vRecTmpDSRecordStatusInfo Record "EOS003 Record Status Info"


procedure CollapseAllDSRecordStatusInfo(iCodUserID: Code[65]; var vRecTmpDSRecordStatusInfo: Record "EOS003 Record Status Info" temporary)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iCodUserID Code[65]

  • vRecTmpDSRecordStatusInfo Record "EOS003 Record Status Info"


procedure ShowPage(TableID: Integer; TableOptionPKField: Integer; RecSystemId: Guid)

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

  • TableOptionPKField Integer

  • RecSystemId Guid


procedure ShowPage(TableID: Integer; TableOptionPKField: Integer; TablePosition: Text)

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

  • TableOptionPKField Integer

  • TablePosition Text


procedure GetCurrentRecordRef(var DSFactboxBuffer: Record "EOS003 Factbox Buffer"; var RecRef: RecordRef): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DSFactboxBuffer Record "EOS003 Factbox Buffer"

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetCurrentRecordRef(var DSFactboxBuffer: Record "EOS DS Factbox Buffer"; var RecRef: RecordRef): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DSFactboxBuffer Record "EOS DS Factbox Buffer"

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Boolean


procedure CalculateZeroLevelRecordStatus(iIntTableID: Integer; iIntTableOptionType: Integer; var vRecTmpDSRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status" temporary): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableID Integer

  • iIntTableOptionType Integer

  • vRecTmpDSRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure InsertDSStatusLevel(var DataSecurityRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status"; FromDataSecurityRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status"; iIntLevel: Integer; iIntCount: Integer): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DataSecurityRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"

  • FromDataSecurityRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"

  • iIntLevel Integer

  • iIntCount Integer

  • Returns Boolean


procedure ExpandDSRecordStatus(var vRecTmpDSRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status" temporary; iRecCurrDSRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status")

Parameters / Return Value

  • vRecTmpDSRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"

  • iRecCurrDSRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"


procedure ExpandAllDSRecordStatus(var TempDataSecurityRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status" temporary)

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempDataSecurityRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"


procedure CollapseAllDSRecordStatus(var TempDataSecurityRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status" temporary)

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempDataSecurityRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"


procedure TestFilter(iTableID: Integer; iIntFieldNo: Integer; iFrfField: FieldRef; iTxtFieldValue1: Text[250]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • iTableID Integer

  • iIntFieldNo Integer

  • iFrfField FieldRef

  • iTxtFieldValue1 Text[250]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TestFilterText(RecRef: RecordRef; FieldNo: Integer; iTxtFieldValue1: Text[250]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • FieldNo Integer

  • iTxtFieldValue1 Text[250]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetRecordStatusRec(RecRef: RecordRef; var DataSecurityRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • DataSecurityRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetRecordPKNumber(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; var vIntKeyOptionFieldNo: Integer; var vIntKeyCodFieldNo: Integer; var vIntKeyIntFieldNo: Integer; var vIntKeyDecFieldNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • vIntKeyOptionFieldNo Integer

  • vIntKeyCodFieldNo Integer

  • vIntKeyIntFieldNo Integer

  • vIntKeyDecFieldNo Integer


procedure GetRecordPKNumberAndValue(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; var vIntKeyOptionFieldNo: Integer; var vIntKeyOptionValue: Integer; var vIntKeyCodFieldNo: Integer; var vCodKeyCodValue: Code[20]; var vIntKeyIntFieldNo: Integer; var vIntKeyIntValue: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • vIntKeyOptionFieldNo Integer

  • vIntKeyOptionValue Integer

  • vIntKeyCodFieldNo Integer

  • vCodKeyCodValue Code[20]

  • vIntKeyIntFieldNo Integer

  • vIntKeyIntValue Integer


procedure GetArchiveRecPKNumberAndValue(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; var vIntKeyOptionFieldNo: Integer; var vIntKeyOptionValue: Integer; var vIntKeyCodFieldNo: Integer; var vCodKeyCodValue: Code[20]; var vIntKeyDocNoOccFieldNo: Integer; var vIntKeyDocNoOccValue: Integer; var vIntKeyVersionNoFieldNo: Integer; var vIntKeyVersionNoValue: Integer; var vIntKeyLineNoFieldNo: Integer; var vIntKeyLineNoValue: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • vIntKeyOptionFieldNo Integer

