Codeunit 18004175 EOS076 MBT Management

Codeunit 18004175 EOS076 MBT Management



procedure AdjustCapacityNeed(ProdOrderRtngLine: Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"; Force: Boolean; NewIsTempTerminated: Boolean)

adjust the needed/remaining capacities for a production order routing line, if the field “Temporarily Terminated” is set then delete all allocated capacities, otherwise recalculate the remaining capacities.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrderRtngLine Record "Prod. Order Routing Line"

    production order routing line

  • Force Boolean

    force Temporarily Terminated

  • NewIsTempTerminated Boolean

    new setting of the Temporarily Terminated if forced


procedure CheckIfAnyConsumption(var ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line"): Boolean

check if flushed consumption postings must be canceld, and fills a temporary item journal buffer with the related consumptions.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    item journal line of type output

  • Returns Boolean


procedure InsertItemJnlLine(var ItemJnlLine: Record "Item Journal Line")

inserts the temporary item journal line buffer into the output journal, it should be used only on the “Production Journal” page.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemJnlLine Record "Item Journal Line"

    item journal line of an output journal


procedure MakeUpdate(): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

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