Codeunit 18091261 EOS028 CFG Configurator Mgt.

Codeunit 18091261 EOS028 CFG Configurator Mgt.



procedure MakeLine_Sales(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line")

This is the main procedure of the Product Configurator for “Sales Line” table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “SalesLine” to be configured


procedure SetRuleRelationsOnConfiguratorClosing(DocType: Integer; DocNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocType Integer

  • DocNo Code[20]

  • DocLineNo Integer


procedure SaveDocLineCharac(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure SaveDocLineCharacFromConfigCharac(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"


procedure SaveDocLineCharac_RunCheck(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"): Boolean

This procedure checks if the save configuration action can be performed.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • Returns Boolean

    If true can be performed, if false can’t be performed.


procedure DeleteSalesLines(NewSalesLine: Record "Sales Line")

This procedure deletes sales linked lines (optional, surcharge) by “Ref. Surcharge Line No.” field.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “NewSalesLine” configured or to be configured


procedure DeletePurchaseLines(NewPurchLine: Record "Purchase Line")

This procedure deletes purchase linked lines (optional, surcharge) by “Ref. Surcharge Line No.” field.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewPurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    “NewPurchLine” configured or to be configured


procedure CryptText(KeyCode: Text): Text

This procedure encrypts a text and generate a hash.

Parameters / Return Value

  • KeyCode Text

    Text to be encrypted

  • Returns Text

    Encrypted text


procedure GetCharacValueXMLFormat(ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."): Code[50]

This procedure formats a decimal value and truncate it to a specific format.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” contains the configuration

  • Returns Code[50]

    Formatted decimal


procedure GetCharacValueXMLFormat2(RegionalNumber: Decimal; MaxLenght: integer): Code[50]

This procedure formats a decimal value and truncate it to a specific lenght.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RegionalNumber Decimal

    Decimal to format

  • MaxLenght integer

    Maximum length to be truncated

  • Returns Code[50]

    Formatted decimal


procedure GetCharacValueRegionalFormat(ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; CharacValue: Code[50]; RegionalNumber: Decimal): Code[50]

This procedure formats a characteristic value.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured

  • CharacValue Code[50]

    “ConfigCharac” contains the configuration for specific characteristic code

  • RegionalNumber Decimal

    Decimal to format

  • Returns Code[50]


procedure GetCharacValueRegionalFormat2(RegionalNumber: Decimal; MaxLenght: integer): Code[50]

This procedure formats a decimal value and truncate it to a specific lenght without thousands separator.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RegionalNumber Decimal

    Decimal to format

  • MaxLenght integer

    Maximum length to be truncated

  • Returns Code[50]

    Formatted decimal


procedure GetCharacValueRegionalFormat2(RegionalNumber: Text; MaxLenght: integer): Code[50]

This procedure formats a text value and truncate it to a specific lenght without thousands separator.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RegionalNumber Text

    Text to format

  • MaxLenght integer

    Maximum length to be truncated

  • Returns Code[50]

    Formatted decimal


procedure GetUseCode(Characteristic: Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"; CharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Characteristic Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"

  • CharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetUseDescr(Characteristic: Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"; CharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Characteristic Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"

  • CharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure GetLimitDescr(): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Integer


procedure GetLimitDescr1(): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Integer


procedure GetLimitDescr2(): Integer

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Integer


procedure CheckItemAlreadyExists(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var ItemConfigKey: Record "EOS028 CFG Item Config. Key"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

  • ItemConfigKey Record "EOS028 CFG Item Config. Key"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure IsEnableVariantMgt(RuleCode: Code[10]): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • RuleCode Code[10]

  • Returns Boolean


procedure ReplaceCharacRef(var WorkDescr: Text; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; CharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"; IsDescription: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkDescr Text

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

  • CharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

  • IsDescription Boolean


procedure ReplaceCharacRef_EnableFormatCode(var WorkDescr: Text; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; CharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value")

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkDescr Text

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

  • CharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"


procedure PricesMatrix_CalculateQuantityper_FormulaCode(var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"; ConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

  • ConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"


procedure CheckCharacteritcs(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer)

This function checks characteristcs for a specific configuration. Check if characteristcs values are present (if required) and correct.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Integer

    If sale or purchase “DocumentType” to check (0=Quote,1=Order,2=Invoice,3="Credit Memo”,4="Blanket Order”,5="Return Order”)

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    “DocumentNo” to check

  • DocLineNo Integer

    “DocLineNo” to check


procedure GetMandatoryMode(): Boolean

This functions returns if the characteristics must be checked.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    If true the characteristics (if mandatory) will be checked. If false the characteristics will not be checked (even if mandatory)


procedure InsertSalesLineFromProdBOMLine(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"


procedure MakeLine_Sales_ForLiteMode(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"


procedure MakeLine_Purchase_ForLiteMode(var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"


procedure GetEnableCFGLiteMode(SourceType: Enum "EOS028 CFG Source Type"): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Enum "EOS028 CFG Source Type"

  • Returns Boolean


procedure CheckIfEosEX02801ProductCfgForMfgIsInstalled(): Boolean

This procedure checks if app EX028.01 “Product Configurator for Manufacturing” is installed.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    If true the app EX028.01 “Product Configurator for Manufacturing” is installed. If false the app EX028.01 “Product Configurator for Manufacturing” is not installed


procedure CheckIfEosEX02802ProductCfgForExcelIsInstalled(): Boolean

This procedure checks if app EX028.02 “Product Configurator for Excel” is installed.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    If true the app EX028.02 “Product Configurator for Excel” is installed. If false the app EX028.02 “Product Configurator for Excel” is not installed


procedure Replace(var Description: Text; FromText: Text; ToText: Text)

This procedure replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string, with a new substring.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Description Text

    String to be processed

  • FromText Text

    String to search

  • ToText Text

    String to replace


procedure CheckCompRules(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; Indentation: Text)

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • DocLineNo Integer

  • Indentation Text


procedure ParseCondition(var FilterText: Text; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; WBSNo: Text[200])

Parameters / Return Value

  • FilterText Text

  • DocumentType Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • DocLineNo Integer

  • WBSNo Text[200]


procedure SetProcessLine(var ProcessLine: Boolean; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; ConfigCondLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Cond. Line"; WBSNo: Text[200])

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProcessLine Boolean

  • DocumentType Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • DocLineNo Integer

  • ConfigCondLine Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Cond. Line"

  • WBSNo Text[200]


procedure MakeLine_Item(ItemNo: Code[20])

This is the main procedure of the Product Configurator for Item table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be configured


procedure MakeLine_Production(ProdOrder: Record "Production Order")

This is the main procedure of the Product Configurator for Production Order table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrder Record "Production Order"

    “ProdOrder” to be configured


procedure MakeLine_ItemVar(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10])

This procedure is used to reconfigure item with variant.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be configured

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    “VariantCode” to be configured


procedure IsSublevelsCalculationOnClose(): Boolean

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean


procedure DeleteCharacTables(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer)

This procedure deletes all tables related to a single configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Integer

    If sale or purchase “DocumentType” to delete (0=Quote,1=Order,2=Invoice,3="Credit Memo”,4="Blanket Order”,5="Return Order”)

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    “DocumentNo” to delete

  • DocLineNo Integer

    “DocLineNo” to delete


procedure DeleteDocCharacTable(SourceType: Integer; DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer)

This procedure deletes “EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac.” table related to a single configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SourceType Integer

  • DocumentType Integer

    If sale or purchase “DocumentType” to delete (0=Quote,1=Order,2=Invoice,3="Credit Memo”,4="Blanket Order”,5="Return Order”)

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    “DocumentNo” to delete

  • DocLineNo Integer

    “DocLineNo” to delete


procedure DeleteBatchItemConfig()

This procedure deletes all tables related to a single configuration.


procedure MakeLine_TransferOrder(var TransferLine: Record "Transfer Line")

This procedure is the main procedure of the Product Configurator for “Transfer Line” table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferLine Record "Transfer Line"

    “TransferLine” to be configured


procedure MakeLine_PurchLine(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line")

This procedure is the main procedure of the Product Configurator for “Purchase Line” table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    “PurchLine” to be configured


procedure SetHiddenMode(NewHiddenMode: Boolean)

This procedure sets the Product Configurator in hidden mode (without user iteration).

