
Table 18008290 EOS Commission Period

Setup table, contains commission perdiod records

Table 18008291 EOS Doc. Commission Line

Contains commission data for not posted documents, one record per line/salesperson

Table 18008292 EOS Commission Threshold

Setup table, contains detailed line by threshold that you can specify for each calculation setup line

Table 18008293 EOS Commissions Setup

Setup table, is the Commission module general setup

Table 18008294 EOS Add. Salesperson/Purchaser

Contains one record for each salesperson related to a document line

Table 18008295 EOS Sales Network

Setup table, contains a record for each sales network

Table 18008296 EOS Salesperson Role

Setup table, contains a record for each salesperson role

Table 18008297 EOS Salesperson Combination

Setup table, specifies relations between salespersons and sales networks

Table 18008298 EOS Commissions Calc. Setup

Setup table, specifies how to calculate commission values for every setup combination

Table 18008299 EOS Commission Group

Setup table, contains a record for each commission group. A group can be related to a Customer or a Product

Table 18008300 EOS Commission Reason Code

Setup table, contains a record for each commission reason code

Table 18008301 EOS Cust. Network Combination

Setup table, specifies relations between Customers and Sales networks

Table 18008302 EOS Commission Ledger Entry

Ledger table, contains all posted commission entries

Table 18008303 EOS Detail Comm. Ledger Entry

Ledger table, contains details related to posted commission entries

Table 18008304 EOS Commission Jnl. Template

Setup table, contains a record for each journal template

Table 18008305 EOS Commission Jnl. Batch

Setup table, contains a record for each journal batch

Table 18008306 EOS Commission Jnl. Line

Journal table, used to manually post a commission entry without any document

Table 18008307 EOS Comm. Cost All. Register

Gathers all informations related to cost allocation procedure

Table 18008308 EOS Commission Prospect Line

Contains a record for settlement prospect line

Table 18008309 EOS Commission Prospect Header

Contains a record for settlement prospect

Table 18008310 EOS Commission Processing Log

General log table used to retrieve procedures results

Table 18008311 EOS Comm. Doc. Ledger Entry

Ledger table, contains all posted commission entries

Table 18008312 EOS Comm. Reduction Setup

Setup table, specifies how to calculate commission reduction values for every combination

Table 18008313 EOS Add. Salesperson Archive

Contains one record for each salesperson related to a archived document line

Table 18008314 EOS Commission Threshold Head.

Contains one record for each default Threshold codes

Table 18008315 EOS Commission Threshold Lines

Contains one record for each default Threshold lines

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