  • vIntKeyOptionValue Integer

  • vIntKeyCodFieldNo Integer

  • vCodKeyCodValue Code[20]

  • vIntKeyDocNoOccFieldNo Integer

  • vIntKeyDocNoOccValue Integer

  • vIntKeyVersionNoFieldNo Integer

  • vIntKeyVersionNoValue Integer

  • vIntKeyLineNoFieldNo Integer

  • vIntKeyLineNoValue Integer


procedure SetRecordPKValueWithOption(iRrfRecord: RecordRef;var vIntCurrentTable: Integer;var vGuiTableRecSysId: Guid;var vOptTableOptionType: Option "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19")

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • vIntCurrentTable Integer

  • vGuiTableRecSysId Guid

  • vOptTableOptionType Option

    "0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10) , "11" (11) , "12" (12) , "13" (13) , "14" (14) , "15" (15) , "16" (16) , "17" (17) , "18" (18) , "19" (19)


procedure SetRecordPKValue(iRrfRecord: RecordRef;var vIntCurrentTable: Integer;var vGuiTableRecSysId: Guid)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • vIntCurrentTable Integer

  • vGuiTableRecSysId Guid


procedure SetRecordPKValue(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; var vIntCurrentTable: Integer; var vOptTableOptionType: Option "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19"; var vCodTableRecNo: Code[20]; var vIntTableRecLineNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • vIntCurrentTable Integer

  • vOptTableOptionType Option

    "0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10) , "11" (11) , "12" (12) , "13" (13) , "14" (14) , "15" (15) , "16" (16) , "17" (17) , "18" (18) , "19" (19)

  • vCodTableRecNo Code[20]

  • vIntTableRecLineNo Integer


procedure WriteLog2(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; iCodOldStatus: Code[10]; iCodNewStatus: Code[10])

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • iCodOldStatus Code[10]

  • iCodNewStatus Code[10]


procedure ShowLog2(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; iOptTableOptionType: Option "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19")

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • iOptTableOptionType Option

    "0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10) , "11" (11) , "12" (12) , "13" (13) , "14" (14) , "15" (15) , "16" (16) , "17" (17) , "18" (18) , "19" (19)


procedure DelLog2(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; iOptTableOptionType: Option "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19")

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • iOptTableOptionType Option

    "0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10) , "11" (11) , "12" (12) , "13" (13) , "14" (14) , "15" (15) , "16" (16) , "17" (17) , "18" (18) , "19" (19)


procedure WriteLog(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; iCodOldStatus: Code[10]; iCodNewStatus: Code[10])

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • iCodOldStatus Code[10]

  • iCodNewStatus Code[10]


procedure ShowLog(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; iOptTableOptionType: Option "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19")

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • iOptTableOptionType Option

    "0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10) , "11" (11) , "12" (12) , "13" (13) , "14" (14) , "15" (15) , "16" (16) , "17" (17) , "18" (18) , "19" (19)


procedure DelLog(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; iOptTableOptionType: Option "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19")

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • iOptTableOptionType Option

    "0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10) , "11" (11) , "12" (12) , "13" (13) , "14" (14) , "15" (15) , "16" (16) , "17" (17) , "18" (18) , "19" (19)


procedure RunStatusChange(DataSecurityTablesSetup: Record "EOS DS Tables Setup")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DataSecurityTablesSetup Record "EOS DS Tables Setup"


procedure GetRecordStatusDescription(TableID: Integer; TableOptionType: Integer; iCodDSStatus: Code[10]): Text[50]

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

  • TableOptionType Integer

  • iCodDSStatus Code[10]

  • Returns Text[50]


procedure ClearGlobals()


procedure SetBatchChangeStatus(Value: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Value Boolean


procedure SetBatchRecordRef2Process(var RecRef: RecordRef)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef


procedure GetBatchResult(): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SetRecordStatusOnModify(var RecRef: RecordRef)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef


procedure SetRecordFieldsOnModify(var RecRef: RecordRef; var DataSecurityRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status") Changed: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • DataSecurityRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure DeleteAllData()


procedure SkipSubcontractingPurchaseOrder(RecRef: RecordRef): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • Returns Boolean


procedure CalcStatusCount(var Status1CountSystemId: Integer; var Status2CountSystemId: Integer; var Status3CountSystemId: Integer; CueSetup: Record "EOS DS Cue Setup")