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewHiddenMode Boolean

    If true is set hidden mode. If false isn’t set hidden mode


procedure SetNoUpdatePrice(NewNoUpdatePrice: Boolean)

This procedure sets if price is to be updated.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewNoUpdatePrice Boolean

    If true is set no update price mode. If false isn’t set no update price mode


procedure ProdBomHeader_CertifiedStatus(ProdBomNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10])

This procedure certifies the Production BOM.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdBomNo Code[20]

    “ProdBomNo” to be certified

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    “VariantCode” to be certified (if “Enable Variant Mgt.” is active)


procedure ProdBomHeader_SetStatus(ProdBomNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10])

This procedure sets status the Production BOM.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdBomNo Code[20]

    “ProdBomNo” to be certified

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    “VariantCode” to be certified (if “Enable Variant Mgt.” is active)


procedure ProdBomHeader_CertifiedStatus_Process(var ProdBOMHeader: Record "Production BOM Header")

This procedure certifies the Production BOM.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdBOMHeader Record "Production BOM Header"

    Production BOM Header record to be certified///


procedure ManageRoutingExt(ItemNo: Code[20]; NewItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; WorkDescr1: Text; WorkDescr2: Text; NewRoutingNo: Code[20]; SaveBOM: Boolean; SaveRouting: Boolean)

This procedure allows to reconfigure the routing from the Configurator Line. Use it for external configurations.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    The Neutral Item

  • NewItemNo Code[20]

    The configured Item

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    The Variant Code

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    The Configurator Line

  • WorkDescr1 Text

    Routing Description

  • WorkDescr2 Text

    Routing Description 2

  • NewRoutingNo Code[20]

    New Routing No. of the new Routing Header. If it is empty, the Routing No. is assigned by standard code

  • SaveBOM Boolean

    If true, it assigns the new item No. to the BOM of the item

  • SaveRouting Boolean

    If true, it assigns the Routing No. to the item


procedure CertifiedRouting(var RoutingHeader: Record "Routing Header")

This procedure certifies the Routing.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingHeader Record "Routing Header"

    “RoutingHeader” record to be certified


procedure SetRoutingStatus(var RoutingHeader: Record "Routing Header")

This procedure sets the Routing status.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingHeader Record "Routing Header"

    “RoutingHeader” record to be certified


procedure GetGeneratedItemNo(): Code[20]

This procedure returns generated item.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Code[20]

    Item No. generated.


procedure GetGeneratedVariantCode(var NewItemNo: Code[20]; var NewVariantCode: Code[10])

This procedure returns generated item and variant code.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewItemNo Code[20]

    Item No. generated.

  • NewVariantCode Code[10]

    variant Code generated.


procedure GetPriceSurchargeConfigLine(var Price: Decimal; var Surcharge: Decimal)

This procedure returns Price and Surcharge of the Configurator Line for external configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Price Decimal

    Price of the Configurator Line

  • Surcharge Decimal

    Surcharge of the Configurator Line


procedure MakeLine_ConfItem(ItemNo: Code[20])

This procedure is used to reconfigure item without variant.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be reconfigure


procedure MakeLine_ConfNeutralItem(ItemNo: Code[20])

This procedure is used to reconfigure item without variant.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be reconfigure


procedure GenerateItemConfigKey(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; var KeyCode: Text; UpdateKey: Boolean)

This procedure generates new config. key.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    Contains item no.

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    Contains variant code

  • KeyCode Text

    Contains key code

  • UpdateKey Boolean


procedure IsConfigEnabled(): Boolean

This procedure gets is Product Configurator is enable.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Boolean

    If true The Product Configurator is enable. If false the Product Configurator isn’t enable


procedure SublevelsCalculation_OnClose(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer)

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • DocLineNo Integer


procedure SublevelsCalculation_OnClose(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; TempConfigHeader: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Integer

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

  • DocLineNo Integer

  • TempConfigHeader Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"


procedure SublevelsCalculation_OnClose(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; TempConfigHeader: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"; RunCheckCompRules: Boolean)

This procedure calculate characteristics in the BOM sublevels, during configurator closing.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Integer

    If sale or purchase “DocumentType” to check (0=Quote,1=Order,2=Invoice,3="Credit Memo”,4="Blanket Order”,5="Return Order”)

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    “DocumentNo” to check

  • DocLineNo Integer

    “DocLineNo” to check

  • TempConfigHeader Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

  • RunCheckCompRules Boolean

    if true, run the procedure CheckCompRules


procedure SetConfigurationLevels(EnableConfigLevels: Boolean; ConfigLevels: Integer)

It can be used in a custom configuration to specify the level of the BOM explosion.

Parameters / Return Value

  • EnableConfigLevels Boolean

  • ConfigLevels Integer


procedure InsertItemAttributes(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; Item: Record Item)

This procedure is called by Configurator and insert/update Item Attributes.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • Item Record "Item"

    It’s the new item created by configurator


procedure InsertItemAttributeValueMappingCFG(ItemAttributeValue: Record "Item Attribute Value";Item: Record Item;ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This procedure is called by Configurator and inserts an Item Attribute Value.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemAttributeValue Record "Item Attribute Value"

    Item Attribute Value to insert

  • Item Record "Item"

    It’s the new item created by configurator

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    Current record “EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.” configured


procedure DeleteItemAttributeValueMappingCFG(ItemAttribute: Record "Item Attribute"; Characteristic: Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic";Item: Record Item; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This procedure is called by Configurator and deletes an Item Attribute Value.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemAttribute Record "Item Attribute"

    Record “Item Attribute”

  • Characteristic Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"

    It’s the Characteristic selected in the current record “ConfigCharac”

  • Item Record "Item"

    It’s the new item created by configurator

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    Current record “EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.” configured


procedure InsertItemChargeAssgntWithValuesToPurch(FromItemChargeAssgntPurch: Record "Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"; ApplToDocType: Enum "Purchase Applies-to Document Type"; FromApplToDocNo: Code[20]; FromApplToDocLineNo: Integer; FromItemNo: Code[20]; FromDescription: Text[100]; QtyToAssign: Decimal; AmountToAssign: Decimal; var NextLineNo: Integer; var ItemChargeAssgntPurch: Record "Item Charge Assignment (Purch)")

This function is called by Configurator and inserts a record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)".

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromItemChargeAssgntPurch Record "Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"

    Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)” with document information, “Item Charge No.” and “Unit Cost”

  • ApplToDocType Enum "Purchase Applies-to Document Type"

    Variable assigned to the field “Applies-to Doc. Type” of Record ItemChargeAssgntPurch

  • FromApplToDocNo Code[20]

    Variable assigned to the field “Applies-to Doc. No.” of Record ItemChargeAssgntPurch

  • FromApplToDocLineNo Integer

    Variable assigned to the field “Applies-to Doc. Line No.” of Record ItemChargeAssgntPurch

  • FromItemNo Code[20]

    Variable assigned to the field “Item No.” of Record ItemChargeAssgntSales

  • FromDescription Text[100]

    Variable assigned to the field “Description” of Record ItemChargeAssgntPurch

  • QtyToAssign Decimal

    Variable assigned to the field “Qty. to Assign” of Record ItemChargeAssgntPurch

  • AmountToAssign Decimal

    Variable assigned to the field “Amount to Assign” of Record ItemChargeAssgntPurch

  • NextLineNo Integer

    It’s the “Line No.” of Record FromItemChargeAssgntPurch

  • ItemChargeAssgntPurch Record "Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"

    New Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)” inserted


procedure InsertItemChargeAssgntWithValuesToSales(FromItemChargeAssgntSales: Record "Item Charge Assignment (Sales)"; ApplToDocType: Enum "Sales Applies-to Document Type"; FromApplToDocNo: Code[20]; FromApplToDocLineNo: Integer; FromItemNo: Code[20]; FromDescription: Text[100]; QtyToAssign: Decimal; AmountToAssign: Decimal; var NextLineNo: Integer; var ItemChargeAssgntSales: Record "Item Charge Assignment (Sales)")

This function is called by Configurator and inserts a record “Item Charge Assignment (Sales)".

