Codeunit 18091266 EOS028 CFG Price Matrix Mgt.

Codeunit 18091266 EOS028 CFG Price Matrix Mgt.



procedure SetPrice(var NewConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This procedure gets matrix price of a new configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “NewConfiguratorLine” where to look for the matrix price


procedure SetPriceSubLevels(var NewConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"


procedure SetUnitPriceFromPriceOrigin(var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"; ItemNo: Code[20]; ResourceNo: Code[20])

Parameters / Return Value

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

  • ItemNo Code[20]

  • ResourceNo Code[20]


procedure CopyPrice(NewConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This procedure copies matrix prices in “Price List Line” table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • NewConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “NewConfiguratorLine” which contains the matrix price


procedure SetUpdatePriceList(Update_PriceList: Boolean)

Parameters / Return Value

  • Update_PriceList Boolean



local procedure OnAfterPricesMatrix_ApplyFilters(var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised after apply filters on price matrix for search the matrix prices.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” where apply filters


local procedure OnAfterApplyFiltersAllPrice(var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"; UpdatePriceList: Boolean)

This event is raised after apply filters on price matrix for search all the matrix prices.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” where apply filters

  • UpdatePriceList Boolean

    if true, specifies that the configurator is creating the price list line


local procedure OnAfterApplyFiltersForCustomer(var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised after apply filters on price matrix for search customer matrix prices.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” where apply filters


local procedure OnAfterApplyFiltersForCustomerPriceGroup(var PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised after apply filters on price matrix for search customer price group matrix prices.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” where apply filters


local procedure OnBeforeCalcBestUnitPrice(var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; var BestPricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"; var IsHandled: Boolean)

This event is raised before calculate best unit price matrix.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” where to look for the matrix price

  • BestPricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “BestPricesMatrix” contains the best unit price matrix

  • IsHandled Boolean

    If true procedure stops and not save unit price in configurator line. If false the procedure continues and save unit price in configurator line


local procedure OnAfterCalcBestUnitPrice(var BestPricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"; var FoundMatrixPrice: Boolean; var ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line")

This event is raised after calculate best unit price matrix.

Parameters / Return Value

  • BestPricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “BestPricesMatrix” contains the best unit price matrix

  • FoundMatrixPrice Boolean

    If true procedure save unit price in configurator line.

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” where to look for the matrix price

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