Codeunit 18121905 EOS069 DocSolutions Management

Codeunit 18121905 EOS069 DocSolutions Management



procedure GetTableCertified(iIntTableID: Integer; iOptOptionType: Option): Boolean

Will delete the DCS Files if the related DCS Table Setup has “Delete Attch. on Rec. Delete” flag

Parameters / Return Value

  • iIntTableID Integer

    The table ID.

  • iOptOptionType Option

    The table option type.

  • Returns Boolean

    Return true if is certified


procedure TransferMetadata(var FromRec: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"; var ToRec: Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer")

Transfer attached files from a record to another

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromRec Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"

    From record

  • ToRec Record "EOS Record Ident. Buffer"

    To record


procedure IsCompletelyInvoiced(var header: Record "Sales Header"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • header Record "Sales Header"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure IsCompletelyInvoiced(var header: Record "Purchase Header"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • header Record "Purchase Header"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure CanReadLibrary(LibraryCode: Code[20]; InUserId: Code[65]; WithError: Boolean): Boolean

Check if current user can read the library

Parameters / Return Value

  • LibraryCode Code[20]

    the library to check

  • InUserId Code[65]

    the user id

  • WithError Boolean

    if true will throw an error

  • Returns Boolean

    Return true if has the permission


procedure CanWriteLibrary(LibraryCode: Code[20]; InUserId: Code[65]; WithError: Boolean): Boolean

Check if current user can write the library

Parameters / Return Value

  • LibraryCode Code[20]

    the library to check

  • InUserId Code[65]

    the user id

  • WithError Boolean

    if true will throw an error

  • Returns Boolean

    Return true if has the permission


procedure IsEnabledForRecordList(DocVariant: Variant): Boolean

Used to check if the factbox need to be visible into page of type list

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    The source record

  • Returns Boolean

    Return true if the factbox need to be visible


procedure IsEnabledForRecord(DocVariant: Variant): Boolean

Used to check if the factbox need to be visible into a generic page

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocVariant Variant

    The source record

  • Returns Boolean

    Return true if the factbox need to be visible


procedure loadDefaults()

Load defaults into setups


procedure GetReportSelectionUsageBySourceRecord(DocumentRecRef: RecordRef) Result: Integer

Get the report selection for the record

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentRecRef RecordRef

    the document record ref

  • Returns Integer


procedure PrintAndUpload(recref: RecordRef)

will print the associated report and upload to docsolution

Parameters / Return Value

  • recref RecordRef

    The document recordref


procedure UploadReport(SourceRecRef: recordRef; ReportID: Integer; filename: Text)

will print the associated report and upload to docsolution

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceRecRef recordRef

    The document recordref

  • ReportID Integer

    The report ID to use

  • filename Text

    The filename to use during upload


procedure CreateJobQueue()



procedure onDiscoverDefaultsStorages(var TempNameValueBuffer: Record "Name/Value Buffer" temporary)

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempNameValueBuffer Record "Name/Value Buffer"


procedure onRunLoadDefaults(id: Guid)

Parameters / Return Value

  • id Guid


local procedure OnBeforePrintAndUpload(recref: RecordRef; var handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • recref RecordRef

  • handled Boolean


local procedure OnAfterPrintAndUpload(recref: RecordRef)

Parameters / Return Value

  • recref RecordRef


local procedure OnBeforeCreateJobQueue(var handled: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • handled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeInsertJobQueue(var JobQueueEntry: Record "Job Queue Entry")

Parameters / Return Value

  • JobQueueEntry Record "Job Queue Entry"

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