Codeunit 18091272 EOS028 CFG Sales Price Mgt.

Codeunit 18091272 EOS028 CFG Sales Price Mgt.



procedure FindItemPrice(CustomerNo: Code[20]; CustomerPriceGroup: code[10]; ItemNo: Code[20]; CurrencyCode: code[10]; CurrencyFactor: Decimal; CalculateDate: Date)

This procedure looks for a sale price based on how the input parameters are set.

Parameters / Return Value

  • CustomerNo Code[20]

    “CustomerNo” to look for

  • CustomerPriceGroup code[10]

    “CustomerPriceGroup” to look for

  • ItemNo Code[20]

    “ItemNo” to look for

  • CurrencyCode code[10]

    “CurrencyCode” to look for

  • CurrencyFactor Decimal

    “CurrencyFactor” to look for

  • CalculateDate Date

    “CalculateDate” to look for


procedure GetUnitPrice(): Decimal

This procedure return sale “Unit Price”

Parameters / Return Value

  • Returns Decimal


procedure InsertPriceFromPriceMatrix(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This procedure copies the matrix price in the proper price table, according to whether the new sales price feature has been activated for the company or not.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” contains the configuration

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” to copy


procedure InsertSalesPriceFromPriceMatrix(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This procedure copies matrix price in “Sales Price” standard table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” contains the configuration

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” to copy


procedure InsertPriceListLineFromPriceMatrix(ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This procedure copies matrix price in “Price List Line” standard table.

Parameters / Return Value

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” contains the configuration

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” to copy



local procedure OnBeforeInsertSalesPriceFromPriceMatrix(var SalesPrice: Record "Sales Price"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised before inserting “Sales Price” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesPrice Record "Sales Price"

    “SalesPrice” record before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” contains the configuration

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” to copy


local procedure OnAfterInsertSalesPriceFromPriceMatrix(var SalesPrice: Record "Sales Price"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised after inserting “Sales Price” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • SalesPrice Record "Sales Price"

    “SalesPrice” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” contains the configuration

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” to copy


local procedure OnBeforeInsertPriceListLineFromPriceMatrix(var PriceListLine: Record "Price List Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised before inserting “Price List Line” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PriceListLine Record "Price List Line"

    “PriceListLine” record before insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” contains the configuration

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” to copy


local procedure OnAfterInsertPriceListLineFromPriceMatrix(var PriceListLine: Record "Price List Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix")

This event is raised after inserting “Price List Line” record.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PriceListLine Record "Price List Line"

    “PriceListLine” record after insertion

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” contains the configuration

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    “PricesMatrix” to copy


local procedure OnBeforeModifyPriceListLineFromPriceMatrix(var PriceListLine: Record "Price List Line"; ConfiguratorLine: Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"; PricesMatrix: Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"; IsNewPriceListLine: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)

Raised before modify the Price List Line from Prices Matrix after the configuration.

Parameters / Return Value

  • PriceListLine Record "Price List Line"

    Record “Price List Line” to modify

  • ConfiguratorLine Record "EOS028 CFG Configurator Line"

    “ConfiguratorLine” contains the configuration

  • PricesMatrix Record "EOS028 CFG Prices Matrix"

    The Prices Matrix to copy

  • IsNewPriceListLine Boolean

    Specifies if the “PriceListLine” is a New Record or if it already exists.

  • IsHandled Boolean

    if true, doesn’t modify the Price List Line

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