Codeunit 18122141 EOS DS Mail Management

Codeunit 18122141 EOS DS Mail Management



procedure AddBodyLine(BodyLine: Text[1024])

Parameters / Return Value

  • BodyLine Text[1024]


procedure AddValue(ValueNo: Integer; ValueName: Text[260])

Parameters / Return Value

  • ValueNo Integer

  • ValueName Text[260]


procedure SendXMLMail(var mailTo: List of [Text]; var mailCC: List of [Text]; var mailSubject: Text[2048]; var mailBody: Text; var ErrorMessage: Text[1000]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • mailTo List[Text]

  • mailCC List[Text]

  • mailSubject Text[2048]

  • mailBody Text

  • ErrorMessage Text[1000]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SendXMLMail(var mailTo: List of [Text]; var mailCC: List of [Text]; var mailSubject: Text[2048]; var mailBody: Text; var ErrorMessage: Text[1000]; NotificationCode: Code[20]; LanguageCode: Code[20]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • mailTo List[Text]

  • mailCC List[Text]

  • mailSubject Text[2048]

  • mailBody Text

  • ErrorMessage Text[1000]

  • NotificationCode Code[20]

  • LanguageCode Code[20]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure QueueEMail(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; FunctionCode: Code[20]; NotificationTextHeader: Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr")

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • FunctionCode Code[20]

  • NotificationTextHeader Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"


procedure GetDetails(iCodeNotificationCode: Code[20]; DocDate: Date; LanguageCode: Code[10]; var NotificationTextHeader: Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"; var NotificationTextLine: Record "EOS DS Notification Text Line"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • iCodeNotificationCode Code[20]

  • DocDate Date

  • LanguageCode Code[10]

  • NotificationTextHeader Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"

  • NotificationTextLine Record "EOS DS Notification Text Line"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SendMailFromFunction(var DSFunctions: Record "EOS DS Functions"; RecRef: RecordRef; iOptTableOptionType: Option "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19"; iBlnUseOptionType: Boolean) Returnvalue: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • DSFunctions Record "EOS DS Functions"

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • iOptTableOptionType Option

    "0" (0) , "1" (1) , "2" (2) , "3" (3) , "4" (4) , "5" (5) , "6" (6) , "7" (7) , "8" (8) , "9" (9) , "10" (10) , "11" (11) , "12" (12) , "13" (13) , "14" (14) , "15" (15) , "16" (16) , "17" (17) , "18" (18) , "19" (19)

  • iBlnUseOptionType Boolean

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SendMail(iCodFunctionCode: Code[20]; NotifCode: Code[20]; iRrfRecord: RecordRef) Returnvalue: Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • iCodFunctionCode Code[20]

  • NotifCode Code[20]

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SetValueArray(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; NotificationTextHeader: Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"; var Value: array[24] of Text[1024])

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • NotificationTextHeader Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"

  • Value Text[1024]


procedure AssignField(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; iIntFieldValue: Integer): Text[1024]

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • iIntFieldValue Integer

  • Returns Text[1024]


procedure AssignCompanyInfo(iIntFieldValue: Integer): Text[1024]

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntFieldValue Integer

  • Returns Text[1024]


procedure GetMailTo(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; NotificationTextHeader: Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"): Text[2048]

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • NotificationTextHeader Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"

  • Returns Text[2048]


procedure GetMailCC(iRrfRecord: RecordRef; NotificationTextHeader: Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"): Text[2048]

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • NotificationTextHeader Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"

  • Returns Text[2048]


procedure AddCumBodyLine(iRecEMailQueue: Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"; NotificationTextHeader: Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"; NotificationTextLine: Record "EOS DS Notification Text Line"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRecEMailQueue Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"

  • NotificationTextHeader Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"

  • NotificationTextLine Record "EOS DS Notification Text Line"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetValueIndex(BodyLine: Text[260]; var vIntTableArray: array[24] of Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • BodyLine Text[260]

