Codeunit 18008290 EOS Commission Setup Mgt.
Gathers all functions used to handle setup data
procedure TestSalespPurchSetup()
procedure UpdateSalespPurchFromHeader(HeaderType: Integer; HeaderSubtype: Integer; HeaderID: Code[20]; HeaderSubID: Code[20]; HeaderRefNo: Integer; SalespPurchRole: Code[10]; SalespPurchCode: Code[20])
HeaderType Integer
HeaderSubtype Integer
HeaderID Code[20]
HeaderSubID Code[20]
HeaderRefNo Integer
SalespPurchRole Code[10]
SalespPurchCode Code[20]
procedure IssalesNetworkEnabled(RaiseErr: Boolean): Boolean
RaiseErr Boolean
Returns Boolean
procedure SetSingleRecordDefaultCustNetwork(var CustNetworkCombination: Record "EOS Cust. Network Combination")
Sets the default record for the customer network combination. If there is only one combination of “Customer No.” and “Ship-to Code” in the table, then it will have the default field set to true.
Record "EOS Cust. Network Combination"
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