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromItemChargeAssgntSales Record "Item Charge Assignment (Sales)"

    Record “Item Charge Assignment (Sales)” with document information, “Item Charge No.” and “Unit Cost”

  • ApplToDocType Enum "Sales Applies-to Document Type"

    Variable assigned to the field “Applies-to Doc. Type” of Record ItemChargeAssgntSales

  • FromApplToDocNo Code[20]

    Variable assigned to the field “Applies-to Doc. No.” of Record ItemChargeAssgntSales

  • FromApplToDocLineNo Integer

    Variable assigned to the field “Applies-to Doc. Line No.” of Record ItemChargeAssgntSales

  • FromItemNo Code[20]

    Variable assigned to the field “Item No.” of Record ItemChargeAssgntSales

  • FromDescription Text[100]

    Variable assigned to the field “Description” of Record ItemChargeAssgntSales

  • QtyToAssign Decimal

    Variable assigned to the field “Qty. to Assign” of Record ItemChargeAssgntSales

  • AmountToAssign Decimal

    Variable assigned to the field “Amount to Assign” of Record ItemChargeAssgntSales

  • NextLineNo Integer

    It’s the “Line No.” of Record FromItemChargeAssgntSales

  • ItemChargeAssgntSales Record "Item Charge Assignment (Sales)"

    New Record “Item Charge Assignment (Sales)” inserted


procedure GetItemVarLanguageDescr(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LanguageCode: Code[10]): Text[1000]

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

  • VariantCode Code[10]

  • LanguageCode Code[10]

  • Returns Text[1000]


procedure GetItemVarLanguageDescr(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; LanguageCode: Code[10]; var WorkDescription: Text[1000]; var WorkDescription1: Text[1000]; var WorkDescription2: Text[1000])

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

  • VariantCode Code[10]

  • LanguageCode Code[10]

  • WorkDescription Text[1000]

  • WorkDescription1 Text[1000]

  • WorkDescription2 Text[1000]


procedure MakeLine_ExtConfig(ExtConfigNo: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20])

This procedure is used for external configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ExtConfigNo Code[20]

    “ExtConfigNo” is the external configuration no.

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be reconfigure


procedure MakeLine_ExtConfig(ExtConfigNo: Code[20]; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10])

This procedure is used for external configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ExtConfigNo Code[20]

    “ExtConfigNo” is the external configuration no.

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be reconfigure

  • VariantCode Code[10]


procedure GetNextExternalConfigNo(): Code[20]

This procedure gets new external configuration no.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Code[20]

    External configuration no.


procedure SetOutputCharac(NewConfigID: Guid; var NewOutputCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac.")

This procedure sets output characteristics.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewConfigID Guid

    Configuration ID

  • NewOutputCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac."

    Temp. record with output characteristics


procedure GetOutputCharacValues(NewConfigID: Guid; var NewOutputCharacValues: Record "EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value")

This procedure gets output characteristics values.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewConfigID Guid

    Configuration ID

  • NewOutputCharacValues Record "EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value"

    Contains characteristics values


procedure GetOutputConfigCharac(NewConfigID: Guid; var NewOutputConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This procedure gets output characteristics values.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewConfigID Guid

    Configuration ID

  • NewOutputConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    Contains characteristics configurated


procedure GetExtExtConfigNo(): Code[20]

This procedure sets external configuration no..

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Code[20]

    External configuration no.


procedure MakeLine_Job(var JobPlanningLine: Record "Job Planning Line")

This is the main procedure of the Product Configurator for “Job Planning Line” table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • JobPlanningLine Record "Job Planning Line"

    “JobPlanningLine” to be configured



local procedure OnBeforeInsertItemAttributeCFG(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; Item: Record Item; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure InsertItemAttribute.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • Item Record "Item"

    It’s the new item created by configurator

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterInsertItemAttributeCFG(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; Item: Record Item)

This event is raised at the end of the procedure InsertItemAttribute.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • Item Record "Item"

    It’s the new item created by configurator


local procedure OnBeforeInsertItemAttributeValueMappingCFG(var ItemAttributeValueMapping: Record "Item Attribute Value Mapping";ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before insert item attribute value.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemAttributeValueMapping Record "Item Attribute Value Mapping"

    Record to insert

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    Current record “EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.” configured

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, procedure not insert the record


local procedure OnAfterInsertItemAttributeValueMappingCFG(var ItemAttributeValueMapping: Record "Item Attribute Value Mapping";ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised after insert item attribute value.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemAttributeValueMapping Record "Item Attribute Value Mapping"

    It’s the new item attribute value.

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    Current record “EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.” configured


local procedure OnBeforeDeleteItemAttributeValueMappingCFG(var ItemAttributeValueMapping: Record "Item Attribute Value Mapping";ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before delete the item attribute value.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemAttributeValueMapping Record "Item Attribute Value Mapping"

    Record to delete

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    Current record “EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.” configured

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, procedure not delete the record


local procedure OnAfterDeleteItemAttributeValueMappingCFG(ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised after delete the item attribute value.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    Current record “EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.” configured


local procedure OnBeforeMakeLine_Sales(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line")

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure MakeLine_Sales.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “SalesLine” to be configured


local procedure OnAfterMakeLine_Sales(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line")

This event is raised at the end of the procedure MakeLine_Sales.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “SalesLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeMakeLine_ItemVar(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: code[10])

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure MakeLine_ItemVar.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be configured

  • VariantCode code[10]

    “VariantCode” to be configured


local procedure OnAfterMakeLine_ItemVar(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: code[10]; var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised at the end of the procedure MakeLine_ItemVar.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be configured

  • VariantCode code[10]

    “VariantCode” to be configured

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeMakeLine_Item(ItemNo: Code[20])

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure MakeLine_Item.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be configured


local procedure OnAfterMakeLine_Item(ItemNo: Code[20]; var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised at the end of the procedure MakeLine_Item.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be configured

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeMakeLine_TransferOrder(var TransferLine: Record "Transfer Line")

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure MakeLine_TransferOrder.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferLine Record "Transfer Line"

    “TransferLine” to be configured


local procedure OnAfterMakeLine_TransferOrder(var TransferLine: Record "Transfer Line")

This event is raised at the end of the procedure MakeLine_TransferOrder.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferLine Record "Transfer Line"

    “TransferLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeMakeLine_PurchLine(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line")

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure MakeLine_PurchLine.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    “PurchLine” to be configured


local procedure OnAfterMakeLine_PurchLine(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line")

This event is raised at the end of the procedure MakeLine_PurchLine.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    “PurchLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeMakeLine_ConfItem(ItemNo: Code[20])

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure MakeLine_ConfItem.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be reconfigured


local procedure OnAfterMakeLine_ConfItem(ItemNo: Code[20])

This event is raised at the end of the procedure MakeLine_ConfItem.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be reconfigured


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateSalesLine(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure UpdateSalesLine, before updating sales line with the new configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “SalesLine” to be updated with the new configuration

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnAfterUpdateSalesLine(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised at the end of the procedure UpdateSalesLine, after updating sales line with the new configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “SalesLine” updated with the new configuration

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateSalesLine_Optional(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised before inserting the optional sales line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “SalesLine” contains the optional line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured


local procedure OnAfterUpdateSalesLine_Optional(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised after inserting the optional sales line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “SalesLine” contains the optional line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured


local procedure OnBeforeUpdatePurchaseLine_Optional(var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised before inserting the optional purchase line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"

    “PurchaseLine” contains the optional line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured


local procedure OnAfterUpdatePurchaseLine_Optional(var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised after inserting the optional purchase line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchaseLine Record "Purchase Line"

    “PurchaseLine” contains the optional line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured


local procedure OnBeginningInsertSalesLine_Surcharge(var NewSalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised at the beginning inserting the surcharge sales line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “NewSalesLine” contains the optional line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeInsertSalesLine_Surcharge(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised before inserting the surcharge sales line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “SalesLine” contains the surcharge line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured


local procedure OnAfterInsertSalesLine_Surcharge(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised after inserting the surcharge sales line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “SalesLine” contains the surcharge line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured


local procedure OnBeginningInsertPurchLine_Surcharge(var NewPurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised at the beginning inserting the surcharge Purch line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewPurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    “NewPurchLine” contains the optional line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnBeforeInsertPurchLine_Surcharge(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised before inserting the surcharge Purch line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    “PurchLine” contains the surcharge line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured


local procedure OnAfterInsertPurchLine_Surcharge(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised after inserting the surcharge Purch line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    “PurchLine” contains the surcharge line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured


local procedure OnBeforeInsertItemVarCharac(var ItemVarCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac.")

This event is raised before inserting the “EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac.” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemVarCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."

    “ItemVarCharac” record before insertion


local procedure OnAfterInsertItemVarCharac(var ItemVarCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac.")