  • vIntTableArray Integer


procedure ReplaceLoopBody(iRecEMailQueue: Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"; NotificationTextHeader: Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"; BodyLine: Text[260]; iIntCount: Integer; var vIntNr: Integer; var vRecEMailQueueNotif: Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"; var vRecEMailQueueValue: Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue")

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRecEMailQueue Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"

  • NotificationTextHeader Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"

  • BodyLine Text[260]

  • iIntCount Integer

  • vIntNr Integer

  • vRecEMailQueueNotif Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"

  • vRecEMailQueueValue Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"


procedure CalcTableHeader(iRecEMailQueue: Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"; NotificationTextHeader: Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"; NotificationTextLine: Record "EOS DS Notification Text Line"; var vIntNr: Integer; var vRecEMailQueue: Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"): Text[1024]

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRecEMailQueue Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"

  • NotificationTextHeader Record "EOS DS Notification Text Hdr"

  • NotificationTextLine Record "EOS DS Notification Text Line"

  • vIntNr Integer

  • vRecEMailQueue Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"

  • Returns Text[1024]


procedure ClearTableValueBuffer(var vRecEMailQueue: Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • vRecEMailQueue Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure AddTableValueBuffer(OriValueNo: Integer; NewValueNo: Integer; ValueName: Text[260]; QueueNr: Integer; var vIntNr: Integer; var vRecEMailQueue: Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • OriValueNo Integer

  • NewValueNo Integer

  • ValueName Text[260]

  • QueueNr Integer

  • vIntNr Integer

  • vRecEMailQueue Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure FormatTableValueBuffer(var vRecEMailQueueNotif: Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"; var vRecEMailQueueValue: Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • vRecEMailQueueNotif Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"

  • vRecEMailQueueValue Record "EOS DS E-Mail Queue"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetRecordLanguageCode(iRrfRecord: RecordRef): Code[10]

Parameters / Return Value

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

  • Returns Code[10]


procedure ApplySubstitutions(var mSubject: Text[2048]; var mBody: list of [Text])

Parameters / Return Value

  • mSubject Text[2048]

  • mBody list[Text]


procedure GetIndex(iTxtString: Text[2048]; var vTxtIndexString: Text[30]; var vIntIndexVALUE: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • iTxtString Text[2048]

  • vTxtIndexString Text[30]

  • vIntIndexVALUE Integer


procedure GetValueByAttribute(var vAutXMLDOMNodeListVALUE: list of [Text]; iIntIndexVALUE: Integer; var vAutXMLDOMNodeVALUE: Text[2048]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • vAutXMLDOMNodeListVALUE list[Text]

  • iIntIndexVALUE Integer

  • vAutXMLDOMNodeVALUE Text[2048]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure FormatLine(BodyLine: Text[1024]): Text[1024]

Parameters / Return Value

  • BodyLine Text[1024]

  • Returns Text[1024]


procedure GetStrPosition(iTxtString: Text[2048]): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • iTxtString Text[2048]

  • Returns Integer



local procedure OnAfterGetMailCC(iCodFunctionCode: Code[20]; NotifCode: Code[20]; iRrfRecord: RecordRef; var lTxtMailCC: Text[250])

Raised after calculate list of cc post-accounts, allows to change this list in the following format:;

Parameters / Return Value

  • iCodFunctionCode Code[20]

    The iCodFunctionCode.

  • NotifCode Code[20]

    The notification code.

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

    the related recordref.

  • lTxtMailCC Text[250]


local procedure OnAfterGetMailRecipients(iCodFunctionCode: Code[20]; NotifCode: Code[20]; iRrfRecord: RecordRef; var lTxtMailCC: Text[2048]; var lTxtMailTo: Text[2048])

Raised after calculate list of Recipients post-accounts, allows to change this list in the following format:;

Parameters / Return Value

  • iCodFunctionCode Code[20]

    The iCodFunctionCode.

  • NotifCode Code[20]

    The notification code.

  • iRrfRecord RecordRef

    the related recordref.

  • lTxtMailCC Text[2048]

    the related cc list

  • lTxtMailTo Text[2048]

    the related To list

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