Codeunit 18122159 EOS003 Blocked Record Mgt.

Codeunit 18122159 EOS003 Blocked Record Mgt.



procedure CheckEditable(RecRef: RecordRef)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef


procedure CheckDeletable(RecRef: RecordRef)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef


procedure CheckEditable(RecRef: RecordRef; TableIDtoCheck: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • TableIDtoCheck Integer


procedure CheckDeletable(RecRef: RecordRef; TableIDtoCheck: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • RecRef RecordRef

  • TableIDtoCheck Integer



local procedure OnBeforeCheckEditCustomerBankAccount(Rec: Record "Customer Bank Account"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check editability of Customer Bank Account record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Customer Bank Account"

    Current Customer Bank Account record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls


local procedure OnBeforeCheckDeleteCustomerBankAccount(Rec: Record "Customer Bank Account"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check deletable of Customer Bank Account record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Customer Bank Account"

    Current Customer Bank Account record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls


local procedure OnBeforeCheckEditVendorBankAccount(Rec: Record "Vendor Bank Account"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check editability of Vendor Bank Account record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Vendor Bank Account"

    Current Vendor Bank Account record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls


local procedure OnBeforeCheckDeleteVendorBankAccount(Rec: Record "Vendor Bank Account"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check deletable of Vendor Bank Account record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Vendor Bank Account"

    Current Vendor Bank Account record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls


local procedure OnBeforeCheckEditShiptoAddress(Rec: Record "Ship-to Address"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check editability of Ship-to Address record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Ship-to Address"

    Current Ship-to Address record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls


local procedure OnBeforeCheckDeleteShiptoAddress(Rec: Record "Ship-to Address"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check deletable of Ship-to Address record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Ship-to Address"

    Current Ship-to Address record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls


local procedure OnBeforeCheckEditOrderAddress(Rec: Record "Order Address"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check editability of Order Address record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Order Address"

    Current Order Address record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls


local procedure OnBeforeCheckDeleteOrderAddress(Rec: Record "Order Address"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check deletable of Order Address record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Order Address"

    Current Order Address record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls


local procedure OnBeforeCheckEditCommentLine(Rec: Record "Comment Line"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check editability of Comment Line record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Comment Line"

    Current Comment Line record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls


local procedure OnBeforeCheckDeleteCommentLine(Rec: Record "Comment Line"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check deletable of Comment Line record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Comment Line"

    Current Comment Line record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls


local procedure OnBeforeCheckEditDefaultDimension(Rec: Record "Default Dimension"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check editability of Default Dimension record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Default Dimension"

    Current Default Dimension record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls


local procedure OnBeforeCheckDeleteDefaultDimension(Rec: Record "Default Dimension"; var Skip: Boolean)

Raised before check deletable of Default Dimension record

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rec Record "Default Dimension"

    Current Default Dimension record

  • Skip Boolean

    If it is set to true then skip the controls

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