This event is raised after inserting the “EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac.” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemVarCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."

    “ItemVarCharac” record after insertion


local procedure OnBeforeInsertProdBOMLine(var ProdBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised before inserting the “Production BOM Line” of a specific configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    “ProdBOMLine” before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnAfterInsertProdBOMLine(var ProdBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after inserting the “Production BOM Line” of a specific configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    “ProdBOMLine” after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeInsertBOMComponent(var BOMComponent: Record "BOM Component"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised before inserting the “BOM Component” of a specific configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • BOMComponent Record "BOM Component"

    Record BOM Component to insert

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnAfterInsertBOMComponent(var BOMComponent: Record "BOM Component"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after inserting the “BOM Component” of a specific configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • BOMComponent Record "BOM Component"

    Record BOM Component inserted

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateBOMComponent(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ItemNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before delete and update BOM Component.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be configured

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeGetNewItemNo(var NewItemNo: Text; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantKeyCode: Text; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before set the new purchase “Item No.".

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewItemNo Text

    “NewItemNo” to be set

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    Purchase “ItemNo”

  • VariantKeyCode Text

    “VariantKeyCode” is a text with all characteristics concatenated

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and the “NewItemNo” is returned. If false the procedure continues and the “NewItemNo” will be calculated


local procedure OnBeforeInsertNewItem(var NewItem: Record "EOS028 CFG New Item")

This event is raised before inserting the “EOS028 CFG New Item” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewItem Record "EOS028 CFG New Item"

    “NewItem” record before insertion


local procedure OnAfterInsertNewItem(var NewItem: Record "EOS028 CFG New Item")

This event is raised after inserting the “EOS028 CFG New Item” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewItem Record "EOS028 CFG New Item"

    “NewItem” record after insertion


local procedure OnBeforeInsertNeutralRule(var NeutralRule: Record "EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule")

This event is raised before inserting the “EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NeutralRule Record "EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule"

    “NeutralRule” record before insertion


local procedure OnAfterInsertNeutralRule(var NeutralRule: Record "EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule")

This event is raised after inserting the “EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NeutralRule Record "EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule"

    “NeutralRule” record after insertion


local procedure OnBeforeInsertNeutralRule_FromTempNeutralRule(var NeutralRule: Record "EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule"; TempNeutralItem: Record "EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem")

This event is raised after inserting the “EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule” record from “EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NeutralRule Record "EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule"

    “NeutralRule” before insertion from “Temp Neutral Item”

  • TempNeutralItem Record "EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem"

    “TempNeutralItem” configured


local procedure OnAfterInsertNeutralRule_FromTempNeutralRule(var NeutralRule: Record "EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule"; TempNeutralItem: Record "EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem")

This event is raised after inserting the “EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule” record from “EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NeutralRule Record "EOS028 CFG Neutral Rule"

    “NeutralRule” after insertion from “Temp Neutral Item”

  • TempNeutralItem Record "EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem"

    “TempNeutralItem” configured


local procedure OnAfterCopyItemReferences(ItemNo: code[20]; NewItemNo: code[20])

This event is raised after copying the features from neutral to fix Item.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo code[20]

    Old “ItemNo” to copy from

  • NewItemNo code[20]

    New “NewItemNo” in which to copy


local procedure OnBeforeInsertTempNeutralItem_Detail(var TempNeutralItem: Record "EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised before inserting the “EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempNeutralItem Record "EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem"

    “TempNeutralItem” record before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnAfterInsertTempNeutralItem_Detail(var TempNeutralItem: Record "EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after inserting the “EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempNeutralItem Record "EOS028 CFG TempNeutralItem"

    “TempNeutralItem” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeInsertConfigLine_FromTempBOMBuffer(var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; TempBOMBuffer: Record "BOM Buffer"; TempConfigHeader: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised before inserting the “EOS028 CFG Configurator Line” record from “BOM Buffer” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” record before insertion

  • TempBOMBuffer Record "BOM Buffer"

    Buffer table with all characteristics configured

  • TempConfigHeader Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"

    Temp. record with configuration header

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnAfterInsertConfigLine_FromTempBOMBuffer(var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; TempBOMBuffer: Record "BOM Buffer"; TempConfigHeader: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised after inserting the “EOS028 CFG Configurator Line” record from “BOM Buffer” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” record after insertion

  • TempBOMBuffer Record "BOM Buffer"

    Buffer table with all characteristics configured

  • TempConfigHeader Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"

    Temp. record with configuration header

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnBeforeInsertConfigLine_FromTempConfig(var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; TempConfigHeader: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised before inserting the “EOS028 CFG Configurator Line” record from “EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” record before insertion

  • TempConfigHeader Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"

    Temp. record with configuration header

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnAfterInsertConfigLine_FromTempConfig(var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; TempConfigHeader: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised after inserting the “EOS028 CFG Configurator Line” record from “EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” record after insertion

  • TempConfigHeader Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"

    Temp. record with configuration header

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line">


local procedure OnBeforeInsertConfigCharac(var ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; TempConfigHeader: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; RuleCharacteristic: Record "EOS028 CFG Rule Characteristic")

This event is raised before inserting the “EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” record before insertion

  • TempConfigHeader Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"

    Temp. record with configuration header

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • RuleCharacteristic Record "EOS028 CFG Rule Characteristic"

    “RuleCharacteristic” record associated


local procedure OnAfterInsertConfigCharac(var ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; TempConfigHeader: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; RuleCharacteristic: Record "EOS028 CFG Rule Characteristic")

This event is raised afeter inserting the “EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” record after insertion

  • TempConfigHeader Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"

    Temp. record with configuration header

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • RuleCharacteristic Record "EOS028 CFG Rule Characteristic"

    “RuleCharacteristic” record associated


local procedure OnBeforeInsertConfCharacValue(var ConfCharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; RuleCharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Rule Charac. Value")

This event is raised before inserting the “EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfCharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value"

    “ConfCharacValue” record before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • RuleCharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Rule Charac. Value"

    “RuleCharacValue” associated


local procedure OnAfterInsertConfCharacValue(var ConfCharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; RuleCharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Rule Charac. Value")

This event is raised after inserting the “EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfCharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value"

    “ConfCharacValue” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • RuleCharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Rule Charac. Value"

    “RuleCharacValue” associated


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateWeights(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before calculating the weights (Gross Weight, Net Weight, Unit Volume) and updating them on the Item master.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” in which to calculate the weights

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    “VariantCode” in which to calculate the weights

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and weights will not be not calculated. If false the procedure continues and weight will be calculated


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateTransferLine(var TransferLine: Record "Transfer Line"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised before updating the Transfer Line after configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferLine Record "Transfer Line"

    “TransferLine” before update with new configuration

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnAfterUpdateTransferLine(var TransferLine: Record "Transfer Line"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised after updating the Transfer Line after configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TransferLine Record "Transfer Line"

    “TransferLine” after update with new configuration

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnBeforeUpdatePurchLine(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised before updating the Purchase Line after configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    “PurchLine” before update with new configuration

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnAfterUpdatePurchLine(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised after updating the Purchase Line after configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    “PurchLine” after update with new configuration

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnBeforeInsertRoutingHeader(var RoutingHeader: Record "Routing Header")

This event is raised before inserting the “Routing Header” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingHeader Record "Routing Header"

    “RoutingHeader” record before insertion


local procedure OnAfterInsertRoutingHeader(var RoutingHeader: Record "Routing Header")

This event is raised after inserting the “Routing Header” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingHeader Record "Routing Header"

    “RoutingHeader” record after insertion


local procedure OnBeforeInsertRoutingLineWithEnableRuleCondition(var RoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; SourceRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line")

This event is raised before inserting the “Routing Line” record with enable rule condition.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “RoutingLine” record before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • SourceRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    Source “RoutingLine” record of the neutral item


local procedure OnAfterInsertRoutingLineWithEnableRuleCondition(var RoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; SourceRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line")

This event is raised after inserting the “Routing Line” record with enable rule condition.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “RoutingLine” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • SourceRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    Source “RoutingLine” record of the neutral item


local procedure OnBeforeInsertRoutingLineWithProcLogic(var RoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ProcLogicLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Proc. Logic Line"; SourceRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line")

This event is raised before inserting the “Routing Line” record with Proc. Logic.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “RoutingLine” record before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ProcLogicLine Record "EOS028 CFG Proc. Logic Line"

  • SourceRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    Source “RoutingLine” record of the neutral item


local procedure OnAfterInsertRoutingLineWithProcLogic(var RoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ProcLogicLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Proc. Logic Line"; SourceRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line")

This event is raised after inserting the “Routing Line” record with Proc. Logic.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “RoutingLine” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ProcLogicLine Record "EOS028 CFG Proc. Logic Line"

  • SourceRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    Source “RoutingLine” record of the neutral item


local procedure OnBeforeInsertRoutingLine(var RoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; SourceRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line")

This event is raised before inserting the “Routing Line” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “RoutingLine” record before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • SourceRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    Source “RoutingLine” record of the neutral item


local procedure OnAfterInsertRoutingLine(var RoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; SourceRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line")

This event is raised after inserting the “Routing Line” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • RoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “RoutingLine” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • SourceRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    Source “RoutingLine” record of the neutral item


local procedure OnBeforeInsertProdBomHeader(var ProdBOMHeader: Record "Production BOM Header"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised before inserting the “Production BOM Header” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdBOMHeader Record "Production BOM Header"

    “ProdBOMHeader” record before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnAfterInsertProdBomHeader(var ProdBOMHeader: Record "Production BOM Header"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after inserting the “Production BOM Header” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdBOMHeader Record "Production BOM Header"

    “ProdBOMHeader” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeInsertItem(var Item: Record Item; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised before inserting the “Item” record for new configuration without “Variant Mgt.".

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    “Item” record before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnAfterInsertItem(var Item: Record Item; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after inserting the “Item” record for new configuration without “Variant Mgt.".

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    “Item">"Item” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnAfterModifyItem_ExistingConfig(var Item: Record Item; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after modify the “Item” record for new configuration without “Variant Mgt.".

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    “Item">"Item” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeInsertItemVar(var ItemVariant: Record "Item Variant"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised before inserting the “Item” record for new configuration without “Variant Mgt.".

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemVariant Record "Item Variant"

    “ItemVariant” record before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnAfterInsertItemVar(var ItemVariant: Record "Item Variant"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised before inserting the “Item Variant” record for new configuration with “Variant Mgt.".

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemVariant Record "Item Variant"

    “ItemVariant” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeInsertItemConfigKey(var ItemConfigKey: Record "EOS028 CFG Item Config. Key")

This event is raised before inserting the “EOS028 CFG Item Config. Key” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemConfigKey Record "EOS028 CFG Item Config. Key"

    “ItemConfigKey” record before insertion


local procedure OnAfterInsertItemConfigKey(var ItemConfigKey: Record "EOS028 CFG Item Config. Key")

This event is raised after inserting the “EOS028 CFG Item Config. Key” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemConfigKey Record "EOS028 CFG Item Config. Key"

    “ItemConfigKey” record after insertion


local procedure OnBeforeCreatePurchItem(var Item: Record Item; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised before inserting the new purchase Item record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    “Item” record before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnAfterCreatePurchItem(var Item: Record Item; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after inserting the new purchase Item record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    “Item” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeCopyRoutingComments(FromRoutingHeader: Record "Routing Header"; ToRoutingHeader: Record "Routing Header"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before copying routing comments from neutral to fix routing.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromRoutingHeader Record "Routing Header"

    “FromRoutingHeader” to copy from comments

  • ToRoutingHeader Record "Routing Header"

    ToRoutingHeader” in which to copy comments

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and don’t copy comments. If false the procedure continues and copy comments


local procedure OnBeforeCopyRoutingLineComments(FromRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ToRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before copying routing line comments from neutral to fix routing line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “FromRoutingLine” to copy from comments

  • ToRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “ToRoutingLine” in which to copy comments

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and don’t copy comments. If false the procedure continues and copy comments


local procedure OnAfterCopyRoutingLineComments(FromRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ToRoutingLine: Record "Routing Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after copying routing line comments from neutral to fix routing line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “FromRoutingLine” to copy from comments

  • ToRoutingLine Record "Routing Line"

    “ToRoutingLine” in which to copy comments

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnAfterCopyRoutingComments(FromRoutingHeader: Record "Routing Header"; ToRoutingHeader: Record "Routing Header"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after copying routing comments from neutral to fix routing.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromRoutingHeader Record "Routing Header"

    “FromRoutingHeader” to copy from comments

  • ToRoutingHeader Record "Routing Header"

    “ToRoutingHeader” in which to copy comments

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeCopyBOMComments(FromProdBOMHeader: Record "Production BOM Header"; ToProdBOMHeader: Record "Production BOM Header"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before copying Production BOM comments from neutral to fix Production BOM.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromProdBOMHeader Record "Production BOM Header"

    “FromProdBOMHeader” to copy from comments

  • ToProdBOMHeader Record "Production BOM Header"

    “ToProdBOMHeader” in which to copy comments

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and don’t copy comments. If false the procedure continues and copy comments


local procedure OnAfterCopyBOMComments(FromProdBOMHeader: Record "Production BOM Header"; ToProdBOMHeader: Record "Production BOM Header"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after copying Production BOM comments from neutral to fix Production BOM.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromProdBOMHeader Record "Production BOM Header"

    “FromProdBOMHeader” to copy from comments

  • ToProdBOMHeader Record "Production BOM Header"

    “ToProdBOMHeader” in which to copy comments

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeCopyBOMLineComments(FromProdBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line"; ToProdBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before copying Production Line BOM comments from neutral to fix Production BOM Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromProdBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    “FromProdBOMLine” to copy from comments

  • ToProdBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    “ToProdBOMLine” in which to copy comments

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and don’t copy comments. If false the procedure continues and copy comments


local procedure OnAfterCopyBOMLineComments(FromProdBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line"; ToProdBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after copying Production Line BOM comments from neutral to fix Production Line BOM.

Parameters / Return Value

  • FromProdBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    “FromProdBOMLine” to copy from comments

  • ToProdBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    “ToProdBOMLine” in which to copy comments

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeManageProductConfigMode(ProductConfigMode: Enum "EOS028 CFG Product Configurator Mode"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised after confirming the configuration in lite mode but before starting the configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProductConfigMode Enum "EOS028 CFG Product Configurator Mode"

    “ProductConfigMode” enum to understand if Product Configurator is or not in lite mode

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and does not save the characteristics. If false the procedure continues and save the characteristics


local procedure OnAfterManageProductConfigMode(ProductConfigMode: Enum "EOS028 CFG Product Configurator Mode"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised after confirming the configuration in lite mode but after starting the configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProductConfigMode Enum "EOS028 CFG Product Configurator Mode"

    “ProductConfigMode” enum to understand if Product Configurator is or not in lite mode

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnBeforeInsertDocLineCharac(var DocLineCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac."; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised before inserting “EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac.” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocLineCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac."

    “DocLineCharac” record before insertion

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured


local procedure OnAfterInsertDocLineCharac(var DocLineCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac."; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac.")

This event is raised after inserting “EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac.” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocLineCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac."

    “DocLineCharac” record after insertion

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” configured


local procedure OnBeforeGetMandatoryMode(ProductConfigMode: Enum "EOS028 CFG Product Configurator Mode"; var ReturnValue: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised to return if Enum “EOS028 CFG Product Configurator Mode” (which can be extended) mandatory characteristics are to be checked.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProductConfigMode Enum "EOS028 CFG Product Configurator Mode"

    “ProductConfigMode” enum to understand if Product Configurator is or not in lite mode

  • ReturnValue Boolean

    If true mandatory mode is set. If false mandatory mode isn’t set

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and don’t calculate mandatory mode. If false the procedure continues and calculate mandatory mode


local procedure OnAfterDeleteCharacTables(DocumentType: Integer; DocumentNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer)

This event is raised after procedure DeleteCharacTables that delete all tables related to a single configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • DocumentType Integer

    If sale or purchase “DocumentType” to delete (0=Quote,1=Order,2=Invoice,3="Credit Memo”,4="Blanket Order”,5="Return Order”)

  • DocumentNo Code[20]

    “DocumentNo” to delete

  • DocLineNo Integer

    “DocLineNo” to delete


local procedure OnAfterMakeLine_Process(TempConfigHeader: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised after procedure MakeLine_Process, click immediately before the configuration opens.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempConfigHeader Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"


local procedure OnSetNewItemNoWithoutEnabledFormatCode(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var ItemNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This procedure sets new item no without enable rule format code.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    Item No. to sets