Parameters / Return Value

  • Status1CountSystemId Integer

  • Status2CountSystemId Integer

  • Status3CountSystemId Integer

  • CueSetup Record "EOS DS Cue Setup"


procedure UseSystemIdAsKey()


procedure SetGlobalNewPath(NewPathCode: Code[10])

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewPathCode Code[10]


procedure OpenMandatoryFieldsList(RecRef: RecordRef; OptionType: Integer; CurrentStatus: Code[10]; NewStatus: Code[10])

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • OptionType Integer

  • CurrentStatus Code[10]

  • NewStatus Code[10]


procedure GetComments(TextCode: Code[20]): Text

Parameters / Return Value

  • TextCode Code[20]

  • Returns Text


procedure LookupFieldValueFromConfigTemplateLine(MandatoryFieldLine: Record "EOS003 Mandatory Field Line"; var FieldValue: Text): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • MandatoryFieldLine Record "EOS003 Mandatory Field Line"

  • FieldValue Text

  • Returns Boolean


procedure TransferRecordDefaultValues(var RecRef: RecordRef; CurFieldNo: Integer; CurDefaultValue: Text)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • CurFieldNo Integer

  • CurDefaultValue Text



procedure OnDiscoverDSFunctions(var DataSecurityFunctions: Record "EOS DS Functions")

Event to show a new Function as available. Use Codeunit “EOS DS Function”, Method CreateDSFunction to add as a DS function

Parameters / Return Value

  • DataSecurityFunctions Record "EOS DS Functions"

    Record to use as first parameter


local procedure OnExecuteDSFunction(var DataSecurityFunctions: Record "EOS DS Functions"; var RecRef: RecordRef; TableOptionType: Integer; UseOptionType: Boolean; var ContinueExecution: Boolean; DataSecurityStatusFunctions: Record "EOS DS Status Functions")

Event to run a DS function, subscribe to this, check if the functions that should be run is yours and run it.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DataSecurityFunctions Record "EOS DS Functions"

    Record “EOS DS Functions”.

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The RecRef of the record ther.

  • TableOptionType Integer

    The record option For example “Offer,Order,Invoice,…".

  • UseOptionType Boolean

    Define if the record use the Option value.

  • ContinueExecution Boolean

    Set to false to block execution of DS Functions in the current execution phase after the run of the function.

  • DataSecurityStatusFunctions Record "EOS DS Status Functions"

    The DataSecurityStatusFunction that will be run.


local procedure OnGetRecordPermission(DocVariant: Variant; xDocVariant: Variant; PermissionType: Option; var IsAllowed: Option " ",No,Yes; var ErrorMessage: Text)

Raised before checking if the operation specified in the parameter PermissionType is allowed.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    The document.

  • xDocVariant Variant

    The document before edits.

  • PermissionType Option

    The permission type.

  • IsAllowed Option

    " " (0) , No (1) , Yes (2)

    IsAllowed Option.

  • ErrorMessage Text

    The Error Message.


local procedure OnGetRecordManualPermission(DocVariant: Variant; xDocVariant: Variant; PermissionType: Option; var IsAllowed: Option " ",No,Yes; var ErrorMessage: Text)

Raised before checking if the operation specified in the parameter PermissionType is allowed.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    The document.

  • xDocVariant Variant

    The document before edits.

  • PermissionType Option

    The permission type.

  • IsAllowed Option

    " " (0) , No (1) , Yes (2)

    IsAllowed Option.

  • ErrorMessage Text

    The Error Message.


local procedure OnSkipFieldChangeComparison(RecRef: RecordRef; xRecRef: RecordRef; FieldID: Integer; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised on permission check, when checking if a edit is allowed. Is used to allow the edit to a certain field.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The RecRef.

  • xRecRef RecordRef

    The xRecRef.

  • FieldID Integer

    The FieldID edited.

