Codeunit 18126901 EOS00914 ADR CWS Management

Codeunit 18126901 EOS00914 ADR CWS Management



procedure GetFiscalCode(CustomerVendor: Variant): Code[20]

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustomerVendor Variant

  • Returns Code[20]


procedure GetPaymentMethod(ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"): Code[10]

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

  • Returns Code[10]


procedure GetPaymentTerms(ShipmentHeader: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"): Code[10]

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentHeader Record "EOS CWS Shipment Header"

  • Returns Code[10]


procedure GetSourceLineInfo(ShipmentLine: Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"; var RBLine: Record "EOS Report Buffer Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ShipmentLine Record "EOS CWS Shipment Line"

  • RBLine Record "EOS Report Buffer Line"


procedure RetrieveFromSales(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; CWSDocGroupingEntry: Record "EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Entry")

Retrieve the Advanced text based to the Fields Sell-to Customer No. and Bill-to Customer No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesHeader Record "Sales Header"

    The source sales header

  • CWSDocGroupingEntry Record "EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Entry"

    The CWS Doc. Grouping Entry


procedure RetrieveFromPurchase(PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; CWSDocGroupingEntry: Record "EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Entry")

Retrieve the Advanced text based to the Fields Buy-from Vendor No. and Pay-to Vendor No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseHeader Record "Purchase Header"

    The source Purchase Header

  • CWSDocGroupingEntry Record "EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Entry"

    The CWS Doc. Grouping Entry


procedure RetrieveFromService(ServiceHeader: Record "Service Header"; CWSDocGroupingEntry: Record "EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Entry")

Retrieve the Advanced text based to the Fields Customer No. and Bill-to Customer No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ServiceHeader Record "Service Header"

    The source Service Header

  • CWSDocGroupingEntry Record "EOS CWS Doc. Grouping Entry"

    The CWS Doc. Grouping Entry

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