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and the “NewItemNo” is returned. If false the procedure continues and the “NewItemNo” will be calculated


local procedure OnSetNewItemNoWithEnabledFormatCode(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var ItemNo: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This procedure sets new item no with enable rule format code.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ItemNo Text

    Item No. to sets

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and the “NewItemNo” is returned. If false the procedure continues and the “NewItemNo” will be calculated


local procedure OnSetNewVariantCodeWithoutEnabledFormatCode(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var VariantCode: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This procedure sets new variant code without enable rule format code.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • VariantCode Code[20]

    Variant code to sets

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and the “NewItemNo” is returned. If false the procedure continues and the “NewItemNo” will be calculated


local procedure OnSetNewVariantCodeWithEnabledFormatCode(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var VariantCode: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This procedure sets new variant code with enable rule format code.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • VariantCode Text

    Variant code to sets

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops and the “NewItemNo” is returned. If false the procedure continues and the “NewItemNo” will be calculated


local procedure OnBeforeReplaceCharacRef_EnableFormatCode(var WorkDescr: Text; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; CharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This procedure runs when the code format is enabled. Starts before feature characteristic replacement.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkDescr Text

    WorkDescr contains new item code

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” contains the configuration

  • CharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

    “ConfigCharac” contains the configuration for specific characteristic code

  • IsHandled Boolean


local procedure OnNotUseCurrentCharacteristInTheKey(Characteristic: Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"; CharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"; var NotUseCurrentCharacteristInTheKey: Boolean)

This procedure manages whether or not the current characteristic must be used in the calculation of the item configured key.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Characteristic Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"

    Current characteristic

  • CharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

    Current characteristic value

  • NotUseCurrentCharacteristInTheKey Boolean

    If set to true current characteristic it will not be considered in the calculation of the key


local procedure OnNotUseCurrentCharacteristInTheKeyWithRule(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; Characteristic: Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"; CharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"; var NotUseCurrentCharacteristInTheKey: Boolean)

This procedure manages whether or not the current characteristic must be used in the calculation of the item configured key.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • Characteristic Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"

    Current characteristic

  • CharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

    Current characteristic value

  • NotUseCurrentCharacteristInTheKey Boolean

    If set to true current characteristic it will not be considered in the calculation of the key


local procedure OnBeforeSetCharacDefault(TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"; ItemToLoad: Code[20]; var SuggestDefaultCharac: Boolean)

This procedure is performed before inserting the characteristics of the item already configured in the configuration phase.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Current configuration

  • ItemToLoad Code[20]

    Contains the item code from which the configurator was opened

  • SuggestDefaultCharac Boolean

    If true the default characteristics will not be validated


local procedure OnAfterSetCharacDefault(TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"; ItemToLoad: Code[20])

This procedure is performed after inserting the characteristics of the item already configured in the configuration phase.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Current configuration

  • ItemToLoad Code[20]

    Contains the item code from which the configurator was opened


local procedure OnAfterManageNeutralToConfiguration(var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This procedure is performed at the end of the item configuration phase from neutral to configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeMakeLine_Production(var ProdOrder: Record "Production Order")

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure MakeLine_Production.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrder Record "Production Order"

    “ProdOrder” to be configured


local procedure OnAfterMakeLine_Production(var ProdOrder: Record "Production Order")

This event is raised at the end of the procedure MakeLine_Production.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrder Record "Production Order"

    “ProdOrder” configured


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateProdOrder(var ProdOrder: Record "Production Order"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised before updating the Production Order after configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrder Record "Production Order"

    “ProdOrder” before update with new configuration

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnAfterUpdateProdOrder(var ProdOrder: Record "Production Order"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised after updating the Production Order after configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdOrder Record "Production Order"

    “ProdOrder” after update with new configuration

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnCloseConfigurator(TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised before close configurator in hidden mode.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnAfterMakeLine_Confirm(TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"; ItemNoAlreadyExist: Boolean; ItemNo: Code[20]; VarCodeAlreadyExist: Boolean; ItemNoVarCode: Code[20]; VarCode: Code[10])

This event is raised at the end of the configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line

  • ItemNoAlreadyExist Boolean

    Indicates whether the configured item no. already exists (variant management not enabled)

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    Configured item

  • VarCodeAlreadyExist Boolean

    Indicates whether the configured variant code already exists (variant management enabled)

  • ItemNoVarCode Code[20]

    Neutral item

  • VarCode Code[10]

    Variant configured


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateProdBom(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before the update of the production BOM.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be configured

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    “VariantCode” to be configured

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true the procedure stops. If false the procedure continues


local procedure OnCheckCompRulesOnBeforeCheckCondition(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised in CheckCompRules procedure for each record of “EOS028 CFG Configurator Line” table with a Condition before the condition check

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    The “EOS028 CFG Configurator Line” record


local procedure OnCheckCompRulesOnAfterCheckCondition(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ProcessLine: Boolean)

This event is raised in CheckCompRules procedure for each record of “EOS028 CFG Configurator Line” table with a Condition after the condition check

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    The “EOS028 CFG Configurator Line” record

  • ProcessLine Boolean

    ProcessLine is true when the RuleRelation is true


local procedure OnBeforeInsertItemChargeAssgntPurch(NewPurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var ItemChargeAssgntPurch: Record "Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before insert the Record “ItemChargeAssgntPurch”. Allows you to change the record or stop the insertion.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewPurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    It’s the Record “Purchase Line” of the item created by configurator

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    It’s the Record “Purchase Line” of the charge item

  • ItemChargeAssgntPurch Record "Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"

    Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)” to insert

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterInsertItemChargeAssgntPurch(NewPurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; var ItemChargeAssgntPurch: Record "Item Charge Assignment (Purch)")

This event is raised after the Record “ItemChargeAssgntPurch” is inserted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewPurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    It’s the Record “Purchase Line” of the item created by configurator

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    It’s the Record “Purchase Line” of the charge item

  • ItemChargeAssgntPurch Record "Item Charge Assignment (Purch)"

    Record “Item Charge Assignment (Purch)” inserted


local procedure OnBeforeInsertItemChargeAssgntSales(NewSalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var ItemChargeAssgntSales: Record "Item Charge Assignment (Sales)"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before insert the Record “ItemChargeAssgntSales”. Allows you to change the record or stop the insertion.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    It’s the Record “Sales Line” of the item created by configurator

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    It’s the Record “Sales Line” of the charge item

  • ItemChargeAssgntSales Record "Item Charge Assignment (Sales)"

    Record “Item Charge Assignment (Sales)” to insert

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnAfterInsertItemChargeAssgntSales(NewSalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var ItemChargeAssgntSales: Record "Item Charge Assignment (Sales)")

This event is raised after the Record “ItemChargeAssgntSales” is inserted.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    It’s the Record “Sales Line” of the item created by configurator

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    It’s the Record “Sales Line” of the charge item

  • ItemChargeAssgntSales Record "Item Charge Assignment (Sales)"

    Record “Item Charge Assignment (Sales)” inserted


local procedure OnBeforeValidatePurchLine_Surcharge(var PurchLine: Record "Purchase Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised in “InsertPurchLine_Surcharge” procedure, before validate PurchLine “Type” and “No.” fields.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PurchLine Record "Purchase Line"

    It’s the Record “Purchase Line” to modify

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” contains the configuration

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the validate of the PurchLine fields


local procedure OnBeforeValidateSalesLine_Surcharge(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised in “InsertSalesLine_Surcharge” procedure, before validate SalesLine “Type” and “No.” fields.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    It’s the Record “Sales Line” to modify

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” contains the configuration

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the validate of the SalesLine fields


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateDescriptions_Item(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var Item: Record Item; VariantCode: Code[10]; WorkDescr1: Text; WorkDescr2: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure UpdateDescriptions_Item(). Use it to avoid changing the item description.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • Item Record "Item"

    Item to modify

  • VariantCode Code[10]


  • WorkDescr1 Text

    New value of “Description” field

  • WorkDescr2 Text

    New value of “Description 2” field

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeCreateItemDescr_WithFormatDescr(Characteristic: Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic";CharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value";ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line";var WorkDescr: Text; var WorkDescr1: Text; var WorkDescr2: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised in the procedure SetWorkDescriptions() to configure the Item Descriptions if the Rule contains a Format Description. Use it to skip the Characteristic and its value.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Characteristic Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"