  • Skip Boolean

    The skip.


local procedure OnBeforeCheckIfTableFirstStatusIsHandled(TableID: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)

Event to subscribe to if you manage the first status of a table on record init, in order to let you set the status as certified without

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer


  • Handled Boolean



local procedure OnBeforeSetRecordFields2(var RecRef: RecordRef; var DataSecurityRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status"; var handled: Boolean)

Event to use when the “Change status” reports an error caused by a not managed protected table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The record that should be modified

  • DataSecurityRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"

    OBSOLETE The new status

  • handled Boolean

    Has to be set to true to avoid standard code to run


local procedure OnAfterChangeDataSecurityStatusPageClose(RecRef: RecordRef; var ChangeDataSecurityStatusPage: Page "EOS Change DS Status")

Event raised when the Change Status Page has been closed successfully and the Change Status has been already written in the log.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    Source Record

  • ChangeDataSecurityStatusPage Page "EOS Change DS Status"

    The Page to run custom functions.


local procedure OnBeforeEDSSetFirstStatus_OnGlobalInsert(TableID: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised in the Global Insert event, used to manage the trigger of custom tables set first status. Use this event to block the standard cycle and manage the SetfirstStatus in a custom event subscriber.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

    The TableID that triggered the GlobalInsert

  • Handled Boolean

    Handled paramenter to avoid


local procedure OnBeforeEDSSetFirstStatus_OnDatabaseInsert(TableID: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised in the Database Insert event, used to manage the trigger of custom tables set first status. Use this event to block the standard cycle and manage the SetfirstStatus in a custom event subscriber.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

    The TableID that triggered the OnDatabaseInsert

  • Handled Boolean

    Handled paramenter to avoid


local procedure OnBeforeEDSSetFirstStatus_OnDatabaseRename(TableID: Integer; var Handled: Boolean)

Event raised in the Database Rename event, used to manage the trigger of custom tables set first status. Use this event to block the standard cycle and manage the SetfirstStatus in a custom event subscriber.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableID Integer

    The TableID that triggered the OnDatabaseInsert

  • Handled Boolean

    Handled paramenter to avoid


local procedure OnAfterGetUserNewStatus(RecRef: RecordRef; var TempDataSecurityStatus: Record "EOS DS Status" temporary; var NewStatusCode: Code[10]; ChangePathCode: Code[10])

Event executed when obtaining new status allowed transactions.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The current record ref.

  • TempDataSecurityStatus Record "EOS DS Status"

    Allowed new DS statuses

  • NewStatusCode Code[10]

    The new DS Status, if empty all status in TempDataSecurityStatus are allowed, otherwise edit is disabled.

  • ChangePathCode Code[10]

    The record ChangePathCode selected.


local procedure OnAfterGetCurrentPathCode2(RecRef: RecordRef; DataSecurityRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status"; var CurrentPathCode: Code[10])

Event executed before showing the “EOS DS Record Status FactBox”, allows to change the PathCode.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The source RecRef.

  • DataSecurityRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"

    The DataSecurityRecordStatus for the RecRef.

  • CurrentPathCode Code[10]

    The PathCode related to the DataSecurityRecordStatus.


local procedure OnAfterSetRecordStatus(var RecRef: RecordRef; OldStatus: Code[10]; NewStatus: Code[10]; PathCode: Code[10])

Raised after the status for a given record has been updated. This is raised after the log has been writte, fields have been updated (but not modified) on the source record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The record for which the status is being changed.

  • OldStatus Code[10]

    The old status that the record had before it was changed.

  • NewStatus Code[10]

    The new status the has been set on the record.

  • PathCode Code[10]

    The status path code in use.


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateStatusOnRecord(var RecRef: RecordRef; NewStatus: Code[10]; var FieldUpdated: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)

Raised before the physical status-field on a given record is updated with the new status code. You can use this to customize how (and if) this field is updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The record for which the status is being changed.

  • NewStatus Code[10]

    The new status code to be applied.

  • FieldUpdated Boolean

    Set this to true, if the physical status-field was found and has been updated. The value of this parameter only has effect if you also set Handled to true and therefore cause the function to exit early. If not, the default logic will continue to execute and this will be overwritten.

  • Handled Boolean

    Gets or sets if this event has been completely handled.


local procedure OnAfterUpdateStatusOnRecord(var RecRef: RecordRef; NewStatus: Code[10]; var FieldUpdated: Boolean)

Raised after the physical status-field on a given record is updated with the new status code.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The record for which the status is being changed.

  • NewStatus Code[10]

    The new status code to be applied.