    Current Record “EOS028 CFG Characteristic”

  • CharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

    Record “EOS028 CFG Charac. Value”

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” contains the current configuration of the Characteristic

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • WorkDescr Text

    value added to the “WorkDescr1” if is enabled “Use Item Description” on the Rule

  • WorkDescr1 Text

    value of “Description” field

  • WorkDescr2 Text

    value of “Description 2” field

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, not add Characteristic and its Value to the Descriptions


local procedure OnBeforeCreateItemDescr(Characteristic: Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic";CharacValue: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value";ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line";var WorkDescr: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean; var FirstCharac: Boolean)

Raised in the procedure SetWorkDescriptions() to configure the Item Description. The app code concatenates the current Characteristic and its Value to the “WorkDescr”. Use it to skip the Characteristic and its value.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Characteristic Record "EOS028 CFG Characteristic"

    Current Record “EOS028 CFG Characteristic”

  • CharacValue Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

    Record “EOS028 CFG Charac. Value”

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    “ConfigCharac” contains the current configuration of the Characteristic

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • WorkDescr Text

    value of “Description” field

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, not add Characteristic and its Value to the Description

  • FirstCharac Boolean

    Indicates if the Characteristic is the first of the configuration


local procedure OnAfterMakeLineWithOutputCharac_Process(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigID: Guid; var OutputCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac."; var OutputCharacValues: Record "EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value"; var StopConfig: Boolean)

This event is raised after procedure MakeLine_Process, click immediately before the configuration opens.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    The “EOS028 CFG Configurator Line” record

  • ConfigID Guid

    Configuration ID

  • OutputCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac."

    Temp. record with output characteristics

  • OutputCharacValues Record "EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value"

    Temp. record with output characteristics values

  • StopConfig Boolean

    Determines whether to stop the configuration


local procedure OnAfterGetItemVarLanguageDescr(Rule: Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"; Item: Record Item; VariantCode: Code[10]; LanguageCode: Code[10]; var WorkDesc: Text; var WorkDesc1: Text; var WorkDesc2: Text)

Raised at the end of the procedure “GetItemVarLanguageDescr()". Use it to modify the WorkDesc.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Rule Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"

    Rule on the Item

  • Item Record "Item"


  • VariantCode Code[10]

    Variant Code

  • LanguageCode Code[10]

    Language Code

  • WorkDesc Text

    Translated Item Description

  • WorkDesc1 Text

    Translated Description 1, if exists a format description 1 on the rule

  • WorkDesc2 Text

    Translated Description 2, if exists a format description 2 on the rule


local procedure OnBeforeSetWorkDescrFromRule_WithFormatDescr(var ItemVariantChar: Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."; var VarCharTrans: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"; var CharTrans: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"; VarChar: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"; var Rule: Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"; LanguageCode: Code[10]; var WorkDesc: Text; var WorkDesc1: Text; var WorkDesc2: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised in the procedure “GetItemVarLanguageDescr()", before translate Descr.1 and Descr.2 if the rule has a format description.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemVariantChar Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."

    Current Record “EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac.”

  • VarCharTrans Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"

    Translation of the Characteristic

  • CharTrans Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"

    Translation of the value

  • VarChar Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

    Record “EOS028 CFG Charac. Value”

  • Rule Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"

    Rule on the Item

  • LanguageCode Code[10]

    Language Code

  • WorkDesc Text

    Translated Item Description

  • WorkDesc1 Text

    Translated Description 1, if exists a format description 1 on the rule

  • WorkDesc2 Text

    Translated Description 2, if exists a format description 2 on the rule

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the app code


local procedure OnBeforeSetWorkDescr_WithValueTransl(var ItemVariantChar: Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."; var VarCharTrans: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"; var CharTrans: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"; VarChar: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"; Rule: Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"; LanguageCode: Code[10]; var WorkDesc: Text; var WorkDesc1: Text; var WorkDesc2: Text; var FirstChar: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised in the procedure “GetItemVarLanguageDescr()", before set the Description with value and characteristic translations.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemVariantChar Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."

    Current Record “EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac.”

  • VarCharTrans Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"

    Translation of the Characteristic

  • CharTrans Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"

    Translation of the value

  • VarChar Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

    Record “EOS028 CFG Charac. Value”

  • Rule Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"

    Rule on the Item

  • LanguageCode Code[10]

    Language Code

  • WorkDesc Text

    Translated Item Description

  • WorkDesc1 Text

    Translated Description 1, if exists a format description 1 on the rule

  • WorkDesc2 Text

    Translated Description 2, if exists a format description 2 on the rule

  • FirstChar Boolean

    Specifies if is the first characteristic

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the app code


local procedure OnBeforeSetWorkDescr_CharacTypeMeasure(var ItemVariantChar: Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."; var VarCharTrans: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"; var CharTrans: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"; VarChar: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"; Rule: Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"; LanguageCode: Code[10]; var WorkDesc: Text; var WorkDesc1: Text; var WorkDesc2: Text; var FirstChar: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised in the procedure “GetItemVarLanguageDescr()", before set WorkDesc if the characteristic type is measure and so the value has not a translation.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemVariantChar Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."

    Current Record “EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac.”

  • VarCharTrans Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"

    Translation of the Characteristic

  • CharTrans Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"

    Translation of the value

  • VarChar Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

    Record “EOS028 CFG Charac. Value”

  • Rule Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"

    Rule on the Item

  • LanguageCode Code[10]

    Language Code

  • WorkDesc Text

    Translated Item Description

  • WorkDesc1 Text

    Translated Description 1, if exists a format description 1 on the rule

  • WorkDesc2 Text

    Translated Description 2, if exists a format description 2 on the rule

  • FirstChar Boolean

    Specifies if is the first characteristic

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the app code


local procedure OnBeforeTranslDescrFromRule_WithFormatDescr(var ItemVariantChar: Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."; var VarCharTrans: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"; var CharTrans: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"; VarChar: Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"; Rule: Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"; LanguageCode: Code[10]; var WorkDesc: Text; var WorkDesc1: Text; var WorkDesc2: Text; var FirstChar: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised in the procedure “GetItemVarLanguageDescr()", before set WorkDesc1 and WorkDesc2 if the rule has a format description.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemVariantChar Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."

    Current Record “EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac.”

  • VarCharTrans Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"

    Translation of the Characteristic

  • CharTrans Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Translation"

    Translation of the value

  • VarChar Record "EOS028 CFG Charac. Value"

    Record “EOS028 CFG Charac. Value”

  • Rule Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"

    Rule on the Item

  • LanguageCode Code[10]

    Language Code

  • WorkDesc Text

    Translated Item Description

  • WorkDesc1 Text

    Translated Description 1, if exists a format description 1 on the rule

  • WorkDesc2 Text

    Translated Description 2, if exists a format description 2 on the rule

  • FirstChar Boolean

    Specifies if is the first characteristic

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the app code


local procedure OnBeforeFindSetItemVariantChar(var ItemVariantChar: Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."; var Rule: Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"; LanguageCode: Code[10]; var WorkDesc: Text; var WorkDesc1: Text; var WorkDesc2: Text)

Raised in the procedure “GetItemVarLanguageDescr()".

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemVariantChar Record "EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac."

    Current Record “EOS028 CFG Item Var. Charac.”

  • Rule Record "EOS028 CFG Rule"

    Rule on the Item

  • LanguageCode Code[10]

    Language Code

  • WorkDesc Text

    Translated Item Description

  • WorkDesc1 Text

    Translated Description 1, if exists a format description 1 on the rule

  • WorkDesc2 Text

    Translated Description 2, if exists a format description 2 on the rule


local procedure OnAfterSetItemDescrTransl(var ItemTrans: Record "Item Translation"; LanguageCode: Code[10]; var WorkDesc: Text)

Raised in the procedure “GetItemVarLanguageDescr()", after set the WorkDesc with the item translation.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemTrans Record "Item Translation"

    Record “Item Translation”

  • LanguageCode Code[10]

    Language Code

  • WorkDesc Text

    Translated Item Description


local procedure OnBeforeManageRouting(ItemNo: Code[20]; NewItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var WorkDescr1: Text; var WorkDescr2: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised at the beginning of procedure ManageRouting(). Use it to skip the insertion of routing on the new configured item.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    Item No

  • NewItemNo Code[20]

    “Item No.” of the new configured item

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    Variant Code

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • WorkDescr1 Text

    “Description” of the new Routing.

  • WorkDescr2 Text

    “Description 2” of the new Routing.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the app code


local procedure OnBeforeMakeLine_ExtConfig(ItemNo: Code[20])

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure MakeLine_ExtConfig.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be configured


local procedure OnAfterMakeLine_ExtConfig(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10])

This event is raised at the end of the procedure MakeLine_ExtConfig.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be configured

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    “VariantCode” to be configured


local procedure OnAfterMakeLineWithOutputCharac_ExtConfig_Process(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ConfigID: Guid; ExtConfigNo: code[20]; var OutputCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac."; var OutputCharacValues: Record "EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value"; var StopConfig: Boolean)

This event is raised after procedure MakeLine_Process, click immediately before the configuration opens.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    The “EOS028 CFG Configurator Line” record

  • ConfigID Guid

    Configuration ID

  • ExtConfigNo code[20]

    External configuration no.

  • OutputCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Doc. Line Charac."

    Temp. record with output characteristics

  • OutputCharacValues Record "EOS028 CFG Conf. Charac. Value"

    Temp. record with output characteristics values

  • StopConfig Boolean

    Determines whether to stop the configuration


local procedure OnBeforeMakeLine_Process_ExtConfig(TempConfigHeader: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"; var SkipMakeLineProcess: Boolean)

This event is raised before procedure MakeLine_Process, valid only for external configurations.

Parameters / Return Value

  • TempConfigHeader Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigHeader"

    Temp. record with configuration header

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line

  • SkipMakeLineProcess Boolean

    Determines whether to skip MakeLine_Process procedure


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateSalesLine_ProdBOMLine(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var NewSalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ProdBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line")

This event is raised before inserting the sales line, copied from Production BOM Line of the configured item.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “SalesLine” contains the line to insert

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • NewSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Sales Line of the configured item

  • ProdBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    Record “Production BOM Line”


local procedure OnAfterUpdateSalesLine_ProdBOMLine(var SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var NewSalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ProdBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line")

This event is raised after inserting the sales line, copied from Production BOM Line of the configured item.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    “SalesLine” contains the line created from Production BOM Line

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • NewSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Sales Line of the configured item

  • ProdBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    Record “Production BOM Line”


local procedure OnBeforeModifySalesLineToComment(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var xSalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised in the procedure InsertSalesLineFromProdBOMLine. Raised before modify the Sales Line to comment after item configuration, if flag “Change to Comment Line” is enabled on Setup.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • xSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Sales Line to modify to comment

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip modify on sales line


local procedure OnAfterModifySalesLineToComment(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var CommentSalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; var xSalesLine: Record "Sales Line" temporary)

Raised in the procedure InsertSalesLineFromProdBOMLine. Raised after modify the Sales Line to comment after item configuration, if flag “Change to Comment Line” is enabled on Setup.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • CommentSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Sales Line modified to comment

  • xSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Original Sales Line of the configured item


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateSalesLinePrice_ProdBOMLine(var SalesLineBOM: Record "Sales Line"; var NewSalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; ProdBOMLine: Record "Production BOM Line"; TotalUnitPrice: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised at the beginning of procedure UpdateSalesLinePrice_ProdBOMLine, before update the “Unit Price” on Sales Line, created from BOM Line.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesLineBOM Record "Sales Line"

    The Sales line created from Production BOM Line

  • NewSalesLine Record "Sales Line"

    Sales Line of the configured item

  • ProdBOMLine Record "Production BOM Line"

    Current Record “Production BOM Line”

  • TotalUnitPrice Decimal

    Total Unit Price of then New Sales Line

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateItemDescription_MfgNotInstalled(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var NewItem: Record Item; VariantCode: Code[10]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before updating the item description, only raised if ProductConfiguratorForManufacturing is not installed .

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • NewItem Record "Item"

    Item being configured

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    Variant code of the Item being configured

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip update of the item description


local procedure OnAfterSetWorkDescription(var WorkDescr1: Text; var WorkDescr2: Text; var ItemDescr: Text)

Raised after generating the work description and before assigning it to an item.

Parameters / Return Value

  • WorkDescr1 Text

    Item Description

  • WorkDescr2 Text

    Item Description 2

  • ItemDescr Text

    Complete item description


local procedure OnGetNewItemNoWithFormatCodeOnBeforeAddCounter(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var NewItemNo: Text; ItemNo: Code[20]; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised in the procedure GetNewItemNoWithFormatCode. This procedure gets new item no with enable rule format code. The event is raised before add Counter at the end of New Item No.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • NewItemNo Text

    Item No. to sets

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to be configured

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skips assignment of counter


local procedure OnBeforeSetCharacValueOnConfigCharac(var ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine" temporary; BatchItemConfig_HasRecords: Boolean; ItemToLoad: Code[20])

Raised in the procedure SetCharacDefault

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    ConfigCharac to modify

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Configurator Line configured

  • BatchItemConfig_HasRecords Boolean

    Specifies if the “EOS028 CFG Batch Item Config.” has records

  • ItemToLoad Code[20]

    Item to load


local procedure OnAfterUpdateDescriptions_ItemVar(var Item: Record Item; var ItemVariant: Record "Item Variant"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after modify the “Item Variant” record during the configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • Item Record "Item"

    The Item

  • ItemVariant Record "Item Variant"

    Item Variant to modify

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateDescriptionsInLanguage(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; var NeutralItemTransl: Record "Item Translation"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before update the item/variant translations with the descriptions in language. The translations of the Neutral Item are used as default to find the languages to insert. Use it to filter “NeutralItemTransl” to modify the languages.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    The Item No. on which to update the translations

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    The Variant Code on which to update the translations

  • NeutralItemTransl Record "Item Translation"

    Records of translations of the Neutral Item

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, no following app code will be executed


local procedure OnBeforeModifyDescriptionsInLanguage(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; var NeutralItemTransl: Record "Item Translation"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before modify the item/variant translation from the current neutral item translation. The translations of the Neutral Item are used as default to find the languages to insert. Use it to skip the update for the current record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” configured

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    The Item No. on which to modify the translation

  • VariantCode Code[10]

    The Variant Code on which to modify the translation

  • NeutralItemTransl Record "Item Translation"

    Current Record of the Neutral Item translation

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, skip the update of the item/variant translation for the current neutral item translation


local procedure OnBeforeValidateStatusOnProdBomHeaderSetStatus(var ProdBOMHeader: Record "Production BOM Header"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before validating status of Production BOM. Use it to skip the status update.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ProdBOMHeader Record "Production BOM Header"

    The Production BOM to modify

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true skip the status update


local procedure OnBeforeValidateUnitPriceOnUpdateItemFromConfig(ConfigurationLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; UnitPrice: Decimal; var NewUnitPrice: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before validating the unit price of Item. Use it to skip the validation.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfigurationLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    The Configuration Line

  • UnitPrice Decimal

    The Unit Price

  • NewUnitPrice Decimal

    The new Unit Price

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true skip the validation


local procedure OnBeforeMakeLine_Job(var JobPlanningLine: Record "Job Planning Line")

This event is raised at the beginning of the procedure MakeLine_Job.

Parameters / Return Value

  • JobPlanningLine Record "Job Planning Line"

    “JobPlanningLine” to be configured


local procedure OnAfterMakeLine_Job(var JobPlanningLine: Record "Job Planning Line")

This event is raised at the end of the procedure MakeLine_Job.

Parameters / Return Value

  • JobPlanningLine Record "Job Planning Line"

    “JobPlanningLine” configured


local procedure OnBeforeUpdateJobPlanningLine(var JobPlanningLine: Record "Job Planning Line"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised before updating the Job Planning Line after configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • JobPlanningLine Record "Job Planning Line"

    “JobPlanningLine” before update with new configuration

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnAfterUpdateJobPlanningLine(var JobPlanningLine: Record "Job Planning Line"; TempConfigLine: Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine")

This event is raised after updating the Job Planning Line after configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • JobPlanningLine Record "Job Planning Line"

    “JobPlanningLine” after update with new configuration

  • TempConfigLine Record "EOS028 CFG TempConfigLine"

    Temp. record with configuration line


local procedure OnBeforeShowErrorOnCheckMandatoryCharacteristic(ConfigCharac: Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."; var ErrorMsg: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before showing the error message when a mandatory characteristic is not configured.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfigCharac Record "EOS028 CFG Config. Charac."

    ConfigCharac selected

  • ErrorMsg Text

    Error message to show

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true, skip showing standard error message

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