  • FieldUpdated Boolean

    Gets or sets if the physical status-field was found and updated. This value is pre-set with the outcome of the default hanlding logic and can be overwritten, if needed.


local procedure OnAfterGetAvailableStatusOnRecord(RecVar: Variant; var Allow: Boolean; TableID: Integer; OptionType: Integer; FromStatus: Code[10]; ToStatus: Code[10])

Raised after the list of new available EDS Status is calculated

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecVar Variant

    RecVariant of the current Record selected

  • Allow Boolean

    Boolean value indicating when the option is to be displayed and when not.

  • TableID Integer

    Table ID

  • OptionType Integer

    Table Option Type

  • FromStatus Code[10]

    Current EDS Status

  • ToStatus Code[10]

    New EDS Status


local procedure OnBeforeCalcStatusCount(var DSRecordStatus: Record "EOS003 Record Status")

Raised after applying the filter to count records in the cues

Parameters / Return Value

  • DSRecordStatus Record "EOS003 Record Status"


local procedure OnBeforeSetFirstStatus(var RecRef: RecordRef; IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised befor apply first EDS status

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The current record reference

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Skip the procedure


local procedure OnBeforeSetRecFirstStatus(var RecRef: RecordRef; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised befor apply first EDS status

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The current record reference

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Skip the procedure


local procedure OnAfterChangeDirectStatus(var RecRef: RecordRef; OldStatus: Code[10]; NewStatus: Code[10]; PathCode: Code[10]; ContinueExecution: Boolean)

Raised after ChangeDirectStatus procedure/after the procedure for changing state and executing functions called from the standard EDS factbox

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The current record reference

  • OldStatus Code[10]

    Current EDS Status

  • NewStatus Code[10]

    New EDS Status

  • PathCode Code[10]

    EDS Path

  • ContinueExecution Boolean

    ContinueExecution relating to the execution of the phase before the EDS functions


local procedure OnAfterExecuteEDSFunctionOnChangeDirectStatus(var RecRef: RecordRef; OldStatus: Code[10]; NewStatus: Code[10]; PathCode: Code[10]; ContinueExecution: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised after ExecuteEDSFunctions of first phase

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The current record reference

  • OldStatus Code[10]

    Current EDS Status

  • NewStatus Code[10]

    New EDS Status

  • PathCode Code[10]

    EDS Path

  • ContinueExecution Boolean

    ContinueExecution relating to the execution of the phase before the EDS functions

  • IsHandled Boolean

    Skip the procedure SetRecordStatus and the execution of the function in after phase


local procedure OnBeforeSetFirstStatusOnRename(var RecRef: RecordRef; xRecRef: RecordRef; isHandled: Boolean)

Raised before set first status on global rename

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The current record reference

  • xRecRef RecordRef

    The old record reference

  • isHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeSetFirstStatusOnGlobalRename(var RecRef: RecordRef; xRecRef: RecordRef; var isHandled: Boolean)

Raised before set first status on global rename

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The current record reference

  • xRecRef RecordRef

    The old record reference

  • isHandled Boolean

    Skip the procedure SetFirstStatus


local procedure OnUnexpectedFieldType(TableField: Record Field; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised if an unexpected field type was retrieved

Parameters / Return Value

  • TableField Record "Field"

    The current field

  • IsHandled Boolean

    to skip error


local procedure OnBeforeSetRecordFields(var RecRef: RecordRef; var DataSecurityRecordStatus: Record "EOS DS Record Status"; var handled: Boolean)

Event to use when the “Change status” reports an error caused by a not managed protected table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The record that should be modified

  • DataSecurityRecordStatus Record "EOS DS Record Status"

    The new status

  • handled Boolean

    Has to be set to true to avoid standard code to run


local procedure OnAfterGetCurrentPathCode(RecRef: RecordRef; DataSecurityRecordStatus: Record "EOS DS Record Status"; var CurrentPathCode: Code[10])

Event executed before showing the “EOS DS Record Status FactBox”, allows to change the PathCode.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

    The source RecRef.

  • DataSecurityRecordStatus Record "EOS DS Record Status"

    The DataSecurityRecordStatus for the RecRef.

  • CurrentPathCode Code[10]

    The PathCode related to the DataSecurityRecordStatus.

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